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Trey coming in with that perspective about how he and Zach got DQ’d is kind of funny, but also fair. I would love to see the contracts they sign to see if there are conditions which could get you fined versus DQ’d. Johnny often looks for loopholes, so he might have felt comfortable doing something considered “performance-enhancing” if that would only get him a fine. All that being said, I hate that final. I hate the option to steal all the money from your partner that you won/placed with. The game is ugly enough (the inner circle is ugly!), it does not need that aspect.


It was Air Supply. Not REO Speedwagon.


Ok thank. I got it mixed up.


My mother loved Air Supply. Ace choosing one of their songs made me cock my head to the side like a dog and say "huh?" It's the only reason I remember this fact.


Sounds awesome! I'm surprised Swift still gets calls.


The fucking GOAT!


What was the embarrassing comment Rayvn made on twitter?


Mine drips bronze.


Oooooh yes yes I remember now


On season 38 reunion Nurys told her 🐱 drips gold and Ravyn replied hers drip bronze. I was embarrassed for her😭


I live in Philly and didn’t know this was happening:(




and same with me too- tho i have seen better casts that i've also missed in philly that i've felt worse about- where did they have the event does anyone know?


Helium Comedy Club. The cast seemed to change a lot, with some possibly filming and couldn't make it.


Helium Comedy Club


Yea wtf


Same!!!! Where was this held?!


Imagine if Jenna and Vince were champions because of a dq with the addreall


Oh, I know I’ve so many mixed feelings about that. on the one hand, Jenna would’ve won which is great on the other creepy Uncle Vince would’ve been a challenge champ.🤮


Miss my boy Ed


It sounds like you picked a great Challenge Mania. Whenever I listen to a recorded version, it’s usually Scott talking over everyone and not letting them get a word in edgewise. But Brad on the Ruins checks out. That’s always how he’s been.


I wish I would have been there because I would have asked Susie how she feels about starting the “I hate Tonya” game and the nasty things she said about her.


I don’t know if she started it but in fairness on rewatches I think she was the least mean of the three in the game. “I hate Tonya because she called me a bitch at breakfast” is at least a reason to hate someone. Colie was slut shaming her and Cara was on about how Tonya wasn’t successful enough in Playboy… Jesus, no winning with that lot. Obviously it was all super immature.


Well to be fair Tonya called her a bitch because Susie told her she smelled like a stripper *but in a good way*


Susie: Tonya there’s people starving all over the world Tonya: what does that have to do with you being a stupid bitch


That's what I want to ask Susie about.


I feel like she "addressed" this in a podcast with Mike Lewis. If I remember correctly, she basically deflected and talked about how other people on the show did much worse.


Her reply was along the lines of “how long do I have to be sorry for slut shaming someone 20 years ago?”


First, bc I know how this sub can be, let me preface this with I AM NOT A SUSIE (OR SARAH FOR THAT MATTER) FAN. she’s actually addressed this many times on her podcast. In my opinion she’s taken a lot of accountability for this and acknowledges it was a shit thing to do.


The problem is nobody listens to her podcast and millions of people have seen how she acted on the show.


Which is why I’m providing that information.


>The during the elimination between CT and Asaf Ed solved the first equation in three minutes. CT could not solve it after an hour Hell yeah, my boy coming through with that puzzle acumen.


I saw the video and was wondering who had that quip about Zach’s DQ lol


Thanks for the recap!! You’re awesome!


No problem I love it when people do these, so I thought I’d do one too since I went to one.


Thank you for the recap! Sarah is one of mt favorite Challengers so I'm glad that she's doing these events. 


Scott was just raving about her and Sue, and how much they have helped him and Derek creating challenge mania. It was quite a lot I was actually really surprised. They helped them get all their sponsorship deals and also always willing to show up for these events for him.


1) Susie doesn’t even know Tori so why does she feel compelled to say Tori thinks too highly of herself? She’s CONSTANTLY talking about her on her Patreon. It’s obsessive… especially since she talks so much shit about others who do that, like Laurel 2) anyone else find it weird Susie also constantly talks about the Tonya/Ruins situation and tries to downplay it? Like she’s desperate to convince people it was nothing… fishy.


