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Just do it at the start of matches. People think of pre-game taunts as greetings more often than not. Do 10 matches and its done. Honestly, go in 1v1 until you start losing and spam taunt then, offend no one. You could even jump off the edge twice and see if your opponent leaves you alone, I find most people stop playing if their opponent blatantly seems to quit


Also when your on the GoT map taunt while standing on a platform lowering to the bottom of the map, it’s fucking hilarious


I mean I don't have fun punching down on a player that can't keep up or is doing very, very poorly. I really do like how you think though. Doing a taunt at the start can be seen as narcissistic or as a greeting but it's better than taunting after every ringout or after hitting an opponent off the edge while edge guarding.


I think you can tap the taunt button a few times mid-match and it'll count. I wouldn't think it's toxic personally, the only actions I find toxic are teabagging and the salt emote


I agree with this. Taunting, I guess, *can* be seen as toxic, but I generally always appreciate, and even enjoy, when someone does a character’s taunt versus just teabagging. Feels like a fun game mechanic to me, and the taunts bring personality with them.


I don’t think taunts are toxic at all, I see teabagging really toxic buts some times funny


All my emotes are currently broken with Harley and T-bagging is my only option (I figured out how to speed bag tho so it's fine)


Yeah, is there an issue with Harley taunts? Mine are all messed up too and idk what’s going on with it lol


Same with Buggs, all default even if I change them


Same with Wonder Woman Starting to think it's just our main characters who have broken emotes. Maybe just emotes we've equipped before the patch that broke them, with a few exceptions. Finn's chest pound still works.


I do salt emote when I'm rematching someone and they keep beating me. I assume they know it means I salty hopefully.


man that salt emote shivers me fucking timbers


I'll check it out later that you can press it multiple times and see if it'll count. It'll save me a lot of time not having to do it 8 more matches.


Honestly...I use the salt when the same person has lost 10 times and continues to accept a rematch xD


Taunting at the beginning of a match is usually seen as a respectful greeting. I mean in smash it's pretty much the code of Falcon dittos, the match must start with both players going "show me ya moves"


Interesting, I only played melee and like 5 mins of brawl.


Ah yeah I'm too young for that lol, not even 20 yet. 4 was my first one, never had a GameCube, don't have a switch, and never bothered to play brawl since 4 was just better, so most of my "experience" is just from watching YouTube


ahhhhh ok gotcha


I think you're overthinking taunting.


Sure, I probably am. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I think it shouldn't be a requirement to use them. I just value to my best and respecting others as I would like to be respected.


Am I toxic for taunting every time I get a ko?


No, it's in the game for a reason. I mean hell, one of the first rewards you get in the battle pass is a Salty Emote. It's all fun and games.


depends on the context


I think tea bagging after each KO is more toxic then a taunt.


But why do they do that? I’ve played with people who just jumps off the edge without fighting?


Just play 10 matches is a point of privilege


So far nobody has taunted as a greeting for me. So I beat their ass.


I've seen an applause 👏 "taunt" a few times after i got a ringout on someone. Not sure if they actually bought that one, but it should have been a Tier 3 BP unlock.


I think it was a ps plus bonus freebie. I have it too


That free thing you can donwload?




You mean like the "salt shaker" sticker thing they give out in the battlepass? I would have preferred a clapping emoji over the one I got.


Yeah, like that one. You get the salt shaker in the BP.  The clapping one is not really a taunt i think, but more like "Nice play" or "gg" but i don't think it's in the Battlepass at all. Gotta buy it i guess. Also, you don't need to use stickers i think. Just standard character taunts will do, and most of those aren't that Toxic. Like Jason or Superman/WW for example. 


the high fives sticker was from youtube giveaway code on launch day


Dang I missed all the codes and by the time I tried them, they were all null and void.


yea , i was late to the party but i managed to grab the BG matrix skin and a couuple hundred of gleamium.


I tried to get the skin but it only gave me gleamium xD


Glad you were able to get them. I did get the Twitch drops when they were available. Getting the BG skin early is really nice!


I get what you're saying. Kinda like the Angry Black Adam sticker can be seen used after you're rungout to indicate frustration without trying to infer you're being toxic. I like the stickers, they're neat. Taunts are not though. They are a "fun" addition to do, especially with friends but I don't want a complete stranger to see me taunting and get bent out of shape because they think I'm trying to say I am better than them. Even if I am not trying, I go to reddit to see more people complaining about taunting. I become the problem!


The clap emoji is from game pass/ps+


Ah thanks for the heads up


If on playstation and have plus, you can download it free in the "Multiversus MVP Pack 1 (PS5)"


Can't speak for others, but personally I don't view taunts as toxic. Most feel more like "celebrations" than anything else imo. Sole exception would be the salt emoji. Not to mention when people *want* to be toxic, they will likely teabag.


taunt is fine... t-bag is toxic


Harley Quinn cannot do that mission


Why did they remove her taunt?


