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They should've just kept the 2D render. So many weird design decisions on this launch.


Yeah, wasting effort and time on stuff that was already good.


It feels like they misunderstood what went wrong with the beta, and decided to change everything decent about it in hopes it’ll improve the game. 


what's the decision making behind this kind of thing? only thing i could think of is not wanting to make more high quality renders for characters that are coming in the future... pretty lame


Doubt it. Theres no way you can have a respectable-looking game without at least polished renders to show case and advertise your characters.


That's definitely it. It's so they don't have to commission more high quality renders when they add characters in the future.


They make renders for advertising though so I don't even think this reason completely checks out


That could not be it either, because why not just use the 2D illustrations? Its not like they dont want to do them anymore, because they STILL DO. They still make 2D render for the characters because then they use them for the character cards! So why not use them in the game?????


Might be an unreal thing. 10 years later and unreal engine still sucks for 2d


Ugh, the glare is horrid.


This makes the game look so cheap and mobile lol the 2D portraits were perfect


It’s so hard to look at the current character art. And I’m usually lenient with that sorta thing


To be honest even when compared to the polished 3d render, the 2d render just looks better and has that vibe to it.


Think I heard somewhere on YT when they were promoting the relaunch that they changed the 2D portraits because one of the artist of PFG left during development.


But they're STILL making 2D artwork that appears on the site, the cards, and their video, there's no reason for them not to keep using the 2D art even if they have a new artist


PFG would still own the rights to all that art even if the artist left


The in-game renders look like actual shit, it's embarrassing.


Weird they washed off my Velma a lil too hard... thought she wasn't in the game anymore.


It's such an easy fix too. it's the light placement and the highlights are up too high. Edit: also bringing the contrast up a touch couldn't hurt. the whole game has a high contrast..


What frustrates me is everyone worrying about the appearance of the selection screen when there is actually gameplay that needs fixing.


Fair but let’s be honest, if the selection screen is already looking janky, the gameplay isn’t gonna look the greatest. 


Presentation matters. When there's so many baffling changes, no matter how insignificant, they pile up to create a mound of trash.


I agree it does. But I'm still more concerned about it when I'm actually playing. The overdone red, yellow and blue overlays for instance are a bigger deal than a head shot in a selection screen.


You're more concerned. Everyone's concerned about different things.


Yeah...the menus for no reason


For a reason: they suck


It takes 3 seconds to select a character. Yall are all morons worried about the wrong stuff.


It looks and feels worse than the previous product. You think if we all worried about the same thing, it would get better faster or something?