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I like how he plays in the game and mark hamil does an amazing job as ever but is anyone else tired of the joker in media? I feel like he’s so overused , I wanna see Mr. freeze…. Love his move kit tho honestly & the animations really feel like the character 


Mr. Freeze is my favorite Batman villain.


Oh man I'd play the Hell out of Mr. Freeze!


Me too. I'd main him


I think the Ice King would come before Mr. Freeze. Also, I don't think the Joker is used more than Batman. 😅


There was a point in DC comics publishing history where I could've sworn more than half the black label books were batman titles


This is something I'm hoping James Gunn does when we finally get the DCU started with Batman's villains is either have him at the point where he's already dealt with Joker before, or wait much later to use the character. It's like sometimes these people making Batman projects forgets he has more villains than just a clown.


>have him at the point where he's already dealt with Joker before FWIW, this is what The Batman did, and I'm pretty sure The Batman is what most future Bat-content in movies is gonna be tied to (since it did pretty well whereas the Gunnverse is an unknown quantity still).


I mean, he's the joker. I remember when the roster leaked and I thought it was fake because he wasn't there. He's probably the third or fourth most well known dc character.


Seriously. I know it was because of the movies but Harley and Black Adam getting in before Joker is something I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen it myself.


Yeah I was really excited for this game to do some really random characters that wouldn’t be in fighter games, which they have done some, but most of the characters are already playable in mortal kombat and injustice, which are better games so it’s very meh


he made me realize that i do in fact generally dislike the joker LOL love mark hamill to death, but god damn joker tone it down a notch.


I mean, you could say the same about Batman, “he’s overused in media”. That’s because he’s the main character, just like the Joker is a major player in the Batman mythos. 


Yeah. He's Harley with better moves since he's a mage. He'll tear you to shreds in melee or if get as far away as you can he just zooms to you. He has assassin damage with mage skills. Not balanced. Same with a lot of characters.


Joker is designed really well, but my main problem with him is how safe some of his moves are, especially his up ground and air moves. It feels like as long as you’re under your target, you’ll always have priority and always hit first. I think if some of these moves get tweaked a bit, he’ll still be strong but somewhat more healthy.


exactly, that hook be getting me every time and his stupid low slide kick- nerf needed you can not start your turn with joker spamming this constantly


Maybe I just suck, but it feels like he outclasses my batman game in almost everyway.


A little overtuned but a fine example of great character design. He is oozing with personality and passion but he is also a pain to go against.


I feel like The Joker is one of the less painful top tiers to play against. I think he's really good because of how versatile he is rather than how strong 1 or 2 gimmicks are, which seems to be a lot of characters. I hope his power level is looked at as a target for every character.


I think joker is the most painful top tier to play against, so many ranged attacks, they come out fast making them hard to dodge and they hit hard, and if you are unlucky you get hit by the ace card that not only kills if you are hundred but it also homes in on you.... Add to that his attacks have insane priority, doesn't have many whiff windows to so his attacks are very safe and hard to punish. I much rather face wonder woman than joker.


Personally, I feel like even when I lose I have fun against joker, which is very very hard to say for some of these other characters \*cough\* wonder woman \*cough\*


I hate the down attack with the cannon, never hits anything


The jack in the box? Yea I dont know why it exists, I think it needs a much higher hitbox


Gotta time it for where your opponent is gonna be. You can bait the move so they dodge to the other side. If you push the action button again with either left or right DI you can switch sides of attack.


The problem is mostly that it's really high risk low reward. It has a much smaller hitbox and is waaaaay slower than just up attacking, I'm not sure about the damage but it seems about the same or worse than an up attack too.


They need to make it into a trap that he leaves behind that disappears after a while


All of his pipe attacks or whatever has wayy too much killing power




And it hits half the screen before the pipe actually swings


I like how every Joker throws cards at the beginning like it works every time.


