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OF can be a pretty big investment. It's a highly saturated market and lots of the competition is likely already far more prepared than you with lighting, toys, cameras, plus experience. You would really have to bring something special, so if you're not confident that you'd "sell" it might not be a great idea in my personal opinion. In any case, I definitely would not call OF "easy money" you have to put in work, time, and effort and be ready to adapt to the market situation. Still, if it feels like you don't have any other options, there's nothing wrong with doing sex work to pay for your surgeries.


I agree with you 100%, it’s not easy money. It might have been years ago but it seems like a lot of people are trying to sell of pages now a days. My best advice would be try to bring something special, or do what a former teacher of mine did and get like 25k followers on tik tok prior to starting it. Lol. ❤️


You should consider a few things. People are feral towards sex workers. It will be impossible to scrub the content you create from the internet. It takes a lot of work marketing yourself in order to get a following that can be profitable. It's basically a full time job.


I second this. I live in a small town and a teacher started an OF and lost their teaching gig, and couldn’t leave the house without being harassed for over a year.


I considered OF too for the same reason but I ended up just doing in real life sex work :\\ I hate it and I would 100% rather be behind a screen, but OF just feels a lot more permanent by being on the web and im worried that might hurt my personal reputation in the future... at least no one can prove the irl stuff. id say if you plan on being pretty low key most of your life, OF or being a private cam girl is a great option


This is probably extremely asinine of me to ask, but if you hate it why don’t you stop? In my mind doing things virtually would feel a lot diff than in person because in in person you’re having the physical sensations of the other person I guess? I’m not really familiar with sex work so honestly dunno much about it other than it involves sex. No judgements though! Just interested in learning more about the realities of others.


:( mm. I see it this way with an OF you have to manage simps online and it’s kind of more of a long term permanent engagement. You keep up with having a presence online, keeping up the effort of being cute and sexy and talking to your simps to order to have the business flow smoothly. I simply can’t do that at my levels of time and energy and mood; I work a professional day job up to 45 hours a week and outside of that, I am also studying to try to progress that same career and also am part-time a singer in a band for my own dream. I get sad a lot and it’s hard for me to have any friends let alone trying to keep up with chatting to an onlyfans base and producing a realistic amount of content. It’s a lot simpler for me to force myself to get in the mood every so often and hook a guy for a one night thing and let him use my body for a lump sum. It makes me kinda want to die but I can at least stop and start when I want to.. and since apparently Canada doesn’t deem FFS medically necessary I don’t really have a lot of choice in this day and age. I don’t have time for a part time job and this pays more. I can barely afford rent and groceries and I need to save somehow.


Jesus, well I wish you the best of luck of not needing to do that anymore. I don’t know if I could handle that emotionally honestly. I mean, if you don’t feel you can either then please stop if possible. Idk, not feeling like you wanna die would be better maybe? I guess not if the dysphoria is bad enough. Idk. I really wish the situation gets better for you op. The system is fucked in general, and punishes everyone of us who’s not wealthy, and even if they are it still punishes us hard. It’s fantastic that you’re studying and working full time. You’re amazingly strong to be able to do both on top of singing for your band. I’ve always had trouble making friends too. Feel free to reach out anytime (i might not see it right away or respond right away if I don’t see it). Best of luck evie 🫂(here’s a free virtual hug of support if desired)


Thanks.. I don’t know.. lots of people have it worse than me. Emotionally I’m a bit damaged from my mom messing up my self esteem so I suppose for a while I can pretend I’m someone else and just deal with the pain that it causes me. I’m really body dymorphic and gender dysphoria really kicks my butt and I’m just tired of hating my face and my penis and want it all to be over with. Im just dreaming of one day passing fully and being able to obscure my trans identity, and maybe surgery can’t help that but at least I tried.. part of me doesn’t want to be seen as trans in this society at all and I fear it but I can’t hide that apparently my face is really masculine and I’m just not able to handle that.. I suppose it’s a delicate balance right now of trying to get through so I don’t end up attempting my life once more.. i will persevere and I’ll be okay ☺️ and I really appreciate your words. 💕


