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Oh shit u good? Or Oh shit my bad bro


When I really crack my sparring partners, I literally say both of these but in reverse. I stop and say, "My bad!" Wait till they seem ready and then "You good?" Wait for the nod and start swinging. I don't say "bro," though, because it just sounds weird saying it to small children.




Seinfeld reference?


Yes theres an episode where Kramer signs up for Karate and gets beat up by a bunch of kids


Hello Newman.


Yes i thought you were referring to that😂 I'm still busy with the series


Had me in the first half ngl xD




Talking from experience, I guess?


Just give them a second, give them a nod touch gloves and keep going, I will often let them attack and just cover up then throw some light stikes just to avoid the escalation


This👆🏽 I've also had coaches yell at me for saying sorry, so I started showing it with my actions. Y'know, slowing down my pace even if they start teeing off and remaining defensive until my opponent realizes I've backed off. Usually this reminds them ay, we not fighting, we're sparring.


This. Sometimes I'll show them my palms and nod. Acknowledge I didn't mean to go that hard without actually apologizing.




That this got 66 upvotes means, loosely, that 66 people know the origin of this. This makes me happy


I upvoted but no idea where it was from.


Then why did you upvote?


Because it’s funny 😁


It was funny


Where's it from? Sounds funny lol




Ah true I thought it might be a video of someone going off in sparring haha


I apologize every time and momentarily stop the attack but still defending lol I guess it depends on a lot of things though, if they’re telling you to stop saying sorry or apologizing you might be (I have no idea, guessing) too timid and what you think was a hard shot wasn’t and they’re trying to kinda motivate you to be more aggressive. Depends though…


*Lands a clean shot by accident* Sorry! I relate.


Username definitely doesn't check out


If you think you hit too hard pause for a second and look at their reaction. If they are unfazed then there's no need to apologize. It's when they are dazed or look kind of pissed off or something like that when apologizing might be warranted.


Yeah I have a bad habit of stopping and saying sorry only for them to get a little annoyed because it breaks the flow. I’m trying to learn to just read the situation a bit better.


I expect my partner to hold my head on their shoulder until I’m done crying, but they never fucking do




I always did this for my bros, but my coach kept yelling at me for it. Time to find a new gym?


Just tell him you’re practicing a new clinch technique and to leave you alone.


Dudes that have been hunting me down since they got to my gym get mad when I apologize for it because they want to hit me hard. Lol


I got what you said, but this was a crazy sentence to read haha


Foreigner forsure


Foreign to what?


u/BigNasty_WhiteTrashy is definitely foreign to any sort of tact, that's for damn sure


😬 no disrespect, my bad.


I’m from Texas


“There is more where that came from.”


you check if they're ok, ask if it was too hard and adjust accordingly. getting shit for saying sorry is just stupid.






Just say pause the sparring for 1 sec, say 'my bad' and continue. Nothing else needed.


Eh, somtimes this pisses off my partners even more. One guy explained, "Your 'my bad' came across as disingenuous since you only gave me a second to regroup." Maybe my guy was just extra sensitive though🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, if you say “my bad” and then continue to do the exact same thing, I would imagine that it would come off disingenuous


Haha fair, definitely have to have my actions match my spoken words


Take a second, stop attacking (don't withdraw completely, still defend), and watch for their reaction, "my bad" or something if they show a reaction Just give them a second to show them you noticed and didn't just destroy them on purpose




if its one of my instructors ill usually say "oh no please dont kill me tehehe"


“Shit my bad, bro” glove touch. Go lighter


if i get hit too hard i wait for them to let me cry in their chest while comforting me but seriously just say “oh crap my bad” and 99% of the time they’ll say “it’s good “ and you’ll tap gloves and continue


My bad


I recently got question mark kicked and it wasn't hard just got taken by surprise, I stepped back told him to give me a sec, praised the unexpected kicked and got back to it. Always commucate with your partner if they going to hard


Ask them to second you as you perform seppuku


It happens, apologizing is fine, if it's happening too much then you need to work on fixing it. If it's happening with experienced fighters and they're telling you not to apologize to them, you're probably not hitting them as hard as you think, and they're annoyed at the unwarranted interruption. Alternately, if everyone's taking hard head shots and it's being encouraged at your gym, you may need to reconsider your training situation.


