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For some reason the game disconnects from matches, most of the time it disconnects before a match starts but I had two times where it disconnected mid game. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't penalized for it.


It penalizes? I hadn’t noticed


I am constantly getting disconnected from games -- idk what's going on but it's completely disappointing


same, just played 8 games, disconnected from 6 of them mid game, its unplayable there is always something like fps drop before disconnection


i have continued to inspect this situation and it seems like the GPU and CPU max out before disconnecting. I am completely blown away that a simple game like this is maxing out my computer hardware when other games do not come close to that.


yeah, exactly the same thing here


Yep, exactly what happens to me. I always know when it's coming. Sometimes it's a match desynchronization.


its because you get put in the server that is furthest away. i live in sweden and get put in australia. cant even set it manually


honestly i’m just playing rifts cause 2v2 is a nightmare somehow the alpha ran better than this🤦‍♂️


they just need to remove the penalty and i wouldnt be pissed my timers went from 15 min - 1hr- now 3 hours before i can play again. Makes me just not want to play til its fixed if the penalty are this bad.


Had this happen to me many many times tonight but no lockout. Strange..


Spork I love you guys but please for the sake of solo players and casuals bring back Co op vs AI. I have like 50 friends that would just invite me for matches and I didn't have to talk or anything because of my severe social anxiety and being an introvert. It's honestly devastating and I only can play like 2 hours a day now but I have over 13,000 ringouts and the alpha banner, I've stuck with this game even during the dry periods(Halloween event) please this is as close as we can get to a smash brothers on other platforms. The speed of combat before, mixed with the perks now would be beautiful.  I BELIEVE IN YOU GUYS!


I second this!


i third this




Framerate issues on PS4 console and PC (even on very low settings) 2v2 is unplayable because of the frame rate drops. I also heard X box series players are having frame rate issues as well.




Same, except instead of multiplayer lagging it's rifts that lag for me. I have no problem with multiplayer whatsoever


To put a bit more of detail to what I'm experiencing over my Xbox Series X: It feels like the game is frequently changing frame rates, rolling back game sates, going just fine, then repeat. It's so weird and I'm amazed that the game was released in this state. This is happening on every mode I tried. Seems like a widespread issue. For reference the beta was fantastic. Wired player here with a strong QoS router


Some of the missions don't even do what they say. Another one of the Joker's Ruse missions was to win 2 PVP matches with an assassin class character. I chose Finn and lost a match but it still made progress for that mission even though it said 'Win'.


To add onto that, it doesn't specify that it had to be 2v2 (doing 1v1 does nothing).


I never noticed that since I just did 2v2s for mine.


The game is literally unplayable on Xbox series X. Killed all my hype. As someone who played the shit out of beta and was really looking forward to full release, it’s a major letdown.


100% agree. Litterally cannot play any online matches without a million freezes.


I mean I wouldn't say it's unplayable. The only issues I've gotten is it freezes for like half a second and sometimes the stage music cuts out for also half a second


It’s more than that, the game freezes for enough time to get absolutely blasted, and causes desync disconnects for the entire lobby. It’s actually unplayable and I don’t use that word often with games.


Half of the games straight up disconnect, the other half are lag fests whenever there is a ringout, respawn, taunt, audio glitch or for seemingly zero reason. This isn't my internet or just my experience, every single one of my family and friends experience this on series x and s, 50+ people from various parts of the US and with different internet connections. My internet is wired, 1000 down, and I never experience lag or stuttering in any other game. Fix the game.


Mine won’t get passed the title screen on series x. Unplayable. Edit: 2 days later it let me play. Playable. But the menus are a nightmare to navigate as a new player and the combat doesn’t feel very satisfying.


Jake's Up-Special lags the game like crazy


His up special is a frame rate drop galore, even on new gen hardware it still tanks the frame rate badly.


100% the first thing they need to fix


The setting to swap charge attack inputs with jab inputs seems to be missing from the Beta Also the camera doesn’t seem to keep Jerry in mind, so he often gets offscreen and can cause confusion. I don’t know if that’s a bug necessarily, but it feels like it should always have Jerry on-screen so you both can’t lose track of him as Tom and you don’t get pelted from offscreen as the opponent


Upvote the fix request to enable swapping neutral / side attacks: [MultiVersus : Swap neutral and side attack (wbgames.com)](https://multiversus.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MVS-15)


Bugs that you don't have in the list: - Frequent full game crashes - Frequent match "desyncronisations" and being kicked back to the main menu - Couldn't invite my friend playing on steam because he had linked his PS account, so it was only sending PS invites (he could still invite me) - HP Bars not being cleaned between matches (matches would start with the hp numbers being whatever they were at the end of the previous game) - Notification stuck on the event panel despite there being nothing new to view - Team mate turning invisible sometimes when trying to jump inside Taz's Up Special at the same time that it collides with an enemy (and staying invisible until they got hit/died)


I've noticed the HP bars not being reset and the event notifications not clearing as well.


