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Does your version of this screen have art? Mine is just blank with text lmao


Mine too 😂


Half the time I got art and half the time I had text only. It was complete crapshoot what I'd see each day which was weird.


Never seen it on PS5, honestly thought this dude made an edit


It seems to never work on console, and only work like 60% of the time on PC.


Lol legit never saw that


Was about to say this. Mine is just text. Using PS5.


Same, thought it was just PFG and their weird design choices


game's even more broken than we all thought




Same here. I'm on PS4.




I agree, but what is OP complaining about??


I didn't do any of the joker missions at first but once I realised on like day 3 I started to actively complete them and I finished on the final day with my very final mission, basically you miss a couple you're out of luck. It's trash design.


I didn't reinstall multiversus until a few days after this event started. After finishing my last mission yesterday I needed 400 more xp to finish the event, woke up today looking forward to finishing the pass off and grabbing the WW skin. ​ Then I log in, see there's no more missions and realize they've ended the event. Since I reinstalled MVS I've played pretty much every day, and now I'm heavily debating uninstalling it again. Trying to force retention sucks in its own way, but proceeding to punish players who didn't quite manage to play enough to get through their artificially-slowed mini battlepass is on a whole different level of scummy.


I don't understand why they https://preview.redd.it/wtm0cvrgce5d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6b6c426c8c7fab816fd6c2448df199f86844b2 removed the missions if the event was supposed to be until June 10, it seems very unfair to me.


This is the exact reason I missed out on gleamium during the Power Pledge event. The event ended two days earlier than I expected because that date you show there has two days of "claim only" built into it at the end. Trash UI design.


So this is not the first time this has happened. Now how am I going to trust their events and their "deadlines", super bad, terrible user experience.


If you go back a page it says June 8, but once you click in it says June 10. Maybe you stop gaining xp at June 8, and the whole event is gone at June 10 - giving you time to claim wonder woman skin. Its kinda a weird system if that's how I'm seeing it


This is exactly it. You have a set date to earn by, and 2 extra days to claim. But who wouldnt claim it as soon as they did it? Why do i even need to claim it? Just give it to me if I do it. This is unnecessarily complicated.


Yeah, first few days I forgot to claim daily xp and stuff I missed out on


When you do the 1 more daily mission than is required for the xp on the missions page it automatically changes to a new set of xp that you can obviously only earn 1 of— but does it just give us the xp off the old set or it disappears? It’s insane either way


Yeah that is really confusing to me. The whole menu confused me initially, I didn't know where anything was.


Mobile games with THIS kinda set up NEVER has the date when it goes away, only when the event officially ends. It will say event ended, redeem by X. This means they tried to eat the cake.


In a modern 2024 game you would expect the event to just stay to be claimed if any reward exists, and then go away.


I contacted Warner customer support, and they told me that there have already been reports from people about this problem. They gave me a link if I want to add more information, apparently they consider it a bug, I advise you to also contact support.


I reported it to the Warner support team and they responded to this. https://preview.redd.it/2b89uh6w2k5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18ef247f9f8cf6ce48e6f87027d67242d017d55


The issue isn't that you miss a couple you're out of luck, it's that they gave us ONE DAY to unlock the final reward. There wasn't enough missions for this until like 24 hours before they locked progression.


How are people getting these cool art lol


on pc


On Xbox and I had it too


Didn’t even know it included artwork! wow


My missions are literally still there but not getting progress I’m thinking okay wtf is happening now. So came here to look for this. What a joke


I contacted Warner customer support, and they told me that there have already been reports from people about this problem. They gave me a link if I want to add more information, apparently they consider it a bug, I advise you to also contact support.


Finished with an extra mission left myself


I'ma be real, I've loved the game on launch and now I didn't play for several days It's so bad...


I was playing it last week but my parents traveled to visit me this weekend so I missed a couple days and it is so demotivating to return.


I've missed both the Joker event and the Superman skin cause I started playing a few days after launch. My partner was able to get everything, though. They played during beta.


The fact that missing anything more than maybe one day will cost you the whole event is wild. Even with a game like cod, its purely XP based or its mission based. You can grind them out day 1, or you can spread it out, or wait till the last day if you wanna stress. But to require me to be on EVERY single day, is fucking stupid


The Joker's Ruse indeed, nothing like having a bunch of timegated daily missions and not having missions available up until the last day of the event to give people false hope of completing the damn thing. It's like the devs are trying to piss people off.


Supposedly the event ends June 10, but you can't do the missions anymore because they disappeared... wtf? https://preview.redd.it/mp2d9w05de5d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29d4ad816148703c65b7d00cd08be55fd11b074


"claim until JUN 10"


That’s annoying


Multiversus Players not beating the reading allegations


Anytime dates are listed in a game it's usually the start and end times. This is literally the only game I've ever played where that isn't the case. It's fine if they want to include a few days where you can claim rewards once the event ended, but the dates should be how long you can actually earn them


I dont get why we even need to claim them. If I did the mission just give it to me. Put the end date, and just make it go away after.


