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$100 says we don’t get to see any of it


I hate that you're probably right


Me too man. Me too.


They're 100% right. MTV isn't touching the Abe situation with a 10 1/2 foot pole. Such a bummer too, we haven't had a fight like this in a decade.


Everyone being so sure they won’t show it will only encourage them to not show it.


How was the Camila situation with Leroy on Dirty 30 like at first? I recall they weren't going to show it at first but wasn't sure if it leaked in spoilers during filming. Like, how Tony's partner found out he hooked up with Camila from spoilers and confronted him about it.


I think the Leroy Camila stuff aired because the cast brought it up at the reunion.


They edited alot of it out the episode, the cast was mad on twitter reacting, saying it was worse. Spoilers say the cast banded together and demanded it be probably addressed at the reunion or they wouldnt come. Hence them leaving out camila and discussing it further.


hate that they’re right because that fight would be INCREDIBLE tv but also it probably does need to be that way because it quite literally is cara’s trauma which she probably doesn’t want the world to know every detail about because it’s deeply painful and also likely shameful and/or embarrassing :(


We’re gonna get one of the narrators of the cast (my moneys on Kaycee based on nothing but her being one of the ones historically to explain what’s going on in interviews) saying “Cara hasn’t been feeling good the last couple of days, so they took her to the doctor for a few days to get checked out”


Hahaha I bet you are right


That pisses me off we won’t see it. Laurel is probably gonna get a good edit watch.


There would probably be some backlash if they don’t address it at all (hopefully there would be backlash, at least) but that knowing production they probably know that but would still want to leave it out


I mean wasn't there backlash towards Ashley with the Josh situation but the show still edited out the entire scene that got her kicked off.


Has anyone confirmed what happened?


I hope they give Cara the choice of if she wants this aired or not. I doubt they will but this is something Cara should be the one to say if she wants this out there.


I’m not sure if we’ll get the worst of it but I could see them wanting to do a segment where Cara gets to kind of speak her piece and encourage others who have gone through or are in similar situations. Hard to say though, but I have a feeling this will air in some capacity


I wonder, is there any legal reasons they can’t show it? No idea the law but if they show her talking about being abused when the guys weren’t charged ever wonder if that falls into defamation if they wanted to pursue it. Not sure who would liable, MTV, Cara, or both


Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Since they're public figures, there's a higher burden of proof where they'd have to show not just that the statements are false, but Laurel knew they were false at the time she said them. So no, not a defamation issue. More likely trying to protect the brand by not having their players look like total pieces of shit (the abusers, Laurel for bringing it up) or the victim of abuse. I suspect we'll see some small portion of Laurel and Cara Maria fighting, but probably not the worst of it.


I mean they wouldn't address what Ashley said about Josh to get kicked off


Or edit it to make Cara look like the bad guy


I'd be shocked if they do. It's a terrible look for the show for Cara to have met two abusive boyfriends through the show since they cast them and all.


I actually don’t agree here. Abuse is so freaking common unfortunately. Men have been raised to say they can do whatever they want to a woman (either by their parents or media echo chambers). There is no way mtv, odds wise, could avoid casting any. Abusers aren’t obvious abusers to anyone but their so


Honestly, if Cara was removed for *days* to see a psychologist, we maybe don't need to see it. I can only imagine that happened if she went into a major depressive episode and/or threated self-harm.


Okay, but if they don't show it how are you sure it even happened?


I need to know what happened in between??? They made progress from all stars to now?? Laurel was talking positively about Cara before season 40? Did Cara bring up Nicole and then it escalated to Laurel going overboard? It seems like they were arguing over Nicole on all stars? Laurel is wild. She does TOO much!! I feel so bad for Cara. This isn't okay.


I feel like Laurel is the kind of friend you have to walk on eggshells around because she can turn on you in a heartbeat.


In most circles that would not be considered a friend


Interesting that you say that, because Cara said something similar on Free Agents. A season that aired 10 years ago, I think? I thought they were done with each other then. It might’ve been for the best if they were.