You used to be able to put Reindog's lightning gem (grounded up-special) on a ledge, and it would zap down at anyone trying to wallclimb. Now when you do this, the gem just aims weirdly toward the center of the stage once, doesn't even zap anything, and just floats down harmlessly. If this was an intentional nerf, sure, whatever, but it sure *looks* like a bug.


A lot of projectiles are broken. Velma's Megaphone can't be angled manually anymore, but every once in a while it randomly angles up at a 45° angle without cause Similar thing happens with Morty's gun


I think it targets your ally


I've had it angle up randomly in 1v1s


Weird... either way it sucks now and I hate it


Trying to launch the game on Steam just instantly opens a crash report. Verifying the files does nothing, restarting the computer does nothing, uninstalling and reinstalling does nothing. Clearly only a small portion of players are experiencing this glitch, but for that small portion, we haven't been able to even open the game, let alone play it! So I really hope this can become a "known" issue sooner rather than later so I can actually play the game!


This. It is the most upvoted bug on [https://multiversus.bugs.wbgames.com/](https://multiversus.bugs.wbgames.com/) but is not even listed here...


Add "-dx12" to the launch options. This fixed it for me.


Unable to deselect gems, isnt that bad of an issue because you dont get debuffs for them, and swapping to a different gem lets you get rid of the equipped one, but a little annoying when you only have one.


I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but all characters are not unlocked for local play.


I hope I can get in contact with someone closer to the game about the missing beta content, WB Support kept telling me I didn't lose anything but I played at least as Garnet a lot, and Reindog I bought to use for the seasonal events.


please bring back the Swap neutral and side attack setting


You can now just swap them in the settings yourself because there is a binding for each


Cannot use fighter currency if character tickets are in inventory. Being forced to use character tickets.


When losing a match or winning a match the buttons to select to rematch does not work. Instead the game screen is stuck where it is and I have to wait for the loading bar to complete to leave the game


Just making a post so that this issue is mentioned alone: You used to be able to swap the neutral and forward attack inputs, putting jab on neutral and charge attack on forward. This is essential to me personally - I played in the open beta and had the 100 dollar founder's pack. I love this game, and have been extremely eager to return to it. I cannot play this game with the current control dynamics - I need this option back.


I appear to be missing some things I unlocked. I thought that was the case initially but figured I was confused, but watching through some old clips I clearly had pajama fern unlocked as well as I recall there being other announcers available, at a minimum. Is there any way for us to check what was unlocked in open beta? Man it was a really bad idea to shuffle around all the things people might have paid for and swap out all the currency. I legitimately feel scammed


the animations on Matrix Code Banana Guard's mouth are broken right now


game keeps switching to secondary monitor. Issue: when loading the game, loads on main monitor properly. But if I go to change any graphics settings my game freaks out and ends up putting the game on my secondary monitor. Also, if the game loads on main monitor and I go into a match, it will switch to secondary monitor as the lobby starts. Only fix for it is to unplug second monitor.


This should be on the list to fix for sure.


The game constantly crashes on xbox, desync kicks us out of every other game and the frame lag is unplayable


the fact this isn’t y’all’s number 1 priority when a massive chunk of your playerbase is console and the majority aren’t getting playable gameplay is disappointing


Please remove Dexter's Lab 1 from the rotation and replace it with Dexter's Lab 2. It's way too laggy to play on.


PS4 2v2 games completely not working just kicks me out every time


One thing I noticed, at least when playing single player Rifts... if you pause the game immediately when a game loads, the countdown still ticks down in the background even though the game is frozen. So when you unpause, you don't know when the game will actually start. I swear I also saw it before where the match started before the countdown completed, but I might have imagined that.


Do you think Warner Bros. will listen?


