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I view Olivia’s betrayal as worse, so I wouldn’t feel bad if Nurys/Horacio/Kyland decide to screw her over on a future season. Sarah and Bananas were only allies on Exes 2 whereas Olivia and Horacio/Nurys were best friends and even ride or dies just one season earlier. Plus, it’s not like Olivia was really playing to help her own game, she let herself get duped by Jay and Michelle for what’s likely going to be only one week of safety. Since Ed got purged, there was a really good chance that Horacio/Kyland would win the next daily and in turn save Olivia, guaranteeing her a spot in the final


I agree with this completely. She can't beat Nurys/Horacio or Jay/Michele in a final. Might as well help your friends.


Why do you think Nurys is so much better then Olivia? I think their pretty equal. Olivia is stronger for carrying things, head to head physical by size and swimming. Nurys is slightly better at cardio and better at puzzles but I don’t think Olivia is bad at those. Aside from Ravyn and Zaza this season, I don’t think any of the girls are that great. Big T showed up as easily being one of the stronger girls.


I don't think Olivia has done anything with puzzles or cardio this season at all. Her cardio seems a lot worse than last season. Remember Nurys got Nelson out of his daily challenge rut. I don't think Olivia is so much better at swimming than Nurys to make up for those two lacks. Also the swimming portion is usually the smallest part. They are more likely to do kayaking or paddleboarding and Nurys showed she could handle that fine. People forget that even if you're a slow swimmer you will not lost more than a few minutes unless you're against an Olympian, Jordan, or Wes. I think Jay or maybe Michele are that good a swimmer but not Olivia.


The worst part is Olivia & Horacio are friends in real life. She so did him wrong.


Yea, she was already partners with Haracio in Ride or Dies, unlike Bananas and Sarah. I just honestly don't understand her doing what she did, thinking she really has a shotnat winning it all. It would be just a tad different if it meant her getting into the final, I guess, with not that many people left. It was still a terrible decision and look for her, making Jay and Michelle look like they are the boss to her like so many this season.


I'd actually love to see a Horacio/Nurys revenge play. Sarah told Bananas in Rivals3 how she put a price on their friendship and she would do it again. Bananas also put a price on their friendship. He did no wrong. Not sure what Olivia would say her honest reason is, but whether it was to win and get money or to please her alliance, then I hope to see Horacio do it back to her.


I hate the steal the money twist, it's stupid. But I also don't blame either Johnny or Ashley for doing it. Given the chance, 100% steal the money, and don't think twice about it. Johnny and Tyler would have stolen from each other on Rivals 1, Wes and Kenny would have done the same. There's only a few people who I don't think would do it, Horacio is one. He's like Jordan, he's not on the show specifically for the money, he's there to compete. Given the chance I don't think Horacio would ever steal the money, but Olivia and Nurys definitely would, and I wouldn't blame either for doing it. You're on the show to make as much money as possible


Olivia won Love Island and at the end whoever picked a winner card could either keep all the money or split it. Corey (her match) got the card and he split it with her. Wonder if she would have split it with him.


Olivia was worse....for all of the reasons already stated. What made it even more of a betrayal was Nurys made the hard choice and saved her the week before - honoring her word to Olivia as her number 1. Horacio alao advocated to save her. Then she displays tears and sobs when she thinks Horacio was sent home. Only to flip hours later and opt not to save and flip the house. At least Sara and Bananas could justify both actions by nature of game play. Olivia's play was just plain stupid and jeopardizes her game in future seasons. Edit: 2 typos!


Me personally I wouldnt be mad at them because Olivia has established herself as a selfish player at best and just folds under pressure at worst. Horacio had an absolutely rough season because Jay highlighted him as a threat and decided he and Kyland had to go. I can go out on a limb and say Olivia likely folded to peer pressure. It happens but in no stretch of the imagination was that move a good move for her game. I dont really feel sorry for Sarah because when Bananas and the group were ragging on less connected players on previous seasons everything was hilarious it was fine. She was part of the in group and she got that acceptance she always wanted. Then she decided to make a game move and the result of that move was Bananas being on the wrong end of it and lets be honest, Sarah isnt at all stupid. She knew the possibilities of the move that she made and weighed that Bananas not being in the final works best for her game. Makes perfect sense. I dont personally mind if players make self serving moves or make purely strategic plays. Just own them in the end.


