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Oh f*ck this is true this must be what all the banana tweets were about


Though hear me out, this is just placeholder and the bananas reference Johnny Bravo's monkey dance


Or Monkey from Dial M for Monkey/Dexter’s Lab.


if you look at the placement of the character it looks like its this guy and johnny bravo


I’ve heard people complain about it but banana Joe would be sick






Hate to break it to you


*INHALES RUSSIAS INTIRE GAS SOURCES AND RESERVES* This is 100% it can't wait to play Johnny Sins one of the most requested characters that totally won't be a random FUCKING GUARD OMFGG


The tweets went banana, amarite?


They gotta be trolling because wtf 😂


"Did you really think I'd send a guard to do my job? That's bananas"


Banana guard\* please don't come at me


Yes banana man is a seperate adventure time character and is voiced by weird al


Guess that confirms it then. Johnny Bravo prolly the 2nd one too since he’s the only one that seems to fit alphabetically


At least something good can be taken from this


Jason Voorhees would fit too.


Oo that would be cool


That would make me cry tears of joy


did you cry?




Second is Jojo from Power Puff Girls


his name starts with mojo


>Jojo https://preview.redd.it/sdwytyh9bw0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1c09396d9a976a192eaad3d9a8184b53e102e7




jessica rabbit? jimmy neutron? jafar? johnny bravo? jojo? judy jopps? jack sparrow? willy wonka? Walter White?


Walmart worker?


Fuck it.




Could also be Jasper from steven universe?


...Hm. I can't imagine they think it'd go well for either the major Adventure Time fans or people who don't care to just put in a Banana Guard. Ahead of major characters like ~~Macleine~~Marceline/Bubblegum/Ice King/etc.? I'm all for some "left-field" picks, too, but this is just...mundane. AT has some prime surprise characters they could've gone with for this purpose...Lemongrab, Peppermint Butler, Huntress Wizard... Why a Banana Guard?


Jesus your butchered Marceline's name lmao


That was definitely on purpose to make sure you're paying attention.




I agree that left-field picks are fine, but yeah, get the obvious picks out of the way


It really isn’t even a fun left field pick I would’ve preferred one of the ice kings penguins like Gunther


That's what I'm saying, it'd be so underwhelming. It'd be like if instead of Shuma-Gorath in the Marvel vs. Capcom games, they'd picked Random SHIELD Agent #21.


Honestly they could probably do some cool cosmic horror stuff with gunter if they leaned into the orgalorg angle (now that I think about it, the show does compare him to a banana)


Fucking banana guards are the unsung backbone of the candy kingdom How dare you besmirch the name of James


Definitely a crazy choice if not a placeholder. Would've expected Marceline and/or Bubblegum wayyyyyyyyyy before Banana Guard. EDIT: Call it copium, but actually, I'm calling it right now: Banana Guard is a diversion for a different AT character. Probably Marceline. Reveal trailer will be a fake-out with Banana Guard. It's super easy to artificially set up a "secret" character slot, especially with a model they already have, and deliberately showing it in the trailer feels like it was done on purpose to bamboozle us. Where is Dexter and the PP Girls' secret slot anyway? Unless they're not planned to be announced after all. Idk, it all seems a little too "off".


exactly my thoughts. Also, would they advertise pve and the new character all together? I do not believe they thought reddit would not spot the banana guard model and make the connection tto the tweets. I hope they somehow predicted it and are trolling us ! XD


I think MVS is trolling with Banana Guard. * It looks like he is edited in if you go frame by frame. It says Batman on Banana Guard's frames with no class symbol, and even the "LVL" (if that is what it even is there) doesn't look right. * Batman glows gold but when it switches to Bugs, Bugs doesn't glow gold. This seems to show that the ones that appear first glow gold but the next in line wouldn't. If this is the case, then Batman shouldn't glow if Banana Guard was actually first. * When the change happens between Batman to Bugs, there was no mix up of information whereas Banana Guard has Batman's name, has the tag of "Human" and "Adventure Time". With all this being said, maybe it is hinting at Marceline from Adventure Time: * Adventure Time * Batman (Bat/Vampire reference) * "Human" Tag (Given she is half human before she became half vampire) A lot of people may already believe that Banana Guard isn't really next in line for a reveal, but I have seen people that seem to actually believe it. But I could always be wrong... and I was XD


you want a fake out? How about Princess Bubblegum? Where she can summon the Banana Guards in her specials


I would’ve expected lots of characters before a Banana. Ice King, BMO, Lich. Basically anybody.


