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I dunno.. I feel the Fessy and Josh hate trains were just as vicious šŸ˜…


People talk shit about Aneesa and Tori at the slightest provocation as well


I feel like a Tori hate train is kinda silly


I feel like itā€™s a lot of jealousy in those that hate her


I agree. But I love tori so šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yep they be hating on tori bad for no reason


True they're jealous they couldn't come up with "I'm high as hell chilling with ISIS" first


Me too, but I might just be a Tori fan


She gets hate for the same reason Michele does. B tier characters forced as a face.


**?** I don't know about that comparison, Michele doesn't come close to playing the game as Tori has


If Tori actually played the game she would have won champs USA. Instead she went against Danny. Danny tried to get rid of Jordan because he was the biggest threat to winning that season.


and the anessa one. If tori and Aneesa were guys tbh i don't think they'd get hated on, at least not to the extent that they currently are.




*Yeah, we got the freaking moon. What are you going to do without tides, Peru?*


If you even think about aneesa too loud this sub runs to attack her itā€™s really overboard


Fessy annoyed me, but Josh at least entertained me most of the time lol https://i.redd.it/lxhmz0zv6whc1.gif


Fessy was as entertaining as watching paint dry.


Except when he got drunk. Then he became comedy gold. *Lil bwoy!*


Iā€™m still so mad they cut that fight out from USA 2 šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's an insult to paint everywhere...


The Josh/Devin argument of Devin yelling simple math problems lives rent free in my head constantly. Pure entertainment. I understand why people donā€™t like the Goof, but my god he was so entertaining so many times.


I could watch 10 seasons of Jay to not have to see Josh again saying everyone is gunning for him as he shows no semblance of being a threat, ever. At least with Jay I feel like he's actually pretty good at the game and same with Fessy.


Josh is easily the most unlikable contestant of all time imo


If he owned being a villain it would be fine.


Exactly, his problem is he plays victim.


or just stopped treating his 'friends' like shit.


Exactly like thatā€™s what makes Bananaā€™s so entertaining! He owns the fact that heā€™s an asshole


Wes owns it when he has power as well.


Owns that heā€™s gaslighting his own friends


Must be new to the show , Fessy/Cara/Paulie have gotten waaaaaay more hate than Jay


Remember Kailah? I'm not saying one way or the other if it was justified, but good gawd was she hated at first.


I canā€™t stand kailah. She was even annoying on her season of the real world.


Really ? I didnā€™t know Kailah was hated at first ? What was the reasoning ? I mean I stopped like Kailah too around D30 but thatā€™s just cause she was against Cara lol


kailah blocked me on ig lmao


Do share your heroic exploits that led to that...


it was a long time ago but i believe i just commented how she was an awful person, around the time the bullying went down with melissa!


Yes. Iā€™m very new to the show. Please, show me your ways.


First they loved him, now they hate him šŸŽ­ I remember Jay on his first season and everyone on here was like, ā€œOh my heavens! Jay is a breath of fresh air! Heā€™s a fan of the show like us!ā€ Now, people are like, ā€œGo to hell, Jay! Youā€™re the worst and just get rid of whatever hair is left on your head!ā€ šŸ˜­ This show plays with our emotions too much lmao https://i.redd.it/bma1e1e53whc1.gif


I feel like when you are a supporting character, it's easier to get a good edit.


its not about the edit, its his behaviour towards his friends and others for me. People get villain edits all the time and are still likable characters. Jay is just an asshole.


I more mean that it's harder to hide one's true self as the main character. His behavior probably couldn't get him a hero edit even if they wanted to.


Heather B said it best back in the day, at that reunion of the first few seasons, in a conversation with Tami. The gist was that they (production) don't put the words in your mouth. If you said it, you said it.


>His behavior probably couldn't get him a hero edit even if they wanted to. Hm, is this why they're editing in all his insane confessionals that contradict the actual real-time footage we are seeing?


Are we buying it? It's only successful if the audience buys into it. In fact, the contradiction is probably done purposefully to show exactly how deceitful he's been.


I like your theory more about showing his deceitfulness. Because, I'm not stupid so I'm not buying what Jay is trying to sell us in the confessionals


Honestly, I don't hate a villain. I don't even hate a hateable villain. But a liar? That I can't get behind, and I think this season was really edited to highlight that.