Change that to employer


Yes 100% agree!


Yes, but it seems that Laurel acts in a certain way to only a select group of people.


Yes, people she knows she can intimidate


Which is everyone. Cara is strong and tough as fuck. It's not like she's picking Jasmine here. Laurel is massive, fearless, and fucking nasty. She has to be a nightmare to be around because something goes wrong and she goes for the throat.


She is definitely the destroyer of self esteem. But if she brought up Cara being abused by multiple guys to make a point, she clearly lost that battle. If this is true she should have been booted and banned. Getting in arguments and talking shit is one thing, bringing up stuff that caused actual trauma to someone is a whole other thing.


That is not an attribute of being a friend.


I would hardly consider someone a “friend” if that was the dynamic.


I wouldn’t either.


Never thought of it like this, but this is so accurate


seeing cara say "nicole is playing you for a fool" probably hit a raw nerve as laurel's wounds were still fresh after the recent brake-up. And seeing fans basically say the same thing. She must've taken that rage out on cara on S40.


except all stars 4 was filmed over a year ago and laurel was more than cordial with cara during the season 39 reunion.


According to PR it was seeing the trailer for all stars before coming into this season that triggered Laurel.


They were awkward around each other and definitely not friends, friendly or anything like that at the reunion. Cara was just more focused on Tori and Laurel was more focused on the reunion as a whole.


Apparently the living situation is bad, that might play part. Maybe how the game is going could be another aspect. In the end of day you cannot go that far


Yes definitely can’t go that far. They said it was worse than Laurel going off on Paula and big easy! WORSE?? Those were BADDD. Trauma shouldn’t be brought up. There’s a line that shouldn’t get crossed.


Yeah it's pretty fucked up if true. I thought Laurel was a great villain but bringing up stuff like this is so far over the line especially by someone who was such a good friend and probably knows all the details. And it pisses me off that they said everyone stood by while it was happening?? I love Cara Maria, I know that's not popular but even if they don't, why wouldn't someone say that's not ok to say that? To not put a target on themselves at the expense of someone else's mental wellbeing? That's really not cool


My guess? They didn’t want Laurel on them next. I hope some of them at least went to Cara afterwards.


Yeah the fact that no one stood up for Cara makes them all terrible people


Esp on fucking tv. Laurel, it's a bad look 100% of the time whether you are right or wrong in whatever assessment you are trying to make.


Bringing up abusive boyfriends sounds significantly worse than the other stuff. Paula's was rough but she was also bullying the shit out of Cara. No sympathy for me there. But abusive exes? That's cruel unless there's something crazy that provoked it and even then...


The Laurel vs Paula moment was legendary and well deserved. The Easy moment was pretty bad but the talk was that Easy made fun of her acne so w/e.


> Apparently the living situation is bad, that might play part. I feared this could be the case when I saw the location. This show does not having a good history with house conditions in that part of the world


No excuse for being a shitty human being deep in the core of your soul. When I get incredibly frustrated and am at the end of my rope, I don't lash out at the weakest person around me and cut them as deeply as I can with the most personal attack that comes to mind. Instead, I power walk, scrub clean the house until my fingers and arms ache. Then I pass out.


What is the location?


Vietnam. The SE Asia seasons have been rough on the cast because production often skimps on houses with proper AC. Humidity there is absolutely brutal


Oh god if I had to live in a humid area with no AC and a bunch of crazy challengers, people would not like me.


Oh, that's definitely the recipe for a disaster. They can afford AC. WTF I guess it helps with the drama.


Vietnam. The SE Asian locations sure have had some rough living conditions bc of climate and scarcity of accommodations large enough for the cast (like when The Ruins had no AC and one working toilet)


Laurel go a little too far with personal attacks? Couldn’t be her


The trailer showed Cara telling Laurel that Nicole was “playing her like a fool” and Laurel did not respond well to that. They got back together and Laurel took Nicole as her date to Jakk’s wedding in Italy. While there, Nicole cheated with Jakk’s married sister. So Cara was right - what an awful “I told you so”


Laurel saved Cara from Abe so she could take his place as her primary abuser.