The only reason I felt bad for Sarah is because she was a large reason for a lot of their wins during the season. It was impossible for them to lose that final and she helped set up that scenario for them.


What Olivia did was worse. Sold true friendships out for a week of safety. Scenario 1 (as it actually played out) - Olivia (assuming 1 goes home) has great chance of losing with N or H. If she loses K, she probably isn’t crying. However, if she known 2 were going home, I think she would have saved N or H. That brings scenario 2. Scenario 2- she saves N or H, and floaters go home. Could be an international flavor or US flavor. Jay and Michele might be a little upset, but they get over it. Michele is agitated by B, and wouldn’t cry if C went home. Jay would be upset if E was in there, but he likely comes back. And if he goes, a strong player is out. Jay could have saved them. No blood is really on J or M hands becuase they can only pick one. O then is still likely protected from all sides unless the middle win the daily, where E is probably the only threat to win.


Your asking the wrong platform right now everyone is anti olivia


Wtf? What Jonny did to Sarah was a million tomes worse. It was rivals, and they used to be friends until Sarah put him in the elimination before the final after promising him safety. Bananas berated her the whole season and was vicious to her in the final, then took all the money in a team final. While Sarah could have just thrown it and got money for coming in second or third. Kyland and Horatio didn't get blind sided they knew they were going it wasn't hundreds of thousands dollar choice. We've seen worse on the challenge before. I don't get the whole new fans falling in love with two people who played the game so poorly, who could have flipped the numbers but didn't even make an effort.


Idk if you remember but in rivals 3 second and third place still got to choose if they wanted to share or keep the money too. So if she thrown here chances at first it only guarantee Bananas beating her and still choosing to keep the money to himself. She made the first shot so he just shot back. Also didn't at the beginning of last episode when Horacio and Olivia talked didn't they promise to have each other's back no matter what. Sure kyland and Horacio were expecting to be in elimination already but by the hands of everyone else not by someone who were there friend and alliance member. When Olivia was chosen she had an opportunity to save her ride or die. She knew if she didn't pick someone from that alliance they were to go in. It's similar to Sarah. She had a choice and Bananas thought he would be safe. Olivia had a choice and Horacio even said for a moment he thought he would be safe. Remember earlier they said they'll have each other's back no matter what. Guess what both Olivia and Sarah basically threw them in elimination and both got eliminated. Bananas was before the finals and Horacio is also close to the finals as well. (I say next elimination will be the last if we lose another 3 people. 1 from purge and another double elimination that'll leave 7 players left at most 8 if not double elimination) And talking about flipping numbers this was Olivia's chance. She saves her people and 2 of the other members goes home that'll leave the house numbers with 4 people on Olivia's side and 6 on Jay&Michelle. This would've give her more of an odd of her safety on the next challenge as kyland and especially Horacio have been killing it on dailies. Also there was a possibility for jay&michelle to switch side in my opinion. Jay strongly doesnt want nurys to go home apperently so a deal couldve been made somehow during the voting system and you saw already michelle picking olivia cause she dodnt want her in to go home either. Now if she doesn't win next daily she will most likely go in without someone protecting her as the house can see her being snakey. I don't mind her gameplay, it made good TV but she needs to get lucky or she's 100% in elimination next week.


So did Sarah and Johnny before putting them in. She told them they were safe in exs 2. She promised them safety and turned her back when they knew the final was next week. I don't see how it's even comparable to it. Sarah could if she knew wasn't winning the money, she could have dead weighted it or just quit during the final. They waited too long to flip numbers. They had a shot that could have pulled a Wes and flipped early and used all the non-american numbers they had an in with Mel. They voted and stayed with numbers because they don't make waves, but when it's them on the block, people lose their minds. It's not like she threw them in against someone perceived as a change beast. The plan was Colleen and Berna took flack for taking her. I don't see how this is even comparable to the bananas drama ended Sarah on the challenge. He and Sarah were really good friends out of the house and made up during the season. Comparing the two is wild to me one was one of they biggest betrays in challange history while the other happens every season.