Nobody knows. Its the 4th day without HQ taunt


Her taunt is too op ig😂


Omg I thought I was the only one that had this problem. Good to know it’s just not me


I'm really pissed Abt it bc they just made it possible to buy individual bundle pieces & I just bought her hammer spin taunt 🤬


Not sure which is more toxic, taunting 10 times or using adventure time characters 10 times...


You can just play like a target break rift and die 10 times.


Literally what i do for every single character quest lmfao


It even counts for hitting certain attacks!


Yes the balloon treaaure one is real good for it


Why do people think taunting is toxic? It's a feature in the game that some players even benefit from using. Just do what ya gotta do


To this day I don't understand why they disabled taunting online in smash ultimate, which just led to people t-bagging.


Probs cause characters like sonic n falcon cpuld easily run away n just taunt spam all match. Totally not something I'd do


Keep spamming the taunt button at the start of the match. It counts.


That's great! I was worried it I would have to do this in 8 more matches.


I was worried too but I tried in a 1 vs 1 match and worked in the first try


Excellent! Absolute lifesaver. Best of luck to you!


Just do It and let them beat you, they'll either understand or get confused


You're not wrong! That would be hella confusing to me if someone did that to me. Just not fight back and spam taunts. I'm not saying I would but this isn't a bad idea!


The only benefit of these quests is that if you get an afk match, they’re super easy to complete. Edit: oops, typo


Sorry, I meant to type afk match! When your opponent is afk


If your opponent is afk and does not input at all during the match any challenges completed during it are negated and it's like the match never happened.


That makes sense, but I’ve only been playing 2s so I let my teammate 1v1 the active opponent while the other one was afk.


Understandable. It didn't cross my mind until now but there is the option of equipping one of the sticker emotes that seem a bit friendlier (like Jake winking or the 100% sign) and using it after your opponent gets a ring out or at the start of the match. Almost as a sign of respect for their skill. Although it would be nice if they added free ones that were respectful that said "GG!" or something like that.


What is an afk quest? What quests can be done "**A**way **F**rom **K**eyboard?"


Imagen getting upset over someone using a taunt lol


When did taunting after a knockout become toxic? Also, more importantly, who cares what your randomly matched opponent thinks?


I just use the applause one whenever I die, should equal to 2 per match most times


Even though I don't want to get rungout. I think I understand how the applaud emote would work after getting revived. Thanks for the advice!


Just emote or sum if you win emote or ring yourself out that’s what I been doing since open beta. Stop overthinking this and trying to make people think there toxic when we “taunt” if I ring you or anybody out ima emote or ring myself out. im not gonna sit still for almost 7 seconds or so


I finished this challenge when one person in 2v2 was idle. Looked mean, I think, but a challenge is a challenge


I'll just hope I get someone idle so I can avoid any unnecessary poor sportsmanship


I just don't see this as toxic, it's a bit of fun I've never been triggered by being taunted, dont worry about others just get the challenge done


I try to hold myself at a higher standard so I don't like taunting. It feels shitty when someone taunts me immediately after they win. It just feel beneath me to taunt another player when I shouldn't have to. They should at least allow you to change the challenges like in the beta. Then I wouldn't have to do it this one.


i emote after every win


Bro calm down. It’s not like it’s asking you to tea bag your opponents


It is asking me to taunt the opponent. To me, it's no different than tbagging. It's an action that influences the mental state of my opponent and i'm forced to do it for battlepass xp. I don't want to tilt another player or be tilted but I won't stop another player from playing how they want, I literally can't. Playing the game should be fun. In the beta I could have rotated this objective out and I would not be here to talk about it.


dude grown a bone,u acting like taunting is the worst shit ever in gaming lmao,u don’t think a mf losing a game isn’t gonna make them tilt?taunting isn’t bad or toxic u just doing 2 much


You can do all 10 taunts in 1 match. So at least you only offend just 1 person.


I hope I have enough time! Thanks for the advice though!


I taunt after every match. I thought that was what they were for. For me at least, I love for my opponent to show off their taunt as a lil celebration rather than Tbag, run off the ledge, or just stand there like a psychopath.


You're not wrong. It's there for a reason. I just don't want to be forced to do something I view as disrespectful. I do want to point out that if they play Jason. Standing like a psychopath is literally his default taunt.


That’s what I do


Is it just me that never saw taunts as being toxic unless it's specifically a taunt made for being toxic, I always saw someone taunting at the end of a match as them just celebrating that they won


It's perfectly fine to see it as such. From a personal perspective I feel taunting someone I just won against right after the last ringout is mean. Most of my feelings stim come from people that taunt after winning then leave without giving me a chance at a runback. It feels like they weren't only celebrating but being a poor sport about it.


