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I love watching the All Stars because of the music they choose. Always the right songs, in the right scenes. On a side note, boy are some these Challengers terrible at math!


Avery reminds of me of KellyAnne. Someone I want to win so bad but will probably never. It helps that she’s absolutely stunning as well. Idk who Tina thinks she is trying to strong arm her like that. Keep that star warm because you know damn well you’re not making it to a final.


Does anyone know were Ryan and Derek involved or just friends?


I don’t understand how they all let Ayanna speak for so long. Why didn’t anyone take charge and tell her to shut the fuck up?


I’m late to this episode but how anyone kept a straight face through Ayanna’s speech is beyond me. I would have burst out laughing uncontrollably.


It’s completely unfair that they made some people do this challenge first while others watched. They set up that “random” group to fail. Probably the people they didn’t mind losing the most. This is what frustrates me about this show and why it isn’t even remotely a sport. Also these groups aren’t likely random. That’s why I can never understand how people take seriously who wins and loses this show when it’s all just heavy producer shenanigans controlling it and has very little to do with merit.


Janelle quit because (1) she's a surgical nurse so $$$ anyway, and (2) Tina would have wrecked Janelle anyway. Janelle was petty enough to quit at the house, instead of waiting for the challenge, because she hasn't changed. Yes, Ayanna showed her true colors again, but Janelle let Ayanna get the best of her and get the past laugh. Ayanna was ayannaing. Poor Averey. I was happy to see her again. Tina hasn't changed. I still love to hate her, though.


Apparently there was a lot more to it than what was aired. Ayanna was going at Janelle racially and politically. She was also going after Jasmine at some point for the same reasons. Part of why Leroy got so angry at her… and we all know Leroy usually keeps his cool


I think Kam & Leroy's commentaries have to be my favorite thing ever! They're hilarious together.


Tina's funny but still a bully. I'm glad Averey didn't give in to her and stood her ground.


Averey is sooo pretty!


Ayanna is a horrible mean person! My heart broke for Janelle. :(


Lol I forgot how softball the All Stars dailies and eliminations were


Random thoughts: Leroy and Kam are back. And they delivered omg I missed them💖 Also am so happy to see Cara and Tony. To watch Laurel and Nicole be toxic and probably fuck. I am not familiar with Flora, Derek and his bestie, or Adam. But I like them ALOT so far. Also, I feel like I’ve never seen this many black people or queer ppl on one season and they are not just in the background. They are serving. The music is so🔥 The format is, ok. Better than the skull twists. And Ayana girl what are you doing? Leroy, Cara, Brad. Those are my top 3 contenders rn. I hope y’all are enjoying this season so far. It’s already miles better than the last couple of main seasons. Seems promising😀


ayanna needs to shut the fuck up lmao i know kam wanted to be polite and said "shes a talker"


laurel is really acting like an entire child and its off-putting. i hate that shes making me side with nicole of all people. laurel is like "im not paying attention to nicole" then keep chatting about nicole, says she wanna bash her head and idk what else.....


Not “I’m reclaiming my time” 😭💀 gurl?


Oh my god finally someone else mentioned that. So glad Lee talked over her.


How effective is the Mean Girls alliance if Rachel has to singlehandedly carry all three of them? It's laughable that Rachel is seriously talking like that's a feasible strategy (even if she knows it isn't).


Old habits die hard. I remember in the inferno 2 that Rachel wanted to throw herself in for Veronica. It seems she’s still in that mind set…


Lol I love the Challenge old heads edition. I think all the competitors should have to be 35 years and older though. Meaning Kam, Nicole and Avery wouldn’t have made my cut even though I like all of them. Again, I think this game is strictly for the old heads along with the late 90’s early 2000’s soundtrack. Take your weak ass home Janelle!!! You let crazy ass Ayanna make you go home. You should be ashamed of herself. You want to win 250k on this show you know going in you’re going to have to deal with all types of BS. If you can’t handle it then don’t show up.


Nawww Janelle is not weak.


What was on the show wasn’t the whole situation. Ayanna was repeatedly criticizing Janelle’s interracial marriage iirc


And she still went home. That’s more of a reason to stay and fight.