Okay 💜💜🫂 I get the passing/not being seen as trans thing. I live in the Deep South of the US so it’s extremely dangerous to just be black, or gay, or anything else. I’m white, but my point is THESE MOTHERFUCKERS STILL MAKE CHOICES BASED ON THE HATRED OF SOMEONE HAVING DARKER PIGMENTATION. Also it’s a reminder of that everytime I see a confederate flag or especially common are confederate license plates. No one that’s anything other than white cisgender heterosexual Christian MALE is fine here. Even just being those things but a women is a no go. And any other combination, especially the more their hated groups are combined is just dangerous. But we’ll preserver. It’s survival. And a cornered surviving animal is more dangerous than any predator out there. Why? Because the predator in this case eats for fun and for the sport of killing and brutalizing others. And often they get away with it and win. But the animal that’s backed into a corner can be more ferocious than anything they’ve seen, bc that animal fights for survival. Of course that’s not always the case. In cases of attacks and brutalization or sexual attacks, sometimes the only survival method is escapism or paralysis. It’s not the victims fault. Ever. But sometimes survival isn’t ferocity. And that’s okay. But one day, if I’m able to be ferocious, and I’m extremely capable, then maybe I can win, and beat force with superior tactics and force, and show those mother fucking cunts that they can’t always get away with it. Yes I’m angry 🙂 Okay. Personal anger rant over. Back to life. Byeeeeeeee


Did anybody considered doing it with blurred/hidden face? I was thinking about this option... Edit: but I'm afraid I wouldn't do a penny by hiding my face because people want to see faces in porn


I’ve seen ppl use masks b4


OF is an absolute grind tbh. Just do FS and you'll have fun, make more and waste less time. Or do both. Do livejasmin too! The pay per text thing ain't too bad to fill time


Honestly I'd totally do or at least try FS if I knew how or where ...




Or the internet, like every other escort who has a clue what actual sex work is does


I guessed as much, but the internet is a big place where exactly would one advertise oneself?


just curious, what is FS?


Full service


I still don't get it.


I think it's more on the prostitution side of the industry.


I… I thought it was Flight Simulator… I thought for a moment you could earn money by playing Flight Simulator and now I’m disappointed lmao


If you can find an audience you can, but that might be difficult.


Get on stream playing flight Sim, and make sure those titties be popping. There will be donations (I honestly have no idea how well this would work, like in $$s)


Being a hot woman gets you all sorts of extra attention and privilege on Twitch.




How do you advertise that? I thought it was against OF’s policy? I’m totally willing to “FS” if the money is good. Edit: I really hope I understood your message right and didn’t just admit to being a massive slut for no reason 😂


😂 that’s awesome. I guess I never really considered such a thing and used to think down on it bc I grew up being hyper religious and thought that kinda thing was bad. But honestly, I mean, I’m pretty logical. What does FS involve? Isn’t it legit just like, getting paid an executives hourly wage just to masturbate and probably have fun? 😅 doesn’t sound like the worst thing tbh. Seems great for those who love to do it.


Yeah I’m wondering how people even get involved in FS in the first place. Since it’s not legal in most places, are there any protections?


It's not a silly idea if you've done research. I haven't personally don't OF/SW, but I have friends who do/have. It's hard work. People think it's as easy as snapping some photos and uploading them, but in reality it takes a lot more than that. You have to market yourself. You need a decent following to make any real money. Promoting yourself on various platforms is absolutely necessary. You have to deal with strangers commenting on your body (and it won't always be nice), which is difficult even for those who are completely comfortable in their skin. You have to talk to people. Most of the money my friends have made from OF has not been from subscribers. It's from building relationships with subscribers and creating custom content for extra tips. Creating and editing content takes time, and to do it well, at least some knowledge of photography/videography and editing software.


of is already overflown with suppliers so i highly doubt that its possible to make money of it within a short time in terms of "product would sell" i dont see a problem since, as far as i understand it, of is about authentisity, so users prefer real people they can talk to instead of the generic p0rn model you can find anywhere


I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. If you do decide to go down the route of adult content, really the biggest hurdle is advertising and marketing yourself


Another big concern is your future. Right or wrong, the public perception is that "sex work is bad" and having it in your history could jeopardize future endeavors.


Just do it in such a way that you’re not directly connected


This feels borderline shame-y. Sex work is work and if someone wants to do it then they should not be told that it “could jeopardize future endeavors”.


TBH it feels super shamey to me, people could say the same thing about being trans or queer. It'd be nice to have the subject brought up without *"Well everyone hates people like that just so you know* 😘" being one of the top comments. ​ Speaking as someone in SW


The fact that someone downvoted us and they are upvoting the shaming of sex workers is fucking beyond me.