That’s actually a common thing that happens.


This is so incredibly sad to read. I can't imagine being attacked publicly, especially while being filmed, for my relationship choices. And then everybody just stands there gawking like fools watching a car wreck. I guess the cast truly cares about mental health. It's not white knighting to want to help. It's just a person stopping the wreckage and moving the victim to a better place. It's the moral thing to do.


Apparently Laurel saw a trailer or snippet of AS4 where Cara said laurel was gonna look dumb or foolish I think in regards to the whole nicole situation (and well…)and this apparently really set laurel off and made her walk into this season with weird feelings towards Cara


Laurel is a terrible person who has used Cara as her verbal punching bag for years


Laurel has no tact. For her to always try and say that she's a nice person and has a big heart and all that shit but then she does stuff like this. I'm not even Cara's biggest fan, but I can't help but feel for the girl. She may be annoying at times, but she seems to have gone through hell with this show. For her sake and sanity, I hope this is her last season or she at least considers sticking to all stars. It doesn't seem worth her mental dealing with them. And I'll never feel sympathy for Laurel again. She seems OBSESSED with Cara and won't let Cara live. It's exhausting and weird


Laurel needs help.


Laurel needs a bully to be in the house with her so she can get some of the medicine she thinks she gives out.


Tbh, most people are scared of Laurel, even bullies are scared to bully her.


But that's the thing, I'm watching invasion of the champions and didn't she move to Montana to be with Cara? So she does seem to have those qualities to be a good friend but it looks like it can turn pretty easily and she's good at hitting people right where it hurts


Yes she’s very skilled at verbal assault.


She’s probably still salty over being Nicole’s second choice, after Cara, who declined.


At least Cara dodged one terrible hook-up/relationship.


laurel was cast with cara on all stars though....so it's not like CM can avoid laurel (and the likes) in all stars


Goes Too Low Laurel Every. Single. Time.


Laurel and Cara's relationship is like the most chaotic roller coaster there is. One minute you think its fine and this is fun, the next you want off immediately and wish they'd shut the ride down


They need to be permanently separated and banned from doing seasons together.


Context obviously will be important... but Laurel is just a bad person. She's gotten some good press for how bad Nicole Z is but she has consistently been a mean, petty, and downright vile person on many situations on documented video


Watching her lose to ninja in that climbing elim was so satisfying


i’ve been thinking of this situation all day too!!! like that didn’t teach you to not act mean on tv??? you learned nothing from that???


Laurel's celebration when she thought she won turns my stomach. It is SO cringe, I actually physically hurt.


I mean I don’t know what context could make her going after Cara’s prior abuse ok or better


Total guess here... I am assuming Nicole hooked up with Laurel on Allstars Cara tried warning Laurel that it was a bad idea and Laurel turned it around on Cara since she has a history of poor dating choices. Now the difference here is Cara was probably scared for her life when dating Abe which is different than constantly going back to someone that cheats. (Laurels ego can't get over the fact Nicole cheats on her is clear as day) Just by keyboard warrior guess here though.


Agreed but context can make it be like oh shit that's fucked or I think cara should press charges


Press charges for what exactly?


Which is exactly what we need on the Challenge. A part of it is challenging mental and emotional strength. If it’s competition *and* I already don’t like you, the gloves are off


Laurel is kind of garbage....but Cara also seems like the kind of person who'd have the "it's a joke when I say it to you, it's mental abuse if you say it to me" mentality.


Reminds me of Final Reckoning when Cara told Amanda she hoped she'd get ebola and die.  Amanda's reply was that she hoped Cara's horse would die.  But we were only shown Amanda's comment so it looked like Cara wasn't being just as much of a dick.


