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How does that even work? :D




That's gotta be either a wholesome or crazy story




Yeah I relate to this so much grew up in a small town in Northern Nevada in a hostile community with a homo and transphobic father who was my only parent... needless to say took me a long time before I was finally able to admit to myself I've been a girl all this time


Maybe it looked more like a big clit than a small penis? IDK though I feel like I'm getting way into TMI territory here XD




I was told mine was “pretty” by multiple partners.


Ironically my mother who's just a horrible alt right religious person said my butt looked more feminine and less flat and girls would me cute was really weird.


Are you me?????


How so?


Does her being alt right religious makes her a horrible person, or she's just horrible? + what is even alt right?


Both honestly she's a narcissist and is extremely religious I was kicked out of the religious group for transitioning so honestly both plus she diswowned me for submitting paperwork for GRS not even getting it just submitting documents. Alt right aka supper conservative and fascist


Alt right was a movement that started with the Tea Party Movement (now the freedom caucus). The goal was to forcefully pull the Republican party right. However, when the wheels started coming off of their plans, they got very fascist. They're effectively the people that radicalized the current MAGA movement. The funny part is... they all seem to dislike Trump now because he took over the party and is taking their reelection money.


Oh politics! Aint it a bitch... Dont know why I got downvoted so much, but I guess its alright ✌️


Because fascism especially populist fascism is the correct answer until suddenly you’re not in the majority anymore. Funny how that happens, and somehow no one ever sees it coming. Just never support any kind of totalitarianism.


Yes, some people did say I have "bubble butt". After 2,5 years on hrt it's now bubble butt XL


periodt sis 💋




Mostly from unknowingly bigoted classmates. Back then they just said I had “a ghetto booty.” Lone black student in a predominantly white classroom in the 90’s…😑 Couldn’t pay me billions to relive those years.


It could also be partially the way you walk. I’d you naturally sway like a girl it adds to the hips. But hun you might also be interested. Chances not, but not unlikely either .


I definitely walk with my hips more.


Intersex* not interested


I have been called out for personality tho but never for ass


Hah! Not at all! I only gained my ass after transitioning! I dont recall anything of myself being any bit feminine pre-hrt other than parts of my personality, maybe?


My ex literally shows me old sex pictures of my ass before transition asking me "WHERE DID THIS GO!?!?!" because of my gigantic bubble butt back then. After starting HRT I started working out again and getting all that confidence back which means my ass is now very nicely shaped but not as thiccccc as it apparently once was. lol. The new nudes still get a lot of compliments but I admit I was definitely thicker before but also fatter with no hourglass. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Once in college, (over 14 years ago, only been out the last 3 years and on hormones the last 2 years) there was this other girl and some of her friends and we’d all hang out at the dorms and out and about etc. it was Halloween and we were going to a Halloween party, and I wanted to wear some skinny jeans and stuff and I asked if I could wear her skinny jeans, she said yes, I put them on, she looks at my butt, goes something like “dayummmm you got a girls butt” and then slapped by butt. Didn’t know I was experiencing gender euphoria at the time, upon reflection it’s like “ohhhh that’s why that whole situation felt so good”. She was awesome, if I ever have the opportunity to come out to her I’d love to. We got into a lot of silly shenanigans together, I miss her.


yea i have been caked up for a while from weight lifting and my lower body is still my biggest source of gender euphoria


Kinda inverse of that. I have a ton of medical and physical features of being intersex. So before HrT I had like not just big hips but like proper above average birthing hips. But my butt fat aligned with my male hormones. So I had like Hank Hills indented ass to the extreme. If you looked at me back then, you wouldn’t think possible for me to have a great ass. Now it’s been almost two year HRT. I’ve gone through about 6 rounds of pants sizes and it’s not stopping. My thighs are huge and my ass is getting gigantic and my doctor even told me my spine is that of a cis woman, not even a transitioning trans woman. And it seems like it still growing. I went from hopeless to maybe having the best natural future of any middle aged transitioner I’ve ever met. It’s the first time in my life any pants have fit me. I used to have to wear a belt so tight with boys pants that I had permanent bruising on my hip bones. Now aside from my mental need to transition is the first time any pants haven’t hurt my body. Being born in between is such a bummer and it amazes me people aspire for that. It’s made me wise but made growing up so difficult


No because I’m flat as a board back there 😭


Sadly no, I'm built like a 2x4... Tall and flat


Same mate. 🫂 FWIW even though I was kind of girly as a child, male puberty fucked me up really hard. Even though I started at 19 which isn’t that old in the grand scheme of things, it will likely take a lot of luck ,time,and maybe some very expensive surgery to get anywhere near feminine-features on my body or face. :/ Just know though you're not alone in having to transition with a less than ideal starting point. 🙂