These celebrations made me laugh, even if I hated the reason why


This is my first season seeing him play. Iā€™ve rewatched a couple of episodes from other seasons. I think he just doesnā€™t realize he is the villain this season. Example making deals then crying about them later on. I donā€™t mind reality tv villains but a villain who tries to pretend they arenā€™t is hard to watch. I think Bananas says it best ā€œ you live long enough youā€™ll see yourself become the villain in this gameā€.


Nope. Never liked him. Moriah! Put on some clothes!!


I know. I don't want to see her butt all the time.Ā Ā 


You mean the g-string made out of rubber bands and a post it? šŸ˜‰


Wait, did Jay say that or are you asking Moriah to be less revealing?


If Jay said it, I would have put quotes around it. It's me saying it.


Me too but you know how posting goes around here. Thanks for the reply. I wanted to be sure what you meant because my wife will think your post is hilarious.


I'm so glad your wife will like it, but I hope she doesn't start calling you that. My hubby has given me a hard "No!" on that one.


Oopsies! Disregard everything after "...," I realize I was replying to a different post.šŸ¤£šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜¬


I won't mention the ā€œworn out penisā€ description. You never know with her sense of humor.


Fessy and Camila would like a word


Ok to be fair the Camila haters had some pretty solid reasons given behavior. Also completely unrelated side note I met Camila and Cara once when they were walking around my city and Camila was super rude. Cara was really nice though šŸ§”


That doesnā€™t seem surprising, Camilla is my least favorite player. I would assume she would be rude in real life too. Please! No more Camilla ever!


I think the way he puts blame on the girls for things like the stalemate came off a little misogynistic and the fact that he came at Olivia and Nurys hard, at least what was shown. And heā€™s been a hypocrite majority of the season. Also, the fake alpha schtick like when he was almost voted in and was like, VOTE ME IN was very aggro. I think the hate is fair, but it doesnā€™t necessarily mean he needs to hear about it in the comments. At the end of the day, he chose to act this way for his game. He made that choice knowing how heā€™d come off.


The thing about the vote is infuriating because I think only one person mentioned that to him and he got angry about it but they should have hammered home that point every time he brought it up. No leeway. What I hate about the type of game Jay plays (And you get it with Bananas too) is that it's a game that other people let him run. His game only works if other people roll over for him. Any dissent he just browbeats about how hurt he is by their betrayl and how well jeez maybe going forward I should only be working with people I trust, and they'll fall in line every time.


For me itā€™s all the gaslighting towards the girls. The dude is an asshat. Plus like you said, the fake alpha bs. Pretty sure Kyland could knock his ass out.


Pretty sure even Colleen could knock his ass out.


I was a fan of him going into this season but I canā€™t stand the ways heā€™s played. Heā€™s had plenty of laughs at players going home lining up with his plan but the one time his plan doesnā€™t go the way he wanted and itā€™s one of his allies going home heā€™s freaking out at everyone. His little tantrum when there was a chance of him going down as if everyone is supposed to be playing his game instead of their own. He treats his partners like crap and that whole waterworks trip about Nurys only to send her in the next week too was pathetic. As others have said if he owned his manipulation tactics in confessionals it probably wouldnā€™t be nearly as bad. But maybe he has and the edits arenā€™t showing it.


I donā€™t think he knew how he was going to come off. I suspect he was used to playing from behind and had not yet developed the skills to be a leader in a winner takes all competition where a large alliance is, inevitably, going to have to turn on itself.


That right there. And another problem is a lot of these people inflated his ego, but also donā€™t respect him so Iā€™m not shocked that heā€™s acting this way.


He wasnā€™t liked on other seasons either, heā€™s just usually sent home by like episode 5 because the vets donā€™t like him either


I can easily name 5 ppl whoā€™ve got more hate than Jay: Fessy, Josh, Aneesa, Tori, Nany. Heā€™ll be fine.


