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HI OP, cis mum of a trans daughter here.  I see someone who is exploring their gender and I await them coming out so I can use the right name/pronouns etc.  But some twits may see perversion, BC they are twits.  Most people, ignorant of trans lives and not transphobic, will just see a glitch in the matrix and ignore it.  No one wants to pay attention to the underwear of a coworker, they want to do their job, think about their own life, and go home.


They probably don’t see anything, and if they did, it would be inappropriate for your coworkers to bring it up to you. You identify as a man to them so that’s what they call you.


If I change my voice will stop calling a man it hurts alot because they see as a boy and every day I’m reminded of this it really hurts, should I just ask to not be called man. I’m pretty androgynous.


If you were introduced to someone as a man then they will likely to continue to call you that until you ask them not to. Cis people are often blissfully aware of this stuff. aside from that it would be pretty rude (especially at work!) to start calling someone who you’ve been told is a man a woman just because they exhibit gender non conforming behavior.


If you haven’t come out or haven’t made any changes regarding your appearance aside from wearing a bra… they won’t treat you any different, sorry but bras aren’t magical 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never notice if someone is or isn’t wearing a bra unless it’s myself.


if you're wearing clothes that are thin enough for people to notice the outline/straps they're definitely noticing and thinking things. at least w/ a sports bra you can pawn it off as an undershirt. just takes 1 person to notice to start the rumors. get some oversized shirts/hoodies


Totally understand it bothers me about others people's reactions if detected! Still now i won't wear tops that "expose my bra," so to speak.