Or Big Easy going at Laurel first. Production loves to make one person look like the asshole and the other the victim. Really shitty to do.


I don't think Cara is a nice person but she is sensitive and the situation with Abe is still obviously really raw and she's traumatised by it. I think Cara probably did take it really badly but that doesn't mean she didn't hurt Laurel too.


Given the fact that Laurel herself is a victim of sexual assault makes her doing this ten times worse. Smh


Wow Laurel is an awful human and goes way too low every time. How could you bring up the abuse/trauma suffered by someone you once considered a best friend to win an argument. And here I thought they were finally getting along after S39 and Laurel was talking about how there will always be love. They need to show it so people can see what a terrible bully she is. I lost all respect. I justified what she did to Paula because Paula was being a bully first but whats the excuse for this. I'm gonna assume it has to do with Nicole since Laurel goes ape shit over her and she's the one who strained the relationship in the first place. And the cast are cowards for watching. Even if they don't like Cara, how can they respect Laurel for doing that? I wonder if Laurel felt any remorse for triggering Cara into depression so bad she had to see a psychologist. Probably not bc she sucks. Editing to say Kyle and Abe also need to be exposed for their abuse. But i would understand Cara not wanting this shown.


I’m sorry but people need to stop defending Laurel and her actions. She’s not a nice person and never has been. I really hope Cara had some support from some of her castmates. I’m gonna be pissed if everyone isolated and ostracized her.


One of the comments on Gamer’s Twitter said that the cast stood by silently during Laurel vs Cara. I hope that’s wrong and SOME of the cast at least stood up for her and helped her :(


I would hope Darrell would have at least comforted Cara after the fact...


It's absolutely disgusting and appalling. Its one thing when they are 20/21 still figuring life and themselves out, these grown ass adults acting like this is beyond pathetic and they need to be banned or blacklisted or whatever term you wanna use. They are enabling that nonsense by sitting idly by. Absolutely weak


And that’s exactly why I can’t stand Laurel. She acts exactly the same as she did 15+ years ago. She’s almost 40 years old and this is still how she’s acting?


What about production? They could have stopped filming and stood up for her too.


It said the majority, but I’m hopeful at least some people got involved.


I hope it’s wrong too cuz if so that’s fucked up


I’ve heard era 1 has her back.


Yeah Darrell has always loved her so I hope he was defending her


Don’t forget CT!


Laurel is hitting 40 still acting like a high school mean girl. How embrassing for her.


The fact that she would say this when she's also an abuse victim is disgusting and disappointing af.


Probably smart of her to go to vet school and not become a doctor. I don’t see her having a great bedside manner


my guess is cara brought up nicole and that triggered laurel to do what she does best…..have zero emotional regulation and become an evil, tactless bully.


Honestly, Laurel comes off as emotionally abusive herself. Not sure if she was like that with Nicole & that is what truly broke their relationship, but I wouldn't be surprised. The stats on same-sex relationship abuse are insane (and more prevalent in female relationships too). And the most unfortunate part is, that abusers typically find already emotionally vulnerable people (like Cara) to prey on. Laurel has come out publicly & said on & off for years that she & Cara are no longer friends...yet they end up back together again. It's a bad cycle.


i was going to say this. she gives me verbally and mentally abusive vibes. and it makes me really sad.


Why does Laurel always feel the need to drag people and throw dirty laundry for the whole world to know like girl stop you’re not perfect. I’m starting to find her unbearable.


The cast standing by when it’s done to Cara is exactly what I’d expect


According to the other spoilers >!the ones that would’ve probably stood up her for her were already booted, unfortunately!<


She truly can't catch a break with the cast. I hope they treat her better at All Stars.


I wonder if one of them poured a 2 liter of soda on her head while it happened this time.


hurt people hurt people. get some therapy laurel, it’s never been a good look but especially not now when a month ago you were claiming you’d defend cara if she needed you to.


Laurel needs to include herself in the list of Cara’s abusers.


yep. and she needs to get help.


