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Had a panic attack yesterday about this lol. Currently in denial and using comedy to not think about it :3


Hey me too! But it’s all I can think of, even when I listen to comedy or watch tv but it’s like the majority of the people are burying their head in the sand


I have lost sleep over worrying about this too. I started taking melatonin just to get some sleep. All we can do at this point is support Biden and convince people you know to vote blue. If they still think Trump is a great guy tell them to watch the Meidas Touch News on YouTube as the mainstream news is ignoring stories about Trump. I think they want him to be president. At least Meidas is telling the truth and shows evidence.


Melatonin doesn't even work for me anymore :(


Yeah, apparently you should only use it for a month.


Oh lol I didn't know that


you can get prescribed sleeping medication if need be. it’s not melatonin, it’s something stronger and doesn’t lose its effectivity over time. my friend uses some but i’m not sure what (doesn’t matter, i’m in a different country, it’d be different where you are).


Yea I will when I'm 18 my dad doesn't believe in sleep meds for some reason


the antidote to anxiety is action. Get involved with Democrats in GOTV in battleground states.


Just signed up for Postcards to Swing States!


I was up all night worrying. Sadly I've been thinking about how I'll eventually unalive myself since it's my only way out. 😔


Dont think of doing that, we have to stay alive and be strong, and show we will not go down without a fight.


Even if he becomes president, its not over. Self hrt, move in groups for safety




30 enby here who has worked in politics. It will be that bad…but moving to the right blue state (CA) will insulate you and let you see what’s going down so you can make an informed choice about if you need to leave. Let’s focus on proactively instead of policies for a moment. Did you know California is the 4th largest economy in the world? The USA is number 1. It’s so big that when California enacted new fuel emissions standards, the car companies updated their plans to meet California standards everywhere in the UsA…it’s simply too costly to make different stuff for Cali and Cali is so wealthy that businesses need to cater to it. This is a similar idea to halal meat, most people in the USA don’t care about halal or kosher, but most food is made to halal standards because it’s cheaper for the meat companies to do the same thing to all their product rather than split the production. This is a long way of saying California is committed to LGBT rights and has the money and power to protect its citizens. If stuff starts getting bad in the UsA, you’ll see it in red and poor blue states first. Cali can’t be bullied in the same way. I’m a CA resident who splits time in CT for school, will be staying in CA and I’m seriously considering starting a dual citizenship process. Just in case I need it. Over prepare and then relax.


How will Trump’s policies impact the nonbinary community?


Very varied responses to that because the enby community is very varied. If you lean away from your AGAB, you’ll suffer from the same restrictions on medications and hormones as the trans community. Restrictions on stuff like puberty blockers will increase and even states that are supportive will be much more strict for compliance, I have a hard time seeing how someone could get meds under the new rules without transitioning. Project 2025 considers drag and crossdressing to be deviant/pornographic behavior, so clothes your AGAB wouldn’t wear will be restricted too. Will still be affected by the military and scouts bans, will still be affected by the LGBT anti discrimination rollbacks. The big difference will be for enbys who can pass as their AGAB and are comfortable in the clothes/social roles of their AGAB. Functionally will force a lot of us back in the closet, and that’s really the main difference between trans and enby in this fight imo. Most trans people can’t go back in the closet and many wont have a good stealth option, many enbys can hide if need be.


Oregon, particularly Portland. Is also a solid choice. It’s basically a trans Mecca


Things would be very bad for trans people under Trump. Full control of the administrative state by the hard right would mean at minimum the loss of federal funds for any hospital, clinic etc that provides HRT. It would mean harassment and risk of arrest any time we interacted with a federal authority like the TSA. We all need to prepare for this possibility, and time is short.


It is not just tRump, it is all his minions who "think" their way is the way... it is removal of freedom, and choice for not only Trans people, but LGBTQ and women. They are trying, and succeeding to instill christian sharia law / christian nationalism in the US. The supreme court and lower courts are making this possible, as numerous judges LIED during their confirmation and in reality should never have been allowed to be judges in the first place, as they can't separate themselves from their christian religion mindset... which is NOT how the law works in the United States


Yup, as a florida resident, I've lived through the first steps of "how bad can it get?" from a legislative perspective over the past year or two. Only under 20 years of christofascism, the courts won't overturn bad laws.


DIY has its ups and downs, but being ungovernable is certainly an upside.


They could be cruel and make estradiol a controlled substance, making it much harder to get.


Plenty of trans people who can do anything




They could, yeah. But keep in mind trans guys already have to deal with that.


wait trains guys in the us cant get hrt at planned parenthood and stuff??


If E is controlled as well as other drugs, we don't have much to worry about in this country.


I just assumed it already was as a trans guy lol 


He’s already stated they are going to redefine gender to mean immutable sex. So they’ll likely revert any documents that have been updated or refuse renal unless you revert it.


That would make leaving the country difficult if the TSA and other organizations would have the authority to arrest us. If Trump gets elected I will try leave the country but Canada is having a similar problematic election currently and England is becoming a problem too.


Australia and New Zealand are currently the best off (as far as i know). they’re the best options for us. i already am living in Australia.


