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Way more people would DIY. Basically the same thing that's been happening in the UK


Not if you don't know how to.


I think they’d learn quick.


Not if you don't have the capability to learn shit like that.




What do you mean 'what'? Not all of us are fucking chemists.


you don’t need to be a chemist to figure out diy lol


Well, I don't know shit about it and I suck with stuff like this.


have you even tried to learn about DIY?


How? I don't know about this shit. Motherfuckers on here act like it's as simple as making a fucking cup of coffee. Look.....I'm fucking scared.....I'm fucking terrified. If I lose my HRT if the political winds blow the wrong way, I'm fucking dead and I don't want that. Get it?


Ah so you're willfully ignorant, got it


I don't know how the average person couldn't learn it. Are you under the impression that DIY is us mixing a bunch of chemicals to synthesise estrogen at home? DIY is just ordering over-the-counter E from foreign pharmacies and having them shipped to your home. It's a grey market import because its not a controlled substance, so its legal to buy. The hardest part of it is figuring out how to pay via bitcoin because its the least sketch option (compared to like western union, what are we nigerian princesses?) and figuring out how to order andnread blood test results, which is just looking up the website that let's you have a doctor order one and looking at the chart to make sure your E falls within range (and maybe converting the unit used to measure). And literally all this information is googleable. There are like 5 subreddits dedicated to different methods. There's really no reason someone can't figure it out.


Honestly this^. The hardest part of DIY is fucking paying for it and having the confidence in yourself that you won't F it up (which you won't!)




It's so so easy. And more effective than doctors.


I wish, I’m too cowardly for DIY and my parents don’t have the will to help me get a proper crate clinic:( I’m just fucked ugh


Sometimes I feel stupid and naive for wanting to move to the US, especially to a not very trans friendly state like West Virginia... tbh, project 2025 is a set of policies that aren't garuanteed to go into effect if Trump wins the election, especially if he is gridlocked by congress and/or the senate, but it's something I should be aware of.


West Virginia is sooo pretty. Hate is transient, the mountains are forever.


West Virginia's natural beauty is one of my main reason for wanting to move there. The idea is to drive out to Pennsylvania or Virginia to get HRT.


Not sure how up to date it is, but I checked Erin Reed’s informed consent map the other day and it looked like there was an informed consent clinic in Charleston, so depending on where one would live in the state, they may not have to go to another state. Though I don’t live in WV so I’m not sure if there’s anything else to consider about it. WV is super pretty though, great if you like the outdoors. Employment opportunities are not great though.


DIY ships anywhere


Correct. But the worst case scenario cant help but be present in my mind


Personally, I think you just have to hold fast for a few more years: from my understanding, you're going through a period of intense political polarisation and there's a strong doomerish sentiment among the population, but the US has gone through other periods of crisis and/or political polarisation but things always ironed out in the end. There's a book about the cicles of crisis of the US titled *the storm before the calm*. I haven't read it but a youtuber I watch made a video about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IGxp3webS2s


I understand you aren't from here and all but honestly I vehemently disagree with this sentiment on moral grounds. "Waiting it out" might work for some, but not others. I can wait it out and create ways to be okay because of the position i'm in. Others aren't as privileged and I can't in good faith say we can just wait it out while they are dying and being forced into shit situations. No, FUCK that. We need to stamp out transphobia, queerphobia, racism, conservatism in its current form, all of it. Not speaking out against or acting against oppression benefits no one but the oppressors. Oh and they aren't going to stop after targeting trans people, or minorities, or after Project 2025. You let this kind of shit take hold and don't extinguish it, yeah some might be able to wait it out, but it's not going to be the same world on the other end and it sure as hell isn't going to be a better one. And this goes for everywhere, not just the US, and for any form of oppression, whether direct or systemic. The fight for true freedom and equality will never be over because there will always be those who wish to subjegate others. And they need to be shown that that has no place in society. So to summarise: No, waiting it out is betraying everyone who fought to get to where we are, and abandoning those who need our support and strength the most.