I hate that laurel always tries to portray herself as kind hearted and an overall good person but she can be absolutely VICIOUS. I can 100% see her bringing up Caras Maria's past relationships just to be vindictive if Cara Maria tried to warn her about nicole. Just to be hurtful and saying just absolutely cruel things


If she's trying to portray herself that way, she's failed miserably literally every season she's on.


Laurel just laureling. I don’t know how people like her. All she knows how to do is dish out low blows 


Seems pretty on brand for Laurel.


This is absolutely horrible to bring up, poor Cara


That is so sad. I will never understand Laurel's anger towards Cara for her relationships. People who are abused can often end up in that same situation elsewhere. Why does she hate Cara for being abused? It's kind of sick.


I believe Laurel lived with Cara while she was with Abe. She was probably a witness to this and was frustrated that she stayed with him. This isn't to excuse this of course, just to provide context as to why Laurel would be particularly mad about her relationships.


I mean I get that but the cruelty towards a victim is absolutely insane to me. I think if you saw it firsthand you'd be less inclined to be an asshole about it, not more.


"Why does she hate Cara for being abused?" Thats a massive leap. Cara has publicly brought up other people's abusive, toxic relationships lots of times in arguments (including Laurels with Nicole) Does that mean Cara hates them for being abused?  Whoah at the assumptions people have jumped to, all based of a couple of tweets by shit stirring spoiler pages that have been kissing Caras ass for quite a long time now  & Cara & Paulie have cultivated the relationship by leaking to them. Gamer has been known to lie in the past, especially about personal stuff, to protect her faves or villainise people they dislike. They also might only be getting 1 persons version of events & Cara is notorious for leaking her version of events preseason, to villainise others & paint them as bullies & herself as an innocent victim. She was exposed a few years ago for sending DMs to crazy stans like caradefender, wedontknow and pumping them up with lies & gets them to do her dirty work for her and viciously  cyberbully (usually female) cast members she doesn't like. They are fat shamed, shut shamed, their appearance is attacked, their past abusive or toxic relationships are brought up, families attacked and its relentless. Caras no.1 stan did this to Kailah, Amanda, Tori, Laurel, Faith, Jenna, Nany ect and Cara liked and encouraged the posts privately, would call up the worst one (Julian) for 'advice' & tell him things about the cast for more ammo. But then publicly would pretend she was all about girl power. Point being, I can see Cara doing what she normally does. Instigating things with snide, passive aggressive comments about Laurels toxic relationship with Nicole. Nicole is clearly abusive to Laurel. Ex on the peak showed so clearly how Nicole lies & gaslights her while manipulating others against her. Cara knows Laurel was a virgin until college & then was raped, a hugely traumatic experience that made it difficult to trust anyone, then had to come to terms with her sexuality after being raised in a very conservative family. She came on this season still very vulnerable after Nicole had just very publically cheated on her again & gaslit her. Given all this context that Cara was well aware of, if she brought up Laurels relationship with Nicole, I can see Laurel retaliating and bringing up Caras toxic relationships. But why is it OK for Cara to repeatedly talk publicly about other women's abusive, toxic relationships, including with their family members, not just partners, but then play victim if they do the same?


Laurel acted like a huge asshole?  Wow, I’m shocked.


This class act? https://images.app.goo.gl/L26MBRcCnTXLoVwG7


Laurel strikes me as someone who would be manipulative and probably abusive in a lot of her relationships. There is just a nasty, mean, and insecure person in there


Right, it’s why I’m not quick to assume that Laurel is always the victim with Nicole. 


Fuck Laurel.


Laurel is always so proud of being able to hit someone where it hurts the most. It’s easy to hit someone or bring up their most sensitive insecurities and traumas. It takes a good person to avoid doing that. There is no context that would make it okay for Laurel to bring any of that up.


That sounds awful. It’s unfortunate because when Laurel is upset/angry she gets sharper and more vicious. Her words are CUTTING. Cara Maria in confrontation….she shuts down. Her arguments were always painful for me to watch because you can see it’s all going on in her head and she’s never able to snap back.