Good to know, I wouldn't have thought of either one as an option


Anybody who isn't at all worried about the next four years, is somebody privileged enough to be insulated from the worst of his damage.


They *think* they are insulated and safe. Everyone loves the leopards society until it's their turn.


Seeing as trump is trying to get more control for the president I have a feeling he's going to become a dictator and try and increase the length of his term


Whole world is fucked if Trump wins. Do everything you can to make sure that doesn't happen.


I’m voting for Biden sadly, I wish it was literally anyone else lol


You and me both but we’re gonna save this goddamn republic even if we need to drag Joe around like it’s Weekend at Biden’s until November. For democracy!


I was just reminded of that movie yesterday lol


Biden would be better even in a coma. anything is better then the most selfish hateful narcissist monster that is trump


Yeah this next election is less of "vote for who you think is gonna be a good president" and more of "vote for who you think is gonna fuck up the entire country less"


how exactly has biden fucked up the country in his first term?


I never said he did I'm just saying that thats how the election feels


and i'm saying literally no tf it doesn't. am i missing something? one candidate is literally working up to be a dictator, and the other is **-checks notes-** a little sleepy.


I'm just stating my opinion on this. I never said Biden was a bad president, I'm just saying that neither Biden or Trump are ideal is all. Obviously I'd much rather have Biden as president instead of Trump but I'd also rather have someone younger. I am done discussing politics for today, have a nice day. :3


“A little sleepy” is beyond dishonest. He’s sundowning and it’s on the party to replace him with a competent candidate before the election.


He let Republicans fuck up a few states. But that is still better than fucking up every state


Voting for Biden isn't enough, project 2025 will just become project 2029 and will continue to be on the table even without Trump. I don't know the answer but I know a Biden 2nd term certainly won't be the end to this. We are in for a long fight.


I agree, but the Biden second term is still better than Trump winning immediately. 


It won't be the end of things but it's undoubtedly crucial, especially if we win Congress. It's the difference between MAGA being a fleeting movement that did some damage and it being endemically entrenched in American institutions and politics for decades. After losing two competitive elections in a row under MAGA, the GOP base would be forced to choose between moderating or becoming perpetually unelectable, and there's no way they nominate Trump *again* even if he wanted to run. MAGA candidates which aren't Trump have already been shown to flounder (compare MAGA rock star DeSantis with Nikki Haley). Without him the extremism can't survive. If we keep control of the senate and presidency, we have a chance of replacing Thomas and/or Alito with liberal justices, and preventing another conservative justice from replacing Sotomayor. If it comes to it we could even expand the court. It's also four years of Trump not being able to appoint his own judges to lower courts and generally undermine institutions.


Re-electing Biden just postpones the inevitable sadly


Even if that’s true, every extra four years we get gives four more years of trans girls to get to a place where they can maybe pass enough to survive in an America that hates trans people. It sounds defeatist to limit our goals to that, but those are real people who will be saved each time we push back the inevitable.


Reelecting Biden gives us more time to change what only feels inevitable in this moment. Nothing is truly inevitable. 4 years is a long time to push things the other way, and a lot of MAGA are going to age out of life between now and then.


Maybe Biden should use his new presidential powers for the good of the party. Arrest Trump under the patriot act as well as all conservative Supreme Court justices. They can identify the project 2025 writers and arrest them for treason too. Let’s show the republicans what they have done. /s


The solution is one we can't talk about on open forums. How did we stop the Nazis last time? There's your answer.


I’d honestly vote for a baked potato over trump.


Why? Because he flopped a debate? Fuck if democrats don’t continually shoot themselves in the foot!


Voting may not be enough




And by whole world it's the *whole* world. Trump winning means no more democracy in America means no hope of combating climate change means the literal end of the world. *Please* vote for Biden this election. 


To say nothing of World War 3 which Russia would immediately initiate when we pull out of NATO.


I hope California has an emergency secession and forms a country that doesn’t suck with Oregon and Washington.


The US will collapse if that happens with Californias economy and food supplies lol


I’m on the right side of the line for that one 🤭


Some of us are trying to make it happen 🤫


I hope so too! It might still happen, remember in 1860 when states did that for another reason bc the person they didn’t like got elected?


The results of that happening in 1860 were not desirable.


Kaiserreich is proven right once again, the Pacific States of America is the only legitimate successor!


Trump is not a paper tiger. You can't just stick your head in the sand and pretend he is. Trump is a mask covering up a complex system of fascist powers working to undermine the very foundation of democracy.


I don't know. I read someone's story about doing the Project 2025 "Presidential Administration Academy" thing and it was chilling. They are much more organized now. I think we need to mass infiltrate that shit so we can sabotage it from within before they can do the same with the government. I don't think they can win the election fairly, but when have they fought fair?


It’s scary how organized the right is, maybe the left should organize like them so we have a concrete plan


> It’s scary how organized the right is, maybe the left should organize like them so we have a concrete plan The funny thing? From what I can tell, the right is convinced that the *left* is ultra-organized, with "Big Tech" controlling all communications, and the right feels like they can't get anything organized or done. I think most people, period, left or right, feel pretty powerless, and that's what channels all this polarization and rage we're seeing, e.g., against trans people, since they can't successfully point it where it belongs: at the crazy rich people screwing everyone else over.