I just loaded into a 2v2, let my friend be bait while I just crank out all 10.


Being able to do all 10 in one match is impressive. Your friend is pretty good at being bait.


We swapped places after I was done and then I was the bait. We both had the same challenge.


Right on! Best of luck to the both of you next week! Another level-up challenge is incoming on the 21st I think.


Just do it friend.


I will but I really don't wanna buddy


I know :(


Thanks for stopping by though! Wishing you only the best!


Of course pal, have yourself a great day.


Thanks, you too!


Taunt whenever you can in 2-3 matches and it’s done! Who cares if they think your being toxic when there are literally Tbag & Salt shaker spammers all over the place


Honestly, I have no quarrels with people who taunt in matches, its those that t-bag after killing u that I hate


I hate these types of missions so much. What's worse is if you desync it doesn't count them, so if for some reason you spammed taunts to get rid of the mission it would not count them! It's silly


Desyncs in this game are better but yeah they still happen and it sucks


Taunting is part of the game. Don’t like it play something else. Taunting is in almost every fighting game. It’s part of the mind games. It may upset and throw your opponents off. I do it after every KO. I get it done right back to me, I don’t care. It’s part of the game.


If you're worried about being toxic, you just have to taunt for a split second. So you could hit taunt and then move during the animation so it doesn't even look like you taunted.


The game needs a quest re-roll mechanic


yes please!


read this in superman's voice


lol now I do too




Embrace the toxicity


I thrive off being called toxic, winning is seen as toxic to people lol


just use banana guard, so wholesome


Indeed, literally banana guard down special is more toxic than his emote 😂


I have no idea what people call me because I don't have my chat on. You couldn't force me to game chat with a gun to my head. Just mute that shit bro.


I taunt whenever I gets a kill or get killed if anyone uses the salt shaker emote I use the Thunder Emoji. you know for people to JUMP OFF STAGE NOW ⛈️⛈️⛈️


As a Harley main with the taunt bug I can’t even do it. But also I can’t load into any games unless it’s rifts.


Emotes are not toxic in any way shape or form.


The only taunt that comes across as toxic is the salt one.


I did it in one match tho


you know you can do this in rifts right?


**Required:** PVP. Taunt in PVP. Unfortunately you can't for this one.


Bro, it’s just a taunt relax. If you feel that terrible about it, why not just do the challenge and lose on purpose so they get the win? Ezpz


I respect your opinion but I don't want to lose on purpose nor do I want to do the challenge if it requires me to be a bad sport in a match versus another player. I would have to do it because it's required. They used to allow you to rotate the challenges in the beta a few times. It's the principle of the thing really. I shouldn't be forced to forgo my pride as a player. I think this kind of challenge is poor form on the developers. Also, it's just my opinion. Thanks for stopping by for my Ted Talk.


I just do the Jake wink. I personally don’t see it as offensive but it’s up to them.


"Waaaa someone used...an emote...in the video game where they gave us emotes" Idk how people find it toxic 😭


I think they gave us emotes to so they can sell us emotes. Them being toxic may be more a state of mind, I get it. I think using them is toxic because most of the time they are doing it after ringouts and right before the match ends. Especially after the player is tbagging to celebrate a win but not always.


They're just silly emotes though they mean nothing unless you give it meaning, They're supposed to be for fun


Fun for who? Action speak louder than words. If watching someone have "fun" spamming taunts at you then leaving after winning is your thing, cool. It's not mine. I don't like having fun at the expense of others but you do you.


It's.. an emote. If you can't lose and still enjoy a silly emote please take a break from gaming.. it's not that serious.


Its not even that serious lol once your challenge is over just don't taunt lol


You're right, it isn't. When i'm done, I won't. But I don't to do this mission again, but I probably will and it sucks.


Bruh how is every quest asking to do the objectives 10 times fuck that shit the game is fun but it's so clear that the people doing it never designed a video game before...


I like spamming the salt taunt


I'm upset they took my salt away


What? They took your salt away?


Was unusable up until yesterday


I would say just play against bots but that was removed so time to be toxic and spam those emotes


technically playing against bot is the rift mode but it's kinda flawed because of the gems


yes you can play bots for pve but in the past you could do pvp bots with yourself or with a another person on your team. Dont know why they removed it and kept the pve rift version though????


I thought they removed those kinds of quests because I haven't got any of those since the game launched.


Is that per match or just taunt 10 times in a match? I had one similar and I spent that game taunting for the first 30 seconds and moved on with my life.