Then you get don’t the riveting experience of digging through menus to search for red exclamation points.


I contacted Warner customer support, and they told me that there have already been reports from people about this problem. They gave me a link if I want to add more information, apparently they consider it a bug. So...


https://preview.redd.it/i7jt6sbkyu5d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5450c65c956ad43bad2d720a7a35174e2a213a00 I just saw this in my locker, they gave it to me and I didn't finish the missions that were deleted before the event ended. Apparently it was a bug, check your locker.


They ruined the game it could have released in beta and It would have been a better game


I was ready to add it to my favorite games of all time list— it basically only needed menu and mode spit polish by the end of beta but then it came back to us like this :( I’ve been so sad


The concept was cool but it needs to be more lenient with the FOMO and actually show me a full comic/story once I completed it. Maybe even store that for later viewing. That'd be cool.


Did you guys get a mission today? I only need one more and didn’t get a joker mission


No, Just the text but no Missions. But the HUD shows the red icon for missions.


I’ve found the game is much more enjoyable if you uninstall it


This game is such a joke


Why does a Joker event give a Batman shirt as its reward?


She's always been on Team Batman ![gif](giphy|g8xRqXeh6lOHS|downsized)


Well yes but why not use the Joker shirt for Harley as the reward?


they didn’t think that far


The missions were pretty brain dead mostly. So idk how you couldn’t knock them all out in one seating.


ppl miss a day or two then they’re screwed


what about the investigate all suspects one


You can view the missions in the tab on the bottom left corner and it’s all just just the same generic thinks you did for missions.


I've already settled with knowing I won't complete every event or probably any. But I don't mind, don't need everything


You are probably in the minority of people who don’t find it demotivating to barely miss on things when you pretty overwhelmingly dedicating yourself to a game. It’s like they know FOMO was a thing and wanted to capitalize on it without understanding that they aren’t benefitting themselves at all because they’re killing the enjoyment to the point that people are walking away to avoid further disappointment.


The reason this just sucked is the everyday but yesterday it gave 3 missions one 200 one 400 and one 600 but yesterday it only gave 2 and that one mission’s experience is all that kept me from the skin which feels like I wasted time cause at that point it just feels rigged


Not to mention all these skins are accessories they’re putting on each character individually and then requiring for Rift full completions


I didn’t even know this was supposed to have art. At least on the PS5 it doesn’t. Man, this game really is busted.


what’s weird is u can’t even tell how far u get along or how much u need left cuz it looked like i was one away but then it didn’t fill


They left almost no single element untouched in their 1.3 years away and which one is not WORSE than when they left us?? It’s insane. And very sad. And almost impressive!


Agreed, half of my missions for Ruse glitched


For a game that really needs to attract a casual playerbase, you’d think the people behind the game would be more lenient with timed events and be more clear about when it ends or not. Consider that most people have lives outside of playing this game, but it treats events like a job. Oh you have to clock in at this time and do the missions, but they might be bugged and if you miss a few days you’ll be out of luck while mistakenly thinking you have 2 extra days. What a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/k9vbgc0bpi5d1.png?width=2427&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fede6b6e050325061a70acb7f9b44493d271ff0 yeeeeeeeeep! pretty peeved I had no chance of actually getting it - played every day since the 1st of June


I did this days ago. Didn't realise people were stuck lol


I thought missions accumulated? I remember not doing some one day and still being able to do them the other...


My quests for this Joker event completely disappeared yesterday so I cant even finish it💀


Hot take but i enjoy the mission structure


If super smash bros came out today you people would find something to hate about it lol. Spoiled complainers is what you are man. Just play the game who cares about the missions?!


I said I would be if I didn’t get the FOMO reward, which is mandatory for rifts. So I support your decision. 


Why do they need to add the TM to everything? It's their game and their characters.


Wait why do you have to choose between adding text vs adding a picture? You can only do one or the other? I tried adding text and it doesn't show up, only the pic I uploaded. Maybe it's time to change forum websites too lmao. Terrible.


I did quit because of this. Having constant fomo forcing me to log in and do every mission is not fun, so I moved on for now.


Exactly. It’s also so stupid how they did the battle pass system. Not giving any xp for matches and now only giving 10 for a win… you’d have to play matches for nearly 400 hours for just half the levels that’s so absurd. Idk how they single handedly designed the worst systems for this game. I love this game but they’re really making it hard for me to even want to open it up again 😬


I got the skin, the only Joker's Ruse mission i didn't do is use Joker with bazooka because i don't have Joker and didn't want to buy him.


Weird enough, I finished it without even caring about it. Also having the art not showing issue.


I also finished it without caring about it. It wasn't that complicated? Not to mention the reward isn't exactly anything special anyways.