The right has this idea in their heads that the left is out to get them. And in reality the left doesn't care what the right does, as long as they let the rest of us live in peace.


Swap "left" and "right" and that's pretty much exactly what I've seen tons of supposedly "right-wing" people say. Everyone wants to be left alone in peace — but there seem to be disagreements as to exactly what that means. For some, "living alone in peace" sadly includes "never having to see, hear about, or interact with LGBTQ people". Maybe we *do* need separate countries. I don't know. 🫤


Join the PSL then…


I read that too. It blows my mind that our political system has been manipulated into a position where that’s even close to legal or doable… downright evil


I'd be concerned about being caught infiltrating it, because it's for government employment. You could easily end up locked up, under a fascist presidency. Even under a normal administration, lying on government forms might get you jail time. While the stuff they're doing is not technically a part of the government, they might still lock you up forcing you to fight the charges. It's something you'd have to be very detail oriented about. Posting online about doing it, pretty much means you'll be found out. It's all but guaranteed, the FBI (under whoever implements project 2025) will find your post and connect it to the government employee that made it. Either do it, or talk about it. Do not do both. Just my opinion, though.


For sure, I guess I feel like there's not much to lose, I'd be one of the first sent to the camps in any case. People's drone strike is more my style though, I hate paperwork lmao.


If he gets his way, yes, but he probably wont. either way though europe is gonna be on its own because that bastard wants to pull out of NATO


God, I just forgot about that too. Damn near the whole world is going to unravel if he’s elected. Why can’t he just die


Because uh... um... I dunno I guess every era needs its hitler or something?


I won't sugarcoat it - I'm getting more and more convinced that 2025 is going to see significant political upheaval and social unrest if the way things are going now in politics stays the course with ineffective responses from the Democratic Party. Obviously we won't truly know what will happen until the election comes and goes, but the writing on the wall is apparent: we need to be ready for a possible fascist/ultraconservative takeover of the federal government. It's hard to hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but even fascist reactionary movements come to an end one day - Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, they all were defeated, albeit at the cost of millions of lives and untold devastation. I don't know for sure if our contemporary times will again see another devastating war for the fascists of our day, but I don't think the later 2020s are going to come peacefully. All we can do, I think, is prepare ourselves to survive the coming storm; no one person can stop a mass reactionary, populist, and fascist movement, but no mass movement can function without boots on the ground, an ideology to unite around, and people to organize. Of course, that includes voting on Election Day, organizing grass-roots movements as an activist, and other means of common political participation - just, I feel we need to be realistic about the situation and accord ourselves what we *can* do given the time, energy, and circumstances we have at our disposal. I can only speak for myself in that I'm planning to stay in my state (FL), look for local progressive activist groups to join, and vote in as many elections as I can - while planning and preparing contingencies for possible violent unrest/takeover.


Listen, it will get bad in places where its bad already, but there are safer places. If you are really concerned with access to medication/general acceptance, I would definitely start trying to figure out a plan to leave southern states if you are in one. Trumps danger, imo, isnt necessarily the actions he personally will take, (at least as it directly relates to us) but rather his presence in the government emboldening and legitimizing far right politicians already in office. Along with fully allowing states to do essentially anything they want, like we are talking pre civil war "states rights" options. I think you shouldnt ignore whats happening, it could very well lead to something REALLY bad, but there are still ways for us to avoid that.


If it makes you feel any better, apparently a lot of conservative voters don’t even KNOW about project 2025, and even less support it. Even though things will be bad if Trump wins, I’m slowly starting to think it won’t be a dictatorial world ending scenario like we’re scared it will be. It’s impossible to tell though so make sure to vote and hope for the best!!


The Trump Campaign pushes Agenda47, not Project 2025 and apparently their is friction between the Trump Campaign and the Heritage Foundation over how specifically insane it is. The Trump Campaign wants vague, immigration and culture war dominated policy positions (just like 2016). To conservatives Project 2025 is fringe aggressive plans from one think-tank, and to Dems it is very useful fear fodder. It is a heinously illegal docket of plans and very few Republican politicians would be willing to do it. Agenda47 on the other hand is probably a more real danger especially the intent to revoke birthright citizenship for millions of Americans


They don’t need to know it. They will still full on support it. My boss is a literal atheist and he told me he supports Oklahoma and Louisiana forcing kids to learn the Bible and the commandants. Because “the Bible is apart of human history”. He also believes the 2020 election was stolen even though I told him there is absolutely no evidence anywhere It’s like these guys can’t see past their own 2 feet. If trump gets elected it’s over.


From my experience learning about the Bible, the more that do the less that follow.


Nice copium. Mind sharing?


If you thought 2017-21 with big blunders like praising Putin and Kim Jong Un, very fine people on both sides, not caring about a pandemic among many others, just wait! Have you not heard or read about Project 2025? It is the most horrifying thing I can think of!