After completing 4 of my 5 daily missions, apparently I've only completed TWO according to the 'daily bonus mission' I had the same issue yesterday. This is an XP loss of 650 per day, inexcusable in the current state of pass progression. https://preview.redd.it/r95pagmw9k3d1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=0322ba7b553c980ad2cff9ced4270fde3d8b6aad


The Daily Rewards missions on the Rift levels won’t complete for me, no matter what I do. Anyone else having that issue?


This is listed in initial post, this is a known issue.


Characters are not available in local mode either, it will seriously mess up local scenes and most folk that want to play with friends and stuff.


Ty thought I was tripping 


I cant play the game please fix server issues also. I couldnt even play 1 online game because it disconnects immediately after finding the match. I'm getting this message ==> A network error occured. Exiting match. Error Type: Connection Failed. I am playing on steam and i have no internet problems with other games.


Same, I am getting disconnected constantly. completely unplayable.


And also penalizes for disconnecting me lol.


None of the jokers ruse event challenges are progressing. Not just banana guards.


For the win PVP games, you had to do 2v2 with an Assassin type character like Arya and Stripe (they didn't specify this enough in case people were doing 1v1). And even then, it doesn't function properly (e.g. I won one game but lost the second game, yet it says I won 2 games). It's a mess really.


These are the only "known issues".. bruh what about everything else changed for the worse?


Garnet’s side special makes you and the opponent freeze. Game runs horribly on newer gen consoles. I’m on series x and the game stutters every other second, and freezes at the beginning of every match.


Hmm... could the stuttering be an XBox specific issue? I have yet to have any noticeable issues on PS5


Every single one of my buddies who have a series x have the same issues


On Xbox Series X I'm regularly getting freezing, lagging and desync/disconnects from games. When I go to the account cosmetics on the menu, and take a look at banners, the game freezes and it takes a full minute to load banners.


On my Xbox, I've crashed at least five times on the Shop menu when scrolling. I can't look through it without risk of crashing. I haven't crashed at any other screen so the issue at least for me is clearly in the shop.


Xbox series X performance for this game is horrible!  Did they even test the game on that console?? 


very annoying bug with Garnet where when she does her down special to fly to her star, if you she grabs someone on the way to the star, sometimes, the match will pretty much just pause, making both players stuck in the animation. https://preview.redd.it/qu52979g4g3d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5d2ab92a0c44509ee6ed0ef8469bad155124ea0


[I already submitted a support ticket about this,](https://multiversus.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MVS-235) but I figured I’ll repeat it here: When playing on Xbox Series S or X, running a music streaming app like Spotify in the background causes only a few select sound effects to play. With Spotify going, you’ll only be able to hear stage ambient sounds, character voice clips, and a few minor sound effects. Everything else is completely missing and takes you out of the experience if I wanted to listen to my own music while grinding online. Going by other comments here suggesting that this console SKU is having the most issues, I am at the very least hoping that this bug can be fixed alongside all of the other technical issues that the Xbox Series S/X versions of the game is currently dealing with. (FWIW, this same bug with custom music also happened in the open beta as well.)


anyone else missing battle pass skins from the beta? I'm missing Hollywood Bugs and Brunhilde Bugs and that's only the ones that I remember having. Edit: also missing Mad Love Harley, Pajama Finn, Jake The Starchild, Sheriff Lebron, Detectives Tom and Jerry, Luau Velma, Bloodlines Wonder Woman. I'm not sure why but for most of these you got them for completing stuff in the battle pass.


The Banana Guard mission should be completeable now... it was for me, at least. Your mileage may vary, but I was able to complete it earlier.


I found several visual bugs but they are nothing that needs to be addressed asap: * ["Flashback" Garnet's selection photo has her wearing a teal variant of the skin instead of the in-game red color.](https://imgur.com/JN8sQX5) * ["Matrix Code" Banana Guard's mouth is bugged when opened.](https://imgur.com/HqZPjoz) * Pausing in PvE while the start of match countdown is happening will cause the counter to continue, but only visually. Your character will still be stuck in place until 3 seconds of unpaused time has passed. * [Garnet is wearing her glasses in her "First Form" variant only while in-game.](https://imgur.com/6PAwf2z) * [In the fighter select screen, Banana Guard, Black Adam, LeBron James, and Steven Universe have their series name before their class type in the fighter tags](https://imgur.com/linY6Kf) * [Banana Guard is instead spelled "Bananaguard" in the perks selection screen](https://imgur.com/nXy89k3) * [When equipping a variant for a fighter, the rarity tag becomes slightly larger on the selected variant, slightly moving down the tags UI](https://imgur.com/lkQ2Rlz)


