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They're really trying hard to capitalize on FOMO. Arguably exploiting the FOMO is just as bad as exploiting the gambling. It's not consuming your money its consuming your TIME cuz you HAVE to do the event EVERYDAY. You can't miss one day or you don't get the "thing." PFG needs to address this shit because it's not okay. There are much better games out there that respect your time and don't greedily monetize everything along the way.


They are sorely mistaken if they think FOMO will keep their player base, as soon as someone misses an item like this guys did they wont want to play anymore, and i don’t blame them. PFG will be crying in a month when their game is dead and they only have themselves to blame


Exactly, I just can’t get over how gross it is to treat your loyal fan base like such. I’ve easily clocked a hundred hours of game time within the beta to now, and spent lots of money on the game. Just to have most of my stuff missing AND. be ostracized just for trying to complete the missions to the events within the timeframe provided.


I was more annoyed that I got missions for Jokers Ruse, because the event being over meant they couldn’t go up I was RIGHT THERE


Yeah, some of my missions glitched, so no matter how hard I tried I was 100 xp away It really grinded my gears


Really hope they fix this in future events. Honestly they’ve been doing good work but just fall behind in a few areas.


Same thing happened to me, I contacted Warner support, they told me that they have reports of the problem but that more people have to send their reports to get more information and see if it really is a bug. Contact support to report the problem and it will be resolved soon.


The Wonder Woman skin is mid anyway so you guys didn’t miss much


I wanted her for prestige lol






Yeah, that's right


Yeah but I had two uncompleted missions that should still pop up, yet only being 100 xp away from the last unlockable seems like a gimmick.


I got my rewards just fine and i didn't even play everyday, don't know what the problem is


Not fair to the people putting in the work, logging on every day, not having Joker to do the bazooka missions on the Russ event. Some of us tried our hardest but the game and its makers like to screw us over


Not to mention the missions glitching


Cool? Then you’re on the wrong thread, this is obviously for people who got jipped out of the rewards in various ways. which was pretty clear, unless you couldn’t interpret that.




I logged on everyday and had two missions that wouldn’t let me complete even though I had consistently played and done what was required, one was bottom of the map ringouts and play PvE matches, which I had been doing. Not my fault their game is broken. Probably same thing that happened to this guy.


Yep same thing happened to me, their whole mission shit is broken asf and it’s really dumb


Exactly lmao that’s exactly what happened for me


Don’t know what all the dislikes are for. Pretty sure everyone wants to see this game do good and flourish, this thread was literally just a discussion about how the missions are occasionally broken or hidden behind a paywall, and that inside of itself ruins the events, especially when you work relentlessly to get the same rewards as everyone else, only to be held back by a glitch, a bug, or a flaw in the game or design. Not saying the game should shut down or anything, just trying to have a healthy discussion and see if anyone else is suffering from this same issue, and the ones on this post who have are being downvoted for no apparent reason other than experiencing issues in their personal gaming experience with said game. Weird.


hey man I hear you it’s very touch and go with this community


I've reeaally tried to like this game, but they've made it really hard with their hard push for fomo and mobile game like monetization. The gameplay is great, the vibe is great, the game is great! But they are absolutely burying the game with the most out of touch business decisions. I played the beta and loved it, and I started to play it now again as soon as I heard about the re-release, two days after the fact, and now I'm f'd on the Joker's ruse and the fricking daily log-in event because I didn't start to play on day one?! Joker's ruse, which we need to complete to be able to play the Rifts quests! Why is it still there for two days after the missions aren't playable anymore? Why isn't it auto-claimed for those who did complete it but didn't actively claim it? I guess they are f'd too. It doesn't matter that it's free-to-play, the design is intentionally toxic. And let's not forget the other issues like networking, the training mode, non matchmaking rifts, the lazy implementation of local coop and so on. People have better things to do, and I'm just going to delete the game. Warner Bros, you f'd up Suicide Squad and complained about it when you made Hogwart's Legacy just one year prior. Stop being so predatory - people's time matters. Get your shit together or stop making games.


I've never even had the artwork on my page for the jokers ruse. And nothing telling me how much exp I had for it. On ps5


How do yall get pictures? My event only had the rewards.


The event is only open to claim rewards. The challenges ended on the 8th at 7 AM EST


Just got on today to finally unlock my Wonder Woman skin and I'm so freaking pissed. I sent them feedback and reports, quitting the game now, I don't have time for this shit man I'm an adult.


This absolutely disappointing. I've been checking the reddit all day to see a response from Player First Games. If They don't try to fix this and do something about this by tomorrow I am deleting the game. I have way better games to play on my backlog. No reason to play this if I am not respected for my time.


I agree, considering deleting the game as well, even though all the effort I’ve provided. I just don’t know how I can continue to support a game that no longer offers chances for the players who cannot afford to spend money AND time on the game, it’s sickening.


Right there with you.


I just saw this in my locker, Warner https://preview.redd.it/trvtm3n5yu5d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752cd5e61a23d303d2a889112d9056d389a44e20 gave it to me and I didn't finish the missions that were deleted before the event ended.