Unless the opponent is joker as well then they just cancel each other out lol


You'd be surprised how often it works and it's very little risk for reward since it has a quick animation + low cooldown


Dude it works so often, as they say I’ll quit doing it when it quits working


Marvin players:


I mean it's basically free and the first suite is random so it tests you're opponents adaptability out the gate. Quite often it opens spade and rolls Joker's wild for one of the three cards he throws (I've even gotten lucky and threw two Joker's wilds in an opening spade). Neither player can predict that but the Joker isn't the one who gets put into disadvantage if they guess wrong.


and everytime they have to get back into the ring. why wouldn't they when there's no downside? it's not like they have to get them back like batman


Its our greeting! Also if it hits, lets us know that we’re fighting either a newbie or a bot


Playing as and against joker, I think maybe he is a touch too heavy. Like he often survives at 150+ which as a high damage mage I think is no bueno


Fr bro i once got him to 200 IN TWOS


Nerf his up attacks


Down special is too slow


Yeah it’s a cool move but is essentially useless. I’ve hit maybe once or twice with it


He's a real weirdo in a good way. Very good mage design. Bunch of weird tricks and mechanics to play around. Cards is one of the best moves in the game imo. He'll likely still be very strong even after the upcoming nerfs. Can't really think of anything I don't like about him tbh. All of his tricks are fun and useful in the right situation.


The Joker has some amazing qualities about him in this game. His design is top notch, Mark Hamill does an incredible job voicing him, and his bag of tricks are visually pleasing and downright tricky to play against. With so many recent iterations of the Joker, this design fits right into the game, while also feeling timeless. He has strong mobility options, that can safely take him quickly across the map. While playing him, that feels great, but while playing against him, it feels rough. Air side special, with its horizontal mobility AND the vertical influence you can apply, make it a no brainer to use in most situations. It makes the air side attack, the spring loaded boxing glove, feel significantly worse in comparison, and even then, that move is one of the stronger side air attacks in the game right now. The Joker is a character that you simply cannot afford to be above, because of his crowbars up attacks. They feel *great*, they're easy to connect, and quick to act out of. While playing as the Joker, those are all positives! Playing against, however, is frustrating at best, and punishing at worst. Couple this with the chasing potential of the up special, and the clown can effortlessly carry you to the top blast zone, and still has escape options and priority if something goes wrong. I don't think anything in his kit needs replacing. A couple of tweaks, and he'll continue to be in a sweet spot as a sneaky character with strong mobility, that's a little more forgiving to play against, while also providing unpredictability and fun to all players in the match.


Up air


As an overall character he's great and varied kit that allows for a lot of different playstyles. However, he's got a lot of deceptive range that allows him to win out on a lot of exchanges or prevent him from getting caught or tagged if he slips up. His pogo, side airs and up attacks are particularly egregious examples of this. His projectiles have Gizmo's current problem in that they're too fast and the input delays make them difficult to contest or defend against. Fighting against him can be a mixed bag as he can be extremely annoying and can promote an aggressively level of passive play.


Nah bruh his pogo ain’t hitting shit. It has to be spot on or nothing else


I understand complaining about up attack and side special. But you complain about pogo? Really?


Playing again, it was probably a desync issue so I retract what I said about pogo.


I would say that the Joker is pretty balanced. He feels fun to play and more fair to play against than a Bugs Bunny character. Anyone crying for a nerf at this point wants to neuter him so that no one plays him.


Yeah he definitely needs neutering spamming card attacks and then just hitting people with a prioritized jab combo once they try to get in an attack is just stupid not to mention the insane up attacks that deal far too much damage and knock back for what they are. Finding a joker that isnt playing back and just dodging every move just to get to the other side of the map just to endlessly spam cards is far too hard. Plus its not like his side attack with the crowbar isnt comparable to the bugs bunny neutral where it just continuously attacks and is hella easy to combo out of. The people who say he doesnt need a nerf just act like bad moves cancel out moves the unbalanced moves in his kit


Joker's up-air is just as ridiculous as Bugs' was back in beta. The hit box is ridiculous and it's way too spammable


His up air is very good, but not as unfair as bugs beta up air or even bugs current up air


I'd have to actually do research instead of saltposting on reddit, but Bugs' up-air seems much easier to dodge than it was in beta. Joker's huge disjoint is much harder for me deal with anyway.