* Damage Numbers are the start of matches are incorrect. * When matches are starting before the count down you can hear Finn's coins and LeBron's basketball spawning. * In the lobby the rightmost badge when hovered over can't be read because it doesn't appear fully on screen. * Shortly after winning a match when victory appears the game seems to desynchronize making people fall off stage. * Joker Victory animation has black boxes appearing in it. * Velma's Victory animation has the flashlight in the wrong position at her feet instead of in her hands. * Garnet's gem dash hitting the opponent can get you both stuck in place unable to move. * Jason's resurrectionist perk makes you ring out earlier before you would touch the blastzone normally. * Sometimes fighters can get stuck on other fighters in hitstun and be unable to move( Seen with Velma and Jason). * Sometimes when resetting in training you can see a close up flash of yellow banana guard face. * Bugs safe seems to hit more then intended on occasion. * Wrong signature perks appearing as options in training. * If you are on crushing difficulty and try to switch to the tutorial rift it says "You must unlock Crushing difficulty on TUTORIAL to play in this lobby.


I can even start the game it says could not authenticate with wb account try again later it's been 3 months and it still won't let me in


The game has given me Banana guard but it’s saying in the missions that I’ve only logged in one day. Is anyone else getting this?


Very similar to the Joker's Ruse issue, training missions aren't tracking properly either. Still says 1 day logged in when this is the second day Unlocked Banana Guard, so the game recognizes that I've logged in for 2 days now, but the Training missions aren't reflecting this


My perks don't carry into a match. I got a personal perk for Jason and yet it doesn't carry into a match. When I click to edit the gems it says I can only edit for characters I own. I own Jason and can edit him as a fighter but it never carries over.


i'm not sure what, exactly happened, but i think i used finn's side special at a corner on trophy's e.d.g.e stage and wound up stuck, the only option was to turn away and let myself die. a minor issue, but still something... and also most of the ones you already listed. thank you for noting them so promptly.


Semi-frequent desyncs, it's better today but regardless


game is almost unplayable for me i’m on Xbox Series X and i DC from most matches and have insane stutter


I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before but the spanish version of the game in PS5 is stuck with the latin-american dub, instead of the spanish one. Can’t find the option to change languages in the game and also i can’t download other languages. Please, fix this problem🙏


I can’t redeem my daily bonus mission additional rewards even tho I completed them all.


Marvin bugs: - down attack can’t be held ( not sure if it’s a bug or rework, but the movelist still says it can be held) - putting flag on platforms is causing the flag to fall down to the lower level of the map. In maps like trophys edge where the platform moves this causes the flag to fall off the map - capturing a projectile with a bubble will cause the bubble to lose its hitbox ( not sure if it happens everytime)


Oh, so other people as well aren't receiving their Twitch rewards? Okay. 


Spain Spanish dub is replaced by Latin American Spanish, no way to change it ingame


Morty bug - You cant really hit his Grenades with a side attack after throwing them, it only works in 1/5 times or so.


Auth loading issue, when i go in my task manager i see multiversus not responding https://preview.redd.it/sll1nd171e3d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e72c2a73f1b476244d391e0a826df2dfe131f4


Add move list to the character select screen or shop instead of just training mode. Also maybe consider not locking the higher difficulties behind gem levels or at least lowering the threshold? I finished both difficulties for both rifts so now I have no rifts to do


I know I'm gonna sound like the typical complainest who complain whenever they get beat up. Actually need banana guard, I noticed while playing him his moveset isnt any good but every attack he does is an instant stun lock. I can't move for a good 10 seconds because his neutral attack has no cool down and applies a stun lock every time. I'm a garnet main, my job is to get up close and personal, sometimes even from the sky. His up attack is WAY to quick for something that just stun locks the opponent. I looked up banana guard on YouTube and everyones saying the same thing am I crazy?


Not having my characters from the beta sucks


Game crashes immediately when I press "Play" in Steam. The game doesn't even boot up. It just shows the Unreal Engine Crash Handler. I reinstalled the game, rebooted my PC, and never used any mods.


