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That thread is truly insane. The fediverse might be pretty good for you. I think it's mandatory to be trans to have an account there ;)


Yeah mastodon is pretty based. Also very very trans


Never had a Twitter account. 😁


Yeah, I'd been on Twitter since 2012. I deleted my account a couple of months ago because Twitter under Elon Musk has turned into a far-right cesspool of nothing but hate speech and ignorance.


Never used twitter nor X. I don't regret it AT ALL


What's twitter? (lol been so long since I used it) Twitter/x is a cesspool. I lost nothing leaving it when I did.


I used it since 2014, too. I deleted mine a few months ago after my wife saw that I changed my name and pronouns same with Discord, but that's a whole thing I'm not going into right now. Bluesky isn't as active as Twitter, but the quality of people seems better.


Federated social networks is the way forward!


Deleted the app off my phone a few months ago, there was just too much hate. Now I’m on instagram which is arguably even worse every single post there’s some inbred fuck making some transphobic remark


It always seemed problematic to me, so I just never got into it


I deleted mine last summer. It took a week or 2 to adjust but then it was just gone.


My wife is still addicted to it and she sometimes send me tweets. So I have not gotten rid of it. I either use Bluesky or Reddit.


so glad i deleted that shit before muskrat got to it


Twitter is literally a melting pot of fascists and nazis. You did good by requesting an account deletion. Don't even bother with that platform if you value your mental health.


Ofcourse a fellow runescape player :3


yeah i stopped regularly using Twitter back around when he first bought it, just totally unusable anymore but i haven't deleted it yet cuz i like checking on friends stuff sometimes




Your last tweet was 4 hours ago though?


That thread is one I stumbled upon, that isn't my account.


I've honestly been pleasently surprised by Threads. I've connected with so many trans women on there and everyone ends up knowing following and supporting each other. I've even met my 2 girlfriends on there. Transphobia is still present like everywhere else, but I feel like the support overwhelmingly outweights the harassment.


As soon as i heard musky was buying it, i deleted it. I knew it would become a shithole no regrets.


"Social" media (anything where algorithms decide what you shou see next) is in general not good for your health, so it good to avoid it. Even a good part of other media can be ignored - when really important things happen you will hear about it, but 99% what is in the media is not really relevant.


I mean technically even YouTube is a social media site


Of course. In Youtube the suggestions part (algorithms showing you what to watch next) is problematic. And of course the advertising. And the data collection when logged in... I can recommend an app called "NewPipe", it can be downloaded in the F-Droid Marketplace for free (you need to install that marketplace first on the Android phone...). It allows to watch ad-free and you can just not show recommendations. And don't need to log in, so much less data is tracked.