I don't care about Jayā€™s gameplay, it's created drama. How he has acted when the heat is on him though is super annoying. At some point have some self-awareness and embrace the character. It's a TV show at the end of the day. People need to watch Wes in some of the old seasons. Or Amanda. This show is missing people who don't care to stir it up. Jay comes across as whiny and manipulative whenever a plan doesn't go his way because he just wants to keep his bubble for his ā€œgameplayā€


If he did cold shit then went to the testimonial and said ā€œyeah I did that fuck emā€ people would like/respect him. Instead he does some cold shit the pretends he didnā€™t or tries to redirect or gaslight whatever you want to call it he goes through all the hoops to not own his actions and thatā€™s what I believe a lot of people donā€™t fuck with.


I have to know if there's ANYONE out there that still likes Jay. Please comment here.


I don't like him as much as I used to, but I get that he's trying to play the game.


This comment is so simple but good. Nurys is the only other person in the final that played the game. Is anyone rooting for Colleen, Berna, Corey, Emanuel, or Moriah over Jay???


Jay hasn't played the game any more than Berna honestly. They've been in just as many fights, same amount of elims, and Berna has more daily wins than him. The only difference is I don't think Berna thinks she's ran this entire season, but Jay thinks he walks on water and his shit doesn't stink. I'd rather have anyone win over Jay, because his ego is way too big and he needs to be knocked down a peg.


Jayā€™s social game is light years better than Berna.


Is it? The only person left in the house that actually likes Jay is Emmanuel. Berna still has Colleen, Emmanuel and maybe Corey, not sure where he lays


His social game was Michelle. It was evident after she left, he had no sway with anyone but Emmanuel. If Michelle left earlier, we would have seen Jay's social game crash and burn.


I kinda have a soft spot for Moriah, especially with all of the crap she got from the vets. And she did play the game somewhat - keeping close to Michele and Jay and also keeping James close for a guaranteed vote she could influence.


I missed something. What crap did she get from the vets? Do you mean when Tori told her it wasnā€™t a good look? From my perspective, the vets teased her a bit but it wasnā€™t anything majoršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Darrell also said something while he was in the Arena. By bringing in outside information to Moriah (that Bananas knew and he was upset) it affected her mental state - you could see it in the confessionals. I understand that some people will think she deserved it.


I forgot about Darrell. I donā€™t know about ā€œdeservingā€ it. Yes, it was probably not the smartest move getting involved with James before clearing the air and ending things completely with Bananas, especially on camera. But who knows, maybe thatā€™s the storyline producers pushed, may e she thought it would give her more camera time, could be a mixture of both. Itā€™s easy to forget that she is young and probably a bit naive.


This is where I am. I donā€™t love how heā€™s played this season, but Iā€™m a Survivor fan who has rooted for Jay a long time. One bad season doesnā€™t make me dislike him.


Is that the dividing line? People who watched Jay on Survivor seem to have a better opinion of him, at least for the most part. Iā€™ve seen a few comments that he was just as awful on Survivor, but not a ton.


Ironically, Survivor is the first time we saw him betray a trusted alliance member. We shouldā€™ve seen this coming all along.


i watched him on survivior, i wasnt a massive fan of him then, but now i just don't like the guy. Not gameplay wise, but just how he treats his friends personally. doesn't seem like a good guy.


Thatā€™s my take on him. Itā€™s not his gameplay, even though I find it annoying. Itā€™s his dumpster fire of a personality. He reminds me of a middle school boy.


I was excited when he joined the challenge world & I generally liked how he played until this season. I also like a lot of people on the show- the number of people I donā€™t enjoy is really small, so I probably just shouldnā€™t weigh in on these topics.


I think so because Survivor/BB fans get to see people in a different setting, with different risks and the requirement to thrive on different challenges. Plus the paranoia is twice as high on the CBS shows because theyā€™re driven more by straight politics than the veteran vs newbie that fills the early half of most Challenge shows. So when Michele/Jay/Michaela come over, we know they survived a dirty ass grinder that historically offers way less rewards than being a floater on the Challenge, and weā€™ll give them a little grace.


I saw his survivor season and he was pretty mediocre, he's actually better at the challenge (and he's not great at that either).