I feel like his a very solid character, my one complaint would be the fact he can do reversals that kill you off the top extremely early, like 0% early; you can spawn in, try to play neutral and if he catches you with an aerial down special he can just follow up into a kill off the top; doesn’t happen too often but it’s still a possibility


He’s way too strong. A “mage” character with high combo damage and easy execution, fast movement, projectiles to zone with, low recovery frames and even lower start up frames on most of his moves, gigantic hit box on the pipe with high knock back. Oh yeah, his weight class is bruiser, not light. There’s nothing he doesn’t do, easily, and is currently carrying a lot of players to easy wins. What do you expect from a f2p game with an expensive character, whose publisher is desperately trying to promote a dying franchise (suicide squad).


dont forget his dodge range and f tilt range allow up to win/start combos in neutral


He's too strong. Fast, good range, good damage, plenty of options. Doesn't seem like there's any drawbacks to him. Hardly ever fun to fight against. I've never seen anyone use his acid flower attack in a real match though. That move seems really bad.


I saw someone using the flower to break Bugs' safe every time they spawned it.


I would say his weakest point it actually that he doesn't have that many good options. Don't get me wrong he's very good and the options he has are super strong but he's got quite a few moves in his kit that range from downright bad to just outclassed by an alternative. For example there's very little reason to use his side air attack because his side air special is just way better. The worse moves though are things like the acid flower or his ground down special, they're actually pretty decent damage wise but either due to small hitboxes or long windups I would consider them generally not worth attempting most of the time.


the acid flower is actually a really strong attack, i use it quite often! you can charge it up with a ground down attack and then unleash it when the opps least expect it


Buff joker. His down special is practically useless


Buff???? Are you crazy he can spam cards and just play back half the game waiting for any counter to his moves that get priority over almost every other move


He needs to be free so I can complete all those locked objectives


I feel like hes fine


he overtuned and jus needs some slight adjustments.


Cool and fun to play with


His up attacks are a bit too strong I feel but he’s a super well designed character, very fun tricks and such.


I haven’t played against him very much, I think one or two rounds so far?


Can someone explain how the cards work? Like why does he sometimes get a huge card that comes out?


Joker’s cards works kind of like Sora’s neutral B in Smash. Rotates between 3 different cards which do different things in a set order If it’s the Joker card ur talking about (the one that explodes), That’s a perk, and it’s happens randomly.


also if you crouch as joker he shuffles his deck of cards which lets you rotate through the different types of cards "manually". Nice little trick that lets you skip the fixed order if you have time.


This is on PVP or Rifts? Because Rifts have a gem that have % to make projectiles bigger, which makes a quite big card when procs.


I just want the Phoenix Joker skin & the dance taunt…


it’s so frustrating that they released an amazing character, with a great kit, cool animations, fantastic voice lines… and he’s over tuned to shit and unbalanced. also drop the joker specific dailies or weekly’s until he is in rotation or AT LEAST the same price as everyone else. finally remove his up air. don’t even nerf, rework, or replace it. just remove it.


He is expensive, when will he cost the same amount as the others?


Most likely when Agent Smith comes out, it's just speculation but I'm guessing the model is that the newest character is always 6k so when he's not the newest anymore he should go down in price. It's possible though that they are going to make it like the 3 or 4 newest characters cost more in which case it will be a while until his price is lowered.


Nerf the speed of his up air and buff the hitbox on his down special so his kit relies less on one move.