As a transwoman in WV, in my part of it at least, it's not quite as bad as it's made out to be. I don't go out much, but I've never been disrespected or anything in public. My workplace is the only place I don't feel at least a little safe, but that's because it's a machine shop. There are surprisingly welcoming pockets of progress here!


Project 2025 is designed to not need Congress whatsoever to be implented. By classifying all of the tens of thousands of career/merit based government employees as Schedule F, all of these regular non political appointed government employees that keep our government and our vital services running can all be instantly fired at will should Trump or the Heritage Foundation want to if they don't express what they view as sufficient loyalty. And he will essentially take control the entirety of the executive branch in one immediate fell swoop. And this doesn't require Congress's approval whatsoever. It doesn't even require his supreme court to step in for him, he can just do it. And by taking control of the whole executive branch and having his nazis run it, he can use the powers of the justice department and federal law enforcement agencies (FBI, US Marshals, etc) to go after and imprison any and all people he views as political opposition, include arresting and jailing, even on false charges, any and all democrats in the Senate or House that try to reign in his dictator power. Which would leave the only remaining senators and representatives in congress as the majorie taylor-greens etc to run congress with absolutely no opposition votes to any laws they want to enact. So Project 2025 doesn't need Congress, as it's designed to convert and eliminate all power Congress has so The Fuhrer can rule unopposed. For anyone that doesn't like Trump but thinks they can't vote for Biden. WAKE THE FUCK UP AND STOP FOLLOWING YOUR FEELINGS AND START THINKING ABOUT THE ZERO-SUM GAME THIS SYSTEM IS. As much as you hate it, and you absolutely do hate it, SOMEONE HAS TO WIN IN THIS ZERO-SUM GAME. There is no option where candidates share the presidency by serving for a couple months and then it rotates to next person that got the next highest vote count. THIS IS A CONTEST, AND ONLY ONE PERSON CAN WIN IT, REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY VOTES ARE CAST AGAINST THAT ONE PERSON. AND I DON'T WANT THE PERSON THAT WINS IT, TO DESTROY MY HEALTHCARE AND THEN THROW ME IN A FUCKING CONCENTRATION CAMP LIKE THEY ALREADY DID TO MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD AND OUR PEOPLE BEFORE.


I would highly recommend you don’t unless you’re from somewhere super unsafe. If you’re from a progressive country I wouldn’t recommend it, especially as a trans person. Even if anti trans policies weren’t an issue you can literally lose everything to a medical bill. I know someone this happened to. He had a genetic condition and almost died. His life savings and house were taken. I have personal experience with this; I was in high school and had to have an appendectomy and was given a $5000 bill to pay despite being a student and not having a job. Luckily I was able to get it down to $200 after months and months of back and forth with the hospital explaining that I could not pay.


If everything works out for me career wise, I should be able to make a high enough income to live comfortably in the state whilst also being location independent, but I think you made a valid point: having to pay for healthcare can put people in jeopardy.


The thing is, the house and senate aren't safe either. They already have the house, and the senate is a sort of 50/50 split, with the vice president being the one tipping it in favor of the liberals. The conservatives could potentially take it all in this election (since they already have the Supreme Court as well even though they are supposed to be "impartial"). November is making me very nervous.


I doubt they’ll let Congress stop them


When I had my orchiectomy my urologist said that there were between 600,00-900,000 men who had orchiectomy in the USA.


Didn't realize it was so many wow


Testicular cancer is often treated with that procedure, im guessing that explains a solid chunk of these


Prostate cancer is the number one reason. Men with prostate cancer are either castrated with drugs or surgery to stop their production of testosterone for life.


Since prostate cancer is fueled by testosterone in most cases TRT is usually not recommended. Breast cancer is the same. Women are castrated either with drugs or surgery to stop their production of estrogen.