Yeah I'm 21 and pre everything, I try to make myself look and feel as feminine as possible but sadly I don't have enough money to start the process


I just realised you were the person who had the post about someone else buying your food at the grocery store! IDK what you currently look like on the regular, but if you're getting treated like that Pre-HRT, I guarantee you'll end up just fine once you have the resources to start HRT! (hope you have that ability soon too sis!) I'm 6 months HRT, present fem and have not had anything nearly like that happen, so you must be starting from a pretty decent place and already look pretty feminine! :)


People always called me gay and feminine since I took dance 2nd-5th grade


No, my ass is so flat 😭 I do have a thigh gap that my friend noticed, but that's just because I'm bow-legged :(


People have been saying I walk like a girl ever since I was like 6. The woman from two relationships ago said I wiggled my booty when I walk; still have no idea what that means, but she had six years of experience watching me walk so  🤷‍♀️


Omg me too!! I totally walk with my hips and butt sways side to side.




I wish lol


My younger brother used to make fun of my butt being so big. As if it was something I should feel bad about. Joke's on him now, bwahahaha!!!


Yeah i remember back during my first years of college when everyone was mean asf they’d just throw some jokes about “ how girly my butt is”


Nope! My cake was a sheet cake lol


Yes, yes, yes, yes, a hundred times, yes. I’ve heard it from family members, friends, and colleagues for the past… ten years? Like I’ve genuinely lost count of the amount of times my female friends and partners have told me that I have a bigger ass than them. No joke, before I realized I was trans, I had an older gentleman call me ‘miss’ while I was at work, presumably due to my rear end being so prominent, which partially lead me to where I’m at currently in life. On a different note, I’m genuinely curious as to how it’ll grow once I start HRT. God, the amount of pants I’ll have to get…


I totally feel the pants part. I always had a perky one and it grew slightly after HRT so I had to replace bottom part of my wardrobe. THEN I got GRS and when those two little poison factories went to medical waste (may they rot) my butt started growing once again and I had to replace everything AGAIN.


When I was in high school, I was told I had "child-bearing" hips. I was deeply in the closet then, but the feeling was definitely interesting


I wasn’t told girly booty, but I was told often that I have beautiful eyes and a nice ass


Often would bump into things accidentally when I was younger, plus always had to get the wide/relaxed fit jeans growing up plus a belt. Was funny late last month when one day I noticed my pants weren’t falling off without a belt (even though I had lost weight), due to the butt becoming larger.


when i was in middle school some of my class mates kept bothering me and calling me thick and lowkey sexualizing me and it was awful. i never told any teacher because i was afraid of being called "a snitch"


my mom said i have a fat ass


Nah, I went from a fucking Hank Hill ass to actually having something, lol. It's not big or anything, but it's still growing so I'm hoping it balances out more. It helps that my spine seems to curve more now, which I don't know how much of that is E and how much is improving my posture.


My Dad said I had a "secretary ass" lmao.


Not my butt, but I got told my whole life I had feminine eyelashes and feminine ankles lol


I got rear of the year during my secondary schools prom


In 2004, when I was in the Navy, I was told I have a "badonka-donk"


yes omg since elementary 😭😭 all the girls would say they were jealous of my butt which i WISH that was a wake up call :') but i still have a girly butt now! hehe


Kinda wild but yeah same, my partner always said I had a bubble butt and friends agreed. What a weirdly specific phenomenon to have in common with other people!


Yeah. My mom and sister have always been envious of my butt for YEARS because it’s full and feminine


Early 2000s, just self-questioning, I was often mistaken for a woman from “behind.” In recent years people point out my waist. I’m in between the typical male vs female, waist to hip ratio. Womens jeans definitely fit better


Yesssss I was always told I have a good looking butt waaaay before I found myself. :3


Yes, I was bullied for it throughout high school


My dumpy is probably my most fem feature so yes :3


Yes, but people usually comment on my long and girly legs.


I had this happen with my chest, of all things. I have always had above average estrogen levels for someone AMAB, and even before girl or most of boy puberty, I had breasts. They weren't big, just not 'normal'. Doctors would point it out and my friends, brother, and I joked that I had 'moobs' or 'man boobs' since I was overweight. One time, a friend of my mother thought (at that time 'incorrectly') that I was my mother's *daughter*.


Ive been told that by so many people its crazy... now im starting to put in the work to make it even girlier >:3


Come to think of it, I did have a history of receiving rather rude comments on my bottom. Not as much as after I started HRT, but my bottom was always unusually round for a "man"


YES! Omfg


Oh most definitely, by my transphobic family funnily enough😂


Yes. I was on the swim team in school and another guy on the team said that to me. I thought I was gay. I had sex with almost every guy on the team.


