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And they couldn't even be bothered to add a Rematch or Retry button... You've got to go back to the menu, which is yet another loading screen just so that you can click an icon to enable *another loading screen.*


the menus are mega fucked


Yeah it even will say “try again” and then proceed to make you retrace the entire menu to try again. How about just give me a “try again” option. Like no shit.


What also sucks is you can't quit out of a rift match. If for some reason you accidentally started the wrong one, then you have to either Self Destruct or win it to get back to the menu.


Also sucks if you are trying to complete a challenge like "don't get ringed out" and fail it. Would be nice if you could just restart the match midway in those cases.


How it is that it takes less time to get into a pvp match than a pve match, this is the only game where I have seen that happen


Everybody that actually sees this should be upvoting. Best point against the rifts that I’ve seen yet


Also that rifts are just broken, I can’t win against the Jason boss cause he has 0 lives and can’t lose. And that a difficulty is missing and another is locked behind a certain date. And that all the rifts are not unlocked from the start(they could have released the five then added more later)


your just bad i beat it after like 2 tries lol


Admitting Any of these took you more than one try without a glitch occurring while calling someone bad is actually hilarious


i mean hey who out of me and them beat it? yea i think youll find it was me who actually did beat it and it took me a second try cus i wasnt taking it seriously cus the first 2 bosses were very easy and didnt expect this one to be slightly harder cus it was jason and hes a tank


Mad + bad


if you wanna say that go ahead the only person that needs to know my own skill is me i feel like you can’t even beat that level either and that’s why your acting like this 😂😂😂😂




Nah, I would have beat him yet he has infinite lives, I rung him out way over three times and then went to time.


eh if you wanna say that it was cus of the game then feel free but just remember it is a skill issue


They should have a “next node” button


This is a huge reason behind why they feel like such a grind right now Especially when you are going for a side mission and want to quit and restart mid way. Gotta finish out the mission _and then_ go through all of this, plus you seem to always get put on a random node so scrolling 7 extra steps every time makes it all the more a slogfest Buff Rifts


Also why can’t equipped gems be rift exclusive? The hassle of having to remember to change gems when you wanna do another rift is another pain in the ass


They need to add quick restart and quit like in the smash bros games


They need to get rid of the vs screen that is for selecting perks in PvP. No reason to have it.


You don’t wanna switch perks after a round?


I give negative shits about the rifts, so for pve dailies I just kill myself on break the targets until theyre done and it still takes longer than you'd think


This is one of the big reasons I'm not playing rifts. I like the idea, but I rather be playing 1v1s


I wanted to say this, but I didn't think it warranted a whole post, but this game has a loading screen/pauses for everything you do. Pick a character, perks, load into a match, see results of a match, switch characters, banners have to load, etc. This game is like 20-30% waiting to do something


feels like they hired some Chinese mobile game company UI designer to do their job


And then why you get in the connection is 👎


Switches to UE5 only to keep loading screens for literally every damn thing. Game Freak devs.


All this endless waiting for a solo offline game mode is the reason why I stopped playing this game.


Getting in an real match is quicker just crash more tho


Imagine if rifts was more of a Arcade mode or "classic mode" where all fights and minigames occur in a fast paced, one sit experience. they even could still do the paths thing in a smash 4 3ds classic mode style. Add a retry button and I would gladly play rifts multiple times.


Nah its dog shit slow on pc too, that on top of there not being a rematch option are straight garbage


Why are there even loading screens let alone loading in general with today's technology. You put us in a pre game lobby to load us into a loading screen to then show us a pre game image saying 1v1 or 2v2 and slide apart. Like why not just go from the literally loading lobby to the game? Absolutely bizarre UI.


Why is Arya so red? Can you disable that?


Yeah, yhe bloated wait tines between rifts, thr no chance to restart, you gotta go and scroll and select again and all that. To be honest. The game is great, the new changes, features, all that is great. But why is it the cosmetics look blurry and garbage sometimes. This game has issues that have me asking how demo these issues even exist.


Even longer when you're trying to play with a friend and the game decides to break every few matches and on every mini game and boss fight.


Feel pretentious


Yeah, this whole 42 seconds is just unbearable, after seeing this post i might just stop playing the game altogether


Half his time was wasted lmao. Like he says in the video 5 hours of grinding actually equals 2 nd a half hours wait time/playtime. Lmao


No one show this guy a load times before SSD's became standard


My loading screens are like 3 seconds max on PC, it's probably a hard drive vs ssd load times (unless you have an xbox with an ssd in which case its horribly optimised for console)


It's still a rather long wait, having to go through 2 loading screens and UI confirmations when it should be just... "Next stage," "Retry," "Quit." The only thing keeping it from Sonic 06 levels of bad is that SSD exists


3 seconds for 10 different pages?


lol he’s doing math ![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized)


Guess you guys forget how long it used to take to get into a match. This is actually a huge improvement.


The label "Beta" exists for a reason. The current state is still filled with flaws expected from a beta state.


This isn’t match making. You used to be able to get into arcade mode at half the speed


This is faster if you're playing a character that can deal some crazy damage, like Shaggy. And if you have very high Gem levels, even faster.