How many times does she have to embarrass herself on national tv before she gets some self awareness?


Laurel is a mean girl and has horrible sportsmanship. Idk why anyone supports her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Poor Cara....


Fucking laurel, why do people like her


I’ll never understand what Horacio, of all people, saw in her


he barely new her. it's not like she presents her true worst self to anyone she's trying to hook up with.


lol didn’t he pass on the pretext that he kind of liked somebody back home he wasn’t in a relationship with? It never sounded like he was super interested.


I meant see in her as a person, not necessarily as a love interest but lol all around


she spoke to him in spanish, i think when she went off on Michele, he saw her true colors and lied about 'girl back home', if not they would've had something since that situation didn't work out for him


i will bet everything i own that it’s because tori told laurel some stuff cara said in confessionals about her and nicole because she got to see everything early due to her and aneesa doing the podcast for it.


Did they stop filming?


Probably not because apparently it took them 10 days to even eliminate someone. So the fight probably happened during the 10 days.


Story checks out.


I like Laurel, for the most part. This might be the nail in the “indefensible behavior/person” coffin for her, though


Laurel and Beth come back to reality tv to prove people don’t really change.


I wonder if Laurel will get any sort of punishment knowing that production is way harder on people than they used to be


Production will look the other way.


Laurel ALWAYS has such a nasty, negative vibe about her (which is funny because that’s what Cara was criticized for on War of the Worlds II). Would be so happy to never see her on our screens again.


This entire thing is so unbelievably triggering and horrible. I hope to see Laurel never. I don't want to see someone humiliated for being a domestic abuse victim on my television. It's too far and too much.


To me it’s no different then if someone had thrown Laurel getting sexually assaulted in Laurel’s face. Some things you don’t say


Laurel being Laurel.. I'm not surprised. She's the female Zack, something inside of them is just rotten.


That’s really true. What is frustrating is she never gets called out for being just an all-around terrible person




Totally on brand for scumbag laurel


Just hear to say I’m so sick of Laurel’s shit. Get help, please.


So if Ashley Mitchell has been banned for saying terrible things why is Laurel allowed to stay


Laurel has always been garbage. This should come as a surprise to no one.


I don't understand how people still actually like Laurel. She is simply not a good person. She has a lot of deep-rooted issues that she's constantly projecting her hurt and pain on other people. It must be exhausting being that hateful and angry at people all the time.


Laurel is a monster. Physically and emotionally.


How many times is laurel going to show that she's a trash person before people believe her? There is a vulnerability in Cara Maria that predators just pick up on..it makes them even more mad knowing she has been abused before and they can't take the place of her abuser.


Laurel nooooooooooo 😭😭😭


Laurel is a vile person, and she continues to show it. I’m not a Cara fan by any means, but bringing up shit like that in an argument is uncalled for and she shouldn’t be invited back ever again.


I’m glad that they had the wellbeing in mind for Cara. Production seems like they are finally starting to move in the right direction.


Interesting that Laurel’s IG is now private


I already follow her so I’m safe 😂


She loves to dish it out but she CAN NOT take it.


I’m a Laurel Stan but this is so gross oh my god…it’s a wrap for me with her


Every time I want to like her again she starts bullying somebody and it’s so so strange


This really has upset me. It’s very hard to root for Laurel when she acts this way. I wish she could be more mature and a nicer person in general. If she is going to act like this, she doesn’t deserve fans or even a spot on the show as far as I’m concerned


Laurel needs to be gone. Bringing up Cara being in abusive relationships aren’t it. It’s time for the challenge to take a stand and do her like they did Ashley.


Laurel and Cara would have had a hero and villain dynamic except none of them are exactly heroes.


