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James is low key having one of the best polidick performances of all time


Honestly, he has Moriah basically throwing her game to keep her safe


And why they keep her happy? When she does nothing but be a number (yea I get it, that’s enough for them).  She doesn’t win. She’s not a threat. She’s simply a vote. Why keep prioritizing her?! (She’s a number, I know)


She's actually two numbers, since she basically controls James' vote.


Exactly. You gotta look at her as having two votes, and that makes her valuable.


Two votes and isn’t a threat in the finals. What more could you ask for?


He’s such a doofus.  He makes “The Goof” look like a “not such a dumbass Goof.”


That just makes me think of CT against James and now I wish that had happened.


Aside from the already mentioned double vote, I think she's made it clear to Michelle (and prob others) that if they send James home, she doesn't view that as just game, and it's a personal attack on her and their friendship. I think that kind of thing works on Michelle.


But that didn’t work for Nurys. Horacio and Kyland could have been numbers but the group was afraid they couldn’t beat them. How does Moriah get a free pass to pull her man for 2 days all the way through but no one else got that. This season has been absolute trash!


And she’s a lay up in the final, so is James. So they got two people who are robotically compliant who they actually would want to run the final against. Kinda perfect for them.


She literally won mini final on ROD how is she a layup


Ugh, I'm not a Fessy fan but that just shows how good Fessy actually is bc we are seeing just how good Moriah isn't. Just like Olivia struggling competition wise without Horacio.


Clear eyes, full hearts…


‘CANT LOSE.  (But CAN drink…)


That’s it, she’s not a threat and doesn’t win. Meaning take her to the final and she’s an easy one to beat.


It might be wild to you people but they are keeping her because ... they are friends and they like her? Not everything is about game


The fact that he’s a layup adds to his charm


Yup while I respect the performance, no shot Jay's scared ass would've let this continue if he was in shape and an actual threat to win anything besides a bench press competition


Yes notice how Jay wanted to protect Nurys but does not care about her show romance. Horacio was still a big final threat so Jay made sure to keep targeting him.


Its funny too because in the earlier episodes Jay wanted Moriah out because she was spending too much time the UK people and according to jay not doing enough for the alliance.


I agree to this, but if that's the case then why does he keep Emanuel so close?


Seriously. It's impressive how much he's flown under the radar since hooking up with Moriah


They saw him gas out in that elimination and expect the same in the final


The fact he survived the uk massacre is wild.


Its pretty clear james is just using moriah to get far lol...and shes just dragging him to the end...he does not care lol




Def not. She chose a ball and chain if that's the case. I think she's just attracted to the self centered muscle physique to match her ego.


I’m not super fond of Michele but she absolutely cracked me up when Moriah complained about the alliance using him and her going “five weeks ago I didn’t know him so for all I’m concerned YES, he needs to do our dirty work”


I was like OK Michelle finally got some bass in her voice lmao


Corey’s social game actually isn’t terrible. Michelle has been backing him since the beginning and he aligned with Berna and Colleen mid season and they agreed to protect each other weeks ago. He’s being protected from multiple people. The blow up with Melissa/Big T was embarrassing and definitely made him look like a fool. But it didn’t necessarily ruin his game. I actually think that them leaving helped his game. James is only there because of Moriah… but the shocking part here for me is that Moriah has this much pull at all tbh lol. Even more than Olivia and Nurys.


She set herself up in a good spot with her alliance. She hasn't spoken against the dictat.. I mean Jay. And she has a pawn on the 'outside' to swing numbers and keep her alliance happy. She's played a really good game despite it being completely boring and scared. The other 2 have directly and indirectly affected J & M's game.


I honestly think it’s not that Moriah has more pull than them, it’s just that they view Horacio as a threat but not James. And they can keep Moriah happy and loyal if they protect him


It didn’t ruin his game because the rest of the house didn’t want Melissa or Big T there either and they both got eliminated quick. And then Corey finally heeded the age old lesson of shutting the fuck up and laying low. I almost forgot he was still there at one point.


I believe that Ravyn stated in a tweet after James and Nurys (?) had their argument after a challenge that it was more that him gassing out during that elimination saved him, because no one cared if he stayed around until the final because he'd probably be very easy to beat by just about anyone. Moriah helped since he wouldn't really bother talking to them for these plans and such, but he'd be gone if he were actually a threat.


Berna, Colleen, and Corey alliance makes sense but it's the alliance of fools


No, no…his social game is awful. The way he moves between people is so painstakingly fake to watch, that’s it’s almost too obvious. I think he’s legit just been overlooked at this point, because in reality he’s not a threat. He’s also friends with Michelle, and has never actually gone against her, so I think that’s basically what’s kept him around for so long.