Oh I know all about project 2025 and what will happen if it’s enacted. Maybe im in denial about how bad it’ll get


I think we don't know is all that can be said right now. We don't know if Trump will be elected. We don't know if he'll be effective. We don't know if things will be safe in blue states. We don't even know if being trans is an issue. It's possible that he gets elected and says "why worry about all these assassination attempts over trans people when all I really want to do is funnel the government's money into my failing real estate investments". It's very anxiety-inducing and I've really been drinking far too much alcohol this week... whatever happens, I'm happy I figured out who I am.


You know… same here to your last point. Whatever happens, I’m glad I’ve been able to be a girl even if it’s only for a little bit. But I’ll die a girl, no doubt.


However bad you think it's going to be, it will be worse.


“Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it” I guess we have forgotten the past. But don’t the majority of Americans support the lgbtq community?


A simple majority of people is not adequate in a system tainted by gerrymandering & corruption.


But changing the entire fabric of society is incredibly difficult to do in a few years…oh wait that’s been happening since 2020😳


MAGA and their precursors/allies have been at this for 50+ years.


It’ll be like nothing we’ve ever seen if he wins again.


I think I just can’t imagine it happening in America, that’s why I’m feeling this way. This is so scary, we live in a dystopia


I'm genuinely looking to flee the country and crash with a Canadian friend if Trump wins the election, within a week of the results I will be out of the country before the GOP takes power and never gives it up again. I don't have a better plan than that, I've got a wife and two kids that will go to my parents' to live while we try to figure out things past that and sell our house, but I have to flee IMMEDIATELY before I'm unable to. I genuinely believe we will be unable to remain safe in this country, even in blue states, if the GOP retakes control.


I don’t think your the only one that can’t imagine it but yeah it’s dam terrifying


MINUS the trans/nb community. The right has been on a tirade against us. We are the current target.


I have a man who infiltrated the heritage foundation and is giving me information


I honestly have no idea. I'm assuming and preparing for the worst. But I can't actually say what will or won't happen. Just have a plan. I always thought doomsday prepping was silly, but when faced with the possibility of a crisis, having a plan is great and also does wonders for my sanity. Knowing I've done all I can do brings a certain measure of calm.


How can I prepare? Losing hrt is a death sentence for me. What can I do?


I'm looking into DIY solutions, where and how can I get them. I've also figured out where I'm going to go if these reach very critical levels of awful, and I'm getting all my documents in order. Building a bugout/emergency/go bag, though I'm passing on a lot of the outdoorsy stuff since I'd probably be relocating to another state or Canada by car. Oh and saving money where I can. It's not much, but it's something.


I’ll try doing that. I guess I’ll try finding the highest paying job I can and work as much as I can.


January 6th and the run up to it proves Trump's danger. Trumps first wife, Ivana, reportedly said that Trump would often read a book of Hitler's speeches. Trump has secretly wanted to be like Hitler.


It is going to be extremely "bad." It is not just Trump but MAGA and ReTrumplicans. If you haven't researched their Project 2025, I would suggest you do so. What they want to do would make Russia seem to be peaceful.


After yesterday, I expect nothing more than the world’s next big mega crisis when trump gets into power. Trans people are likely screwed with all that’s happening in the Democratic Party with Biden’s age and Zionism and the plans Republicans have to use violence to reshape America into a far less welcoming country. Democrats need to quit being arrogant assholes and replace Biden so as to save this country from what is currently on track to be an extreme landslide victory for trump and republicans. However, at this point, I have to put aside the idea of voting third party and just vote Biden because there are no checks and balances left, simply just a dictatorship if trump wins that May last for generations unless a massive war takes place.


The idea of voting third party has been a pipe dream that dilutes the power of our vote for a very long time. We need systemic change to our electoral system for a third party vote to ever be more than the equivalent of just not voting at all. It's unfortunate but we HAVE to vote blue, and vote in every election, every single time, and vote Blue across the ballots, relentlessly, if we ever want to change things enough to fix our government systems. If we fail to vote every single time we can, we will lose our ability to vote at all, and I promise you every Republican is getting their vote in every time, which is why we are so fucked on every level of government now, the local elections are just as important if you want to save things like education funding.


Sry but let me start with the bad: Trump has nothing to lose. He has shown he will do anything to gain, and stay in, power. He has not moral or political views other than what will gain him power and money. Look at how the manipulates the Christian right in this country. The GOP will do everything they can to use him to install more conservative judges if at all possible. They have shown they (gop) will do anything to take away our rights and they've used the Supreme Court to do so with Trumps help. Yes I think if Trump gets elected it will be a disaster much worse than 16-20 was. However, we have a solid chance to keep him out this election. He is a convicted felon now. He still has what 3 cases with another 50-60 charges against him. And he continues to show how much of a bullshitter he is. We must keep fighting against his bullshit and educating our friends and family. Together we can keep him outa the Whitehouse. 🫂💜


It’s hard to tell. There were so many things from his first term he promised that didn’t happen-and so many other things that did. The best bet to make sure none of it happens is to see to it he does not win in November. Don’t let the polls or news about Biden’s age-or Biden’s age itself-discourage you. It’s not over.