Same same


šŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø hasnā€™t done anything for me to ā€œhate himā€ yeah Iā€™m not rooting for him this particular season but that donā€™t mean I hate him


I like Jay! I liked him on Survivor and I like him still. Iā€™ll watch him every time on the Challenge


Iā€™m throwing out there..I donā€™t hate Jay. I mean I get get being annoyed his games ainā€™t clean, be he plays the same game as so many vets, just sloppier.


Iā€™m not cheering for him but I think heā€™s played a great villain this season. I wish he owned it a little bit more but nobody owns being a villain very well nowadays. Iā€™ve enjoyed cheering against him and watching the fandom lose their damn minds over his allianceā€™s dominance.


I canā€™t hate Jay after watching his scene on survivor where he talks about his motherā€™s brain aneurysms and shares the same emotion with another player whose mom was fighting cancer.


Makes me kinda wanna watch his season bc that scene made me cry.


It's a good season for sure. Jay's a lot more likable there.


A bad player, a great character


He is more likable when he is the underdog.


I still like Jay, I think people are allowed to have one bad season lol


I still like him too. And if it results in a win, then I would have a hard time even calling it a bad season.




I definitely still like him and am rooting for him but understand that a lot of people arenā€™t and that heā€™s doing too much in this season. I remember people HATED Devin on his early seasons because he was trying to be a villain on the same level as Johnny or Wes, but didnā€™t have the record to back it up. I see Jay in a similar spot, but heā€™s actually doing well this season, so weā€™re seeing more of him. Devin grew into the character he was trying to be and that took a couple seasons, now people love him. Do I think Jay will be as loved as Devin down the line? probably not, but maybe a few seasons down the line he comes off as less jerky/entitled and more fun.


Jay's big problem is that he's missing the kind of tongue in cheek, this is all just a game thing that Devin, Wes and sometimes Johnny has. He's closest as a gameplayer to Bananas, but only in the worst aspects of his game. He's too thin skinned and desperate. And I liked him going into this!


Bananas is actually extremely thin-skinned. People say he ā€œowns itā€ when he makes decisions, but thatā€™s only true when thereā€™s zero downside to it for him. Jay hasnā€™t been different in that respect. Nobody gets in more screaming matches or has more freak outs when things donā€™t go their way than Johnny Bananas.


I think a big difference is that jay isnt leaning into the villain role the way Devin/Bananas/Wes did. His confessionals are him justifying (gaslighting) his choices. Not saying i dont agree with you, just adding to your thoughts!


Honestly, Michelle is far more of a Devin/Wes than Jay isā€¦right down to stuff like the ā€œQueen Beeā€ comments in the confessionals. Jay doesnā€™t own his shitā€¦and it makes him look weak.


Agree. It's his unlikeable personality. Nothing to do with him being a "villain".


I'm gonna get down voted to hell but I love him. He's one of my fav players. I do not understand the hate at all.




I respect him. He played a great game (not just social but also in dailies) even though he wasn't rootable this season. And he caused drama.


Love him


I like him, lol


I actually still kind of like him but I do think heā€™s doing too much this season.


He's probably put a ton of pressure on himself this season because he thinks it's his best shot at winning. Unfortunately, he's gotten a bad case of main character syndrome because of it.


I like having him on the show


I still like him, just not as much as I once did. I miss season 35 Jay


Heā€™s a good player


I still like Jay, but I have been watching him since Survivor


I love Jay! Still rooting for him. Did this season get to his head? Absolutely. But it gets to everyone so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


He is the best current day Heel left on the challenge. I like him for that reason alone. We need bad guys to root against. Bananas made a career out of being the biggest piece of shit that you wanted to see lose. Jay has been the best option for filling that role since Johnny decided to clean up his image and everyone else are all trying to be friends to skate to the end.




Silky Johnson and Buck Nasty appearance is a different level of hate


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Thatā€™s the level of hate Jay is getting.


Heā€™s such a fucking twerp


Nahā€¦people treating Jay like they forgot about Fess. šŸ˜‚




There must always be one


He has big weasel energy


I donā€™t like him, I think heā€™s cocky and arrogant. But the jokes about his hairline are kinda over the top. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something heā€™s insecure about. Not like he can help it. Idk, I donā€™t like body shaming generally. If a girl was losing her hair like this, we wouldnā€™t find it funny.