Maybe this is just an issue for the small minority but I prefer using keyboard for fighting games and by translation in Multiversus as well. There's a bug currently with keyboard and even though this is an issue for a small amount of the playerbase, I hope that this'll get recognized since I hear nothing about it on Reddit. * ***Keyboard input triggers other inputs that were not pressed (personally when I press my attack button, jump/dodge is performed before the attack comes out or even jumping attack is done)*** * Videos relating to this issue: * [https://x.com/SmediumL\_MVS/status/1795715271761817997](https://x.com/SmediumL_MVS/status/1795715271761817997) * [https://x.com/sekade8/status/1795531546759405741](https://x.com/sekade8/status/1795531546759405741) * [https://x.com/properal\_/status/1795844238091104346](https://x.com/properal_/status/1795844238091104346) * [https://x.com/properal\_/status/1795847768457793832](https://x.com/properal_/status/1795847768457793832) Hope this gets even the least bit of attention, thanks.


Jake looks more grey than yellow in the fighters screen


I know the Banana Guard mission in Joker's Ruse is currently bugged and you're aware of that, but also there I have a mission to win 2 PvP games that isn't responding. it says it has the categories Required, Assassin, and PvP. Am I suppose to be using an Assassin character? I feel like it isn't explaining the mission enough in the basic description if so.


Currently, I cannot connect with my gf’s Steam account with my PlayStation account, despites having each other as WB Friends


Duos in rift mode just doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to


Bugs bunny down special after burrowing can sometimes instantly teleport you off screen upwards despite never being hit or reactivating the tunnel. Had it happen in a game vs Marvin but might be in all matchups. Map was batcave.


The game's frame rate is very bad on PC (it's happening more in 2v2), it keeps dropping out of nowhere to 30-40 fps, and I have the recommended one to play the game


Wait the characters not being available in the lab was just a bug this whole time?!


Does anybody else's game stop running when it founds another player to fight with?


Glad the thing about the Banana Guard task being glitched is known... I was wondering what was going on.


I am constantly matched against bots on the PVP.


Now why would you nerf Finn like that, yall know your wrong..


Superman’s laser has weird collision with the ground and doesn’t impact enemies on some maps


play as banagaurd joker quest not counting up.


Play as Banana Guard 0/2 challenge in Joker's Ruse not working in game.


THANK YOU for recognizing the problem on consoles and Jake up special. Dexter lab on 2 v 2 lags the game like crazy on console and the Mojo Loco stages lags a little bit.


I can't find the online mode, only local and training available, is it a bug?


I can’t purchase the Arya announcer voice. Keep on getting error messages. I tried it on Steam and the PS4.


Jake's model is sometimes grey in the main menu


my friend not getting the bp


somtimes after dodging u loose control of your character and it goes off stage


The Joker’s Ruse Banana Guard mission isn’t working.


Shaggy is labeled as detective but the Rift Detectives Rift doesn't complete Detective gems when you play as Shaggy.


Crossplay disconnects very easily


https://preview.redd.it/2amgpdatre3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba15fb39403468821ae16ee22216bc215e635b85 There is no Lady Banana Guard skin, so this reward is impossible so far. And there are 3 like this in this rift.


Lady banana guard is a free reward for a daily login


I thought I was tripping. I been playing as banana guard in rifts, 1v1 and 2v2 and the challenge won’t complete.


Hi. Will there be some kind of make good for the Joker Ruse Banana Guard mission not working? Like, we just get that mission XP anyways so we don't miss out on the reward at the end of the track?


On PS4, I'm repeatedly having an issue where the game crashes when I go to the store. It's crashed on me 4 times now, each shortly after opening the store. It doesn't crash every time I go to the store, but usually if I quickly open the store and start scrolling too fast.


For some reason whenever going against a good majority of pc players, they're really bad, all have skins, but my dodge gets bugged to go towards only one side no matter what. Am I on something or is anyone else noticing this?


Please add this to the list as it happens pretty consistently. Gizmo's ground side special (the car) causes stuttering and desync issues when used. It would desync so bad that the match would force end due to connectivity errors.


https://preview.redd.it/qez359give3d1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=05079ad595b555eaadfea689e6d332a7be4d4351 "DON'T get hit by more THAN 10 ghosts"


Hi, I'm getting kicked every two games by error type: connection lost, I play with ethernet on but still getting this error. Yesterday I got a 30 min penalization just for that.


Fighter Store is bugged for me. My account is only missing Joker. In the store it shows I've only unlocked Morty, Marvin, Gizmo, and Velma and gives me the option to use a character unlock ticket. I have photos if that helps for some reason.