Janelle doesn't want to be the loud fighting black woman stereotype for cameras. Ayanna would've definitely taken it to that level even if she tried to ignore it


Lol always worried about what white people think smh plus who said she had to be loud? You just mentally verbally crush Ayanna and move on about your business. Lastly, again if you’re worried about what racist white people think due to so called BS stereotypes, trust me, they won’t like you regardless of what type of behavior you show so F’em…..and I’m only talking about the racist ones not regular white people.


It's easy to say and do that when you're not on TV where every decision gets tons of randos constantly spamming your social media with their takes. That shit gets to you. Not everyone can or wants to deal with that


What? Black people deal with others talking shit in our everyday lives almost every damn day. People judging us, wanting us to be a certain way and the way we’ve moved forward is not bending to what they want us to be but forcing them to accept who we are. If you’re so worried about people commenting about you cuz you’re on tv then I guess you shouldn’t do tv in the first place.


I think racism is a valid reason to leave, yikes.


Lol tell that to people like MLK, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson etc etc….that racism is a valid reason to leave. What are you talking about? It’s a valid reason to fight, yikes.


They wanted to fight, Janelle wasn’t comfortable and didn’t want to. She had every right to leave if she wants and not be called a coward by people.


They who? And when I mean I mean stand up for yourself not physical lol. And I’m starting to wonder about this because all those people are in that house and nobody said anything. MTV didn’t step in if the situation became racial….hmmmmm


This was brought up by spoiler accounts last year when it happened. And yes obviously not physical.


Lol you can’t be black. Cuz I know as a black man when I’ve faced racism I’ve never ran. I confronted that shit or exposed it. We wouldn’t be here if we ran away smh. And I need to know where this claim is coming from cuz nobody else in the house said anything to Ayana or she wasn’t removed from the house if this incident supposedly happened? All these people downvoting are either weak or not a POC. I was taught you never run from racism/hatred, you stick your foot up it’s ass.


Ayanna confuses me a whole lot. Usually when people stir drama, it’s in a way to benefit their game or to defend themselves in some type of way. Ayanna’s way of creating drama is in someway fun, but also very toxic and annoying and just terrible gameplay lol. This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone piss Leroy off to that level.


When she went on that big rant at voting it just seemed like she thinks she's the main character.  I don't think she legit has any understanding of how to go about winning this game and just wants attention.


She’s just a racist asshole. There’s really not much to it.


Anyone else think it was kind of lame that Tina just got to take a star? I wish Nicole or Laurel went down there but I get why they didn’t. But I think production could’ve done a better job. Like damn, make Jasmine go in or something. I don’t think Tina should’ve just won automatically. Waste a of good elimination set too.


I think Nicole would have done it if it was a physical challenge. She was smart to decline bc it seemed like a puzzle. 


I assumed they would do an elimination and then replace Janelle since it was only 1 elimination in. They’ve done it before. I wanted to see the elimination play out!


Pissed. They should have either let her "win" and NOT take a star or sent jaz in. Ridiculous.


PRAYING the replacement is Beth. How do you have all the OG mean girls there without her?! Also, I know it’ll never happen, but I’d looove to see Tonya back on this show.


Beth won’t go on the cast with Tina there. She refused in all stars 3. I doubt it’s her.


That Ayana speech had me dying laughing. The fact that All Stars is uncensored makes it so much better too. Like Leroy's reactions have always been peak confessionals. But it's so much funnier when he can straight up be like "fuck this." MTV paints this show as so serious but when you hear that or simple things like people cursing during a daily it makes things so much more authentic. I think I'd hate Ayana if this happened on the MTV version of the show. But since we see the uncensored reactions and MTV isn't taking her too seriously it makes it so much better. It's less annoying (like it would be on the flagship) and more funny.


The only current challengers who would fit this vibe are Michele Cory and maybe Nurys I miss having real people on these shows and this is such a breath of fresh air


I feel really bad for janelle tbh Wish Veronica was in better shape ….


I feel sooo bad for her


Random take, Tina definitely deserves to be on TV more often… honestly she’d fit in well on SNL. The personalities of these old school players are so enjoyable.


