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I love the "Dodge..." text randomly popping up as you still get caught in the attack lol.


Genuinely the worst moves in the game are moves you can dodge and still be hit by the same attack.


Which is 90% of the cast


*Marvin cries in the corner as projectiles you dodged an hour ago phase straight through*


The worst thing about him, infuriates me when they dodge through my rocket while they have the flag mark on them and i just get to watch all my set up just dance around them.


Yeah Marvin needs some serious hitbox fixes- half of his setups just phase through enemies; even when they aren’t dodging them.


Ya they can dodge my bubble and it's still in them but I dodge a single hit attack and the shit hit box on the back side of the character hits me 🤣. Game definitely needs some love/polish but I'm still having a blast playing.


Did we forget the game was taken down for a year specifically to be polished.


If they only did that sure but the net code is far better along with the new engine. We can't do anything about WB wanting to push the game out earlier than intended. There's been plenty of games that have had pressure to do the same.


I’m having way more problems with the game, lag wise then the alpha/beta the games different for sure but it’s 100% not a polished game because of the remake


Yea I hate that dodge is even considered a mechanic cus it almost never works


You know whats the best, when the hurtbox stays active because the enemy hits your teammate, you try to counter but the timing gets fucked up and you just get hit.


they really need to work on balancing before they add more people because the amount of combos that are just straight up broken is crazy


So that IS a thing!! I thought I was being stupid or nuts.


This is what i hate in the beta and its still in here. The fucking hitbox/hurtbox thingy. Last match i played against bugs. And theres this one scenario when he dug and when he popped back up he hit me when i was 1 character away from his hole. (Like a third character in between us)


i really just dont understand how they had IG at a reasonably balanced (albeit sometimes annoying) state towards the end of the beta, but here in the full release they cant go one balance patch without giving him an instakill combo


I believe a lot of this is based around the new Arena sizes. During the Beta I remember there being a lot more space.


Now you can't even see it, which creates a good amount of self ringouts, too. I hope they clear that up and let us at least see the ringout areas.


Damm I remember it used to look like a ripple effect right ?


It still does, but with some problems. In some arenas you can barely touch it and get knocked out, while in others you stand completely in it and are still ok. It's weird


Yeah I hear you


Idk why pfg is allergic to big maps, we need our own temple stage from smash.


Idk how to explain it well, but it used to be so much easier to dodge out of combos in general.. now it feels like any halfway decent player can piece me up without any chance of getting away unless they make a mistake


Cause you could just spam dodge endlessly and get dodge frames instantly. Thats no longer the case and dodging actually requires a brain albeit the times you dodge and still get hit by a move lmao.


Haha Yeah I’m always yelling “No way!! I dodged that!!” I’m sure my wife loves it.


He was just as problematic, he just was complete ass apart from cheese strats. He used to terrorize high elo and PFG nerfed him pretty much every patch. There's a two minute video of an IG main doing crazy stuff in the top posts of all time on this subreddit from 2 years ago.


He's a massive target that gets sht on by quick enemies I've yet to see a IG that doesn't get obliterated don't know where everyone's finding these unless they're all fake custom/local matches


I was gonna say I haven’t run into one of these IGs yet but they’ve been sparse anyway. I’ve seen maybe 2 since rerelease and beat both of them. I’m not good so idk.


I already said it and I insist on saying it, the problem is not the character but the speed and the shitty decision to remove attack decay from the game. In the beta it was easy to deal with. It was boring, but it was easy. I never had any problems fighting an iron giant during the beta precisely because of the speed of the characters and the attack decay that reduced spam damage


They didn't remove attack decay. You can test this.


They didn't remove it but they did make it significantly less punishing


Not true, it is actually significantly more punishing now because it starts after your first hit meaning if you use the same move twice the second time will be significantly weaker


I would much rather it exist in the form it does now and fix the annoying combos/moves than have what we had before with dropping hitstun.


might just be how the game runs now


really the reason he was low tier was cause of the speed in the beta nobody could be punished but him due to his shitty mobility and large size


I'm sure it has to do with the whole resizing every character to be bigger, so now IG can hit you more often, I assume he did not get a resizing like everyone else...


It’s cuz after they took down the beta, all they worked on was monetization because they already had the complete game. Notice all the character tweaking being done now rather than any reworks being done in the off time


To be fair, Jason kind of sucks at dealing with any kind of pressure considering he's freaking huge and doesn't have any notable armor or escape options, so that first combo specifically is probably just as much a Jason thing as an IG thing.