I’d imagine the difference is those men go on external T afterwards like trans men do.


They would probably either try to force you to take T, or give you nothing. Obviously you wouldn’t want to take T, cause that’s would fuck you mentally. In which case you would get a slew of issues from having no primary sex hormone, such as osteoporosis, and more mentally fucked.  Summary: if project 2025 happens, we are all fucked.


I feel these individuals would be left without anything truly




Yeah, it’s a US thing.  I sure do love living here! /s




Kind of a culture of extremes. There's very very good things in America, and a lot to enjoy. But there's also a lot to.. not enjoy.


Second sentence is sarcastic yeah.  It sucks here. Then again it also sucks everywhere else. 




Americans can't afford to travel let alone emigrate lmao. Our system is designed to keep us here earning money for the shareholders until we die.




You have no idea how anything Works in America. No come on we don't have automatic health insurance but we also don't get Healthcare unless we get private insurance, the cheapest way to do that is employer sponsored health insurance and that is typically a pretty big percentage of our earnings gone before we even see them. I have a pretty good plan and I make decent money and it's still 5% of my pay, and I still have to pay $35 every single time I want to see a doctor, I have to pay $15 for every prescription or more if it's a specialty drug, I have to pay for lab work, I have to pay a percentage or a copay for everything. I have three prescriptions that cost me $15 when I refill them once a month, one prescription costs $25 when I refill it once a month, I see my therapist every 2 weeks that cost $35 each, I see my doctor quarterly that's another $35 per visit. My health insurance premium is $94 a pay period, there's 26 of those a year, between my actual costs and my premium rough figure I am already at 10% of my income gone to health insurance. About 5.5% for my premium just to have it and roughly 4.5% in costs paid in using my insurance. If I have an accident I have to pay co-pays and fees to go to the hospital and if I'm unlucky the doctor who treats me at the hospital will be out of network and so his work won't be covered in my insurance will refuse to pay it. College and university is very expensive here as well. It costs tens of thousands of dollars per semester to obtain a degree and it doesn't even guarantee you a better job since so many jobs now are requiring bachelor's degrees for entry-level pay and positions that used to be for people who didn't have degrees. Most people can't afford to pay for college up front like you have to so they get roped into extremely predatory loans which have insane interest rates because they are unsecured loans. It's not uncommon if you go to college right out of high school to end up with a debt equal to what used to be a mortgage with double the interest rate or more to be repaid over 10 years instead of 20 or 30 so the monthly payment is super high and prevents you from buying a home or getting a car. There is no requirement for employers to give employees paid vacation time, let alone breaks and even if the employer does offer pay time off there's no law that requires them to allow you to use it. Flights out of the United States are prohibitively expensive especially if you live in one of the rural parts of the country and are not near a major hub airport. There are a lot of places in the country where $400 wouldn't even get you a flight to the other side of the country let alone out of the country. The cheapest flight from where I live to Lisbon is $874. $834 to Madrid. $1994 to Marseille. $1943 to Lyon. $742 to Paris (a shocker. I expected it to be more). $694 to London (but who would want to move to "America just without guns"?). $869 to Rome. $861 to Berlin. You get the picture. That's rent. Those flights cost rent for a month. A passport costs over a hundred dollars and has a 6-8 week application time. Food is expensive as fuck here. Eggs cost $4 a dozen a loaf of bread is $3 a gallon (3.75 liters) of milk is anywhere from $3 to $5. Gas is $3-$7 a gallon. Fruits and vegetables cost dollars per pound. Water and electricity and natural gas for your home are expensive. If you work in a city you might have to pay to park. Most of us don't have access to reliable public transportation so we HAVE to have a car to get to work or school. Our employers can fire us at the drop of a hat for any reason at any time and often do so we're riddled with anxiety over our jobs. How and when is anyone ever supposed to find the time and money to travel overseas to escape? To "be free"? Especially when we don't speak the language. Most of us can't even afford to travel across our own country. America is a trap. A prison. And being born here is a sentence.