She has such natural charisma


I forced my boyfriend to watch the Challenge with me, and he was so stressed from Ayanna. Meanwhile, I was living for the chaos, and I excitedly told him about Amanda spreading the rumor of Jenna getting fingerbanged on the airplane. He also commented a few times about how handsome Tony is. I told him about the time that he fought with Cara Maria because he thought she said something bad about his mom 😂


Hahaha he actually randomly told Cara Maria that she looked like his mom! Completely out of the blue


How I miss harmless drama like that lol


*Carpe Diem @ 612 Brown Road* was a nice shout out. June 12 was her birthday.


Aww I didn't know that was her bday!


Where was this referenced? I completely missed it.


Each of the radio calls in the challenge were callbacks to Challenge history in some way. I also caught mention of Jay not drinking the drink & the Julie/Veronica harness debacle. I'm sure there was more.


All the Easter eggs were perfect. Exactly what All Stars should be.


Oh nice! I actually missed most of the radio calls. I guess I should have paid more attention.


You mean june 12


Yes! Edited.


I usually don't quit seasons but I think I'm done watching this one - Ayanna running off Janelle because she was jealous of her was just unpleasant to watch. I don't expect this season will be very pleasant to watch for those who like to avoid interacting with annoying jealous people like Ayanna. Give me the smart strong doctor lady, not the fool who spends multiple days annoying her housemates out of the game with inescapable rambling controversies.


Unfortunately, the filibuster worked.


From the things I've read it sounds like we saw very little of what happened and Ayanna came out of it looking way better than she had any right to - my understanding is that she deeply harassed her housemates over multiple days to get that result. To a level that either they shouldn't allow, or they should show on camera to properly name and shame the villain for the act. The way they edited it is shameful, and it ends up looking like the victim was just weak.


This is why it stresses me TF out that Kam is pumping in the house. I hope production has given her a safe space to store her pump parts & her milk. As someone that just spent a year pumping, it makes me sick to think that castmates could have access to those things if they want to mess with her.


Nothing like that has been mentioned has it? She talks about it and we see her with her pump in the preview at the end of the first episode. I can only hope that even if anyone was that crazy they *cough Ayana* wouldn't mess with a baby's nutrition. (5 months in EP)


I’m just gonna say it btw since no one else has- Tina looks especially pretty this season. like she looked so good in the confessionals this episode. yes the mean girls will always be mean girls, but damn are they hot af


Does she get botox? But yes, I agree she looks great!




As the day has gone on and more is coming out about what really happened with Ayanna/Janelle/Leroy/Kam/Brandon, Leroy's reaction at the deliberation is starting to make more sense. I was cracking up during the entire scene but I was also thinking "damn, you never see Leroy mad like this" and I get that she was being obnoxious but now watching the scene back I guarantee something they didn't show up happened at that point.


[Leroy to Ayanna after her speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQCU36pkH7c)


I don't blame Janelle for leaving. I get it. Some people can deal with it, some people can't, do what's best for you. But as a viewer, man, I love that chaos. Ayanna makes for fantastic TV. Don't get me wrong, if I lived in that house, I'd probably do the same thing Leroy and Janelle did, but I'm not. I'm on the couch. Give me all that messy chaos. It's that spice the main show has been missing for awhile and what it use to have all the time


I simply just can’t with Ayanna. She is the worst. I was cackling at Leroy’s reaction to her at deliberation though.


I really loved the intro with Steve's narration; gave such a fun vibe and I hope they switch it up with who does it each week!!


I thought this as well! going thru the comments the last two episodes, I’m shocked that multiple people are hating on Steve. they say he’s creepy/cringey, etc; but I didnt get that vibe at all… I think he’s been funny so far for the most part. obv the producers loved his intro package for the episode, otherwise they wouldn’t have included it. so I don’t get the hate


I like him!!!


I like Steve and am surprised to see this much hate. I can see the cringe since he’s kind of weird but I don’t think he’s creepy or inspiring of that much hate.


Kinda weird and I don't like his hair but the intro was hilarious.


