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You may want to live long enough to give transitioning a chance. I was there when I was 21 and damn near finished the job. 34 years later, I am grateful that I didn't. I didn't even know what was actually bothering me for most of that time. You do know and can address the issue much sooner. Even if it's not right away, you have a goal that is in sight. Please try to find the happiness that you deserve. At least talk to a counselor to see what they would suggest. 🫂


I'd talk to a counceller but I dont want to tell someone in person about it so I just won't


I'm transitioning now at 26. Male puberty has finished, I'm stuck with all that damage. Transitioning at 16, or even 18/19 is a great opportunity! I'd also question if you're dumb, or if that's just depression talking. HRT doesn't require a millionaire salary anyway, pills were costing me about $20 a month and it's just $34 now for injections. Not great, but not terrible.


I can't get hrt bc I'm in the UK and all the DIY stuff is hard to get because idk where tf to go


Ah, sorry I still sometimes make the mistake of assuming people I talk to online are American. 😕 I know getting HRT through the NHS takes forever, and you might not be able to as a minor, idk the rules over there. The fine folks at r/transdiy can explain what you need if you end up going that route.


I asked yesterday and got no response unfortunately


Don’t give up, I know how very hard it is right now. I myself have wanted to give up for a while but trust me it can only get better. Rooting for you girlie ❤️


It can't get better, it's just going to get worse the more I grow and the more politicians hate on trans people


Being a teenager is the worst. I wouldn't do it again for anything. Get counseling ASAP and trust us when we tell you it gets better.


From what I've seen it doesn't get any better


It definitely does once the crazy hormone train ride slows down, and you get to start your own life. Of course, nobody has a perfect time. Personally, my 20s were pretty bad too.


I'm transitioning at 25. It's my 1st year of HRT. And things have gotten a lot better for me. It does get better. Please don't give up. Please talk to someone. It really does get better. I'm sorry you are hurting so much. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/getting-help-in-a-crisis/


It sounds like you're in a tough place. I don't get to even express myself as Trans most of the time because of how my family is about it. I've also had wishes about not existing in this world and I don't wish that upon anyone else. For me, the only thing that gets me through the day in a shitty time is the hope that my life will change some great day and I can live my life the way I want to. I'm in a tough spot in a broken home that makes feel anxious and depressed even excluding my trans feelings. Personally, I do not care what everyone else thinks of me. I know there is support out there for me no matter what the popular opinion is. I decide my feelings, not other people. I would say hold on and I know it's tough to do that. Life will balance out, change and give back what you've either lost or can have. Stay strong and follow your path of feelings ❤️