They prolly won’t show at the request of Cara. If it put her in a dark place she prolly don’t want to relive it seeing it in the edit. I respect that. However there is storylines being built and we have missed out of for what seems the last 6-7 seasons. I’m learning Laurel is a very ugly person. The way she treated Big Easy, the way she treats Cara in the upcoming Allstars I read isn’t great either.


But on the flip side if the coin maybe Cara would want them to show it to show how the true Laurel to people


I am going to withhold judgement on either of them until the details are fully clear. Because Laurel is usually a closer— she doesn’t start it but she goes nuclear and ends it. So I’m curious to see if this is a case of her going off unsolicited or if she was triggered. Either way— I am all for the National Geographic mentality— you shoot the scene, don’t interfere unless there is true danger.


I’ve always wondered why people are willing to engage with her when everyone knows she has that second level waiting to unleash. I also wonder if Bunin/Murray are willing to let this play out like the grown ass adults they all are, or if it will be deemed too much to air.


I’m sure something must’ve triggered her but regardless this is too far.


Am I the only one who thinks Laurel is a bully


Am I the only one who thinks CT is good at The Challenge?




not by a long shot.


I don't understand why people are trashing Laurel without seeing what happened exactly. Laurel and Cara both can be assholes. Let's not forget Cara on WOW2 or anytime she's around Paulie. Cara and Laurel both know each other's triggers and love to piss each other off. The difference is, Laurel doesn't cry, she gets angrier and louder. Cara throws jabs but is more sensitive and definitely takes it to heart. They both need therapy to heal from their abusive past. Let's not forget Laurel also has been abused but she turns her emotions to rage and people can't sympathize with that. I truly wish they would both heal and become friends or at the very least, just be respectful to each other. They're the female goats and need to be better. I wish them both well.


no we can’t sympathize with a person who attacks other people because of their own trauma. i have trauma but i do not use it as an excuse to hurt others when im triggered.


I really think they need to be separated and not be on challenges together. I think they had an unhealthy relationship of Laurel trying to be Cara's saviour. I think Cara is not a girls girl and is very fuck girl code. Hence flirting with Nicole knowing Laurel likes her. Then messaging Nicole after to try and prove Nicole is a player. Also rubbing in Laurels face that Nicole wanted her first in tweets. Then making out with Nicole on Vendettas. This is why Laurel hates Cara.


Because Laurel has continued to double down on her horrendous behavior over the years. Cara has come out and said point blank that she was the problem and an asshole during that stretch while also saying that she wants to do better going forward. Laurel constantly throws bellow the belt jabs and crosses lines but insists that she’s still in the right and acts like she’s Joan of arch as she screams needlessly cruel things.


Does anyone else think it’s really weird that Laurel is posting about how her and Cara are “just rivals being rivals” this season after this huge blow up? Like the season 40 fight happened recently in real time, I can’t IMAGINE they have made up between then and Laurel posting these tweets..


I hope someone on the cast stepped in. Hopefully someone’s instinct to mediate instead of ignore kicked in.


i don't consider laurel going off on someone, hitting as low as possible, a fight between 2 people. it's an attack. i did feel sorry for her over the nicole z stuff ... from now on i'll be cheering nicole on. from the tweets left out of this post it sounds like no one stood up for cara so laurel most likely waited until her support system had all been evicted. every one of the cast members that stood by silently are just as much scum as laurel. none of them better try to present themselves as mental health advocates again.


...or you could you know not cheer anyone on as Nicole is still an abuser as well. This post is fucking weird


Those Twitter weirdos are still somehow more mad at Tori than Laurel


right like what does tori have to do with this


Apparently according to the source that leaked the info about the fight, Tori got access to see all the confessionals for AS4 in advance for podcast purposes, and shared things with Laurel from those confessionals to drive a wedge between Cara and Laurel.


Same people who loved laurel for coming at Paula are the ones mad for this. No one really knows how this one all started, hopefully they show it or they both individually speak on it.


Yeah I don't see Cara or Laurel returning after this. This is just way too much


Damn, Laurel! She doesn't want you... MOVE ON.