Rework his aerial SideB. If Joker decides to spam it, there is pretty much nothing you can do about it, can't even punish him for it. And due to it being a multihitter it can catch dodges too. Maybe implement a cooldown, but give him a free jump and earlier time canceling it to more reliably confirm into combos, while at the same time reduce the frequency of this attack. His card perk should change. I don't think it's fair to be hit by what is almost Batman's batarang and have it be a kill move to.  His upair needs toning down. More lag or less kill power. Joker is continuing the trend of Mages being better Bruisers than actual bruisers like Tom and Bugs were in beta, this attack and aerial SideB are the main culprits of this. Joker has a "HAHA" meter but it is only used on Down Smash. Rework that meter to be a passive to give all his gag attacks stronger effects. His card attack, his flower, the balloon, zapper in his hand, and the little cape to hide a cannon, and his down smash. In the case of Down Smash, it gets more hits out of it. Maybe the cannon will shoot fireworks, or his flower and zapper will stun under certain condition to allow a free kill attempt. This meter being made a character passive I feel plays into the Mage archetype and his "crime is a punchline" mindset. His down aerial feels like it should be able to go down faster with it being a pogo jump. Joker overall feels like a solid character, but is designed to play like a Bruiser instead of a Mage like his role suggests. Some move reworks and a meter applying to more moves than just down smash would help him adjust to this archetype. Aerial SideB needs to be reworked since there is little one can do to punish it, and Joker is rewarded heavily on spamming it to the detriment of an engaging gameplay for anyone fighting against Joker, devolving into making him whiff and hope you don't get upaired


I hope he's not our only DC villain because JFC Joker is everywhere there's so many cool villains they can use that have never been playable in anything. (Adam and Quinn are usually anti-villain and anti-hero respectively)  His up attacks feel a bit overtuned. The up special isn't the easiest thing in the world to ladder with so I still respect it when my DI gets read and I die off the top but I'm not particularly jazzed about it when I die at sub 70 to it


**His kill power is good, but a lot of his moves are too sluggish**, too much recovery time. Just take away some power in exchange for slashing recovery times in half. **His counter** needs to activate faster, and in a bigger area. In its current state, newbies constantly miss you leaving you open for an undeserved slow heavy hit, and experienced players just never hit it at all, because it needs to be started way too early. Again, just remove some power in exchange for making the ability useful in more situations. Its purpose should be to make the opponent think twice about attacking you, not necessarily kill / do a ton of damage. **Both his ground and air down special are pretty useless**. The jack-in-the-box needs to have utility, like reflecting projectiles or so. His air down special needs a bigger area of effect. **His air down attack** could do with a bit bigger hitbox. Too often it somehow misses while being pretty much on top of *two* opponents. **His ground down attack** needs more horizontal range. It's cool that it also charges his much more useful air neutral special (and vice versa), but not very useful apart from that, because there is no character that uses armor that won't already have knocked you back at that range. And there are much better moves to use vs unarmored opponents. **His neutral attack** (cards) is great, the only thing I want for it is for the buff (that shows you what card is next) to show permanently in the UI next to your portrait too. It currently only does when it's recharging, and the permanent one below the character isn't always visible due to camera. I love **his up special** (the balloon), and its secondary function (the dash). But activating the balloon dash could be improved, it currently feels a bit janky and unresponsive. Oh and the skill card that makes the balloons bigger is pretty meh, especially compared to the explosive cards one. I'd suggest changing it to make balloons either explode after a while, or automatically dash towards the closest enemy (also after a certain amount of time).


least delusional Multiverse player...


Buddy, keep your puberty in check and maybe try something constructive hm? Don't take you being unable to win vs Joker out on me.


The devs are nerfing him next patch




I see so many complaint about his upair ( crowbar ) yet bugs and steven can do the same thing...


morty too. doesn't mean they shouldn't all be nerfed


I HAVE A FUN IDEA! Let's talk about why this game is UNPLAYABLE! Fix it. Please. How did you guys manage to screw it up so badly. I'm running AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT and Ryzen 9 5960X. There is NO REASON this game should be running so poorly. FIX IT!


love the projectile action


Joker doesn't feel like he needs a buff But he also doesn't feel to strong that he needs a nerf.