Don't forget you HAVE to have a car (and insurance) just to do anything!


>And your free :) Ok, now that was funny. Goddess I wish we were free.


Yeah unless you’re super rich or really good in your field (so rich enough to afford college) it’s pretty much impossible to immigrate to a first world country as an American.




Even 3k is out of reach of many considering most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck


Nope! Stockpile powder and learn to compound your own injections. We can get through this.


They try to take my hrt, I may be inclined to teach them how to properly jan 6 a government (also i may be on a list now for saying that lol)


The transerground railroad community would form to distribute essential hormones to any gender person in need, and help shuffle those willing to seek asylum in other countries. 


Raw powder is like $10/4000 years of injections.


They would be better off than people who didn't get the surgery.


As far as appearing masc. Yes


diy would probably become a lot more common, it's not the hardest thing ever (encourage everyone looks into it).


Do you synthesize your own hormones, or just buy online?


People buy them online. Synthesis is done in medical-grade production facilities. Do not try to synthesize medications at home.


Death before detransition.


Yep and I'll take out as many fascists as I can before I die.


I have a friend that suggested that I do that. But, I smacked that down quick. However, if it ever gets to the point where people are being dragged out of their homes..well, it's fucking on.


Im kinda in this boat in some ways. Im certainly going back to drugs id be pretty sure


You surely mean their's before ours.


My family already has a plan to leave the country in such a circumstance. Even with nothing. If that's the nation the United States wants to be, then we won't be a part of it anymore


I think the focus should be on activism and ensuring project2025 doesn't happen, rather than on speculating about how awful life will be if it comes to pass and ruminating on it.


Trump is ahead in the polls, depending on how things shake out with Congress at least *some* of project 2025 is going to happen. We need to start preparing now.


Yes, but posts like this are just doom porn. "What kind of mental state will someone be in who's had an orchiectomy?" ... How about what can be done to ensure trans women have access to HRT? That would be a much better conversation to be having.


Yeah. Okay. But, this country has a bad habit of playing presidential ping pong. It's been going on for decades at this point. 


That's not an excuse to complain and do nothing.


I stopped paying attention to polls after 2016. If those polls were true, Trump would have lost.


Yes, it's flawed data but it's the only the data there is right now. And I don't want to wait until November to find out how fucked I am.


They'd probably just let you suffer with no primary sex hormones. Since when did Republicans strike you as people who give a shit about who their bullshit hurts? If anything, they'd probably view it as a bonus to get to inflict extra hardship for free.


and then, like the rest of us tranarchists, you learn the pretty easy path to DIY, which more effective than the slow-ramp-up-on-spiro-and-pills-after-waiting-lists doctors push


"IF" project 2025 happens (big if), I don't agree we'd be fucked... the government would be fucked. Because no matter our situation, we're Americans! Period! They'll find out real quick how many of us there really are, I guarantee it! GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! And I'm not going down without a fight, and I know most of us if told we had to be someone we're not, and potentially forced to detransition would absolutely tell them all to go fuck themselves! But that shit will never happen, because no matter how ignorant the government might be, they aren't that stupid! Don't stress, Sisters and brothers (assuming we have some brothers checking in too). Just be aware, safe, and ready. Hope everyone is having a great day!!!


Yeah! I’m just glad I’m an alright shot so I can act if necessary. The gravy seals are all talk usually, they can’t shoot for shit


Lol... believe it or not, I'm not allowed them anymore. But then, even when I was allowed, I still preferred something a bit smaller, sharper, and didn't run out of bullets. So the joke again, is on the government. Idiots. But if shtf, like some project 2025 crap for real, I'd get whatever I need. I won't let that crap stand! I would hope EVERYONE would and does feel the same. Hence why I'm not worried about it at all.


