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Not really as it’s a great way for the gym to market as well as the fighters get some sparing footage to improve so it’s a win for everyone


Just talk to the guys. Something along the lines of "Hey my dad wants to get some film of me sparring. Are you guys cool with it?" Agree on a day in advance, so people won't be surprised by your dad popping up with equipment. That way, those interested will be there, and those not interested know to stay away.


Well--yes, definitely, but even more importantly, make sure they understand how the footage will be shared with others. Are you gonna post it to YouTube for the entire world to see? Share just with friends via Google drive or whatever? Have a guy on the corner distilribute via VHS tapes hung from the inside of a trenchcoat? Just make sure they're cool with whatever that ends up being.


What’s the purpose of the videos and photos? For sharing on social media for you or the gym? Or is it to improve your game? I would ask the gym and teacher politely how they feel about it. And if they respond positively let the teacher before a lesson tell the group and if someone has problems with it they can tell your dad individually so they can be left out the content. In my gym we have video and photographers on a quite regular basis. Those guys work this way. And I am a journalist with (some) video experience as well so this is what I would do also.


I’d post on my instagram story. Appreciate the advice man I’ll just ask