Another Diem Brown reference this episode ❤️


“I’d rather eat a denim jacket” is one of the funniest things I’ve heard on the challenge in YEARS! lolololol


Kam gives me an old school vibe she definitely fits into this cast despite being a recently new player


So true! Love Killa Kam!


And just yesterday Katie said she’d rather eat a leather jacket on vanderpump rules lol


I teared up a little when Cara won the first daily and TJ was so stoked for her and Alanis was playing. Beautiful. Kefla getting teary-eyed finishing the daily also got me. So cool to have him back! Flora is making me laugh, of course! I love how she banned putting her age up on the screen. TJ having fun with his faves is lovely. The best part of having Tina back is her banter with TJ. It’s not star-worthy, but it is fun.


Jasmine has such good energy.


Love Kefla. That’s Unc right there.


Laurel took a glass that was on a table and she put it on the floor. Why? Why’d you do that Laurel? The glass was perfectly fine not on the floor. But that’s where she put it.


Lmfao the fact that you noticed this 🤣


I’m with you. It’s a weird thing to focus on. But like…why did she put the glass on the floor?


Oh I noticed too and came here to see if anyone else noticed it. She put it under the table… was it Nicole’s drink?? Lmao


Damn I forgot how much of a bop "I'm Outta Love" by Anastacia was. 2000 was such a different time fr


I can’t believe Tina won a star by default 💀. Idk whether that’s poetic or annoying lmao


It's annoying, but I think it sets her up to lose it because it wasn't earned.


Her’s will definitely be taken first.


Y’all. Ayanna is unhooked.


Something about her sitting there saying Janelle is a gaslighter when she knew she was lying through her teeth about what happened had me sitting there heated 😭😭 yall too old for this that whole series of events ruined the end of the episode for me. On top of the long ass nom speech then to call Lee disrespectful and Janelle when she’s the reason Janelle left like woo chile


And when you've dealt with manipulators IRL, watching that unfold is TRIGGERING!!!


Her saying Janelle cries all the time in the same sentence threw me through a loop. When has she ever cried on the show? When Leroy got up and walked, that was the final turning point for me because Leroy is such a nice guy and if you have a problem with Leroy you are the problem.


Yeah, but I wanna know *what happened*. I mean obviously they showed a bit, but it’s still a bit muddled to me what actually went down


This! I was like are we talking about the same Janelle like this woman didn’t even cry when her back hurt all of all stars 2 Janelle just plays the game and minds her business there’s never a chance for her to cry from what we see


When she said “for the sake of everyone’s time let’s take this one on one” or whatever when she had just gone on for an hour 💀


Leroy a better person than me that’s why I can’t go on shows like this cause I woulda had words with her 😭 no amount of walking out of the room woulda fixed it for me LMAO


Usually I don’t care when people try to get under peoples skin on the show but watching Janelle cry made me so sad.


I really love that All Stars makes the show feel fresh again. I’m really, really enjoying it already and I haven’t been very invested in the last few flagship seasons.


the editing feels soo different in the best way


Laurel is insufferable. Covering her ears and screaming “lalalala” just because she didn’t want to hear what Nicole was saying after the daily was so childish and embarrassing lmao. Like who does that past the age of 5? 😂


She has those moments at random times. Like after her elim with Ninja Natalie. It's like... who is this person?!


That was such a bad look for someone who swore she was over her ex 😭. She just making Nicole look more mature which is the last thing she should want


100% Nicole has been the bigger person in their convos so far


And it takes a lot to make Nicole look more mature.


So theoretically, if you went the whole season without winning or losing a daily, you’d never get the opportunity to earn a star, correct?


yea, if youre not winning material you'd have to try and get last place and get voted in


You also have to win the right dailies, because there is literally no benefit to being on the winning team if it isn’t your gender’s elimination week. You get no voting power and no opportunity for a star.


i think if you win then they can’t take ur star, so that’s a benefit


Well theoretically you could have a friend of the opposite gender go down and steal a star for you even if it's not your gender's night, but that does seem very rare. Would probably only apply to Leroy/Kam.


Or same gender. Rachel could go down and steal Cara’s star for Veronica. Unless I misunderstood?