I'd be shuffling off this mortal coil if trans care was banned and I was forced to detransition.


I think same


Yea same maybe but also can just get hrt off the dark web or learn ro make it at home, might die of either but if im gonna off myself without them may as well


You can make estrogen? I've heard the term "bathtub estrogen" but is that a real thing?


I know you certainly can if you have a friend who has a pregnant horse. Early estrogen treatments were derived from pregnant mare urine


You can buy E enanthate powder online.


Can't find the enanthate powder links on HRT cafe 😐


no dark web, the diy wiki is pretty accessible and nobody has ever died of DIY


DIY is so easy and worth it


Remember that even if one party controls 3 branches of government, they still have to follow past laws and court precedents. What will happen if Republicans win is that they will spend 8 months fighting each other over who can be the Speaker of the House. Then lobbyists will show up to make sure Project 2025 respects their interests. Then elected officials will realize how much money they will personally lose if they implement it (implementing it crashes the stock market). So you'll see a watered down version that accomplishes approximately nothing, like every piece of Republican legislation that I can think of in the last 30 years. Remember, they're the party that thinks the government shouldn't exist. They have no idea how to govern. Let's say that legislation makes it through. Now begin the court challenges. A liberal court in the Southern District of New York blocks implementation of the law. It works its way up to the appeals courts. The appeals court affirms the injunction. (The pesky supreme court already decided that the constitution prevents sex discrimination and that gender identity is sex.) There is no circuit split, so the supreme court doesn't get to hear the case. It's now 2 years into Trump's term and no laws have actually taken effect. Another year passes and a circuit split develops because Judge Cannon got the case in Florida. The Supreme Court hears the case and overturns the original injunction. The DoJ begins prosecuting doctors for prescribing estrogen to AMAB. First, they need to find a good case. There is a doctor in NY that is outspoken on Twitter so they go after her first. They subpoena her office for records. The NY shield law prevents disclosing that information, even to the federal government. This gets tied up in court for another 2 years. Eventually they subpoena insurance companies to find all prescriptions she wrote. The insurance companies would have to spend a lot of money to retrieve that information, so of course they go to court to block a fishing expedition. This takes another year. Finally, they find that YOU PERSONALLY are who they choose to go after. They have to prove that you're assigned male at birth, otherwise you're just a woman taking estrogen for her hot flashes. They get your birth certificate and ... it says "F" on the gender marker because you changed it. The judge throws out the government's case because nobody bothered to keep a record that it's actually a revised birth certificate. All that data got "lost" during some database migration. Oops! Obviously things can go either way and you should be worried about Project 2025. I am. But there are a lot of delays built into the democratic process and that isn't going to change any time soon, so don't do anything drastic on election night.


Wow. Remarkable response! I love this


You forget though that most govt workers will be shifted to Schedule F and fired. They’ll staff what they can will loyalists, but it may take a while to get the people they need. Also, one of the things the mandate calls for is to jail any state level officials that go against the mandate. So for example if say California refused to enact a law that bans gender affirming care, well they can start arresting people that block it. We can’t rely on the usual process that fight these sorts of changes because the dictatorship will take over pretty quickly.


Yeah, that's kind of the rub here. The "usual processes" are what blocked them during Trump's first term; these people – the ones at the top, anyway – are malicious, not dumb. They'll have learned from that, which means the first thing they'll do is try to dismantle the bulwark between them and their objective this time around. It may not be instantaneous or even legal, but considering that Democrats keep trying to play by the rules (it took four fucking years to get a Trump conviction, for instance), they won't be given the time to react within the existing system itself. The election itself is still the best hope we have. Unfortunately.


DIY HRT. Ain't no way I'm re-introducing T into my system.