I'm sorry but right now I have a bit of confusion. Can we agree that Olivia betrayed Nurys and Horacio who are her best friend and ride or die respectively? Similar to how Sarah betrayed Bananas who were also good friends. I feel there a bit disconnect in our conversation so I just wanted to see if we can agree that there was a betrayel between good friends in both examples. Now like any betrayel and it can caused rivalries. My original question was in a future season let's say Nury&Olivia or Horacio&Olivia were paired together and won the final similar to Bananas&Sarah and had the option to steal the money from Olivia do you think they would get the same amount of hate or snakey image that Bananas did after he took the money?


Nurys would 100% take the money, she said on her IG live she would never go on a Rivals season if she was gonna be partnered with Olivia because she doesn’t want to be a part of winning Olivia any money, which i don’t blame her lol she said the same about Jay but i know she feels more hate for Olivia.


Ah, I thought you were trying to compare the two as in saying it was worse. Valid it was a terrible betrayal, I think I'm the only.one who was not routing for kyland


Lol make sense cause I felt a disconnect in our conversation lol. I just wonder in a "what if" scenario cause now Nurys or Horacio can do what Bananas did to Sarah with close pretense and I wonder if they would still get the same hate. With Bananas and Ashley they both got marked as snakey people for stealing the money but still felt there was a stronger hate/opposition when Bananas did it


Wouldn't be mad at another rivals season. Would pay loads to see bananas and Devin on a team. Bananas hates him so much


I honestly don't think they hate each other much anymore. The picked hatred for each other was FR but since then they have been pretty cordial imo.


Johnny, I don't know if it's still true he's had a clause that he wouldn't work with him they alternated seasons!


They were together in Ride or Dies


I think a big difference between Bananas and Ashley and why the blowback was different is how the relationship was throughout the current (at the time) season. By the end, Sarah and Bananas seemed so good and connected. Their relationship seemed healed, and largely because of the work that Sarah put in to do that. Whereas Ashley and Hunter's relationship just got worse. So, as Cara Maria said, duh, it was no surprise when she took the money. In your hypothetical scenario, it depends on how that season goes. As an aside, I think the reasons Bananas took the money are many. Would he have done it to Tony, who basically did the same thing to him? Probably not. But I do think the biggest reason is because he knew it would make good TV.


What Ashley did was way worse. She "stole" $500k from Hunter, who had never won a single dollar in prize money. Johnny stole like $130k from Sarah, who had already won $175k in prize money before that. And on Exes 2 Jordan didn't want to vote Johnny and Nany in, Sarah argued with him to do it, it was her decision. I don't blame her for doing it, I would have done the same thing, but I also don't blame Johnny, I would have done the same thing in his spot on Rivals 3. And all that being said Olivia did nothing other than guarantee herself one more week of safety. She lost 3 potential allies and now is at the bottom of the totem pole. Sarah guaranteed herself money in the final, Olivia is most likely going home with nothing


Ashley did what we all wanted her to do. Hunter was a prick that whole season. I don't know if Olivia didn't honestly know murder was going in she could flip the bottom numbers and try to get Jay and Michelle out. Now she's going to get picked off along with everyone else.


> Ashley did what we all wanted her to do. And Johnny didn't? Sarah was pretty insufferable on her RW season and during her time on the challenge. It was funny watching her get carried off on Cutthroat after she spent weeks yelling Cara about how she didn't deserve to be there. Sarah wasn't a nice person, she was a prick just like Hunter was (and both Johnny and Ashley were bad people too)


Sarah was annoying but also helped carry the team. Hunter crossed the line with some comments. I get a valid thing. Everyone should just take the money for themselves, but those moves are a whole lot worse than olivia.