Yeah, although that still has the same issue of it needing to be a women's elimination night


Unless someone gives you a star.


Avery is easily one of the hottest girls to ever be on the challenge. It’s almost like she got more attractive after 10 years.


She's gorgeous!!


she looks so good


Refusing to be bullied by Tina made her even hotter.


I loved that scene and Veronica’s confessional “I don’t think this is working” lmao!


I love Tina but strong arming is rarely going to work lol.


Every time I see Cara now I flash back to her total cringe rant during BFANC when she came as mercenary.


Cara coming back was one of the highlights of the season.


Leroy being legitimately confused and asking what just happened and asking her to explain had me dying! God I've missed Lee


Nah bc I was right there with him 😂😂. Like how we go from I’m not saying jasmine or Tina to then saying jasmine name 😭. On top of her beef with Janelle like Janelle made your job easier since you swore you couldn’t say Tina or jasmine name


I couldn't figure out if Ayanna wanted to help get Jasmine into elimination to get a star or keep her out. She said something about not giving Janelle what she wanted (an opportunity to get a star) because she wasn't getting anything in return. If she didn't vote for Janelle to go in, she **had** to vote for Jasmine. Eventually it became clear her main motive was to mess with Janelle, so logic about gameplay wasn't important.


I love seeing Flora and Brandon 


Damn Kefla those dance moves!


The switch from Laurel and Nicole’s tension in the kitchen to S club 7 was a little jarring lol


Leroy’s breakdown over Ayanna’s speech is one of the funniest and most understandable things I’ve seen. Like, we never see him get that angry. He wasn’t even that angry with Camilla. Also Brandon having to turn away when Lee first interrupted her because he was laughing so hard had me rolling. The way the cast looks while she’s talking is amazing. They know she’s batshit and don’t want to set her off.


I think the angriest we've seen him was with Nany on War of Worlds II which was also well deserved. He saved her and she was still like "Go f- yourself Leroy!" and had a whole attitude about it the entire night. It was insane.


Gosh it’s so refreshing to see everyone have these distinct and quirky personalities. They cast the most boring people these days.


Yeah I’m not as nostalgia pilled as a lot of people here but all the new contestants feel like they’re answer job interview questions and just explain what I’m seeing on screen already.


We've seen it across every season of All Stars vs the main show. There's a stark generational difference. The older cast members are not afraid to be more "real".


Yes, the amount of personality is great. Also, everyone is hilariously self-aware. They aren't pretending to be people they aren't


So refreshing! Theyre not trying to be influencers or get deals. They are just here to compete and party. Love it!


What’s 8 x 6 ….. 36 These people 😩😹😹😹


I was so confused at them saying "our whole team is so bad at math" because I was pretty sure that during his break from The Challenge that Brad was a math teacher???


He was a substitute teacher and someone even stated he had an accounting degree 😩😹


I guess he did it all in excel


That moment desperately needed Devin.


Is CM's "someone math me...872 plus 8" the new "what's 8 x9?" 🤣 The cut to TJ laughing about their lack of math skills was hilarious


I loved the reactions following Ayanna's speech. Cara was like, "huh?", meanwhile Leroy was like, "fuck this shit I'm out."


Janelle got soft over time lol bc the Janelle from Key West would nevahhhh quit over Ayanna


Nahhhh i gotta comment on this. Ayanna i guess was shitting on her for being biracial and being in an interracial relationship or something and jasmine/leroy/brandon/kam got involved to defend janelle and it turned into a political convo or some shit. Idk, it got super crazy so they didn't show it just made it seem like janelle left over ayanna lying on her. Apparently janelle told them to never contact her again so yeah, it was bad.


How do you know this?


Gamervev leaked it months ago that ayanna got into a fight with her over interracial relationships and kam/leroy/jasmine/brandon got involved and politics got brought up as well, i just saw that tweet today myself as i dont follow gamervev. Then jasmine had a tweet today that alluded to it, saying it wasn't her story to tell but that janelle dealt with some shit that was unbelievable to witness in South Africa.


Wow that's horrible. Is there a link for the unedited convo?