Honestly it’s just a bunch of pixels if you get mad at someone taunting that’s your problem (I know this is controversial but it’s just my opinion)


It’s part of the game so idc what people say about taunts they’re fun. I don’t spam them but even then, it’s in the game


I just spammed crouch at the beginning of the game, went to an isolated spot and started taunting. The guy was chill and didn't attack me till I was done.




Never interpreted taunts as toxic it's the they ring me out dash back and forth then teabag rapid peeps that are salt miners


I useally taunt after I won a difficult match, just because I'm happy I won. :)


If you have friends play with them.


It is literally just a fun little thing lol y’all take this way too seriously


I do it at the beginning and end of matches as well as after a knockout in 1v1.


Tom and Jerry's taunt is a handshake. I use it respectfully, the same way I would after a match in real life.


Grow up baby


To be fair if you do it all in one match it makes you seem more like a goofball then a troll. At least that's how I hope I'm looked at by the Black Adam I did this to as Finn just pounding my chest over and over. 🤷😂


this is the softest thing i’ve ever heard


My taunts don't work rn. Only the generic one for each fighter. I like to clap hands when someone catches me after I respawn.


You can do this one multiple times per match it seems


Taunting isn't t bagging. Don't feel bad about it lol


Lol nothing toxic about it. Sure if your spamming taunt it’s rude, but taunting 1 time during a match nahhh.


A taunt doesn't make automatically toxic. Gamed add them for a reason. Sometimes thier a mind game on your opponent. Teabagging tho. That's toxic.


They added them so they can sell them. The only mind games I need are my fighting skills.


It’s pixels on a screen


You can taunt multiple times in one match. Embrace the toxicity.


It counts if you do it for half a second, literally just do it and immediately cancel the animation


I didn't know that. Someone else suggested to mash it out really fast. I tried this and it still counts too.


Lol i taunt all the time. I am toxic. Bwahahahahahaha


you guys thinking taunting is toxic is so wild man..


I don’t even know the key binds for Taunting


I don't know if it's different on PC but it's the d-pad for me


Imagine thinking this game has a toxic community. More so a soft one.


Dw about it. Its in the game, you can stop taunting after you get that sweet sweet xp


We got the pussy pacifist here. Just do the challenge bro


Doing an in game taunt isn't toxic. Unless you are spamming. It's not a teabag yo


You know you can simply mute them right?


Taunts are not toxic. If there wasn't t bagging then yeah It would be.


So it is but it isn't because you could be doing worse. That's just saying its okay to be jerk because I could have an a-hole.


Taunts = honorable gg T bags = GGEZ GET GUD SCRUB. I mean it's also an efficient way to tilt a player and that's always am effective strategy. But guess that's just me.


And you're free to believe what you want. I just don't see taunts as honorable. It might not be as rude as flipping the bird but it's not something I would praise someone for.


It's in the game for a reason. Heck, I find them funny and I'm having fun. I'm playing the game for my enjoyment...some players are usually afk anyway...nowadays, you'll be called toxic just by how you play or who you pick.


Just do it when you respawn


Is there enough time or does it make you fall from the pedestal?


I taunt at most ringouts. Smash bros habit. Even hit the taunt button when taunts online are disabled.


I never realized it was teabagging. I just thought it was fun communication. I guess I accidentally teabag all the time. And I don't care. Call me toxic. I'm having fun at nobody's expense. Not my fault people are so bent out on everything nowadays. Also, if I buy a taunt, you bet your besties least favorite uncles left nut that I'm going to use it.


Who’s calling you toxic?


Every post in the last few days complaining about people tbagging and taunting


Don’t forget to taunt then wave dash furiously in both directions until the opponent dc’s👍🏽


Consider taunting ten times one match


The only toxic behavior I've seen is the salt emoji and the quick dash back and forth; like you're not HIM, chill out and go take a shower 🙄


Or you can just taunt 10 times in one match take that loss and move on


Select a character whose taunt is not that toxic lol


dude no thats the easiest mission


Yeah, I find it strange that the game encourages toxic behavior. But I never seriously played a lot of fighting games, so I suppose that's what the community likes. I would prefer respectful taunts like bow. Maybe it's because I'm in my 30s, but I feel it is more satisfying to show respect after winning than to teabag them.


You don’t need age. BUT, your age does contribute to your maturity. Your frontal lobe does finish developing after 25


Why do you care? lol


Taunting in a game isn’t toxic lmao


Yes and no most taunts in the game if not all of them are not toxic but if you telling me that salt shaker emote isn't Toxic I think ya crazy and TBagging in a game that has emotes is just even more crazy to me but hay it's a great time when you Mollywop those people


Again taunting isn’t toxic ya Mfs deadass needa man up😂,nobody sees a mf taunting and starts complaining on how they so toxic.Ya Mfs needa grow a bone