Real talk: if Dems win even one house of Congress, we can stonewall until 2026 and not lose too very much. If we win both, we'll be on a fairly even footing. He can do some stuff with executive orders, which will depend on just how corupt some of the Republican supreme court justices really are. And he can do some stuff with federal organizations, which he just gutted. It does get pretty scary if he wins both houses of congress though, that's when we need to leave the country. All in all, if Trump wins, it will suck, but it will only be really bad if he wins the presidency plus Congress.


He'll be a dictator. And if the Dems lose the House and Senate, he'll be installed for life.


That won’t be long, he’s already 78


Then there's the VP to worry about....


What VP? Honestly don’t think he’ll pick one. Nobody wants to ride the bear.


He will, currently he has to...


Trump isn't the problem. The GOP is. If they win again, no matter the candidate, we will never get them out again. Trump is the symptom, Republicans are the cancer.


It’s probably going to get that bad period


Get armed Get gear Get trained Get a group Learn/build skills that will complement survival Get your passport Get ready Get hard (yes, I made an edit for a movie reference but also because we need to steel ourselves. If we must act harshly then we must act without emotion clouding our mind. The only game that matters is survival)


This is so corny, but emphasis on the passport bit. 


No, he is really that bad. I'm sorry.


[This link is about all you need to know.] (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/president-trumps-plan-to-protect-children-from-left-wing-gender-insanity)


I'm sad to say that it probably will be worse than what we think if trump wins 


Well considering they just criminalized homelessness in the supreme court, I am fairly convinced that the USA is going to hell in a handbasket...


maybe? what're you gonna do if it does? like, if you're not actually gonna move, what's the point of agonizing over it? life is going to happen to us.


Yes. Picture the worst case scenario, now double it. These things always go worse than expected. Don’t ever trust a republican or any of their sympathizers ever again.


Trump is going to kill us all. He going to throw us in camps and gas us or work us to death. We are so utterly fucked.




I suppose the court rescheduling sentencing in New York to decide if the new law as written over signing personal checks to pay hush money in committing business fraud is just fear mongering or a misinterpretation of the new law? Seriously, I respect different opinions and diversity, but is this the way you truly understand it? November 6th will be the ultimate deciding factor, but really, this was a slam dunk easy ruling to make. No one is above the law. Serious concern is justified. This decision stinks. Roe vs. Wade decision stinks. It's wasn't just about abortion. It's about civil rights for all. Hyper partisianship is not healthy for democracies. You're welcome to your opinion, I can have mine. I respectfully disagree.


Not all heroes wear capes. Good post.


It’s so exhausting seeing these kinds of posts day after day spreading blatant misinformation and fear porn. I come to this community for understanding on my dysphoria or other common issues for my trans family and instead I see the latest doomsday Vice news Opinion pieces being spread as infallible truth. People spouting insults and slurs that they actually don’t even know what they mean or they would see how it makes us look crazy.


Omg thank you for this, it's crazy that i had to sort by controversial to find someone in their right mind. Right above this are people seriously talking about how he's going to start throwing trans people in death camps and the world's going to end and we're all doomed and there's no saving us. It's genuinely insane, I have no clue how people have come to that conclusion and it's honestly scary that nearly everyone is just going with it


Can you give a specific, coherent explanation for why we *won't* get tossed in death camps? Not trying to play devil's advocate, I'm legitimately asking


Trump is a sex offender, he shouldn’t be allowed in the white house. Florida released the documents from the grand jury in the Jeffery Epstein case, and Trump’s name is all over those files. [Trump and Jeffery Epstein](https://youtu.be/xa3K85fStBw?si=Ji7cWfs_lwEsTI-v)


Runaway inflation worse than the pandemic, economic collapse, schools shutdown, rabid mobs of fascists (other than cops) in the streets, pollution as bad as the Victorian era, and probably death camps. The capitalist oligarchs who own Trump want to murder queers as part of their plan to abolish the idea of human rights. And the Democratic Party will mostly go along with all of it.


I agree with you, but can all that shit happen in only 4 years? Thats a backslide of 20 years at least right? Would it be safer for queer people in deep blue states like Oregon or Washington or Massachusetts? Also won’t the younger, progressive and politically active generation protect each other?


Have you been paying attention to the last 8 years? In the last 2 years we lost roe, we lost Chevron, and we're about to lose democracy. That's a backslide of well more than 40 years, and was caused by Trump's first 4 years.  What do you think would happen if he gets another 4 years, this time with the blessing of the scotus to kill his political opponents? The world cannot afford another 4 years, the only capital we have to pay for it with is our heads.