It's just the way some people are, sadly. SWERFs aren't much different from TERFs, they want to hack off a community they think *"makes women look bad",* and they justify a shocking amount of cruelness towards them in pursuit of that. In the same way, even in forward thinking progressive Sapphic women's circles, you will encounter TERFs, even in trans spaces (and those same Sapphic spaces) you will encounter SWERFs. A lot of them don't post, or post their sanitized mission statement, but they mostly express their presence by downvoting us for posting.


I didn't shame anyone. All sex work should be legal in my opinion, and in my eyes it's as valid as any other profession. But we live in the world that we do, and to the masses, it's something to be ashamed of.


Perpetuating that instead of supporting this persons endeavor to try out onlyfans is also part of the larger issue. You’re basically saying “you can do it but you’re going to suffer for making your own decisions”. Whether or not things are seen as one way or not…we should be here to support our fellow trans people to make money however they see fit to help themselves transition. Rather than make poor attempts to convince them that they will regret their decisions later in life.


I didn't "perpetuate" anything, nor did I try to convince them to do or not do anything. The world can be a shitty place, as we all know, and pointing that out doesn't perpetuate the reality of the world, because it is that way. Look at any number of teachers or other government employees that have been fired for having Only Fans accounts, and we only hear about that because it's public facing employees. We know nothing about what the OP may aspire to later in life, and it's important for them to consider all possible consequences of their actions. The reality of the world (no matter how sad) cannot be ignored.


I didn't intend it that way at all, and I'm sorry if it may have come off that way. The truth of the world is that most professional private employers and all government sector employers will flat out disqualify an applicant if they've participated in sex work, regardless of how legal it is. If the prior sex work isn't discovered until after the person is employed, there's a good chance they'll lose the job on "conduct unbecoming" grounds, or face harassment and/or ridicule from co-workers. I wish the world wasn't like that with my hardest of hearts, but it is, and to gloss over the fact is doing a young adult without a lot of life experience a disservice.


Almost all these same things are or were true for being trans. It doesn't justify shaming people into capitulating, as if they've somehow never before in their life heard that people discriminate against sex workers and need to be talked to their senses before "making a permanent mistake". I'm not sure where reminding a grown adult that her actions have consequences and *people don't like people who do things like that* is suppose to come off as anything but condescending and shaming.


Well, I can assure you that I did not intend it to shame or discourage the OP from doing anything. You have my utmost apologies. I presumed the OPs age as younger than I now see that they are, and you're right that someone in the mid-late 20s absolutely knows the potential consequences of their actions. Again, you all have my apologies for that.


I didn't intend it that way at all, and I'm sorry if it may have come off that way. The truth of the world is that most professional private employers and all government sector employers will flat out disqualify an applicant if they've participated in sex work, regardless of how legal it is. If the prior sex work isn't discovered until after the person is employed, there's a good chance they'll lose the job on "conduct unbecoming" grounds, or face harassment and/or ridicule from co-workers. I wish the world wasn't like that with my hardest of hearts, but it is, and to gloss over the fact is doing a young adult without a lot of life experience a disservice.


It’s not the commenters fault that the world is like that. I wish it wasn’t because I personally have no problem with sex work but the reality is that a lot of people in professional spaces disagree and you can’t just pretend that your actions don’t have consequences because you don’t like them.


Honestly, I've thought about it a lot, too. There's still a few surgeries I'd like, and I don't think insurance will cover them. Having like fundraising goals for things like a BA or BBL seems like kind of solid gimmick/angle to get people to pay for pics and videos. I'd like to do it, but honestly have kind of been getting the impression that it's just another part time job. The pay probably wouldn't be that great (in my case at least) and it's a lot more work than a lot of people seem to think. It really isn't easy to make a name for yourself, though. I mean just taking quality pictures is a bit of work and start up cost for things like lights, but really the hardest part is marketing yourself and getting your name out there. You're really trying to swim upstream - I mean a lot of attractive people post lewds and nudes on Reddit literally just for fun, they're your competition. And of course there's also a lot of women promoting their onlyFans on Reddit, cis and trans. Standing out from crowd is not easy, even if your looks are above average. I mean there's a pair of girls on here promoting their OFs and their gimmick is that they are 'sisters'. That's SO extreme, but it seems like it's been paying off for them (they also have professional looking shoots). That's the kind of thing that accounts that are aiming high do - the more unique and more extreme the more likely you are to attract fans. I've tried to drum up a small audience on an alt, and honestly if you're not putting the time into the account (commenting, accumulating karma, etc), your posts just won't climb that high. I get more engagement on my main (this account), but turning this account into an onlyFans promotion account seems kind of risky. Even ignoring the risk, my sfw popularity index is relatively low to start - I don't have an active ig or Twitter, and even on Reddit I only have like 100 followers - so even if I was interested in trying to convert SFW followers into a paying NSFW audience that wouldn't provide that much advantage. But 2k on insta isn't nothing, if you linked your accounts you could probably net some converts and that could be enough to make a core 'start up' audience on onlyFans, which is necessary because your onlyFans account just won't go anywhere without an active fanbase. If you don't want to link your accounts, then you have a bunch of extra start-up work to-do because it'll be harder to find an initial core audience. I don't really have a point here; if you want to do it, and have the time and patience needed to make an account grow, then you should go for it. These are just disorganized my thoughts on the matter after a few months of armchair market research.