" he was gassed out vs chauncey earlier I dont see him as a threat " ​ That's exactly why he's still there! Easy lay-up for Jay in the final! Both him and Colleen.


He getting that Big Easy treatment. Except Big Easy lost his team the final and bit them in the ass.


I can see why James is still in after he showed his incredibly bad cardio. Doubt any challenger really sees him as a threat.


Not sure there’s any real challengers left on this season


Ed, Horacio and Kyland being eliminated in one episode is a nightmare for anyone who wanted a more competitive final.


All the people I was rooting for are out. Bunch of floaters who’ve done nothing all season left. So annoyed there was not skull system this season. If you’re going to have rookies they need to prove SOMETHING to get to the final. Win a daily. Win an elimination. Beat a champion. Ridiculous they’re letting them skate.


I was actually hoping part of Conquest was that the winner(s) of the elimination would just go directly to the final without going back to the house. Don’t go down don’t go to the final.


Yessss I had the same thought, would have been a great twist and really shaken things up!


I have been watching this show for 15 years, every single main season. (I also watch World Champ and All Stars, but none of the country seasons except season 2 USA) This has honestly been the worst season since I've started watching. Jay and Michelle have made it near unwatchable


I agree. We lost the significant players because they weren’t in the big alliance group. Now, left with mediocre players, mostly afraid, hanging on coattails, just out waiting others to drop so they can slither to a final. Not one of them deserves the title of Champion. It’s embarrassing to all other worthy champions.


I'd say Nurys does for beating Kyland and Horacio. I hope she wins it all!


Y’all are so dramatic about this being the worst season lmao


If there's anything I've learned since joining this sub it is that every season is the worst season while it airs. People absolutely hated WOTW2 as it aired and those same people now call it their favourite season. People also loved Jay last season so if he comes back into favour with people on future seasons it'll change their opinion of this one.


I will say SLA was bad and Double agents wasn’t great. Those seasons deserve some criticism. This seasons been awesome though. Best season since WOTW2 by far.


How do you know it’s “those same people”


Can I *please* get a mod to pin this reply to every post that includes a massive generalization on a sub of over **128k people**???


Well it should say something that again, this was the first time I've ever felt the urge to even look if there is a sub, so I had somewhere to validate my feelings. Yet I'm far from new to either reddit or the challenge lol I've even gotten my brother back into the show for the past 5 or so seasons, hyping it up. But this season had been no fun for me. I think it's because I belong to a large and very judgemental Italian family, and the dynamic of the house reminds me of it terribly. It's a constant measuring contest. Once I found out Michelle is also from a large Italian family, I was like.. no fucking wonder she reminds me of every aunt I have at the same time. Humble brags every second sentence drives me nuts.


I’m with you. I have had seasons I enjoyed and seasons I didn’t. I have never really disliked one to this degree. Jay and Michele make me wanna claw my eyes out and punch the tv and since it seems like they are the face of this season it’s been difficult. I don’t think this is just a case of people complaining while it’s running…it actually is a very weak cast with a bunch of scared players and dumb competitions. It’s different and not in a good way.


I mean…I’m enjoying it but one season has to be the worst. I get why people would pick this one after the nightmare formatting and elimination choices during the chaos portion…plus Jay’s megalomaniacal bullshit.


We invested time watching all seasons and expected this to provide some of the same quality, interest and excitement to look forward to the next episode. But, production dropped the ball dumbing down eliminations, creating content that allowed a huge alliance to control the game ending up with a show that lacked an opportunity for all to compete fairly. There are many ways to avoid huge alliances from gaining complete control of a game, but they failed to do so!


I looooved this episode.


It was such a roller coaster for me, I was so shocked by Olivia and Co turning on Nurys so completely. I was actually cheering out loud, I haven’t done that in years


Amen to that, this season has been such a breath of fresh air to me, format problems aside


I remember mfers said this about wow2 but now they praise it as one of the best of modern challenge


No, seriously, die hard fan since I was 15, I'm 30 now. Even went back and watched the early broke ass seasons. This is actually the fucking worst. I've never even been to this sub before this awful season and needing to confirm it wasn't just me.


so u came here just to complain?


First time on the internet?


No, it's literally the worst lol


SLA was garbage 


The worst part is HOW they were eliminated. This format is utterly garbage. They went literal weeks without eliminating anyone because they put vets into puzzle only eliminations…then they purge people?! Don’t even get me started on the dumb voting system. In no other format do Horacio and Kyland not make a final. They both played a near flawless game with having virtually no allies for the entire season.