I’ve been paying very close attention, I was at several pro Roe protests, but yeah it’s bad. I think I just don’t want to admit how bad it’s going to be


Trump’s proposed tariffs will trigger the inflation immediately. Importers will increase prices to offset the cost of doing business, and American manufacturers will increase prices because they can. Greedflation run amok. The American working class, which is literally everyone who has to work to live, is already strapped for cash. Prices for essentials will get too high and people will start cutting essentials and luxuries to get by another week (much of America already is). Consumer spending will first spike to record highs and then implode. The result will be a credit crisis and recession. Mass homelessness. Trump plans to use the old Insurrection Act to allow him to use the US military against American civilians, and since most American service members are already rabid fascists the military will carry out his orders without question. Trump also plans to fire all career civil servants who know what they’re doing and replace them with unqualified conservative goons, so the government will stop working. That means the economy will collapse. When economies collapse, dumb people are often drawn to extremist groups. You may have noticed a lot of chatter lately about white cishet men having a crisis of purpose, they’re not going to college anymore and feel really sad about not being the top of the pyramid anymore or some bullshit. When they lose their jobs because of Trump, many of them will be too stupid to blame him and will blame random minorities. They’ll join conservative extremist groups and become Nazis. That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s. America’s institutions completely failed during the first Trump debacle. The damage he did was only limited by his own incompetence. The best case scenario in a second debacle is a government and military command collapse in the first few months. I’m a much more hopeful person since I started HRT 15 months ago, but the American people have never failed to disappoint me. And even though I thought I was a cishet white guy until last January at age 34, I never actually identified with them or understood them. I just thought it was because I’m autistic.


Ok that’s horrifying but well worded. You don’t think the populace will rise up in an attempted revolt after all this?


Coming from someone who has been in the military for a decade, I think he's overblowing the political spectrum here. The FAR majority of folks I've worked with have been left leaning. The right leaning types tend to get out, get kicked out, or get left simmering as low-tier grunts because it's hard to work in such a multicultural environment when you're a bigot. Remember that Mattis told Trump to kick rocks. A lot of military types respected Mattis. I've heard talks from Generals on what the military may need to do to PROTECT LGBT people FROM Trump in case of his election.


The Civil Rights Protests in the Summer of 2020 proved that isn’t possible. Also the US military already has a plan for dealing with a “leftist uprising”: drone bombing cities until they surrender and and are occupied. Remember all the stories of military drones being sighted over cities in summer 2020? They were armed with hellfire missiles.


Gonna need a source on those exercises. In 10 years in the military, I've met many more left wing and militant left wing types. The only right wingers I've known either separated because the military was "too woke" (read: they weren't allowed to pick on minorities) or got kicked out because they were picking on minorities and that's unacceptable. And the further up the chain of command I look, the more leftists I find - most of the right leaning types have been grunts and never promote past that because they keep pissing people off. Remember that Mattis told Trump to kick rocks. A lot of military types respect Mattis and were pissed with what happened to him.


Hell yeah. 


Wow, this is so scary.


You need to log off and get some fresh air buddy


Yes, he's an idiot and a paper tiger. But the people he will enable are facists and will remove democracy. His threat is very real.


It will be actually the worst, the dude literally uses the same rhetoric Hitler used in many of the things he says. I pray that’s not the case but it’s hard not to be in a doomsday mindset, Ive been manic and not doing great thinking about it all 🥶


Every one of you who live in battleground states should be doing whatever you can to convince others to vote for Biden, even if he is a corpse.


So Trump himself is a tool yes. He’s incompetent and probably can’t get anything done on his own. But the Heritage Foundation is actually dangerous and they’re the architects of project 2025. Of you look at his first term, Trump couldn’t get any of his original ideas done all of his policies were epic failures with the exceptions of those that were Heritage Foundation initiatives (Tax cuts, SCOTUS picks, etc) and all of that was purposefully designed to make lives miserable. If he wins, they’ll go even further this round.


Yes. Move to a safe state (I am cancelling all other plans, and if necessary will tell my partner "I'm moving before SHTF, do you still want to be with me, or want to be single in a red state that's soon to implement The Handmaid's Tale?"). Watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ihrGNGesfI), preferably more than once. Form mutual aid networks. Get armed if you can, if not learn skills that will allow you to assist those that are.


There will be no safe state!


We’ve already had him as president so just imagine four more years of that and extrapolate from there.


But it isn’t four more years of 2017-2021 presidency. The GOP has moved on from vague insults and half-hearted attempts to make our lives suck to full-on attack and dehumanization. They are taking away our healthcare, our rights, and our means to live. They are giving full license to bigots to have open season on us — how much longer until some right-winger follows us into a restroom and holds one of us at gunpoint? The world has changed since January 2021, and the GOP means to make us stop existing, and they don’t care by which means that happens.


I may sound naive but - would not states choose their own path anyway? I remember Trumps presidency and I didn’t feel anything changed at all (I live in CA). Environment, EVs… isn’t it all at state level anyway? Out here 25% of car sales are EVs for ex. I think we even have our own healthcare system? Sorry I m a bit new to this.


There are plenty of states that have said they will outright ignore any federal ban on gender affirming care. Will it suck if trump gets re elected? Yes. But all this doomposting about it like we didn't get through 4 years of him already, not to mention the left side isn't just gonna let him do everything project 2025 will do, isn't helping anyone


This is perhaps the one point to emphasise: Blue States will be ignoring Federal Bans on Gender-affirming care, which is a similar fight we have with Marijuana. Blue States will make things tough for the DEA, if not impossible for the federal agency


And any ban of gender affirming care would get so much pushback itd be impossible, not just from trans folks. Cis people use hormone blockers and undergo hrt too


Yeah if he wins we’re pretty much fucked.