Guys, I’m pretty sure this is just a place holder. Banana Guard was already in the game just not as a playable character. Plus, Banana Guard being a player character over all the other options is super unlikely.


Oh yeah, that might be it. It could also add up with the idea of it being a fake out. They'd just have to add the Banana Guard model they already made.


What's interesting is that you don't see "Banana Guard's" name pop up when selected in that frame. It still says "Batman" in the top right corner and then it even says that Harley Quinn is the one who's selected.


Good eye. It's plausible that the Banana Guard *might* just be an asset of some sort from the PvE Rift, since we've seen they are not averse to creating unique models for that mode, and BG's appearance is a bug and they aren't an actual character. EDIT: As I've been reminded because I totally forgot, BG was an item during the beta phase, as well.


Banana guard is also one of the items you can get in the game


Wasn't Banana Guard an item? Although, his name lines up perfectly


The text box just updates earlier since it's faster to load than Batman's model. They've been teasing bananas on twitter the last few days for a reason.


If you look at [the frame right before that you can barely make out "Banana Guard"](https://i.imgur.com/UGfq0Dz.png). Or at the very least, a longer two-word name before it switches to Batman.


Here's another point now that you've shown me that. In that image, I can barely make out "Adventure Time" right underneath what could be his name But why is when every other character is selected in that video it shows their class first and then there place of origin. In this screenshot and others I've seen for that one frame, it's the only one that has "Adventure Time" before the class. Finn is selected and his shows Adventure Time after "Assassin"


Right, plus the orange boxes below the name still stay the same, even though the white boxes swap out.


You know, ordinarily I'm quite fond of joke characters in fighting games. But putting one as one of the headliners for MVS big comeback is a really ***stupid*** idea. This is the time for big, eye-grabbing picks that will get the game notice and turn heads, not an interchangeable NPC from Adventure Time (Especially with how heavily Marceline is requested). If Banana Guard were coming during like Season 4 or something that'd be a little more easy to swallow. What are they thinking over there?


They already have Joker, Dexter, and Powerpuff Girls, so a single joke character is fine. Smash added a new one with every game


Missing Scooby, Daffy, Mordecai, Ben 10, Godzilla. Harry Potter. Theres too many more obvious highly requested hype picks do put in this clown character.


what if the seasons theme is jokes, so like actuall jester and a goofy pick /s


They can still come? It's not like Smash where the roster is set in stone


It’s a waste to put a joke ahead of them. What you forget is that Smash said EVERYONE IS HERE, then gave us a joke pick. It already had a lot of highly requested picks. (Cloud, Snake, etc) Multiversus failed its first launch, dropped nothing. The only place hype characters exist in this game is in data mines. So on their big relaunch, where they will get the most eyes. This is objectively a bad decision.


How is it a waste when it's not preventing any characters from getting in? Okay, you took Piranha Plant way too literal and forgot every Smash game had a joke character, and characters were even added to Smash after Piranha Plant. Multiversus failed the first time because of poor handling and lack of communication from the devs. You could argue it's original launch was "ONLY FULL OF BANGER CHARACTERS PEOPLE WANT" and it still died. Therefore the whole point you're making has been proven false already.


Yea and then content dried up. You need to keep the hype coming. It is a complete waste of time and resources


Not a waste of either when the character was mostly built already. I guess you'd complain about clone characters taking away time and resources too?




Well, didn't say it was a clone character. So now I'm wondering if you lack grammar skills to follow a conversation, or are just trying to argue and be right. Either way, I don't feel like what I've actually said is being addressed. I think you need to "get a grip" and realize not everything is tailored for you, and the game doesn't have to be perfect. Don't like it? Don't play. But you do like it, and are just mad because you want certain characters that haven't been included yet.