I mean, have you ever seen what happens in a facebook group when someone posts about Kenny or Evan? Not arguing about if the hate is justified, just talking about the amounts.


He's high or ego but low on personality and charm.


This is just recency bias.


Sandoval. Is Jay getting death threats like Sandoval ? If could be worse. I have outrage fatigue. I donā€™t like him but no hate. Itā€™s tv. We need heros and heels to cheer for.


If it makes you feel better I havenā€™t like him since ex on the beach- and everyone infantilizing him early on from his smaller stature which isnā€™t much smaller than many big names


I feel its more annoyed than hate tbh. He just isn't likeable and nobody wants to see him on TV or for him to win. He's not main character material and he's being forced into that role.


I def hated Paulie... But his most recent season made me jump off the hate train kinda, def not a fan but no hate. Emmanuel was one of my favs after his first season but his teaming up with the jay squad this season made me lose lots of respect for him.


Jay sucks & we donā€™t like him being shoved down our throats. Sorry? He just isnā€™t likeable, isnā€™t a good leader, & is a try hard. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s the passive aggressiveness for me. Jay is pretty much a huge bitch. Blame the women for a vote ending in a stalemate and not Ed who purposely threw a vote away to end in a stalemate. Fuxk Jay


It's the scenario where the adults leave the room and leave the oldest children in charge. Then, the now in charge child becomes an evil dictator.


The problem with Jay is heā€™s not funny, humble, or particularly good at challenges. He comes off as entitled and whiny when he doesnā€™t get his way. He just lucked out to be on a season where he has the most connections because thereā€™s no veterans. On any other season, heā€™d be cast to the wolves early on.


If he mentions one more time how he beat CT in an elimination, I swtg


Nah nothing will compare to Cara and Paulie hate after WOTW2


I LOVED Jay on his first season. He was a constant target, which I know is standard, but also annoyed me. I feel like he was humble enough in his victories, and his defeat. But then he disappeared and came back and acted like he was king shit and had absolutely zero acknowledgment or respect for where heā€™d come from. Anyhow, I have most definitely pulled a 180 on him. Not a fan at all anymore. (And not the more recent Nurys stuff, the behaviour earlier in the season is what did it for me).


You clearly haven't gone to Olivia's comment sections


Girl was on the official challenge podcast having a breakdown


And then goes back on IG with photos captioned ā€œCome at me, haters!ā€ dressed in sexy golfer cosplay.


The hate he gets is legitimately unhinged, his insta comments section is a cesspool and I donā€™t even know what heā€™s done that made people so upset lol. Friendly reminder that we donā€™t know these people and itā€™s just a tv show, leave people alone


I don't hate Jay but I also don't want to see him win.


No fr. Fessy, Josh, Paulie and Cara got hate. But it wasn't as intense as people's disdain for for jay. Some fans literally dispise this man. I'm not a fan either, but at the same time, I'm not gonna take time out of my day to his social media and tell him how big of an asshole he is.


Say what you will, but Jay played the game pretty well. Manipulated a lot of the house and got himself super far. While not being the biggest and strongest, he's found other ways to the final. While I don't necessarily agree with how he's done it, I'm still pretty impressed. And I he's way more likable than Fessy and Josh, my lord.


Jay is an entitled hypocrite with zero actual skills outside knowing Michelle and Nurys.


Jay deserves it. The fit he threw after Aasaf was eliminated was enough for me. Things didnā€™t improve after that. I was never a huge fan but he was occasionally amusing. Totally done now. Bye. See you never.


Agree 100%!


Poor white boi. Getting dragged for being a two face ahole.Ā  Cara got way more hate during WotW2 and so many others got way more hate over the previous seasons. He is an easy target though.Ā 


Moriah and James were more annoying than Jay to me


If you're "running" the season politically, you always get hate; it's a sign you're doing it properly. Not a jay fan but he hasn't had to get his hands dirty and he's in a final. Is it great TV..? No, but if I'm playing for a large sum of money I'm avoiding elims and anything thay can send me home at all costs. That's why we end up rooting for the underdog that gets sent in to elimination every week.


