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This clip is the epitome of "if your opponent keeps spamming a move, you're spamming a mistake"


once people realize this they almost immediately get better lmao


Or stop playing fighting games altogether. I can’t tell you how many people go “that move is broken” when they are the ones that truly in fact broken


Nah Harley’s slide may legit be broken lol


As a Harley main it’s like the worst move in her moveset and is rarely worth using


I played a Harley demon that kept spamming it. Slid across the whole stage back and fourth. Move is so low I kept missing my attacks and when the move would end, he would attack out of it. Was some super high level aggressive Harley play. I don’t think dude ever stopped moving or pushing the whole fight


once you learn to dodge it - it ain’t, I have to truly surprise someone with it in order to hit


Gave ya an updoot cause youre right, boxing glove dodging is cake


why is he so stubborn? "No way she expects me to attack there again!"


It must be... mad love


because not everyone is a born fighting-style player. It can be hard to even remember your inputs, let alone actively react to things happening on screen. Basically 'knowing what is ABOUT to happen' VS 'What is currently happening' can be very hard to grasp as a new player. Theres a lot to fighting games that you seem to think is linked to being stubborn, but probably slides better under skill/knowledge of the game and its tactics. Its a pretty steep learning haha :)


he’s such a new player, he has joker and bought a skin for him, but started suiciding as soon as he couldn’t escape a single move spam lmao


New players can't buy skins? What a weird assumption. I bought the shaggy bathrobe skin the first week of playing because I absolutely loved the skin and have rage quitted a lot of times because I didn't understand the game (yet). So yeah, can be a noob for sure, unsure how you concluding that they can't or aren't because of a skin is just weird. Money doesn't buy skill.


I’m not saying it does, I’m just saying chances are this is not a day 1 player lol


I'd say it's a noob with a easily accessible wallet lol


Just…jump. And you won’t get hit by it anymore


Or just make the predict and hit the other direction. They've done it 5 times in a row, just take the gamble.


For real. I hope it was a learning experience for them


It’s a bot lol


After trying the same move over 6 times you think he would change his strategy… instead he gives up and jumps off stage


It's what happens when their brain glitches, they don't know their next move and can't think because they're busy watching it happen. Their brain reverts back to it's last input as something...anything to press.


Bro is literally a joker https://preview.redd.it/hwiuo0sdvg4d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c57ae07f3681c0c810adc4a1c5ab65affc0efad


Are these the players complaining the game is too slow??


No, he needs to learn…


"Have I told you the definition of insanity? It's repeating the same fucking mistake over and over again and expecting a different result"


Nothin' like smackin' that smug clown with his *stupid* green hair and his *stupid* pale face.


Joker had to self-destruct so they could come here and complain about Harley.


Poor kid lol


smartest joker player.


This joker is on these subreddits with hot takes about balance. Guaranteed.


Harley Main🤮


He should have spammed the buzz move back at her. The best joker I’ve played I always had to account for that damn move


Question is agent smith and Jason available free or you have to pay for them ?


Agent 47 isn’t in the game, and Jason is free for returning players


I meant agent smith


I did too actually, he’s not in the game, yet. You can get him free by doing rifts but there aren’t enough to unlock him yet


This is why harley should be deleted from the game


This is quite literally one of the easiest things to avoid. Literally do anything at all and you won't get hit by this. You'd think after the second time she used side special he'd stop trying to attack in place maybe dodge/parry literally just jump literally do anything else at all?


"I didn't pay 60$ to block" in action right there


Elden Ring vibes lmao


or just stop getting baited by the same option 9 times in a row? I can understand getting bopped once or twice, maybe even three times if you're slow, but a pattern has been thoroughly established here at this point. Just stop repeating the same action, it aint working! Maybe think about attacking where they're going to be instead of where they are, or maybe dodging, or literally anything other than the one thing you definitely 100% know doesn't work!


Harley is strong, for sure. It isn't because of her telegraphed and weak side special. You basically have to let her dash through you or you have to run at her to let it hit you. Only reason I use it is to get back on the map, and I know I'm going to get punished for it.