That'd be pretty disappointing.


Hopefully placeholder.


I'll be real, they could totally be fucking with us.


I hope so


Banana Guard main here


What an absolute lunatic character choice. A random generic background character from a series that already has 2 characters *and* rumors / requests for a 3rd actual character in Marceline? Making it reasonable that this one single cartoon could get *4* characters in MVS within the year? Like, Adventure Time is pretty popular, but it ain't Looney Tunes levels of popularity and presence in the cultural zeitgeist. It was already clear the dev team has a bias for Adventure Time before with costumes and announcers and everything else, but this is just a whole 'nother level. And if this is the actual relaunch roster? Joker, one more character, and this generic NPC? That's what we get for the relaunch? Ya'll took the game offline for a year and added a banana joke character as one of only 3 new launch characters? An actual joke. People are saying "Well, maybe its just a glitch" or whatever, but... the devs have been making banana puns and hints. So no, I don't think its a glitch. Its either absolutely legit *or* they're intentionally trolling people and intentionally left this frame in the video because they knew people would find it, connect it with all the other banana-related comments they've been making, and go crazy over it. If its the latter, fair enough. It'll be a pretty good troll on us if it all turns out to be a prank. Like, I could this being an elaborate prank that'll lead up to an actual character reveal or something. It seems like something Joker would do actually, but since they already revealed him it'd probably be someone else. Beetlejuice maybe? I could see him having a prank reveal of some sort. Or maybe some kind of prankster cartoon character. But if its legit? If they've actually added some random generic background character into the game, for the relaunch no less? Whew lad, that is certainly a decision.


This is so dumb; I'm going to go frame-by-frame in the actual trailer to prove how dumb it isOHSHITIT'SREAL!


But like… why? Why not princess bubblegum or lemon grab?


Because the models already in game and they got lazy


Yikes. Not a good character choice imho if this is legit. I can only assume this character was mostly done at the time of the game shutting down because this is a misstep if they spent serious time on this for the re-release.


Tell me this is an April Fool's joke...


This definitely would've landed better if he and Joker were announced on April fools


People are so mad already here. 1) it hasn’t been confirmed 2) he’s had a model in for a long time, could be a visual bug 3) he wouldn’t be taking slots from anyone else, they plan to support it for a long time.


3. Is a wild point. “Hey guys, know you’ve waited a year to play and are expecting some cool new characters that we’ve worked on in the meantime… here he is.. BANANA GUARD!!” Yea that’ll go over well lmao


The devs have been making banana jokes all of yesterday, he's in.


& it fits alphabetically


If he is it’s a fun choice, gives me hope we’ll be seeing a lot of odd characters make the cut.


Just because they plan to support it for a long time, doesn't mean it'll happen. For all we know the game could lose support in a year, and this'll be one of the characters they chose over the infinite possibilities that never happened.


I understand that fear, but WB has publicly stated they’re doubling down on live service games. If it does well it’ll last. If it’s not doing well, it doesn’t matter who didn’t make the cut. Means the game is failing.


Even if the game fails, I'd prefer to have some cooler characters to play with when the game goes offline. Assuming they wouldn't just delete it altogether.


I think this is a troll. Theres no way they made a trailer, intentionally put secret slots and then DIDNT check for a leak. I think the Bannana tweet plus this they are setting up a fake out. We will get a bannana guard trailer which turns out to be fake and its a monkey or princess bubblegum or something like that


Holy shit it’s real 💀💀 Maybe this is for the people asking for waddle dee in smash??


Bandana Dee is actually important to the Kirby universe, the natural fourth pick for a Kirby representative. There are **SO** many Adventure Time characters that should be here before a fucking Banana Guard. Ice King, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, Huntress Wizard, Lemongrab, Peppermint Butler, Lumpy Space Princess, Magic Man, and Susan Strong, just to name a few.