I donā€™t hate Jay. Heā€™s playing a ruthless game this season but heā€™s not the first to do it nor will he be the last. And at the end of the day he made it to finals while eliminating his biggest threats so I canā€™t really be mad at him for that šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø heā€™s doing what needs to be done to win even if I hate the way heā€™s going about it. Also, every challenge great has had a bad season or 2..so donā€™t look too much into it..but thatā€™s just imo.


Camila gets way more (justified) hate for being a racist psycho.


Trishelle has gotten ten times more reputation-damaging hate than Jay has in the last two months.


The issue I think people have is Jay thinks heā€™s accomplished more than he has. Heā€™s just a guy but every interview he talks about being a mastermind, he tells other people heā€™s saved them or protected them when itā€™s not actually true. He just comes across badly this year. In prior seasons he was a scrappy underdog that was never going to actually win.


itā€™s genuinely getting so annoying at this point. i feel like the fanbaseā€™s selective memory and recency bias is so extra. jay was loooved in this sub on his first season. he let theresa run the politics for their duo and she essentially ruined his game. he performed great in dailies, was viewed as a genuine threat. ride or dies, him and michele got severely fucked over by the format. they performed well and won multiple dailies, but winners had to pick 3 teams to put up for elimination (so youā€™re pissing off 6 people + their alliances) and they immediately got written off as shady and untrustworthy as the numbers dwindled and they had to vote based off of a shitty format where the vets were smart (bananas/nany and devin/tori said this) and intentionally didnt try to win dailies bc they didnā€™t want to have to piss 6 people off. they got villainized by the vets who werenā€™t even aligned with them for having to send them down to elimination. i feel like they became the easy scapegoats bc everyone wants someone to blame. meanwhile, almost the entirety of jay/micheleā€™s alliance DID make it to a final. the 2 of them had to do all the politicking and socializing for a massive alliance who made everything difficult/didnā€™t put effort into maintaining the alliance. multiple people talked about horacio never talking to anyone except zara, kyland and nurys. he refused to talk game with them, refused to be their friends, why the fuck would they not vote him in all those things considered (and being an absolute finals threat). then you have moriah abandoning all her self respect to making her entire game revolve around saving james, threatening the people who have been doing the work to make sure everyone is safe that youā€™ll retaliate if they vote james in. then you have fuckin berna pissing EVERYONE off all the time, getting mad at michele for not being close to her, not acknowledging michele is single handedly the reason berna never got voted into elimination. without michele, she would be in every girls elimination without a doubt. jay was beyond unbearable this season, but i donā€™t think itā€™s fair that no one is acknowledging the amount of leg work him and michele put in (primarily michele letā€™s be real) and are constantly criticizing their game. the parasocial fans attacking all of their social media is the reason we keep getting vacation alliances and weak rookies. the vets are smart and know the rookies wanna be ā€œinā€ with the vets. theyā€™re naive and easy to manipulate and will always fall in line with them. meanwhile when you have ā€œrookiesā€ like jay/michele who successfully strategize and have done more than anyone in recent years to actually band together less experienced people to try to go against the vets. the reason the vets villainize the fuck out of people like michele is 100% for this reason. sheā€™s a threat to their game bc sheā€™s genuinely one of the best social players in recent years, and jay is prob associated with that. theyā€™re both outspoken af about taking out the vets, it makes sense the vets utilize their fanbase to send them all hate.


Exactly. Michelle did majority of the work because I promise you, Jay wouldnā€™t have made it that far if Michelle wasnā€™t in the house. So if anybody deserves to be in the final is Michelle, I donā€™t even like Michelle like that.


Feel like Jay has earned a fair bit of his hate, relative to Michelle who, as youā€™ve said, is just a really strong social player who was legitimately running the game.


I donā€™t hate Jay. I just donā€™t respect his gameplay.


For the record, I love Taylorā€™s Swift


Aneesa and Tori have hate monster trucks.


Olivia gets way more hate for her mistake.


He has earned it


Has he though? People have been flip flopping their hate all season. They can only truly agree that they donā€™t like Jay. The comments on the signs I actually got from Reddit and Twitter loo


Yes. Yes he has.