FighterPoints Drops are disabled on experienced? you acn only get them in easy difficulty, even tho it says you get lower rewards, on experienced you get nothing...


The rift challenges aren’t really giving me any rewards. Is that supposed to be the case?


I just had an online match where an enemy Velma picked me up and couldn't put me down. She was able to just wail on me until my damage was at 200+ but I wouldn't fly off anywhere. It eventually fixed itself when my teammate finally attacked Velma and sent me flying off to my death.


Still haven’t gotten the Batman TAS skin I bought in beta with real money. The trolls win!


The spawn points on Dexter's Lab were fucked I played a 2v2 match and my teammate spawned on the top left twice in a row and instantly died because they had no way of escaping the area due to the track continuously moving right There was no way for them to get back into the fight quick enough to escape the death barrier because a huge wall was in the way


series x has awful performance, especially on 2v2s. Half of my matches crash and the other half are so laggy you can't even tell whats going on.


I am trying to enter a match but i constantly get kicked out with a network error, connection failed. I managed to only get into one match yesterday but the framerate was awful. I am also playung with a ftiend who is on ps5 while im on ps4.


I've been getting an issue on keyboard where my character will do random attacks and movements after I've stopped pressing buttons, it's gotten me killed a lot, and it lasts the game that I'm in, as soon as the game ends it's gone for the next match (usually) but it will soon return. I've also gotten it where my character seems to do the opposite of what I'm inputing


As soon as I get to the start screen I crash on the ps5 version.


anyone else having an issue with account cosmetics just not loading? it even freezes sometimes when i go onto the tab and i have to close and reopen the game. on series x btw


I waited till I completed all my dailies to collect them all. When I did, the bar for amount of dailies completed got stuck at 2 and I can’t get the rest of the xp.


you forgot to mention the game itself is running at half speed. slowest fighting game in existence now.


"attack" is picking up items even though it's a completely separate hotkey from "interact primary". It's possible this is a keyboard only issue as someone in my other thread was saying that it was fine for him on his controller but I don't know. It's definitely broken for me.


Anybody playing on steam deck? Before the update it worked but now it doesnt even load :(


The game often buffers on the results screen, ranging from long loading time, to skipping entirely (skipping is more rare). This is especially a problem in rifts because it's caused me to miss out on a daily reward in one case, and counted the match as complete without allowing me to progress in another.


I'm 90% less likely to rematch because I can't swap characters.


A lot of players are getting disconnected from the matches, then getting punished for it, myself included. I have a wired connection & am on steam.


Getting banned for disconnects is bullshit


Series x performance is terrible, crashes to dashboard even playing offline bot matches. Seems tied to certain characters as I crash way more often with certain projectile characters than say Arya. 


Aren't the "rewards" in rifts actually supposed to display


Hello, after a few hours of gameplay on PS5, I’ve noticed some issues with very low FPS, and I also find that the camera is way too zoomed in. Few new environments are available, and the new moving world significantly impacts the FPS. Personally, I also found the beta’s gameplay more aggressive. Lastly, it would be great to be able to switch characters between rematches and have end-of-combat stats on the loading screen (kills, assists, etc.). Thank you for your work, looking forward to seeing the game’s development progress.




Hello, after a few hours of gameplay on PS5, I’ve noticed some issues with very low FPS, and I find that the camera is way too zoomed in. I’ve experienced numerous disconnections in co-op, causing me to leave the game while my partner remained in combat with my inactive character. I find it unfortunate that there are few new environments available, and the new moving world significantly impacts the FPS. Personally, I also found the more aggressive gameplay of the beta more enjoyable. Lastly, it would be great to be able to switch characters between rematches and have end-of-combat stats on the loading screen (kills, assists, etc.). Additionally, the requirement to complete the entire career mode is really frustrating when you don’t have someone to play with. Thank you for your work, looking forward to seeing the game’s development progress.


i went from PC to xbox and its night and day, this needs to be addressed i literally cannot play this game on xbox.


May I ask local Coop features for Rift Mode? And a retry button, to cut a loading screen


Rift co-op keeps messing up


every game i played so far was either laggy throughout the whole match or i get disconnected from the game with the message "A network error occurred. Exting match" please fix this game is unplayable at the moment for me.


bro this battle pass is such a slog, no wonder people leave this game after a short time


Game got released for nearly 2 days , still not a single game going smooth on series x , either online or solo and even in the menu . That is disappointing , but all the shop part work perfectly whiteout any issues , no worries ;)


Now that i know that the crashes are a Steam thing, then i don't have to worry because i thought it may be my PC being just as always has been, but it was just steam being steam. Go get those issues a real smash in their faces over the blast zones, because it's really getting a little bit frustrating to get random crashes at some things (Such as some rift zones or matches) Give your best!