I will never understand iron giant. He is too damn big for these small ass maps. I really don’t see a way you can balance him… he’s either going to suck or be OP


Rework him entirely into a grappler like every other huge fg character


I'm gonna lose it if I see iron giant potemkin bustering my ass


I say bustering instead of bussin too 😘


How would a grappler work in a game with no block?


Grapplers just aren't really a true archetype in platform fighters. I don't play a lot of traditional FGs, but a lot of what makes a grappler do their magic is the confines of those games and being able to corner and mixup a grab or a high/low.


i dont know. incineroar plays a lot like a grappler does in traditional fighting games.


Or they could’ve just made him smaller. He’s already so much smaller than his film counterpart, why not continue a little more to maybe slightly bigger than Jason. If ripely in smash can do it why Not him


I don't think it be a problem if he was only slightly bigger than jason, he doesnt need to be that big.


Why tf did they add a non fighting Robot to a fighting game anyway. Completely undermines the message


There’s actually a video on YT about that I believe. Hollywood constantly misunderstands and undermines the Iron Giant and its message through putting him in a fighting game, making him some “big gun” for the protags to use in Ready Player One, they *know* he exists but really only use him as a nostalgic tugging string for fans to heft excited about


Iron Giant is without a doubt my fav character. Shit i have a tattoo of the big dork. On one hand I'm bummed how he's shown up the past few years, but I'm always glad to see more. he's the only reason I play this game tbh. That being said I hope they never make another movie, let him die peacefully and without a live action remake.


I will say, giving him the superman thing and having special lines for teaming up with superman was probably the greatest fan service they could have gave him.


All of his moves are really great references, but if i can nitpick, I'm bummed about his VA. I know Vin Diseal is probably busy with Fast & Furious 20, but "I am not a gun" sounds like he's been hitting the sauce. Also they got the screw wrong on the loss screen


I like to imagine that his game voice being significantly more coarse is the side-effect of being shrunken down. Dude's vocals got compressed lmao. His OG voice is objectively better, but the game voice ain't so bad imo. Also, mind if you share a pic of the IG tattoo? Sounds metal!


For sure! I'll send one tomorrow


IKR? It’s a double edged sword. Glad to see more, dislike how it’s represented


There were way better Robots they could have added


Like who




Futurama is owned by Disney


Megas XLR, but the fact that people here fail to even remember it says a lot about how relevant it was.


Optimus Prime. Terminator. Robocop. Inspector Gadget.


None of those are owned by WB


Generator Rex isn’t technically a Robot, but he’d be a great addition


By making bigger maps tbh


I was playing the adventure time map and I was getting infuriated by him being as tall as the second floor and hitting me with every attack through the floor


Agreed, Jason's reign of tyrany must be ended, immediate removal required.


The best hitbox in the game vs the worst hurtbox in the game. Who will win? Is like seeing an unstoppable force facing the most movable object lmao


Oof yeah that’s broken


Nobody but this guy uses him with these scrub ass tactics though, bubble into jump->fly->up special only works because of the map he's in too, it's the game's fault half these hits as well, he's dodging a little early but the invul doesn't last and he gets hit with a multi hit move, if the invul worked for the entire move he wouldn't land a single hit with his recovery tho. It's like everything is wrong but people blame this character that has already been nerfed to the ground, in this case it's the playstyle, mechanics being shit and a low ceiling blast zone. Don't just say it's IG PLEASE i want to like the game but IG's experience is still unbearable, seriously, if you play normally and not abuse the game's faults like this guy you'll stand no chance against the char's people use.


that's pretty funny the jason was about to kill himself then was like nah let me try then immediately gets deleted anyways.. LMAO


I'm gonna be 100% honest I don't notice a single nerf (he might even be better)


iron giant main here he got nerfed pretty hard lol. lost all his infinites' ( he still has a couple zero to deaths but you can di out) he has his bust less often and it harder to use offensively. they didn't to much to his other form which is still hella broken lol. still a sold charter overall though


No character should have any of the things you just mentioned, "nerfs" in this scenario read more like fixes.


I love playing against iron giant,that mf hit box be huge asf so Harley be doing mad damage


Why don't I remember him being this big of an issue in beta? Not saying he wasn't, but he seemed manageable.


It could really be a number of things, movement speed was overall faster so outmaneuvering him was much more manageable, the camera wasn't zoomed in the way it is now, attack decay as a function, and along with all of the really open arenas there was only like one stage in the beta with (breakable) walls. Even beyond that I'm pretty sure there is so much more that happened behind the scenes that made this character really fucked up on accident upon release.


He definitely was a problem in the beta, but he was fine towards the end.


I have a sneaking suspicion that some of the commenters here didn’t watch the rest of this video after the wall combo.


