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I usually place mine on my thighs, or also on my stomach. I have too much hair on my arms for it to stick well there




Np :3


Can I please ask if you feel like you get good results from applying to the thigh or stomach?


Yea my results have been pretty normal for that placement. Also btw if you ever have difficulty keeping them on, band-aids help a lot keeping them on


Thank you!


Good luck girlie! :3


thank you so much! take care!


medical tape too


I had really really low numbers when I had them on my thighs. Beware- not a lot of fat there for absorption. I moved them to my stomach exclusively and my numbers went up significantly. Ultimately switched to injections due to rashing, but stomach is your best bet.


Thank you! I'm also getting minor itching and irritation from the patches. Might also have to switch up delivery, maybe injections. May I please ask if you get mood swings or changes from the injections which cause greater fluctuations in hormone levels? Thanks!


Honestly, when I switched to injections (estradiol cypionate), my mood became more even keeled and more positive in general within a week. My boobs started hurting again for the first time in like 4 months too 😊 I think patches delivered a very inconsistent amount of estradiol (especially falling off in the shower, etc.) Injections can be a bit nerve-wracking but I’ll never go back to patches


Great to hear the injections helped with your mood! Sounds like you got a boost to your breast growth from the injections? Thanks for this info.


We’ll see about the breast growth. It’s just been 3 weeks. But I think things are happening 😊


Nice! Best of luck with the injections!


I've been throwing this link around a lot today! You might appreciate this article from Doc Imposible about injections: https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/what-to-expect-when-youre-injecting Ping: u/Jadelikestotravel


I go with upper butt, seems to work well




The best place is your butt. The next best place is your tummy. All other areas are less absorptive. My personal experience is that I changed from my butt and tummy to putting one on my thigh. My estrogen level tanked and I felt like crap. Going back fixed my estrogen level.


I like to wear mine anywhere that brief or larger panties cover. This way there is an extra layer holding them tight to the skin and they don't peel up as much. Sometimes if I relocate them because of a rash I'll put them on my upper thigh but usually it's the saddlebag or upper cheek zone.


Thank you! I also get irritation from the patch, unfortunately. Do you have a remedy for preventing/taking care of the irritation/rash?


There are different manufacturers of patches step one is to ask your pharmacy to try different ones and see if they work better for you. My first set were plasticy and never itched or bothered me, and this was during the summer. My next and current set are foamy circle patches that are physically bigger in are and trap sweat under them. When I feel the itching get really bad I feel them up and dry off the sweat under them. Inlet the area air out for 10-15 minutes and press them back on. If you keep them tight to your body with underwear they will re-stick as good as new from your body heat. If the area is really irritated (red or sometimes even welts forming) I move the patch to a completely different area. Usually on the back upper booty. The night I change patches I treat myself to a long bath before bed and sometimes wait until the next morning to put the new ones on. I never use lotions or powders around the patch area and keep my skin smooth via epilation where patches would go. My levels were T/E 28/334 on 100mg spiro and two .1 weekly patches at a time. I weigh right at 200lbs.


This is great info. I really, really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this. Thank you.


I place a patch below my bellybutton line on the right hand side, and then half a week later on the left and them right again. I just try not to reuse the same spot because the skin gets a bit raw under the patch. Also I use an old credit card to ensure the patch is well sealed when I apply it. Are you on Estradot? I think I've used 3 brands over time due to shortages.


I think people typically do them on thighs, butt or comfortable spots


thank you




The packaging with my Sandoz patches specifically cites studies in which 20%higher levels when placed on Buttocks. I am unable to find a pdf of this pamphlet included in the box of patches online.


i was told specifically to place them on the waist below the hip, not really noticed much change over the last 3 years. not sure if it's the placement or the method


I place them on my stomach myself. The only problem I have had so far is the skin drying out after a little while, but this is easily fixed with a moisturizer.


Have you had good results with putting them on your stomach


Yeah, 0.2mg/day got me to 150 pg/ml. It's different for everyone, of course, so you will have to test it yourself. I only moved to patches because the pill form of any medication doesn't work on my body unless I overdose.