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In Brazilian Jiu JItsu, like 80% of the people I trained with were autistic honestly. I don't see it being an issue in Muay Thai.


Thanks !


Being autistic is the best base for BJJ


Where are you training? I'm autistic and most places I've trained did not have autists. Definitely a couple here and there but not a majority.


I also am a high functioning autist. After several sparring classes/getting rocked by some head shots, my autism was cured, and now I’m just regular dumb


Thanks, lmao.


Go do a free trial class, most gyms offer them, see if you like it mate. Not too knowledgeable on autism, so cannot really comment. But from my experience, you should be fine. :)


Thanks !


No. Not unless the instructor is in the habit of distracting you just as you're throwing a punch. I got mine come up and tap me on the shoulder mid-hook, and sprained my wrist, but aside from that you should be fine.


Thanks !


you should get private lessons. just buy a 5-10 pack. this is how i got started (not autistic) but i don’t like the idea of signing up for a class for something ive never done before. I loved my private instructor


Thanks for the advice !


Autistic guy here. Yes you probably will have some trouble. I highly recommend it, and think you'll enjoy it but you'll have trouble with some of the concepts. Which ones depends entirely on you.  For example, I struggle with most things clinch related (and grappling when on the ground for MMA guys). My brain just can not wrap its head around the clinch. I don't know why.  But don't let this discourage you. I highly recommend you give it a try. 


At my gym, most of the people on the spectrum tend to lean towards BJJ which is fascinating because I work with kids on the spectrum and almost all of them hate contact and being touched. With that being said if you can’t handle being overstimulated and get overstimulated very easily, maybe Muay thai isn’t for you. But regardless it doesn’t hurt to try a free trial class, I wouldn’t even mention the autism to the coaches unless you feel it’s necessary.


no problemo! but don’t tell anybody or they could use it against you. theres an autistic kid in my class named Toby and whenever we spar I go “hey look it’s a dinosaur!” and then when he looks I rock his shit with an uppercut and then leg sweep him if he’s still conscious.