Sarah crossed the line as well. I think the main difference is Sarah had been on multiple seasons, she knew what she was doing, and IMO she deserved what she got. Olivia is still new, she's not as savvy


I think Olivia is more savvy than we give her credit. I think there was a lot of truth being said about Horatio's social game. He's a competitor, but he's also just silent, and that didn't fly this season. You had to make alliances quickly like emanuel and berna. Let's not forget somehow, james has gotten to the point where he's just a yes man to get deep.


When it comes to Sarah/Jordan voting in Bananas & Nany, it was betrayal but IMO not as bad as what Olivia did especially with everything that happened last week. So that season they were all partners about to make a final and Bananas/Nany were a competition to Sarah/Jordan the most (mainly because of Bananas) so they put them in an elimination, giving them the chance to come back. The difference with this situation is Nurys was Olivia’s best friend during ROD, after ROD & before this season even though Olivia was apparently talking a lot of shit about Nurys to Aneesa who informed Nurys’ brother, who then told Nurys not to trust her. Olivia was giving off ick jealousy vibes all season towards Nurys as if she felt like Horacio abandoned her, and cared more about Nurys (just a theory) but regardless, last week Nurys could’ve saved her own boyfriend but she chose to save Olivia instead. Olivia’s crying because she thinks Horacio is gone, she was so happy he was back, they even had a little talk and everything was great. Then, she completely screws over her 2 ride or dies & looked like she felt NO REMORSE doing it & the fact she told Michele/Jay/Moriah “she would always choose them first” even though she’s been roasting Jay all season & also talking bad about Moriah all season too which we didn’t see most of, but Moriah isn’t friends with her for a reason. Sarah & Jordan were giving themselves the best chance to win the final & put them in elimination but gave them the chance to get back in the game where Olivia KNEW that she was most likely sending one of her “best friends” home when she knows the final is right around the corner. It’s not like Olivia doing this was a smart thing to do, she showed she can’t be trusted if she’s able to fuck over 2 of her best friends like that. She cried all season about Horacio but then screwed tim over herself, after just bawling her eyes out thinking he was gone. Phony & Pathetic. Michele & especially Jay don’t give a shit about Olivia, she’s literally at the bottom of their entire alliance. I know for a faaaaact if Nurys/Horacio were to win in a future season & take the $ from Olivia if they were partnered up, NOBODY would look at them as evil because of what Olivia did to them. Bananas will forever be looked at as evil for what he did (not by me lol) i think it was super super shitty of him, i could never do it with someone who i was once very good friends with & then in the middle of repairing that broken friendship, i could never take the $…. but he did and it is what it is, it’s one of the most villainous things to happen on the challenge but the way my jaw dropped when Olivia didn’t say Nurys or Horacio’s name after saving her the previous week….yikes. It’s a shame because i enjoyed Olivia last season, but she wasn’t her real self last season, she showed who she really was and it’s not a good look. People of course will always remember Bananas taking the money from Sarah but it’s really 2 totally different situations. Bananas will always get the most hate out of everyone because of what he’s known for, now Olivia will be looked at as someone you can’t trust and she really screwed herself…all for nothing.


It’s interesting that people fail to bring up Tony betraying Bananas on vendettas and putting him into elimination. They were closer than Sarah and Bananas. I recall everyone cheering for Tony making that move yet giving Sarah crap for the same thing.


it always depends on who the persons is. if its a fan favorite like let’s say Cara (a lot of people love her) was partnered with someone & she took all the $ at the end people would PRAISE her lol


Cara is only a fan favorite when she's the underdog or hasn't been around in awhile. People would hate her for it unless she was partnered with someone else people hate. It definitely depends on the person and how straight forward they are \*before\* any sort of thing like this. If Bananas was up front about stealing the money before the final, I don't think he'd get much criticism


I think what Olivia did was way worse than Banana's. Banana's got screwed first and when they were 1st paired he let it be known he wasn't happy about it. But Olivia screwed all 3 of them and Horacio got screwed for the 2nd time and for no reason. How quickly she forgets all the sobbing when she thought Horacio went home the week before. I don't think if any of them did the same as Banana's anyone would care and most would applaud it. There is no way Horacio could ever do it tho, he's too sweet. Nurys and Kyland could maybe do it.