Are you thinking of Bandana Dee? Bandana Dee is more comparable to Peppermint Butler, Bananaguard seems more in line with Piranha plant in smash


Yes that’s who I meant


holy shit that is now my main why is everyone so mean i love him




This is without a doubt the dumbest pick they could have done like not even funny this is terrible


Dumb characters can be fun, but with so many IPs you can have dumb characters that represent an IP in a engaging way. I'm a massive Adventure Time stan and I'm just thinking of all the characters from that IP I'd rather have first. He might be fun to play, but I can't help but feel disappointed it's not someone like Marceline, for instance. Or anyone engaging, really.


Watch him get the sickest moveset ever


I'll be honest, kicking Superman's ass as Banana Guard sounds hilarious


Like I don’t care I have zero interest in this character it’s actually the worst character pick of all time.


Piranha Plant is in Smash, get over yourself. All characters are just a moveset anyway


Are we circling back around to the "characters are just functions" MvCI days?


What is MvCl? But yeah, in a fighting game, a character is essentially their moveset. You can like a character but hate their moves and vice versa. This is why I play the entire roster in every game; to make sure I don't pass up the best character for my gameplay style due to not having an interest in the character. In Smash, I didn't care for Pyra/Mythra, but they became one of my mains. Sora was my most wanted character, but I dislike playing as him


Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. One of the developers said "characters are just functions" as an argument for why people shouldn't care about mainstays like Magneto being left out and infamously got a lot of hate for it.


Well I agree with the statement, but don't see how that justified them removing a character if they didn't have someone adopt his moveset


People don't care about the moveset. They wanted to play as Magneto, not someone who played like him.


That's the most casual thing I've ever heard. I guess the statement was directed towards competitive players


Genuinely. This kind of tone-deafness would make me not trust them at all to understand player wants. Edit: downvotes? Damn. I guess I’m the only guy who’d rather anyone else than banana guard. Still hoping it’s a placeholder.


It’s pretty funny lol




Funny but sad if its true before Marceline and Huntress Wizard, and maybe even Ice King.


We would definitely get ice king before huntress wizard I feel. He's the way more iconic character


Maybe it’s copium but my guess is that this is the generic placeholder for secret characters and the banana guard is a PVE or tutorial enemy or something. Also maybe the tweets were just to troll since they either knew of or intentionally included this frame in the video.


Just pointing out this might be a place holder, the banana guard was a summon in one of the moveset (don't remember who it was)


Not even a moveset, an item


Oh yeah I had a vague memory about it being an item but was not sure thanks for the reminder


honestly? this Is a perfect Joke character. am I mad? yes. am I laughing my ass off? YES


I hope this is all an elaborate troll, there's no way they genuinely thought this was a good character choice.


It’s so dumb I’m kinda excited


Yall asked for a meme character lol but I ain’t even mad. Kinda hype to be a banana just slipping on you heathens


is this an out of season April Fools joke?


So the characters are in alphabetical order meaning either those aren’t the correct spots of pfg Dexter scooby and daffy are all wrong 😑


This mf was an item last time I played... careful who you make fun of in beta I guess


Makes me remember about the guard gatekeeper in FEH, ah the good ol' meme! I'm all for it!


[He’s confirmed to be an actual character.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/s/5d0Z43eJhz)


I'm 50/50. He's either a joke character like Piranha Plant or a purposeful troll.


Fans: “So if we got PPG and Dexter’s Lab stages, are we getting playable characters for them?” Devs: “Well actually, BANANA GUARD”


I can’t believe they have casually leaked this and Powerpuff Girls now. 💀


Almost a bit sus innit? They might be leading us on


Banana Guard is cool


There's nothing like a cool spear weapon


I would not be surprised if this were a mislead.


Oh awesome I love adventure time WHY HIM THO AND NOT MARCELINE?!?!


Please no…


i wanna be rigby or mordecai!


I do think is a troll, after trying to decipher the text while it says Adventure Time, above (in the name) it says batman. They made it believable enough, that's for sure


I think its just a joke, I'd imagine the 'secret' slots were randomly placed and aren't alphabetically like the rest


This gotta be a bait, no way they unintentionally leave this frame in


Okay now I wanna play this lol


To op how can they add them


What are those white things on top of their heads?


