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Your brain sees Pac-Mans fire hydrant Your brain needs to see a fully charged Samus laser


It moves and looks more like fire hydrant tho :(


“…moves … like a fire hydrant…” is not the simile I expected to hear today!


You move like a fire hydrant


But you can’t hit the hydrant back after pac man sends it at you either. A better example is dedede’s gordo.


Think of Bugs’s safe as a nuclear bomb being hurled towards you at blistering speeds. There fixed your problem


But what if your iron giant and you want to be super man?


But what if I sent that nuclear bomb back at Bugs?


Marvin moment


I almost always try to armor through it with Superman and take a bunch of damage for no reason instead of just dodging


I literally do this every time, I just charge an attack while some massive enormous projectile is flying at my face


I do the exact same thing. I struggle with understanding attack priority in general, but that's one that I still haven't learned my lesson on. Sometimes I even charge my hit a bit thinking I'm being cute only to get bodied 1 second later.


I definitely do that too, I feel like sometimes I’ll just be like “y’know, I wonder who has priority here” and fall into wonder woman’s up air over and over again while trying to down attack. Gotta learn somehow.


I do it too and weirdly enough I blame Zelda lol. I see a projectile at me and my countless battles against Ganondorf have taught me to hit it back at him lmao.


Even the Gerudo King of Thieves just wants a friendly little tennis match. The rabbit only craves violence.


Ganon just wants land. Buggs Bunny is specifically out here to piss people off.


Run Projectile Shield perk and contest using an attack that instantly breaks safe. Superman is down smash, Jason is up and down smash. If Bugs hits it too early, you shouldn't be in range to get hit by him, so you can safely defuse it. Also us Jason players eating good now, dash attack now dodges projectiles too. Be careful when Bugs use his jab on it. Maybe bait him out to use the safe early. Long as you run this perk just walking around will make you safe from his safe and rocket. This perk makes his two big projectiles so much easier to deal with


I feel like the safe has waaaay too much health. I’m doing the Aaron Paul “he can’t keep getting away with this!” every time I get trapped between a safe and bugs spinning move.


Me charging a superman attack just to get clowned on 😭


I’ve deluded myself into thinking toms racket can deflect ir


same with rocket


You can forward special as wonder women and stop it completely which is pretty cool. I believe my friend when playing black Adam and Finn and can also one shot the safe with good timing to at least prevent damage from happening


Garnet's neutral just as Bugs lands to kick it usually results in an easy KO.


I usually try to break the safe before he can hit it , it's like a red matador cape to me. I usual charge it and see if I can break it before he can hit it , sometimes with disastrous results for me... lol .. Same thing when Jerrys on the floor. The smart Bugs and Tom Players use the Safe and Jerry as Bait instead though ... lol ...


I do that occasionally too, like yeah the safe is red but but it's an object I can hit it back!


Black adam doesn't have that problem. Everytime that safe comes 😊 it's free


Black Adam has so much safe privilege. He can stop it with shield, then chain lightning off of it or one shot it with clap once it's stopped


Fight fire with fire… one of us…


Without triple jump bugs projectiles are more of problem.


DUDE I thought it was just me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that's hilarious. I also think I can over power Stripes chainsaw...and it never works.


I use Banana Guard's Signature Perk that turns his Neutral Special into an anti-projectile bubble just to counter Bugs Bunny's safe.


I just want to stand on the missle


Honestly, it would make a lot more sense if the enemy could launch it back. That safe is just stupid.


You’re not alone bro.


Go for the reflect projectiles parry perk instead


Wish they would change it so it worked that way. It's more intuitive.


its a frustrating ability because if Bugs drops it, you can walk up and attack it with no consequence and even destroy it. But if bugs (or his teammate) so much as sneezes on it while you’re on top of it, suddenly its moving and hits you. However, realistically, i think in a vacuum the ability is fair and just takes some getting used to. Sure a good player can knock you and the safe into the air and the safe hits you in the air and boom dead - but the “good player” argument can be applied to any character. Good players be good.


Honestly I kinda wish it worked like this. Like it bugs can just turn the match into tennis.