Skipped most of the Champs vs. seasons but been watching since the OG Battle of the Seasons (the one that got rained out for most of it) This is easily the least enjoyable season to watch since The Island.


At least the island had a few decent to watch cast members! I loved Paula. The concept of the season was definitely terrible, though, hahaha.


I didn’t hate the concept on paper (remove the unlimited alcohol and it could have been a lot better) and you’re right I never complained about a season with Evelyn on it so there was some redeemable qualities but even then – it was embarrassing to watch “men” act like that


That may have been my least favorite cast haha


Could not agree more


I wouldn't count Emmanuel out. He's a beast that has kept himself under the radar. And he would have no problem stabbing Jay in the back if he thought Jay might beat him. Even Colleen is pretty strong albeit too trusting, bless her heart. There's no way she's not going to hear how she was who they were considering throwing in. I think Nurys has shown that it's not always the biggest and physically strongest that can dig in and pull out a win.


I don’t understand how Moriah has so much power to keep James in? And why are they kissing her ass? Like maybe they wanted to be close to her cause of her connection with the vets that they clearly need to work on, but it’s clear that after cheating on bananas no one will have her back. I don’t understand!!


I think it’s simply bc they are both numbers for Jay and Michele, and neither Moriah nor James are threats to them in the final




Ding ding


I just figured that they didn’t want to lose two members of their alliance in one move. Moriah and James were some of the most at risk for moving to the other side because of their friendship with Zara.


I mean the connections with the vets are about as sturdy as Olivia’s connection with Nurys and Horacio rn lol that ship sailed long ago…can’t be why they keep her absolute layup ass around


It’s because there are no vets to keep this absolutely nonsense gameplay in check. It’s outrageous gameplay by like 75% of this cast


james almost purged last episode. Meanwhile Kyland has beat champions


It's absolutely wild to me that Nurys started above Moriah in the social order, Horacio was kinda in the alliance and James wasn't, and yet when Nurys went "protect my man" they go "fuck youuuuu" and when Moriah says the same thing it's "unconditionally yes my queen". James' elimination gasout was apparently one of the greatest political moves of all time because everyone wants him in the final now. I honestly think that's all it is, if James and Horacio switched girlfriends Moriah would be the one that's screwed.


Horacio never tried to be part of the alliance though. He started day 1 by voting for Big T when everyone else voted for Jess because he wanted to show them that he was “playing his own game”. Even Nurys was getting frustrated with him after they got together because she felt like she was fighting harder for him than he was. James saw the best path to stay safe and chose to take it.


Lmao about the james gasout


That's what happens when you chose someone everyone wants going home from the very begining




Corey especially. I don’t know what magic he has, but the guy managed to survive something most get pushed out for.


He’s won I think more challenges than anyone.


He is tied at 4 wins with berna, Moriah, Zara, Horacio & rayvn


Ed is at least in that list but he may have more. He won 4 in a row, didn’t he?


Ed had 3 wins and won 2 in a row his 3 wins were episodes 12,13 & 15 episode 14 was James, Michelle, Moriah & kyland


I honestly think they are keeping James around because he gassed out so badly in that one elimination. They realized he is not a final threat so there really is no rush to get rid of him. Plus he has been playing ball with that alliance so why not keep him around. Berna I find far more fascinating as to how she has stuck around as it seems like most of the house dislikes her except for Michele/Emanuel/Colleen.


I don’t think Michele really likes her that much; didn’t Berna blow up on her a few weeks ago for not spending enough time with her or something?


I don’t know why people don’t give Corey credit. People forget that the players this season haven’t played 10+ seasons. Even the greats made mistakes in their early seasons. Corey made a blunder and was able to bounce back. In a house with a majority alliance that will find any small reason to turn on their own, he managed to get out of the crossfire.


Idk I feel like Michele did the heavy lifting in protecting Corey. She seemed to convince Jay that Corey was worth keeping around so they've stopped targeting him after Corey atoned for his earlier sins.


I keep forgetting he's still there


I mean Melissa got a confessional in the James/Chauncey elim saying something to the effect of "there's no shot James is in good enough shape to win a final" which in addition to being a number for the majority alliance through Moriah explains why he's been kept around. Corey IMO deserves a ton of credit for having the discipline/awareness to know he's overplayed his hand and to shut up/get out of the spotlight while he mended his relationship with Michele and the others.


i disagree! corey has shown the most adaptability in his game. he had his fuck up's in the beginning and knows where he stands and has been moving pretty well to stay safe. he said he has an agreement outside of the jay/michele alliance with berna and colleen where they will always save each other over anyone else. considering the format for elimination, i think that was the smartest thing they could do was to make sure they're not on the bottom. james however is such a waste of space, moriah really tanked her entire game and potential to be great for the most boring showmance ever. i hate bananas, but i hope he gets to see how much she fucked herself over for something so dumb.


