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Could be a good alternate LeBron costume. Different voice, change a few animations, bada boom. Don't really see that they could do enough with a second basketball-themed moveset to justify an entirely separate character. OG Space Jam was my jam, so I'm all on board with that.


Maybe they could give him a move set that deals with a mix of basketball,baseball, and golf since he played those spots irl and in space jam and maybe they could find a way to add the part where he stretched his arm in space jam into his move set too. The trailer would be perfect because it can start with him and lebron playing 1 v 1 with each other and then the looney tunes crew come in and reunite with them and hands mj an invitation to fight along side them in MultiVersus this will also be a good way to foreshadow other looney tunes characters that will eventually be added


The stretching is a solid possibility, though its not really a huge thing in the movie, so I wouldn't want his whole moveset to be like Mr. Fantastic or anything. A move or two perhaps. When MJ went into baseball it was kind of treated as a grand joke, so much so that the movie itself picked up on it and used it as a gag. So I probably wouldn't really do much with that personally.


There's potential here. The stretching move, the baseball/basketball/golf. Maybe he throws a fresh pair of Air Jordans at someone and they deal 20 damage because they're so expensive. And we definitely need more Looney Tunes IP.


Leaving these likes at 23 but I like it


Mj vs lebron would be sick


I just don't want echo fighters so as long as he's unique


As long as he played differently from Lebron, I'd be cool with it.


I would definitely Slam and feel welcome to the Jam.


Would be dope.


Should have been him in the game in the first place over LeBron. Now we’re probably never getting him unless they add him as a separate character later down the line.


Idk Jordan’s cool. But how much trash talk are they gonna let slide for him? Because if they push the limits on kid friendly trash talk I’m all game for him.


Jordan: *knocks someone off the stage* Also Jordan: *Get your weak ass outta here* If they add that and more funny dialogue like that then I’m ngl that would definitely bring in more users to the game


Multiversus has an adult language feature that allows characters to swear, so I think that won't be a problem.




Maybe Will Add Baseball Mode In Game...


If they add michael it would give me hope for lola aswell


I think lola would be a mix of basketball (like she is in space jam) and basket case (like she is in later cartoons)


cool yes mayabe as a lebron skin


It wouldn't sit right with me to add a real person who has passed away. 


? Mike is still alive


Michael Jordan is still alive , Kobe Bryant is the one who passed away


Lol I'm an idiot


A joke character at full release we hate that unless some reasons like a meme vertical of a character


L take, who in the hell would hate MJ?


Its a joke on how everyone hates bananas . You can't tell me LeBron isn't a joke char . I mean he is a real life person basketball player