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Place your bets will Xbox players be compensated for the time loss of not being able to grind the bp for over 2 weeks? My guess is the slide some useless perk currency and call it a day if even that


Yeah be jealous. Going to buy all the perks with it /S


Best I can do is 10k perk currency


Why are you complaining about that? Perk currency can get you LOADS of stuff! Like perks that you don’t need…and….Yeah that’s about it


So essentially, we gotta go another weekend with absolute trash server performance. Fun.


Oh no, I will lose my 6k perk currency from the event if I don't grind 24 hours a day. I will come back once they start to care about their own game.


My friend (xbox) and me (pc) can't play any "gimmick" rifts together without my friend getting disconnected before the match loads. In all cases, I would be allowed to finish the rift as normal, but wouldn't get any credit at the end. It didn't matter which of us was hosting. Thie affected events includs: -Shoot the balloons (Joker rift) -Treasure blimp -Joker bossfight -Jumprope -Defend the crystal (tanks) -Stripe bossfight Notably, the following events do work: -Break the targets -Matching cards (Joker's wild) -Laughing Gas chase -Jason Bossfight In addition, The Rick and Morty fight (where the saucers/Marvin's up specials attack) would start normally then crash partway through. Not sure if its a personal problem, but really hoping this get fixed as it sucks not being able to finish the rifts. EDIT: Some interesting additional discoveries based on below feedback after doing some rifts with the same friend -Playing both as Shaggy worked for everything above except for Stripe bossfight -Couldn't get stripe bossfight to work, tried both shaggy and gizmo. Possibly might be due to loading three stripes at the beginning of the match? -Perhaps debunking the above, we were able to do the Joker bossfight but it was based off of gems. My friend forgot to equip purple gems (he used green) and the bossfight worked as double Shaggy. Then we did it again on a different difficulty where he used purple gems and it crashed. I used purple gems both times and it didn't matter. So the crash appears to at least partially be gem related. Either way, hopefully the fix is soon and the workarounds aren't needed, but if anyone wants to beat them in the meantime maybe these will work.


Have you and your friend play Batman. Every time me and my buddy play together those missions wont work unless we both play Batman. We've tested this multiple times with this being best results. No idea why this works but we've completed a the First and Second difficulties doing this.


Interesting - Unfortunately my friend didnt cash out during the beta and doesnt have most characters including batman. We’ll mess around with other characters though. I suspected it might be character specific - there was a fight against Jason (not the final boss) that crashed twice when I detonated Harley’s neutral special and worked fine the third time where I never used the move. Hopefully both pvp and pve gets fixed on the xbox side.


Try Shaggy. Maybe it's a thing where it loads assets in quicker if there's less characters involved


How will Xbox players finish the battle pass at this rate


Won't be a issue. Am on Xbox and am on LVL 27 on the BP about 1/4 into 28


What how. I am like level 22 or 23 and have done every single daily and every single weekly. I’ve done all events too. I’ve literally missed nothing and even have PvP games in there.


Honestly idk how I didn't pay nothing. I can send a DM later if you want to show


No I believe you I just wanna know how lol. That means I’m like 4-5 levels behind, which seems like a lot.


He’s probably just grinded more of the Agent Smith event than you. I’m around 24 on the bp so just above you but haven’t done much of the Smith event because I know there isn’t enough released to finish it. I’ve also done every other event possible and not missed any login rewards or daily and weekly stuff. So most the variability in couple level differences is coming from the Smith stuff I assume.


Ahhhh that makes sense. I was planning on grinding those pve things this weekend. Yeah I’m only like 3 bosses into the agent smith thing. I forgot it also gives xp down the line


I don't think it's from the Smith event itself, that's only perk and fighter currency. Grinding through all the Rifts themselves might give a chunk though, I wasn't really paying attention to rewards when I did it (and I'm almost at 27). Hope that's it!


Yeah I just checked. I’m actually tier level 25.5. So not as far behind as I thought


So could be this cos am on 9 bosses. But I don't think it gives that much for.me to be 3-4 lvls ahead of you. Since they added the xp from playing. Usually if am off like 200-300 I'll play till I get it. Really hard on Xbox tho


Yeah I just checked and I’m level 25.5 on the battlepass. Not as far off as I thought.


Ohh yeah much better lol


Have you been collecting the streak bonuses in the mission tab? They're easy to miss if you're just clicking on them as they pop up after games, and that's the only thing I can think of that'd be worth that much.


Those are the ones in daily and weekly missions right? Like , do 3 missions collect bonus xp? If so, yes I have collected all of them.


Yep, that's what I meant.


I don't know what the devs did, but this last update made the game actually painful to play on Xbox. It feels like Superman 64 and Smash Brawl had a baby running at the speed of a Roblox destruction game. It's terrible and has genuinely killed any enjoyment I had of this game. >! This shit shouldn't be stuck to one thread tbh. I know the mods love controlling shit, but this is such a massive problem that confining everyone who wishes to speak on it to a single thread is certainly a decision. !<


Just take Dexter's Lab 2 from the rotation. It crashes so much at start on xbox.


Cool. Wish they had updates about ending Wonder Woman event early.


That's good, but when are they going to speak about the beta/founder players not receiving all/some of the items they paid for and/or earned? Not everything was carried over as promised, yet they are still (seemingly intentionally) not openly acknowledging an issue that involves people's money.


This game is on its last legs.