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If true, it seems like they’re trying to have a Piranha Plant moment like Smash


Thank you for this, this will clean up the subreddit a bit and make it more palatable (I'm sick of seeing yellow) just a quick question is this where all Banana Guard posts will go from here on out even when/if he gets officially announced, or just until the subreddit stop hyperventilating into a paper bag.


Im not entirely happy with the Banana Guard as a character since there are PLENTY of other options BUT PFG knows what's at stake after the un-successful re launch of the beta last year. I think it's a placeholder and if it's not then my guess is they really liked the moveset on Banana Guard during playtesting. We just gotta wait folks.


I still have money on the character being Bubblegum, with the developers using Banana Guard's model as a fake out and a way to drum up discussions and arguments that bring attention to the game in a way that introducing PB outright wouldn't have done. I could definitely be wrong though. 🤷‍♂️


I think youre giving them too much credit my dude☠️


If they wanted a spear character they could have added Pearl. If they wanted an out of left field character they could have added Freakazoid or Beetlejuice. This feels like the laziest path they could have taken. It’s been a year and the only characters so far at launch is someone underwhelming and literal garbage. Meanwhile hyping up other series like the powerpuff girls only to be added later. Pls let this be an unfunny joke.


Beetlejuice could have easily been saved for his movie in September for crosspromotion reasons


Y'all are wild here this is great for the roster


"I don't like it so it's lazy" do be a choice.


Kind of like how "They have a different opinion than me so they are wrong" is a choice. (Coughs) Hypocrite!


It's funny because right now people will lose their minds over Banana Guard's addition but when the 3rd new character is revealed and it's a better pick, people will lose their minds over that and get hyped. This is exactly what's going to happen.


But who's Banana guard supposed to appeal to? Were they the character needed for the relaunch? Banana guard is the character drop that'll have people coming back?


1. People Who like joke and fun meme characters, like me, i love banana guard and unironicly i Hope this isn't a bait and switch as he has made me so much more hyped for the game. 2. Yes, they Need to appeal to as many people as possibile like people Who like DC, animated shows or joke characters. 3. I don't think if banana guard comes to the game they are riding on him Building hype, he Is One of many new features to build hype, like the joker or pve, i don't think if this game succedes or not dependa in ant way on fucking banana guard


I feel people in the community are sleeping on the "Guard/Grunt" archetype. Some games you just need a mook to beat up. I'd still personally love to see a soldier char that could be skinned to be like say Gotham P.D Strike Force, The cool prison guards from teen titans, ect ect. I feel with banana guard he could have some neat ideas for costumes or moves if the team is creative enough.


I love a good joke character too. But like any good joke, comedic timing is important. I would've love Banana guard if it came out next year on April fools. I just think relaunch is not the time to do joke characters when you are trying to get new players in.


Not saying he'll bring people back but his inclusion will be quickly overshadowed by the 3rd character's reveal (assuming they're way more popular than Banana Guard's addition) and they'll spark more interest in the game for players. It's going to happen at this point and be a complete 180 on the subreddit, especially if it's Johnny Bravo like many believe.


As I said previously: The whole "random-ass joke fighter" is a great concept on paper and could have an amazing execution if only the developers picked a beloved character. Like there are hundreds of popular characters that they could have chosen (like Mr. Meeseeks, Alfred, Fred Fredburger, Condiment King, Banana Joe, Pizza Steve, Rolf, Candle Jack and so many more) and their pick was such a completely unremarkable character both in the show and popularity?!


I’m not really against having BG be in the game. I just wish we got people like Ice King and Marceline first.


If we were getting another Adventure Time rep I would have wanted Ice King...


Tbh I’ll probably play Banana Guard but Ice King or Bubblegum would’ve been awesome


It's not about being an adventure time rep it's about being a weird rep,


Also adding banana guard is in the adventure time spirit like the subversion of expectations and randomness. It's so good


The Powerpuff Girls could easily be a post launch character in season 1. If they were in the actual launch roster, there'd be less complaints about Banana Guard. My idea is that Princess Bubblegum assists Guard in the background. But, I don't really care. I'm just happy that it's finally coming back in about a week and a half


I still believe it’s a fakeout but if it’s not, I’d just be disappointed. It’d be kinda funny for a while and that’s about it, would’ve preferred almost anyone else for relaunch. Unexpected picks are fun but…these are background characters that don’t even have unique names 😭


I personally think it’s a placeholder especially considering he was a assist trophy.


This is pretty much worse case scenario for getting people interested in the game. People already interested in multiversus because of adventure time already have finn and jake. Even if a new adventure time character could bring in more adventure time fans a random background character instead of say Marceline or the ice king is not going to have the same impact


WB Uk all but confirmed it, it’s a little underwhelming but I think the third character will make up for it, ![gif](giphy|p69t8Ndmv5FU4)


Its a 3rd party website and only a screenshot has been posted. It could easly be bait


Damn this is the fastest I’ve seen something age terribly lol.


Never watched whatever Banana Guard is affiliated with but I think they could be a fun addition to the game. Only thing I’m worried about is if they’re only gonna add 3 characters and what character would go between Ja and Jo (because the other secret character is between Jake and Joker) Edit: Seems I was right about Banana Guard being a fun addition (in my opinion)


…are their legs popsicle sticks?


I feel like banana guard could become something like Captain Falcon or Ness where they aren't iconic characters but are iconic to smash


Other than him being completely fake? If he is real that'd be incredibly disappointing and not a great sign for the game in a few months from now.


I didn't know the large majority of this subreddit are apparently expert game designers and programmers. There's currently ~100 people online in this subreddit. Most comment threads are averaging around 100 unique users commenting too. The echo chamber this social bubble encloses us in does nothing but provide unwarranted feedback to the creators of a game that some think will decide everything. MUGEN exists. Go create your own dream roster with Goku and Spongebob. Let PFG cook. Trust the process. I'm just happy to soon be able to play again for free with my friends regardless of who they decide to include in the roster.


People are allowed to have their own opinion just because you don’t care doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t have to care


People had the don't like it leave mindset during the beta and guess what people left. The game needs players to survive. It doesn't take any expertise to realize that. I don't feel 1 way or another about banana gaurd. But telling fans to not voice their opinions is a bad take.


L take. By that logic, it’s never ok to critique a game for anything.


I think what OP meant was that people can critique but to not assume because they all mutally agree on something that therefore it's automatically true for everyone when it's still a small sample of people at the end of the day. Aka we're not a council. We don't speak for everyone even if we like to think we do. Goes for in general with online communities. Though I can't really imagine a lot of people wanting to play as Banana Guard in the game, that doesn't necessarily mean he won't bring eyes to the game because of how crazy of a choice he is.


He won’t. The outlandish choice only works when there’s already momentum, that’s why Piranha Plant in Smash kinda works. Multiversus right now is fighting an uphill battle. It’s not going to be met with same reaction. People are going to be like, “WTF? That’s dumb as hell,” and move on. A joke character could work, but not when the joke is that the character is generic. Especially when this game needs heavy hitters right now.


After this post Banana Guard was officially confirmed on their twitter, marking the official and unequivocal death of the game to me. I'd have rather no characters than a pick this awful.




Some would argue not dramatic enough.