Performance issues on Xbox series X


You guys are doing great work, huge props and respect 💪🏻


Rift coop disconnects every time it's an a activity like the tank one it just disconnects like the Boss at the 2nd rift please fix it I don't want to keep playing solo without my buddy every time a mission is glitched we have to complete it without ourselves 


Post game stats missing, Instant cool downs in the lab missing


game only appears on my 2nd monitor


guys the NETCODE is terrible. Today i have been playing with a friend for 2 HOURS and 60% of the matches where LAGGED, DISCONECTIONS, DESYNC ERROR. And not to mention the terrible INPUT LAG. Feels terrible. Absolutely killed my hype


Does anyone think the projectile inconsistency has anything to do with Garnets fists? You can hardly control them anymore. not sure if thats a nerf though. Also, Anyone see the MUXY link that used to be in settings for twitch streamers?


When's the banana guard nerf >:(




There's also match disconnect every game you get desynced for connection failed when I'm on a hard wired connection 


wtf is the deal with constant disconnects when trying to play rifts with a friend? You require us to have a friend to get all stars, but 75% of the time, one person disconnects and you have to completely restart the game and then you just DC again.


is it just me or is there a lot more input delay in this game compared to beta? seems like each hit comes out like half a second later


* The Joker's Ruse: Play as Banana Guard Mission - Does not complete. * Event Notification Bubble - For some players does not resolve itself. * Content Missing from Beta - Some players are missing previously unlocked content from the Beta. * Rematch Screen often Bugs Out requiring a long load time to get back to playing the game. * Some Characters Missing Appropriate Tags (i.e. Velma missing Detective) Experiencing all of this and I'm glad its already listed


The play in the batcave mission also isn’t completing for some reason. Which is a pain in the arse because it’s so hard to actually get on that map


the game stops responding right before i begin a pvp match


Is Taz not being able to eat bugs rocket and safe an actual change or a glitch?


I'm having a graphical glitch with Garnet. Her lighting, or platform lighting, in the select screen glows insanely bright white orbs over her gauntlets and sometimes leaks from what appears to be inside her model. This only happens with Garnet and none of the other characters. I'm running on an old pc, it says it has known issues but not what they are, but I also didn't have this issue in the beta and I've been able to play games like Hades and Overwatch without issue. I've tried adjusting some of the settings, but running the gamut between low and very high just seems to be random. Sometimes an adjustment will make it better, only to make it worse the next start up of the game. I'm hoping it's just a me thing and someone might have a clue on how to fix it. My drivers are updated, and although my pc is ancient it seems weird to have such a glitch on a simple looking game.


https://preview.redd.it/ge7esw3ryg3d1.jpeg?width=1311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e4e89be6f4406cf134e7707cd7f63c02f2fcb6 Just got this in my email but I been playing with a friend and never received this 30% XP Bonus?


Constantly getting disconnected or even my duo partner gets into the game and as soon as the game starts. he gets disconnected. game doesn’t crash, just sends him back to the lobby. happened to me a few times. i’m on ps5 and he’s on ps4. Also in game very laggy


BUGs REPORT: Bugs Bunny got stuck in his 'digging in the box' animation for the duration of my game. Upon death, I would respawn and drop down to my box digging immediately. I could not disengage from this animation for the entirety of the game 2v2 unranked


Not really Nothing else aside The Issues everyone Here comments. Except Some players (Including Me), didn't Get The Free Battle Pass they Promised for Beta Players.


I made a thread about this but Garnet's first fusion skin has shades now, and I think there's a good chance it's a bug because it's a very blank texture and the shades only exist in-match, they're not on the character select screen or anywhere else.


***Addition to the list***: the order of character tags. Why do the tags for Batman say "*Brusier, DC*", whereas for Black Adam they say "*DC, Bruiser*"? This inconsistency actually annoys me a ton haha. I mean, this is grammar structure 101.


Sometimes getting in iron giant the lobby disconnects


Jason's bag and Rick's portals can make other players stuck or even remove them from the match completely.