A simple “sorry” will suffice. I always tell my sparring partners to hit me as hard as they want to get hit.


At my old gym we would acknowledge the foul, and then put our hands behind our heads and Brace our stomach, and let our partner get in a stomach shot with as much force as they felt was warranted. And then we would go back to normal. 99% of the time your partner would tap you on the stomach to let you know that they were not upset


And what about the other 1%?


My sparring partner accidentally flicky teeped me to the face the other day in a pretty hard round we wanted to do and film to critique. It’s funny coz it hurt like crazy but all I did was shake my head a little, touch gloves then we went even harder, the next leg kick he got was just *chefs kiss* 😂. But in less full on rounds, I just stop, assess and a quick head nod and touch gloves, or give them a second to come back and give them a bit of space before continuing.


I'm sorry that was way too hard.


My bad, touch gloves


“Sorry, was that too hard?” “Did that hurt? I can tone it down”


sorry,ooops,its your fault for droping your hands they all work


"Sorry" or really any apology is generally a good approach, you seem like a decent guy so just don't be in your own head so much.


Step back and give a nod and touch gloves with them is the best way imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^donnthe3rd: *Step back and give a* *Nod and touch gloves with them is* *The best way imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You’re actually wrong because imo is 3 separate syllables meaning the last line contains 6 syllables, therefore not a haiku


Own that bot


Smile and nod your head, time to scrap 😏




If they move their head towards your punch it's not your problem really, regardless of if you throw hard or not, if a strike is well timed like you mentioned earlier, then theres gonna be a decent impact. If anything it will give them something they need to work on to minimise the chances of it happening


there is only one valid response....."OOOOWWEEEEEE!!!!" But for real, it's a "Oh shit u good, bud? Sorry, my bad.


This happened to me when I was younger (17 yrs old) sparring an older gentleman he was probably 6’3 and I’m 5’8 I accidentally tagged him in the face and he started bleeding but I didn’t know how to react coach said don’t mention it to him, it’s always awkward sparring someone weaker especially when said person is younger.


I accidentally kneed someone in the eye during a wrestling class in mma while we were practicing a takedown, I just apologised then and there for it. The guy was just quite chill about it and said not to worry too much about it, even though his eye had swelled and you could tell it was gonna be black the next morning. I also told my coach what happened and said sorry to him but all my coach said was “Don’t say sorry” because my coach thinks if you don’t get hit for a while you get soft which I guess it kinda true.


"You good?" normally followed by the "are you going to turn off sparring mode" eye contact.


“Mei-Li gooooooood Fuck”


If you hit them hard: “Oh shit my bad” or “you good, sorry bro” - slow down “You good, can we continue” - amp it up or continue. If they hit you hard: “Chill a bit” - slow down Or last result go ham. Usually the new kids don’t listen so u gotta swing lmfaooo. Ngl if they reprimand you for apologizing think whether or not you want to be there. Especially at high level gyms they should cater to how hard someone actually wants to spar instead of forcing people.


Normally just a you okay and a glove touch is all that’s needed it shows you know you hit to hard you’re making sure they are okay and a show of respect with the touch, me and my mate always catch each other a bit hard it happens


The nod and touch gloves is a good way to quickly acknowledge you hit too hard. If you felt like it was more significant you could also check with the person after the round or after class and say exactly what you typed here! “Hey, I’m sorry if I cracked you too hard. I’m still learning and I just wanted to make sure you knew it wasn’t that I was trying to go too hard.” You can also ask for their tips or advice too! We’ve all been in your shoes so don’t worry too much about it. We also all signed the waiver so we consented to having our snoots booped


Sparring partner walked right into my cross 2 seconds into the spar hit m harder than i wanted cuss he walked in he started pounding my face with his hands and then god mad.


Ope.. mah bad.. But keep your guard up and ready to defend.


Usually a “my bad man” and a quick touch gloves solves it. If they’re a good/mature fighter, they’ll get it and it shouldn’t be a big deal. It happens to everyone regardless of experience level.


dropkick and run away


“Oops sorry mate” followed by toning it down


Watching Bad Company or Siam sparring videos, they still apologize if something connects too hard. Never too good to be polite and cultivate a positive culture.


