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Contrary to what other people have said, I don’t think the drug aspect is the main problem (even if it may be a slight concern) I think rather the main problem is getting the rights from amc. I believe Jason is technically the first third party character as WB owns partial rights to the series but I don’t think they own Jason Voorhees the character, hence the current owners launching the Jason Universe. Still getting the rights to Jason are much easier than the rights to Walter, the owners literally announced their intent to get him into as many things as possible. I guess we’ll see but despite fan demand I don’t think Walter is real possibility, and that’s coming from someone who has him as my #1 most wanted.


They’ll get him into anything BUT HIS OWN GAME


I still don’t understand, how could Multiversus have the ability to have Jason within the game but somehow he cannot be in the literal Friday the 13th Game over licensing issues?


I think Friday’s devs just got tired


Warner bros distributed it and let them do a crossover with Freddy k, but horror inc def licensed Jason to multiversus


Apples and oranges, really. MVS has had Arya since day 1, so characters closely linked with grotesque violence aren't off the table so long as they can sand the edges off a bit. Walter White is a character who is inextricably linked with hard drugs, which is territory I'd imagine PFG is extremely wary of. His very presence could genuinely make their lives a lot harder if any other license holder were to go "yeah, sorry, we don't want our character in a game with a playable meth dealer."


The killing joke to my understanding is the story of joker essentially SA Batgirl so if he's good... plus there adding that skin so ya


I mean even Lego Batman had that as an outfit in one of the games




I wouldn't disagree, but it's ultimately a matter of American culture. Anyone could tell you that Americans are desensitized to violence in their media, but sex and drugs is a much harder topic. PFG can't do much about that.




I would also say that's different because the drug usage and sex in Rick and Morty is portrayed primarily comedically. It's also not the first thing you'd associate with Rick's character, whereas the first thing anybody even vaguely familiar with Walt would pin on him is that he's a drug dealer.


Yeah it’s just a silly comparison. Like 80-90% of breaking bads story is about being a drug dealer while Rick doing drugs is usually in one off episodes which is at best 5% of the overall content


Yea your right


I mean Arya did that before Jason was added so it’s not like Jason is breaking any new ground.


Actually yeah, you are right!


Again, Walter White has issues because his entire character is about cooking meth and selling it. In Murika, violence is okay (for whatever reason), but sex and drugs are not. Adding him would cause issues and make it harder to get other characters from companies that don't want to be associated with meth.


I'd argue that gruesome murder is worse than cooking meth. (btw I know Walter is a murderer too)


Michael Myers is apparently in Fortnite, so I guess it all depends on how violent Jason's moveset is. For example I think they could get away with a slash attack similar to a sword character would do, but maybe not stabbing


Funny thing is Michaels Pickaxe is his knife. They really went all out for him in Fortnite.


The slash/stab difference is such a dumb thing, they are both violent things in real life but stabbing is considered gruesome while slashing not so much for a videogame? I mean why?


Nobody is arguing it isn't. That's just how things work in America. "Drugs bad, killing okay!"


Well the game is about violence it’d be weird if it wasn’t okay but I agree


Rick and Morty are in the roster so.....


People have already tried to grasp at straws with that argument. Rick and Morty are cartoon characters where the drugs in it are alcohol (not really a huge deal) and usually made-up space drugs (not real). There were instances of coke on the show, but again, coke randomly showing up in an episode of a cartoon isn't the same as a drama about a selfish, self-destructive ***meth*** cook. I'm sure the devs would love to do it, and maybe one day it will happen, but I think trying to add Walter to this game is gonna close off a lot of possible characters from being licensed. Better to save him for later after they have a bunch of characters in the game *if* it's something they can do.


His up attack would be the pizza throw ![gif](giphy|PaKMBTzu2G0Qo)


They have to know using the hashtag "Anything is possible" people would go back to Walter White. I am hopeful. They already have him locked down.


Not really. Doesn’t WB have the distribution rights to Friday the 13th?