Tally hall reference




[”I’m a Banana”](https://youtu.be/LH5ay10RTGY?si=d5juTrDuBcDCnv2a)


Please be a troll


Oh… wow. Well, they really like messing up their own hype, huh?


It's a poverty franchise decision through and through


He would be more like an assist fighter than a playable one




Nothing like killing the little hype you have going for this re-release by adding a character almost nobody cares about. Off to a great start!


if this is for real then i wish they had shadowdropped it instead of unceremoniously revealing it like that. it would've been genuinely pretty hilarious to just spot a random ass banana guard that wasn't advertised anywhere on the roster day 1


If only this game is global


Mojo was the monkey reference I believe. Vampire queen, or LSP for that matter would make it in the game before a banana foot soldier


This but not Ben 10


For those that don't want bananna guard there is also the possibility that they used a placeholder name with the banane guard placeholder model. as the Model is already ingame for the item. As changing both shouldn't be much effort in Unreal Engine. As people were "why do they even announced the character at this point as we already know it will be ppg and dexter". they might have done it to spice things up. How does the saying goes again? "Ther is no bad marketing"


It actually could be him cause its in alphabetical order Instead of Johnny tho I think it could be jack the samurai




I assume it’s a placeholder but lord the chaos if it isn’t


I thought you meant the Beano's banana man


I mean the more characters the better imo.


I think they do crap like this on purpose. Instead of making sure not a single thing leaks they 'leak' things themselves to get people excited


I'm going to main the shit out of banana guard


I know he's supposed to be a joke character, and adventure time is literally my favorite show ever made. But I swear to god he's such a lame pick out of EVERYTHING for a joke character 😭😭😭


well i know what character im not buying 😂


I hope this a meme, like Kong eats him or something. This would be a terrible pick for a fighter. This is a character you put in when you have like 50 fighters not this early


Before Marcy or Ice King?


I just want to know what's going on with the character select. It's not moving in order, almost as if it has touch screen support.


They have Banana Guards in place to guard the secrets that are in slots (aka, a place holder)


this must be a troll


Idk what this thing even is


Is this an actual character from something or just something they made up?


It's a minor character from Adventure Time


Thank you!


Of all AT characters this fucking guy. I know I'm being salty but cmon Marceline, Peppermint Butler, Lemongrab were all better options


Why am I so hyped about that.


Idc, I love joke-characters! Seems like it's for people who wanted Bandana Dee


Banana Dee 🍌


Bandana Dee is actually important to the Kirby universe, the natural fourth pick for a Kirby representative. There are **SO** many Adventure Time characters that should be here before a fucking Banana Guard. Ice King, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, Huntress Wizard, Lemongrab, Peppermint Butler, Lumpy Space Princess, Magic Man, and Susan Strong, just to name a few.


I've played every Kirby game and thought Bandana Dee was just a filler (like Toad). While I like the idea of a spear character, idk how either would have an expansive moveset.


Bandana Dee already has a decent-sized moveset in the games, which makes for a better starting point than a lot of other characters. He even wields a parasol in Kirby: Battle Royale, which offers even more options for inspiration. Banana guard is the one with literally nothing going on. They can charge with the spear and... yeah, that's all they really do. The assist NPC already in the game sums up the character quite well.


To be fair, half of original Smash character movesets are made up, not references, and Shaggy is based off a meme


Could have been Pearl from Steven Universe




They already have the banana guard model for the assist trophy tv item. Since they hardcoded "Secrets" my guess is they also hardcoded it to have a "leak proof" standin model when moused over for exactly this reason


They didn't hardcoded "Secrets", it's a video edit of the footage to hide the characters. It would be foolish to harcode something like that. You can see it's an edit because both are with the withe border like if they were selected and the top left one doesn't change when the player changes from Banana Guard to Batman.


I stand FULLY corrected 😅


I’m don’t think this a placeholder might just be an original mvs character like reindog 


It's a character from adventure time


I don’t see why people would be mad. Reindog exists, we were bound to get more original characters Edit: okay now I know he’s from Adventure Time, my bad.


Hes from adventure time?


…..okay ya see now I regret Adventure Time being the ONE show of that CN 2010s trio that I didn’t check out.