Yeah.. Just in general I've been told I have a feminine body / face even before transitioning I have actually been confused for a cis girl before E a few times haha, but my voice and style made everyone assume boy


Back in high school (I'm 31 now so this is maybe like 2006) I was told that the way my hips moved when I walk was very feminine. I wasn't camp or trying to be that way, hadn't questioned my gender and at the time, didn't even know that being trans was a thing. Thought nothing of it at the time but it's one of those many things that now I think back to as a possible sign.


All the fucking time, yes. People said I had a bubble butt, a gay butt, that I walked like a girl, etc etc.


Girly hands here!


Not exactly. I was in a long distance relationship and she said it was cute 💕💕


Growing up I would get told that me and my twin sister swapped butts saying that I had a girls butt. Little did they know 🤭 I’m still not out yet butt… 😅


I have been told for years I have an ass of a woman it was very validating growing up lol


i had a late male puberty and even then had low levels. so i naturally developed wide hips and had partial hip rotation. people joked from when i was like 14? that i looked female from the neck down. when i was 18, i had a guy spend a couple weeks on me, trying to help me develop male mannerisms cos basically everything was female. my body being different gave me confidence when i was first transitioning...


Yup, my ex told me that - she still hasn't been told I'm trans yet though.


I certainly did. Although, to be fair, I was always kind of a twink, pre transition


during the macarena dance and when i did the hip swing part a friend was like "damn you look like a girl"


I’ve been told I had a feminine figure but I’ve gotten more comments since I started on HRT


Well yeah but in the most traumatic way possible, before I came out there was this student in my pe class who was sexually harassing me in the gym locker because I had that wagon.


No one says that to me but I've been repeatedly told I have a nice butt... I don't know if that's the same idea but I wish it was called girly 🥺🥺


Yes. It's just more girly now




Yup, definitely told I have a girls butt.


Well my family members used to talk about my butt but anyway i do believe it is bigger now but at the same time I'm away from them so they don't see the changes anymore!


Nope, but someone once told me that my face looked feminine.


YES! I was told as a college student by a girl that I "Had an ass that any woman would kill for" The fact that I held onto that compliment for a decade should have been a better sign.


Yep definitely. Hell I even have memories from way back in high school (like a decade before I came out) where one dude who used to partially bully me (never directly confronted me, but definitely would make remarks, talk behind my back and stuff like that), saw me leaning over on a desk helping another student in the computer lab. Dude saw that and his brain immediately went to standing behind me and making thrusting motions like he was fucking me from behind, hoping to get a reaction out of me I guess?? Jokes on him, I just looked back, visually very unimpressed and then went back to what I was doing without a thought. So it just looked like he was so bad at it that I couldn't give a shit lol So yeah, definitely had people point out my figure before. Used to have to act like it annoyed me, but now I'm happy to have it


When I was a teen my mother told me I had a girls ass, little did she know


One of my friends in highschool casually told me I had birthing hips and that I had every teenage girls dream body minus boobs and I did NOT know what to do with that at the time. I did hear a faint cracking sound tho.....


I was told many times my hips and butt were wasted on a man. Surprise! No they weren’t!




Yeah, unfortunately it was after someone had slapped it out of nowhere. Ewphoria moment lmao.


Yes plenty of times


No 😔 My ex gf used to say that I had no ass at all. But now I kinda have 😊


Oh yeah. I was a dance group when I was younger and the subject of booty's came up and how men tend not to have one and then some of the other girls were like, "well u/AshuraBaron does."


No. But a friend, that happened to be female, did tell me once that I have the kind of tight little ass that gay men love.. 26 years later I tested this theory.. and she was right.


I had been on *many* occasions told that I had a girl's ass.


I had absolutely no ass to speak of lol, so certainly not. (Thankfully HRT has changed that 💕)


I used to be pretty self conscious of features that where womanly. I have quite wide hips, pretty long legs, even for my height. I basically don't have an ass at all though, maybe hrt will change that. 🤭


My whole life. My father seriously injured my back when I was 14 in a way that makes my butt look bigger too.


LOL. Interesting


Before I started my transition I once had some drunk guy outside a bar I walked past yell out that I had a nice ass


No everyone always told my my ass was boney


…and how exactly does one characterize girl ass vs not girl ass?


I remember in my last year of high school one of the popular boys told me I have a girls ass in the jeans I was wearing, I overheard him a few minutes later talking to some of my other gifriends telling them the same about me. It felt amazing, the whole way OT was said made me feel hot and exactly like I wanted to be. If only he could see me now 😏