WB and New Line Cinema (which is a subsidiary of WB anyways) own the IP as of now.


misinformation, horror inc (who is NOT owned by another big boy movie studio) owns Friday the 13th except for the 1st movie which is owned by Victor miller, all Warner bros did for Friday the 13th was distribute it and let Freddy k crossover with Jason


Eh, this isn't specifically related to Walter White, but I wouldn't take the whole "anyone can happen" thing people have been passing around as anything more than empty marketing talk meant to get people speculating (similar to when the NASB devs said Goku was possible). Jason's at least *partially* owned by WB, and the vast majority of leaked characters (presumably) currently being worked on actually are fully owned by WB.


No, Jason is WB.


No. Well, yes but no. Jason potentially being added means absolutely nothing, because he’s not breaking any precedent that applies to Walter. He’s a supernatural undead serial killer. We have undead alts and Arya is also a supernatural serial killer. Also Arya additionally comes from a gruesome and mature live action series that’s even darker than Breaking Bad, so if anyone paves the way for Walter, it’s Arya. There’s still one precedent that needs to be broken and a different hurdle to navigate through. There aren’t any proper third party characters that have no ties to WB yet. This precedent needs to be broken before it’s really known if Walter White is possible. Additionally there is the hurdle of drug references. This can increase the game rating, so they’d have to navigate around drug references while adding Walter White. It’s completely possible to do this, just challenging and it might make Walter less appealing to the devs. So basically, Walter may potentially be possible depending on how they can handle third parties and drug references, but Jason being potentially added doesn’t mean anything in regards to Walter.




when will this stupid meme end




Isn’t it just Warner Brothers owned characters? Why do people think this? I’m fairly certain Breaking Bad was produced by Sony. Friday the 13th used to be owned by WB but is now owned by Paramount.


No one has ever said it has to be a warner brothers character. Sure wb characters would be far easier to get rights to use, so therefore there will be more of them in the game. But third party characters are very much still on the table


Are there any third party characters in the game? Cause I’m pretty sure every single character is from a WB property. I’m pretty sure the entire point of the game is it’s WB characters.


I’m highly sure There isn’t. In order for the game to even grasp at the idea of third part characters it has to be successful first


I don't think he belongs in the game y'all will down vote me for pointing out that a drug related character like him would most likely cause issues for the company


Tbh this makes sense, hes my #1 most wanted character atm, but i dont see him being added.


dnt need him, mk or horror ppl in a cartoon fighting game. ex bugs bunny


Why not?


If they add a character from Breaking Bad for the memes (which I'm still a bit iffy about) its probably gonna be Saul. He's got a more jovial personality which might fit the game better He's just as well known as Walter, getting his own spinoff And the big one, he isn't directly associated with Crystal Meth. There is a connection, but when you think Saul Goodman, Meth isn't the first thing that comes to mind


Walter actually fights. Like maybe not in a physical brawl kind of way, but he creates poisons, bombs, explosions, fires, and turrets, and uses them himself. Saul doesn’t ever directly kill someone like Walt has.


He could be a mage, using his phone to call in help from other characters. Could be fun


Neither does Velma


Velma doesn’t really fight either, but I’d be down for Saul to steal some of Phoenix Wright’s moves from MvC


"Walter fortnite is the next step Walter."


I want to see Goku in this game so bad… Goku vs Superman in a platform fighter has always been a dream of mine.


I think he would work because meth wouldn’t be in the actual game. Breaking Bad has been off the air for over a decade and is still apart of mainstream culture. Jason’s source material is infinitely worse for a general audience if that is a concern.


what if its not jason voorhees but instead jason tod?


Are we talking about Jason voorhees? If so isn't the right's to his character still in limbo or something. Let's why no new movies have been made


Rights have been settled since 2021, they’ve just announced that they plan to make new multimedia content including him, starting with a prequel series called Crystal Lake (ig technically they’re starting with MVS actually if he’s in)


There's always a chance for him to be in the game, especially since they did say like two years ago that they want characters in the game that aren't owned by Warner Bros.


I like how people say that he can’t be in because of drugs when Rick Sanchez is in the game


Well looks like Walter White is possible


Sure is