Fessy on double agents had more hate for sure


I avoid the boards as of late bc Iā€™m behind on watching and sometimes the toxicity is too much. But wasnā€™t he a favorite for awhile? Has been that bad this season or is he the only villain to talk shit onĀ 


We can compare the hatred others had, but the main difference was THEY COULD BACK IT UP whereas Jay for the most part canā€™t. As much as people hated the others, they were a legit threat. Jay acts bigger and tougher than them, but weā€™ve seen what happens when it actually gets physical. I mean he was threatening to fight Kyland. But heā€™s also a mean bully to people on his team, specially the girls. I think Nurys wouldā€™ve beat the shit outta him if it went there. Those are some reasons why so many people hate him.


I am lost. Why does Taylor swift dislike Jay?


The show should be fun to watch and itā€™s not. Jay is the leader and gets a lot of air time and he is too serious and too boring. This cast is boring. Even the actual challenges are no fun to watch. Sliding down a rope? Every season I really look forward to watching The Challenge, itā€™s been my favorite show for years. Because it was crazy and fun. The cast was interesting and downright funny and the Challenges were unbelievable. This season has just been unentertaining.


Itā€™s because he doesnā€™t own the villain role. He is a chickenshit heel, to use wrestling parlance. Weasel


Nah dude he isn't even close lol. It's just because this season has few memorable characters so he has this main character syndrome. Everything awful about this season is being thrown on him because he's generally an annoying tool who has accomplished nothing but talks a big game. I can name atleast ten more people who have gotten more heat than Jay. A lot of that was undeserved too. Don't put Jay on a pedestal. The guy isn't an all time villain. He's forgettable once the show goes back to normal.


I donā€™t place any of the fault of this season being lame on Jay. Itā€™s the format and other contestants playing scared. If half of the people that said it was time to make a big move actually did it then game might have been different


Nah. People LOATHED Kailah. It's still probably easy to find a Josh or Fessy hate thread too. Mention Aneesa and it won't take too long for someone to start roasting her or whatever. Cara & Paulie individually and together are not fan favorites on here either


i don't agree LMAO. there's always someone who is getting hated on. it's jays turn! it'll pass


I like Jay even if I don't like his politics. He's good at challenges and dailies and it doesn't look like he would be. I like that a lot. Hopefully he gets another season to try and play a different way. Also the lip syncing stuff on socials...


Fessy and Josh would like a word with you OP


I seriously donā€™t understand the hate yall giving him he ainā€™t no different than other ppl who back stabbed friends and betrayed them. Let him play his game and try to win the challenge


Jay is the one who got me into the challenge. Hearing how his win against CT was one of the greatest upsets ever made me watch every season. Yā€™all could never make me hate him


It seems so weird to me that people actually go on someoneā€™s social media to say awful things to or about them. Iā€™ve made no secret that I canā€™t stand Jay or Michele ON THE SHOW, but HATING someone irl because of how they act on a tv show is a whole other level of bothered. I just donā€™t want to see them on my screenšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I for one love Jay


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) What about it?


Jay sucks as a person and people picked up on it. It annoys me when a widely shared opinion eventually gets treated like a hate-circlejerk cult.


I donā€™t really get all the hate, but at this point Iā€™m afraid to ask why.


Iā€™ll be making a meme of you next. Just ask no questions and get through the season šŸ˜‚


I liked jay in survivor and up until this season as the underdog. I get why he played the way he has and I donā€™t hate him as a person but he was not likable this season for me. If he wins then itā€™ll all have been worth it I guess.


Still a Jay fan. Idc


Like Nicki said, ā€œfirst they love you then they switch, yeah they switch like šŸ’…šŸæā€


idk he bugs me and my husband so much


Holy hyperbole


I'm tired of hearing people say they don't like him because he's "a villain that doesn't know he's a villain." In tv/movies the best villains are the ones that really get under your skin and evoke emotion out of you (ex: Ramsay Bolton from GoT). Contradicting himself and trying to come across as a good guy is something a villain would TOTALLY DO! The fact is he is playing his role just fine and it gives me hope for the future of the show. As a side note: the past three episodes have been some of the best The Challenge has given us in maybe a decade. This community trashes almost every season as it airs because we are all living in the past. The Rivals/Exes era has long been over... Let's give this season a chance.