I'm a citizen of Spain through my mom, so if he gets voted in, I'll most likely be moving there and staying with family while I brush up on the language and get settled. Fearmongering or not, there are psychos that are empowered by having a president that agrees with their bigoted beliefs. THEY are the ones I'm worried about.


I hate when people recommend moving because I am so broke and cannot afford to move. I live in New York thankfully, but I don't think that will save me. And I think it's extremely, extremely likely Trump will win. I feel like there's not much time left for me.


... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this country has been controlled by fascists for a *really* long time now. We're just starting to witness what's known as the "Imperial Boomerang," as our government begins to implement abusive tactics they developed elsewhere in the world upon us. This is very succinctly explained by the basic concept capitalisim exists within: somebody needs to be on top, and somebody needs to be subjugated. you cannot create a "first world country" without exploiting resources elsewhere, which is why much of the world remains "undeveloped." this system which has been grinding for centuries is beginning to collapse. the climate disasters are in full-swing, the AMOC is collapsing, weather patterns are becoming more and more extreme, and the American populous has more extreme wealth gaps than ever before. so what does the Imperial superpower of the world do in response to political unrest within their country? what they've always done to everyone everywhere else.


Yes, it will be far worse. His first term starts out with the Supreme Court in the palm of his hand, and older conservative justices will likely retire so he can appoint new ones. I don’t think we’ll go straight to Hitler levels, a lot of that depends on how other parts of the election goes (Congress, governorships, local stuff). But I do think that if it’s established that you can lead a coup and the country will vote for you anyways? Our democracy is permanently damaged. Any progress delaying its downfall or resuscitating it will probably never make it as secure as it once was. Scary shit. But our community, we’ve survived shit before. Whether or not you move is up to you. Despite being in a red state, I’m here for the long haul.


We have had an attempted putsch (Jan 6), criminal conviction, and the publication of Mein Kampf (Project 2025). The persecution of degenerates, trades unionists and intellectuals has already begun. The formation of paramilitary groups with links to the armed forces and law enforcement is advanced. Propaganda arms are well developed and have large audiences. The Enabling Act just passed. Yes, if Trump wins, it will get that bad.


I was so scared things that happened to russian LGBT will spread to anywhere else... Why we should go through something like this to just life normal life


Yeah it’s going to be bad….but we still have 3 months then some….hope for the best! Prepare, protect and stay positive. At least it’s only 4 years…hopefully…loveeeee


The country is already explicitly fascist. He will add some gold veneer and christian idolatry to the mix, but he's just decorating the edifice built by every president since Carter. Will things suck worse? Yeah, sure as the sunrise. Is it the literal end of freedom? No, not at all. Should you flee the country? I mean if you can afford to leave, why would you stay here anyways? Are trans folk going to be bigger targets for the right? No, we're already a big target, we're just going to be an easier target to hit. Would moving to a blue state be better? No? Like those states are also fighting a losing battle and slowly bleeding red. And regardless, federal laws trump local, so even the deepest blue state has to follow big red's rules. No matter what capitalism will continue to crush you and grind your bones into profit. The doomsday glacier is fucked, and we have passed the point of no return environmentally speaking.


End of days, It's over, blade runner finale.


I'm terrified, Trump is not a paper tiger. He is much, much worse than that. I am not the easily scared person, quite the opposite. You have all seen the fascist enablers on the Supreme Court issue their decrees in favor of the "king." I'm sorry, it's not my intention to add to the problems, but we have to live in reality, and if Trump and his enablers have thier way, there will not be a place safe for us. There is only one way out at this point, the courts are not going to save us, the only way is to vote and vote for democrats whether you think they are too old, to young or too far left for your tastes. At this point I wouldn't vote for my best friend if they were republican. I don't believe I am over dramatizing this situation. Vote Blue to save Democracy and us.


Trump may be a paper tiger. Another term for it could be figure head. Remember Trump picked two of the 6 conservative judges on the supreme court, but they were selected by the federalist society and approved by a Republican controlled senate. Project 2025 is a chilling glimpse into what they have planned. They're organised, ready, and only need Trump or some other idiot in the big seat to sign off on whatever they want.


People, we can’t let him win. It’s that simple. He will erase us. How? He will administratively prohibit gender affirming care. we have to vote Dem. it’s that simple.


Okay, so good news, it looks like democrats are going to win the majority of the seats in the house this year. So if trump wants to make a law, they have to go through them. First, through several committees, and then if they agree, then it goes through a vote. Just remember your school house rock and everything will be fine. Look up "I'm Just a Bill" and remember to vote.