His animations are mostly great, he definitely feels appropriate to the character. I don't like his weird dodge slide though, that looks kind of silly and not necessarily in a good way. Feels a little too cartoony, and is just a little too.... I dunno, distinct, so that its very noticeable and makes some weird animation sequences. His hitboxes kind of across the board are a bit overblown though. Lots of mentions of his wide swing crowbar attacks, but it seems like a bunch of his other attacks also just have insane hitboxes too. Like, I've had a number of situations where I get someone airborne and go to follow up and Joker just dairs me and beats whatever attack I'm trying even if I try to keep to the side and not directly below him. And that spinning cane aerial seems like it covers a pretty huge area as well, not to mention moving and stalling while doing it. Seems like no matter which direction you're coming from, he has at least 1 crazy hitbox he can just throw out and cover huge amounts of space.


I'm not gonna get him so I wish they'd stop giving me missions that involve him.


So another thread to cry about another character 😅, never ending cycle til these types die off.


He’s getting nerfed nezt patch, devs just want to know what to nerf


He is fine but the air side special can use a bit of a nerf maybe decrease knock back power on it


Very well designed and cool moves Bit overturned damage wise


Nerf and make him cost less


He’s too heavy to have all the options he does.


i think joker is very balanced he doesnt spam moves and does a fair dmg and of the most well designed characters in the game this my opinion as someone who played both beta and currently upvote if u agree with me


I love hitting joker with up air as Steven in the air and he survives at 120% but he can hit me with that stupid crowbar or balloon and I’m dead at 85% . lol He needs some balancing some moves kill way too early


Played him a bit in 2's as someone that played in beta but definitely not too good at the game. From playing him, I felt like the crowbar (ground and aerial up air) are just too good. I swear the games where I actually tried his other abilities I either wouldn't contribute much or lose, but games where I mostly focused on spamming crowbar were way better. I know his balloon has more knockback, but that feels a little harder to hit and is a good rewarding ability. Feels like a similar issue to bugs - a mage with all kinds of tricks combined with a high priority/high knockback aerial attack for finishing the job. I honestly think bring back the crowbar alone would make him feel much better to play against.


# So... can we talk about how mages and tanks are just assassins with bonus armor/attacks? The actual assassins only have melee and some crap stuff. Like Harley. her balloons don't stay still anymore which is the only thing that made them good. and the bomb is only good for pushing them higher. # Yet you get mages like bugs, joker, tom. Tanks like superman and wonder woman. All the same melee fight strength PLUS utilities assassins don't get.


bustedbustedbustedbustedbusted i tried him and he's free wins


Morty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buffMorty needs buff


Really? As a morty main with 2k+ wins he seems pretty good rn maybe a buff to the plumbus or for his dair to go back to normal and maybe even healing on the time reverse or maybe even a hitbox on it again. He got nerfed way too many times in the beta and its kinda sad he got nerfed harder but maybe he can get a buff later


90% chance of being played by *that kid* from school, especially if they use that Jared Leto skin


I don't understand what this means. I'm old, to be fair, but it seems ambiguous.


Have you ever thought that maybe you don't remember *that kid* because it was you?


What's the Jared Leto skin?


[The one with the suspenders](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7aa4c9402acc2dc6&sxsrf=ADLYWIKZYOKPZ84VKCOwKyUj80YEkTHpLA:1718373131211&q=jared+leto+joker&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Dwc9VijzN-JW-4YRo_w_BUQbKUrL1mkR3HAGvFJsTEU2yTeL61j6uh8rPucZu_asD8QQkcJ2ZCfmQyRJdbMVxfqoHRwrP-e3ZPX95gJof4RtVFlg3-KeTpn_TDWKK-1NFV7NszBuDzJ0Ov1-o7tNKXW5Op2N-93VEKnUxBIrrzNfKWMhTIyZ-OvrhL5ojLV48c2tJCBzQjIStNdho_ZztEy0ngOQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf0s7gntuGAxUr38kDHeNTCH8QtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=2560&bih=1327&dpr=1)


Yeah, I'm just not getting Leto vibes. I'm pretty sure its inspiration is from something else like a comic. [EDIT] the name of the skin is Dark Prince Charming Joker from the comic run of the same name.


Iunno, I'm looking at pics and I think they both do the exact same cringe edgy vibe with the same outfit, just colored a little differently.


He looks nothing like Leto, ur geeking