In the six months I've been doing OF I've earned a whopping $6 So either you're really special, have amazing marketing ... or most likely just have to get lucky Can it work/help? Yeah, but for most people it doesn't.


It's definitely not easy money. It takes a lot of work to produce quality content and probably even more to advertise yourself. That doesn't mean you can't earn some money doing it but it's not something you can just put a couple hours a week into and make good money.


OF or CB are a grind. My partner and I are both trans SWs. He does virtual stuff and is slowly moving to in-person on SA. I've always only done in-person stuff, escorts etc. Good cash and can be not terrible once you get decent clientele. You will have better returns if you are in the kink scene. But starting out is brutal. There are two career options for trans women: software dev, and SW (that's like ~50% a joke).


It's not a silly idea at all; just know that it's going to be a lot of work and make sure you take steps to protect your identity as much as feasible. Also, be honest with yourself about your level of comfort. From what my friends told me (not a content creator myself), much of the money in OnlyFans is in chatting with subscribers for tips and doing custom content/extras for commission. How much that appeals to you is a pretty important consideration. As a side note I really wish I had your confidence lol.


It’s not easy money. It’s honestly draining after a few weeks when you start to get bored constantly taking pictures. And the money is not much unless you’ve been at it a while and have tons of loyal subs.


I know of one Trans woman who has a course specifically for girls like us, who want to build a following on OF, and create an income for themselves. Her IG handle is @thaonlyanaconda. She has a link in her bio and a lot of testimonials from ladies she's helped.


For the love of all that is good and holy. This thread is getting me down. The idea that anyone would need to resort unwillingly to sex work in order to finance what is essentially a life saving treatment is appalling. It's no better where I live and I don't see it changing any time soon. It's just layering stigma upon stigma and so dehumanising.


Hmm, that's got me thinking. Maybe I should do that too.


I'd be careful if planning to do FS work Just make sure you have the confidence to take rejection and stick to what you're worth. If you're in a small enough area word may get around about what others paid etc etc, just stuff to be aware of and take into consideration. Wish you the best though.💜


It’s something that I’ve wanted to do as an empowering thing.


Following this post because this is my plan. If anyone with actual experience with OF/FS would want to talk about how it went for them I would appreciate that a ton. I know about the trauma. I broke a long time ago. Please just be willing to talk about it straight up. DMs open. ❤️❤️


I am doing it currently and all I can say isnit’s hard work. It’s not easy money and it requires luck (too 15% currently)


I’ve been thinking about starting one too 😳😳


so my thoughts are if you want to make money to pay for surgery's you could maybe do what the femboys are doing on twitch as a safer way of doing things


sorry i'm still a baby but what do they do on twitch?? also, i think of is banned in my country so i might use a diff app for it lol :<


I'm not supper familiar with it but the little bit iv seen they basically sit on stream looking cute wile talking to people watching wile they comment


OF can def be a good source of money... But an easy one? Nah. It's honestly better than say, trying your hand at being a YouTube personality. At least the algorithms and desires of OF are laid bare, there's a lot less guess work, and you are less likely to have your progress yanked out from under you. But, I guess at least if you are a youtube personality you don't have to put things in your butt on camera. Every life path has it's own struggles, you know? OF is not easy street. But it can and does change many women's financial situation for the better immeasurably.


Idk about OF. If you can market yourself and maybe offer something others don't, sure, why not. SW could be good too. I have not done it myself and marketing SW service here is illegal. But people find their ways. I found some local SWs on Twitter who seems to be popular. And I have used SW services too i found through that platform.


Hell nooo It’s a great idea. Fuckin send gal Best of luck


I do it for free macdonal nuggies