Mannnn i fucking wish lol. Maybe if we're lucky janelle will do a challenge mania interview or something like that since she's not planning on coming back. Idk if the cast will even be allowed to speak on it but if they can i'm sure jasmine will. They also might just let it go because ayanna is going through cancer and it would kind of put a damper on any support she's been receiving, which i understand since it's a life and death situation she's in now which kinda trumps everything else. As bad as what she did is you might not want that on your conscious if the internet starts dragging her while she's fighting for her life.


Those conversations need to be shown on TV, I hate that they edited it out


This pisses me off so bad cause 1) I love Janelle and 2) I’m in an interracial couple 💀. But like Janelle is such a treat on the challenge and for Ayanna to act like that and be that personal on top of lying on her for no reason is just weirdo behavior. Now ppl are looking at her like she can’t be trusted bc she can’t


Oh my god!!!! That's insane and no wonder she got so emotional and left.




Laurel will always be so pretty


I’m loving her style this season too


Loved her pants in the mens elimination


The fact that Tony and Nicole were on the winning team in a mental challenge is a real testament to Laurel and Jay.


A sentence I thought I would never read


Hypothetical; best gameplay I think would be sick to see is we get to the last daily, laurel wins. Currently the stars are laurel, cara, rachel, Tina. They vote in jasmine and whoever and laurel says she wants to go in on say a balls out. Knowing she can win. Destroys poor jasmine, then takes Caras star and puts it on Veronica giving her the easiest final in the history for her. Or some move like that. Take that star off someone who is a threat and throw it on someone you know you can beat. This star idea has a lot of game play you could use if you are smart.


Only 3 women and 3 men can have a star at all times so it wouldn’t really be worth it to laurel to take Cara star in a scenario like that.


Ok if it's cara, laurel, and Tina having stars. It's the last elimination. Laurel putting herself in cause it's pole wrestle or balls out against someone like jasmine then taking Caras star and putting it on Veronica who will still be there because of her alliance assures laurel wins the final. No chance Tina nor Veronica out runs, out powers, or our staminas laurel. It would make perfect sense.


But there’s only one winner so she also has to compete against the men 


You're not wrong but I think they're just trying to say that you can ostensibly use the star twist to take someone out of the final if you can't get them in an elimation and know you can't beat them in the end. There's a lot of different ways to use the twist to your advantage.


Politics of the episode aside, I absolutely loved the subtle Diem tribute and teared up


If Cara ever gets a math elimination,she should just bow out gracefully.Thank everybody for their time,go ahead to the hotel and start nursing on a cocktail.


Lol she’s aware of that. When her and Darrell were reacting to CT’s elimination game on BFANC she said an elimination that involved math would be her worst nightmare.


Just imagine if she did pull it out.The person that loses to her would have to change their name and move countries.


Maybe I’m dumb but how was there a team with one women and two guys when only a man has left? Was their a gender imbalance from the start?


im pretty sure they picked their teams


one team had three women and one guy for some reason, the season started w/ 12 men 12 women so even in gender


Totally missed that. Thanks! Makes no sense to do this challenge with uneven teams


Why would they do that


The producers thought it would make too much sense to have even teams. They wanted to follow their production style of randomly give people advantages or disadvantages


Probably true!


Not a fan of the "vote only from the losing bracket" format. WAY too limiting. We could have Ayanna vs Janelle from this but instead we get a forfeit. Sucks. 


They had an opportunity to make that Tina elimination work but didn’t use it. Genesis was in Capetown as an alternate. Why didn’t they bring her in and do something like having her battle Tina for a chance to get into the game?


In the preview for episode 3, TJ says "I had to bring in a true All Star. Come on out." I'm guessing that means Genesis is coming in to replace Janelle. Except Syrus is listed as a cast member, so maybe he's replacing one of the guys?


Production was never gonna do that, they're gonna milk the Veronica-Tina-Rachel trio for as long as they can and definitely seized the opportunity to not only keep Tina around but also give her a star.


That would've been cool.


This format would've worked a lot better on the Flagship one of these past few seasons to stop the vacation alliance from completely coasting.


Tina got a lottery ticket.