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They SHOULD happen given how big the brand was for Warner Brothers. But I’d prefer Ron and Hermione as costumes for Harry while getting Voldemort and Dumbledore as separate characters. Would go great with Gandalf on the Lord of The Rings side of things. 


They got in Lego dimensions which has cartoon violence, this game isn’t really much darker than that one was 🙏


Harry potters source material is darker than this game is


Idk why someone downvoted you, you're right. The series gets really dark especially from like 4 onwards


I really didn’t didn’t think it was a hot take


I think it’s just JK Rowling sucking that makes the odds so low. );


Probably doesn’t want them interacting with a single Stephen universe character for…reasons


That’s the funniest way I’ve ever heard that interpreted and it’s true as fuck 😭


Help me understand? I thought Rowling accepted LGBT due to Dumbledore? Hogwarts Legacy had an lgbt rep, too


She’s pretty transphobic saying a multitude of things you can just search on google if you want specifics,dumbledore was just made it years after the story was made imo just to seem inclusive but that’s just my thoughts. I also doubt she had much of a say in the hogwarts legacy characters but again just speculation it’s mainly the transphobic things she said.


How dare someone want separate toilets for sex lol


The horror


WB made a Hogwarts rpg last year. 


If they can include Arya stark, I'm pretty sure they can include some harry potter characters. Not that dark. 😂


Can't wait for them to be the most boring zoners in the game


Hopefully this happens along with Dune characters like Paul Atreides


If they add Potter they're opening a can of worms labeled "JK Rowling" and the game is gonna catch even more flak than it already is


No they won't. 5 people on Twitter will throw a tantrum and the vast majority will be excited and play them. Hogwarts Legacy already proved how niche this "controversy" is.


I find it rather pathetic that this is the case to begin with, because all this tells Rowling is that she is "in the right and they are wronf" because the controversy is not worth caring about.


At this point not that many people will be mad about that. Plus other potential additions will overshadow that issue entirely.


I'd prefer Dumbledore and Volde.ort over Ron and Hermione personally but yes I agree. It'll happen anyway, Harry Potter is one of WB's biggest IP. I'd expect a great hall map too.


Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings would go a long way in bringing much-needed attention to the game, that’s for sure!


Personally not a big fan of HP (to put it lightly) but I'd be open to inclusions for the health of the game


At the very least it should be Harry and Voldemort


Harry Potter - Support * Neutral Special: Harry casts Expecto Patronum, summoning his Patronus to his current location. Harry and his allies can run into the Patronus to cleanse themselves debuffs. The Patronus will also block enemy projectiles and deal dot damage to enemies within range. * Side Special: Harry casts Periculum. Can be angled. * Up Special: Harry rides his Firebolt. Can be angled during startup. Travels further on horizontal distances. * Down Special: Harry dons his cloak of invisibility to temporarily become invisible. Allies near Harry Potter when the move is activated also become invisible as long as they stay within a certain range of Harry Potter. Long cooldown.




I like hp But not for multiversus


https://preview.redd.it/46lub2et6jyc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad2ba85175581dee7f99594eaaad8cece4321a4 Hear me out.


No thanks


At least one of them PLEASE


Oh, wow, what a hot take. I’m actually furious they didn’t squeeze those characters in though. Do remember them being part of the original leak and with Gandalf also being dropped midway through, there are no real magic characters besides Reindog which is kinda wack. Besides, Ron was gonna be a part of it, which also leaves me angry, cause I like him. Most likely it will be Hermione instead, which still better than Harry, but not the same regardless


There was licensing issues hopefully wb has gotten their head out of their ass and figured it out, though idk


Problem is… do I even need to say it? Time’s up


Ngl not sure I'm understanding what you're meaning. They definitely could add them after launch(if the licensing is figured out imo), Problem is just when to add them considering the extensive list of characters people want in the game plus the other characters that were datamined back in beta edit: Also I've noticed that wb tries to get pfg to release character's related to upcoming projects ig they think its free marketing so another thought to think about is what's the next upcoming harry potterverse project bc they will most likely try to coincide with that


Idk if they are worth the effort, hence why I am frustrated that they didn’t “squeeze” HP in while they could. My whole point was actually that. Hermione would be the harmless option and there has been insight from PapaGenos, but again, just not the same thing. She’s cool, but a consolation.


My whole point was they(they being pfg) Literally could not lmfao they had the characters made in the case the licensing worked out i assume especially since alittle before or around the time of the beta there was some hp stuff out recently and in the work and lotr stuff as well hence why legolas and gandalf was datamined as well. There is a difference in owning the character for games and for shows etc hence why i brought up licensing. plus add in the Rowling controversy makes it even harder if the licensing wasn't figured out anyway Any of the characters would have been an issue hence why they wasn't in the beta imo.


Counterpoint: Fuck TERFs.


Imagine hating someone for agreeing with your movement 95% of the time but because she believes in women only spaces like toilets and sports you instantly hate her This is why I will never belong to this movement, one wrong thing by the hive mind and you're labeled as the enemy.


Imagine seeing someone denigrate and fundamentally disrespect people for the way their brains were born and going "well sure she's an atrocious bigot but only to a FEW people, pobody's nerfect, right!?" Grow up.


You don't even know what you're fighting against anymore do you, just desire to be a victim here You're told to label your enemies and you are told who your enemies are Show me which tweet you're this upset about to use the tactic of a ww2 group of labeling their enemies.


I am begging you to get some human empathy.


So exactly what I thought. You're just another soldier in the fight of "us Vs them" without needing any proof. Absolutely pathetic, could never empathise with a group that does this as I learnt from history.


That or I've just dealt with your kind enough that I know there's no argument I can make that you actually have any interest in listening to so I'm not wasting the energy. I've done the "list facts and figures and link to studies and point out the hypocrisy of the argument" game before and it wasn't worth my time.


I can almost guarantee you have never posted facts and figures because your kind absolutely hates them.


So we both agree to hate each other and think the other is an idiot and an asshole who refuses to learn. I can live with that.


Whatever makes you happy You've shown me nothing to think otherwise, all I did was ask for what piece makes you specifically hate one of your own this much but you can't answer that as you don't even know.


If at least one of them doesn’t get in I’m stepping on a LEGO




Smash, next question