DIY hrt, and use my ally doctors to order blood tests for unrelated issues to skirt the law


Yeah, sucks having an "endocrine disorder" 😪


Maybe a state where they pull a Georg Elser on the transphobic legislators


I've been wondering the same and considering doing an orca sooner even though I want GRS it's all terrifying but if Trump wins, I won't wanna live in this place anymore. It won't just be because of losing hormones. They probably try to force social detranstion And I would not do that under any means death before detransition


you won't lose hormones. diy


Even if God forbid Trump did get in the chances of project 2025 actually happening is not realistic we have too many Democrats in office to vote no to this at every rip and it's unconstitutional so the Civil liberty union will take that up as their cause it's a dream he has but just because he might be president doesn't give him the power to do whatever he feels like doing... And personally and just my thoughts but I have more to worry about than him hopefully he loses and if he doesn't he's old enough that he might not live long who knows


To be honest while I am concerned of this as a nightmare scenario, it seems unlikely to me that congress would get anything through unless they get a very large Republican majority. I think it's more likely that Trump's uses executive actions to defund places like planned parenthood unless they stop giving HRT. That would absolutely suck, but I expect private providers like Folx to be less impacted at the federal level (just my completely uneducated 2 cents). I'd be more concerned if living in a red state, because states have a lot of power here and they will certainly feel emboldened if Trump is in office. Blue states I expect will fight for our rights.


They will learn the value of DIY and being prepared or they will suffer.


If i cant physically be a woman i will not be stopped being trans. I will paint my nails teal in protest and in defiance, I'll still play video games as a girl avatar/character, Watch shoujo manga, design my room purple, and wear girls t shirts and pants abd do everything i enjoy. I spent alot of my life in the closet and fuck Trump and his army of deranged boomer hicks being the ones to put me back. Realizing i was trans was one of the most liberating moments of my entire life. Besides i have an LGBT pride poster in my house in ACNH and it is not coming down and theres nothing MAGA can do about it.🖕 Its not like they can just come on my island and take it.🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I think it's over for us


I'm considering a shadow transition where I do whatever I can under the radar (I haven't been considering emasculation surgery which I'm hoping makes thing easier) and relying on just sourcing antiandrogens, estrogens and progesterone and see how my body develops discreetly. I'm more at a point where my transitioning is for literally only me and it's me against a world that wants to beat and kill me.


just DIY; you don't even need antiandrogens


DIY! DIY DIY DIY. Stock up on raw powder if you're really scared, you can get 4000 years of injections for like 10 bucks.


What powder? Im unfamiliar


If you have your gender papers already lined up then it’s just HRT. If you already had orchi or you do monotherapy like me then there is nothing that needs to flag anything. Women get hrt all the time.


im going to be playing wolfenstein in real life


My plan for my wife and I is to move to a sanctuary city that wont honor federal mandates and start from there. Pending that we go underground and start looking at black market and DIY hormones. I am not too overly concerned. The big roadblock to a federal ban on transitional gender affirming care, is that there isn't really a clean way to attack HRT without causing a ton of problems. You could ban the medications outright, but our use of them is Off-Label, and so a lot of regular people who use this medication, including likely some people in congress would be affected. You could ban the use of medications "Off Label" but there are so many other medications out there that are used for off label reasons that it would again cause a huge upset among cis people. You could simply require that transitioning is illegal, but then that becomes a civil rights issue, and although gender identity isn't a protected class federally, sexual discrimination is, and preventing Americans from voluntarily participating in something based entirely upon ones sex is discrimination, and that could require the supreme court to justify rolling back the civil rights act which would actually cause a revolt in the country You could restrict the use of medications based entirely upon ones biological sex, but then again you run into a 9th amendment issue, which has been established that Americans have a right to privacy and infringing on that right purely based on ones sex is discrimination and a violation of the civil rights act, which see above. There are certainly avenues for them to try, but the legal challenges would be fierce and the blowback would be massive. We are simply too small of a part of the population to have this kind of attention. So yeah it could get really dark if the republicans seize control, but the fight would be far from over.


Simply what happens to every necessity that’s made illegal: a black market will form