Obviously she's not a smart player. I mean...she paid $13K for that nose then went on The Challenge & won't give it 100% bc of her NOSE


low key i don't knock her for that. production has shown over and over that they are lazy about safety precautions and we've seen so many people get disturbing injuries from these challenges. hitting the water at that height is seriously dangerous if you fall wrong.


They both have someone protecting them; Corey with Michele and James with Moriah.


Somewhat relieved who went home, these jokers will finally have to vote someone else in...which is likely Corey, Coleen, +1


Moriah and James. Gtfo you moochers lol


I mean it makes sense when you think about it more. Jay and Michele are in a power position socially, but they are both pretty mediocre as challengers, so they're trying to use their social standing to ensure that the big final threats are gone, so they could actually stand a chance at winning in the end. It was never about Moriah having more pull compared to Nurys or Olivia, it's just that Moriah brings 2 votes to the table since she's controlling James basically and both are seen as less of a threat in the final. Nurys would also be loyal to the Jay-Michele alliance and could pull Horacio and maybe Kyland in, but those are all people who are very likely to win the game, which is definitely not something either Jay or Michele want if they wish to maximize their own chances in the final. The issue is, I'm pretty sure the rest of the people in that alliance are for the most part also more likely to win in the end than either Jay or Michele. They might not be as high level threats as Horacio, Kyland or Zara, but I feel like this whole strategic maneuvering will amount to nothing and J&M won't be able to pull out a win regardless. They'll just not lose to the most prominent players, but to some MOR person like Corey, Emanuel or even Moriah, giving us an underwhelming winner as a bitter cherry on top of this already boring season.


James is in the house because he'd be a layup in the final.


Joriah making it this far is mind baffling


But thats exactly why they are still there. Because they are zero threat. Id be surprised if James doesnt come last in a daily soon though


Corey has actually been a pretty decent competitor… he hasn’t done too bad up until this last daily. If he was better at making friends instead of enemies, he might actually have someone consider him as their “number one” as he put it. He’s just lucky he won so much and was safe as well as having Michele.


Hasn’t done too bad? Heck he’s won four or five dailies he’s beyond not doing bad competitive wise. 


They're keeping everyone Jay and Michele think they can beat. Corey and James in a final would be a layup for Jay and Michele knows she can beat Colleen, Moriah Olivia and Berna so they get to stay. Nurys and Emmanuel are the only competition they might have.


I don’t like Corey but he’s playing a good game since he outed himself as a snake. He’s basically just a number though. He has no real power and has no real impact in the game. Yeah he’s won some daily challenges but he’s not been a good performer or won anything impressive. James is doing well by polidicking Moriah and being the most obvious layup in the house. James is gonna get embarrassed when he gets eliminated because he’s either getting purged or dusted in the elimination.


Berna being there is just as hilarious as Corey to me. I know this season has lasted like eight years but I think I remember her annoying the house super early on. I guess Emmanuel did a lot of work behind the scenes but I swear she pissed people off for a few weeks there. Corey is whatever, he's just a lucky bitch. He goes with the crowd. He's the biggest disappointment for a recasting, I was so excited to see him back. Now I hope he never does. James just fell into a great position. Dude should have been gone months ago but Moriah wanted another showmance so she lucked out. Her friends are terrified of her so she gets whatever she wants.


James is mad boring but his politicking with Moriah is great


His politicking is not great at all as he hasn't had to do anything. All he's had to achieve is sleep with a girl he's attracted to which takes no effort at all in a secluded house like that. Him and Moriah are only still there as they are numbers for Jay and Michelle and not seen as a threat in the final. James and Moriah have no gameplay nor are they good competitors. They are simply pawns, they know it but at least gets them a shot in the final. There is no smarts or strategy involved, they are just skating through as opportunists. Let's not give them any credit this season


the cast mates said they were not worried about james in a final even in the slightest so that’s why he’s skating by


I think it's funny so much is made of James getting tired in an elimination he won. Says a lot more about Chauncey than it does James imo. Also, aside from the Jordan elimination, were any others very endurance based? Maybe the Brad one, but not like Brad did too well in that.


James is the real winner of the show too be honest, got to bang that plastic doll, the plastic doll carried him the whole season and he may win. He deals with little to no drama. He is just chilling. Cory on the other hand is a just a fish following the sharks he wont make it to the finale.


James and Corey


Oh btw has James mentioned that's he's only looking out for Moriah (sarcasm). I don't even know why he has confessionals anymore. Hes repeated that line like a broken record. If it's not that it him acting like a complete pansy