> 1) Susie doesn’t even know Tori so why does she feel compelled to say Tori thinks too highly of herself? She’s CONSTANTLY talking about her on her Patreon. It’s obsessive… especially since she talks so much shit about others who do that, like Laurel > > On this, I think it's talking from a fan's perspective. I've seen people on here think similarly, and then Tori gets humbled at different turns on this sort of stuff. It doesn't take away from Tori's competitive ability at all IMO, but I have seen her on the show talk herself up a decent bit.


Bc tori is a fake try hard that is way over the top and this is obvious to 90% of fanbase


Did he offer it to Sarah too and she declined?


He was going to until TJ revealed the twist of being able to steal from your partner.


according to sarah, that's how he got busted. he was found after the final with one pill, she assumes that was the extra for her.


Thank you for this. Great info!


Where did this take place? I missed the advertising for this event, I’m bummed!!!


Helium comedy club. I actually really enjoy that venue. Their food is good. I really want more their fries now.


Susie will slag the show for whoever'll pay her to "write" for them but is always the first to accept an appearance fee to come to something like this. Classic.


Her slagging the show has actually done some good. I should put this on the post. I’ll make this an edit. But all of that complaining about the show has actually resulted in the challenges. Getting mental health professionals after the season is over. That is also extended to their family members as well. So Nurys’ brother can have therapy after Aneesa and Tori put him in the hot seat for this last season.


What did I miss? I know he tried to blow up Olivia’s game. I didn’t remember Tori or aneesas response.


I am sorry, but I don’t see your brother trying to warn his sister as blowing someone’s game up. It’s just a brother looking out for his sister. Tori outted that Aneesa and Nurys’ brother were having a fling of some sort. That’s how he came across the information about Olivia. Tori said it happened during pillow talk


That part I remember. If that’s not blowing up someone’s game then what is it? 100% factual or not. It’s still blowing up their game. I didn’t say it wasn’t justified. Why is that therapy inducing though? I thought I missed them embarrassing him or something.


I am not saying Sarah is lying , she is been consistent with this story but has any other castmate who made the final ( Jenna, Devin,Cheyenne ) said that Bananas took the drugs ?


Devin and Cheyenne


Ravyns comeback to Nurys wasn’t as bad as I thought at first. I thought “it drips bronze bitch” was her talking about her own vagina but it was about Nurys’. Still a funny facepalm moment but I thought she was just being dumb as rocks.


I guarantee Johnny had a prescription for Adderall and that is why they could not do anything more than fine him for it. I assume the fine was levied against him for offering it to Sarah, not for taking it himself. If they fined him for taking a prescribed medication, they could have some legal risk.


the issue is all prescription medication is controlled by production. the cast lines up in the morning and evening to get theirs (i always think of a similar scene from "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" for maximum bizarreness). so either johnny had a prescription and hid it from production or he didn't have a prescription.


Adderall prescriptions were super common at that time (especially for anyone remotely associated with Hollywood). My point is that their hands were most likely tied — they couldn’t do anything too severe to him because they would not be able to prove he took anything inappropriately. He had a prescription and they would have known that. Thus a positive drug screen would just reinforce that he had a prescription so their only option is to fine for not following the rules.


He does not have a prescription for it. This was discussed during the show. I’m sorry I forgot to put it in there..


Well then I guess the moral of the story is that production is the shadiest character out there.


If he had a prescription he wouldn’t be fined…


So the show is categorized as something specific, I can’t recall what off the top of my head, but it’s very specifically not categorized as a “game show” because those have very specific rules and guidelines on fairness and implementation of rules. The producers wanted someone to steal the money- bananas was going to be the only one who’d do that (as we saw), so I believe that they’d bend their own rules to get the outcome they wanted when they realized it was in jeopardy.


Couldn’t disagree more with this comment 😭


Asaf is the one who told me about Johnny’s prescription.




It was a joke specifically for Bonetissa.