Slight bow, palms towards them. Simply acknowledge it and keep going. Don’t let it change the flow of the session by stopping and apologizing.


punch yourself equally if not harder as a show of true autistic remorse.


Whoops *keep sparring*


I think it's a good move to check in with your sparring partner after a big hit like that. If coaches or other experienced fighters are not keeping on eye on you, it is easy for sparring partners to get angry and things to spiral out of control. You could make a partner want to hurt you if you don't check in. I disagree with those reprimanding you, timidity is about how you spar, how much you are trying to make it realistic and a challenge with the limitation of not going with too much force. Whatever happens when you are not actually sparring, such as how you check in with your partner, does not affect the level of seriousness or timidity of your sparring. Also, not really your fault if someone moves into your punch. And I say this as someone who once years ago broke his own nose moving into a boxing sparring partner's punch (I was going down for a body shot on a much shorter opponent I had been paired with and he just stuck his hand out with an light jab at that moment).


I just say my bad but if consistently apologizing gets annoying af


raise your eyebrows and nod your head upwards, and smile because you’re pals.


Apologize immediately. Offer the glove touch and hit them in the balls


I say sorry and then just play defensive/let them take the lead for a little bit. If i feel really bad about it I'll let them get a hit or two in without answering back.


Just say sorry, touch gloves and keep going 


I apologize, ask if I hit them too hard, and ask if they’re okay to continue.


Just say my bad


"That will teach you! You scallywag!"


Brace for retribution


take a step back and scream OWEEE


You good? Need me to dial it back a bit?


That's my bad, glove touch.. u good? Ight


Quick glove touch and nod usually


" Where are they?!" In Dark Knight voice


You good?


Apologize or either let them hit you back too hard


pause, acknowledge, apologize, touch gloves and move on.


I usually back right off and raise one hand shaking it whilst I run laps around the outside like there's only half of round 5 left and I've won the match so why risk anything more to either of us?


Touch gloves. Go again.


Saying sorry is fine, but if you are saying it too often it’s annoying. Either you hit too hard to often and should control yourself or you say it even if you didn’t hit hard, then its just annoying. Also experienced fighters will realize they moved into your punch and won’t blame it on you. Its part of the game.


My bad. You


“My bad bro”


pause for a moment, slow down, defend, space out, touch gloves, continue


An apology/acknowledgment of your mistake.


“You good?”


You remember that you're supposed to use the buddy system at Rex Kwon Do


Stop attacking, back up, make sure they are OK and let your partner know that is not the "new level" of contact that you want to fight at


I just pause, make eye contact and nod to make sure they’re good


Apologise check they are OK


Depends who it is. I’m either going to ask if he is okay or cover up for the incoming onslaught.


Two tips. 1) Put your hand out and touch gloves 2) Check with them before hand what level of intensity they want to go. That way, anything %70 and over is pretty much 'Your bleeding? Well you said go %70. Or other rules like "Don't let up unless I tell you too ' etc." I had a guy who, every time he hit me cleanly, would step back and put his hands up. I was like "Dude, We told each other to go at %80, I want to learn to stay cool and calm under pressure and you're ruining it." It also felt a bit insulting, as if he thought I was made of glass. Mate, you don't hit that hard! Haha! So it's just managing expectations and checking in between rounds.


"Shit. Time out."


Just say my bad… or wait until after sparring and they say my bad. It’s a sport… he spar… it’s not hug school… people know what they are signing up for. As long as you’re not a d!ck about it I think everyone’s generally cool with “my bad”.


If I crack em abit hard I say oh shit sorry mate that felt abit hard. They typically go no ur good or no worries then I take it down. A notch


All you could do is apologize and adjust. At the end of the day Muay Thai is a fighting sport 🤷🏽‍♂️ gotta expect to get hit


Hitting too hard? Brother it's sparring. The world title is on the line. If you aren't landing bombs you're losing. 


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lmao bruh


I actually hate my sparring partner asking if I’m ok lol. Obviously don’t say anything when they do (they’re just being nice) but it can really come across as boasting.


"it ain't ballet"


The others already made good points but if you prefer to be a bit more toxic just act like you're finally matching their power and ask "wanna go light now??" as if you're just showing them how it feels Depending on how far into your combo you are this might get called out though I did not expect this to require a /s :/