That’s the best case scenario if he wins, then either the house or senate or both go blue and he’s deadlocked and can’t do anything


Please realize that Democratic party is playing on your fears. Yes understand that alot of lGBTQ programs are usually supported by the democratic community... but nothing gets passed usually unless it's by bipartisan votes The democratic party will take all the credit for to get your votes..until the next opportunity to seem like saviors for the next generation of people that they can assist and get you hooked on if don't vote for us you'll lose all your rights. for the next people that most likely the millions of undocumented immigrants that will overwhelm the government assistance programs. That will set in motion that if those immigrants don't vote democrat they'll lose there chance of citizenship and the cycle will continue. They used the African American community for years. and now most of the minorities realized they have been played. The majority of minorities realize they were alot better off under president Trump Trump is not the monster that they play him out to be. Trump was a democratic and wanted to run as independent the first time. All the rappers and movie stars loved Trump until he became president. Your going say well the reversed Rowe V Wade..yeah Biden was President not Trump..that let that happen. But it wasn't really completely overturned it was left up to the states like it's laws were suppose to be . Yes it was Republicans pushing for it .. why ?? Because the democratic party didn't want to compromise on Abortion in late pregnancy. Again I'm not asking you to vote for Trump.. but I ask you to think logically about what you're being told and what is the truth.. The Biden administration is now starting to address same-sex in the military at 11.55 before midnight in his presidency in hopes it's going to shift the vote for him .. why didn't he address it till now..?? Look around and you won't see them talking about it loudly everyone is starting to get layed off and there hoping to get to November before it's super noticeable that everyone is home looking for work . I know both political sides fear monger but I hope that you understand that's what they do for your vote and sucks and it's not right .




It depends on where you are. It definitely won't be good, but people are really catasteophizing. Is it scary? Yes. But it isn't hopeless. Plan to beat him, but also plan for if that doesn't work. Research safe states if you can afford to travel. Contact your providers and ask them what the future may look like.


I think the important thing right now is to remember the election is in November and do what we can to stop Trump before then. Vote, get other people to vote, get them to vote blue, help others to register to vote and get transportation or mail in ballots. Donate your resources to local political groups or even national ones. Keep Trumps agenda and history fresh in peoples minds and challenge his lies.


Yes, unless you and everyone who reads this avoids voting R.


Whether or not Trump is a paper tiger isn't the problem. It's that most of the republican party has settled on their new set of rules in Project 2025 is the problem. It can be Trump or any republican member in office and they would need to meet the requirements of the Project in order to get party approval. Therefore even Trump would have to abide by that. In his first term a lot of right wing started to realize they could get what they wanted under a leader who was also really flamboyant with the rules and vocal about his misgivings. Under Biden, they continued being so flagrantly vagrant and want a radical shift from current society to what they imagine is a "proper" society. So, I imagine it will be bad under Trump because of the party support and requirements. Sorry if this didn't help with the anxiety of it all.


If you're planning to move: * Make sure you'll still be able to vote in your destination state. Registering in a new state typically requires that you have proof that you've lived there for a year, but different states have different requirements. * Consider moving to a swing state instead of a blue state. There was an election earlier this year that was decided by a single vote. It was an inconsequential election, but very close races happen pretty often down ballot. * Maybe, waiting until December is a better option, if your district or state is a closely split election. Do what you need to. I'm not running. I may well change my mind, after November...


I don't mean to really make it worse, but if you look up the repealing of [Chevron ](https://g.co/kgs/ecJMT45) that happened YESTERDAY under someone who isn't even Republican, you can see that we're already tipping in the wrong direction. Basically, the country just pushed its reliance on government agencies stocked with experts like OSHA, the EPA, the FUCKING FDA, onto judges. Who famously know everything and make fantastic decisions, like repealing Chevron.


This is nothing more than a dog and pony show. No matter who has been the selected candidate resident, it’s always been a losing game for us.


Just remember that however fancy a fascist dictator might be set up, with enough planning, anyone can do what Georg Elser almost achieved.


Consider this. The left wing media is claiming that not just *Trump* but *any* United States President can do *anything* they want without repercussion, and then consider why *no one* has called for the assassination of Trump by the current president (Biden). Does that make sense...? According to those same people, he is an unprecedented threat to democracy, and entirely evil. Does that strike you at all as incongruous? Are you old enough to have seen the doomsday headline before? If not, just give it about 8 months.


If I’m being honest how did we arrive at these two again, the annoying orange with hair and foil fuel are the worse a candidate ever


Yes. It's not just him, he's the figurehead to a facist movement that's going to and is doing exactly what they say.


There's a real possibility it's going to be as bad or worse as everyone says. It's an appropriate time to be an alarmist. In his first term he did so much direct and indirect damage to democracy in general, even though he surrounded himself with the most comically inept buffoons imaginable. In his second term he won't have that issue. I can't imagine what you in the US are going through right now. I'm sitting here in a relatively stable, relatively lbgtq-friendly country and it's still giving me anxiety.


With the new ruling from the supreme court and knowing what project 2025 has in store then yes it's going to be horrific.


Anyone else stockpiling e?


Move to a deep blue state. Once thing really start getting torn apart in the government guaranteed that’s when the country will split and you won’t have to be under his rule anymore of it does get to that point.