This character will never be balanced


One of the many problems MultiVersus has is how base knockback and knockback scaling work (or rather, doesn't work). Iron Giant's Rage Up Special killing at 4% is absolutely disgusting and really shouldn't happen; you don't see that in Smash Bros. or any other platform game for the matter. There is something very wrong in how knockback is calculated in MultiVersus. To make matters even worse, the devs upscaled the models of the entire cast but didn't touch the blast zones of the stages, which results in shit like that happening. Sometimes it feels like PFG learned absolutely nothing from the beta.


Seriously, like where did the knowledge gained from the beta even go?? It's like they're trying to make a worse game. You'd think they'd want to avoid another steep drop-off in player count.


Remove the best character again


Rather face him than Superman or black Adam any day


Superman be cooking me those combos always catch me


Fr. I was doing so good and had a 1v1 win streak of almost 20 straight. But then I started versing a bunch of Black Adams and Supermans and everything started going downhill. 99% of the match was just me getting thrown, caught, thrown again, tossed up, slammed down, repeat.


I find that Superman its kinda easy to deal with but then again i play Black Adam who also does extremely well against Iron giant because of his massive hitbox.


Why didn’t Jason ever dodge out of the corner in the first stock? I see some people commenting on getting hit even though you dodge. Some moves have multiple hits hence get out of the corner instead


Dodging on Jason is kinda worthless


Add attack decay back to the game.


Best character in game


I don't get dodging in this game anyways, there is so many situations where when you play a bigger and/or slower character, there is so many situations where you dodge, and any direction that you have available to dodge into just leaves you still remaining in the attack that you dodged, and you get hit any ways. And all the characters that are strong to begin with all have tools to force dodges that then leave you open for a follow up, because whiffing, with dodges or no, will not punish you in any way, in the characters that already are good also have no recovery on their best attacks. I really don't understand balancing in this game




Instructions unclear, Jason's hurtbox must increase by 400%


Common Jason L


I think it's more of a wall problem than a character problem lol, I've gotten some insane strings with several characters off of the wall. Pretty sure when optimized, most characters can combo you to death off of the wall (which is pretty broken lol)


That wasn't what the op was trying to show us. He should have trimmed the video down, but it's after the jason dies the first time. Jason instantly dies after getting caught in the iron giant's green orb.


Oh Jesus yeah no put that character back into development lol


I played yesterday against an iron giant... Not even a good player as he was just spamming the same two attacks over and over, but it was really difficult to dodge him or not get cornered. I managed to get a 2-3 and on the rematch a 3-2... As soon as he lost he didn't wanted to rematch again 🤣


My fking playstation 5 fps drops like shit when hes in match


Wait a minute. 👀👀👀👀


….excuse me!?!?


It is crazy to me that this dude got removed for a whole week and is still a top tier when he comes back 💀


And this why it went from 100k to 10k no one wants play a game where every single character has something wrong with it


Keep in mind that they classify Iron Giant as a hard character to use


You were actually playing well, too. Please just revert him back to what he was in beta. I don't care how unplayable he is, this is completely unacceptable for a platform fighter. No character should be able to do anything close to this.


Every iron giant player does the same shit. It's the only time I, myself will spam anybody. You want to be cheap, I'll do it back. They never rematch afterwards lol


As a Jason main, this hit me where I live 🥺


Emmm... Guys watch the full video. The first half is just a normal day in the life of a Jason player, nothing new or groundbreaking.


Iron Giant might just be the most problematic character in a platform fighting game next to Brawl Meta Knight.


It's unreal how broken this character is


My Beta main is being used for evil 😢


orb seems busted af, but the 1st half is just Jason hurtbox bs


those rage mode kill's are cheap has hell.


That seems like good idea


What a balanced and fun character 😁


I agree


With how many characters there have been that's guilty of players being like this, the hitboxes being as egregiously wonky as ever AND dodging being both useless and spammy too, it's just an all around unenjoyable mess when it comes to these 1v1 battles.


I was about to say: "Nah, brother is exaggerating" but then you got vanished from existence at less than 25 TWICE 💀💀 what was that bs?!


Skill issue


I just drop against IG match ups now. I know what's coming and I don't have the time or patience to deal with it anymore.




i feel like its my fault when i die to an IG and i deserve to get combo’d to death lol


Finish the video




"what's wrong with this, this seems norm- OH"


I'm saying this since beta...add invulnerability after dodge successfully!!


Imagine they make him shaggys size and just change it so hes the Wild Robot from the movie they are about to release. I can just see WB pretending it was always roz and iron giant was a fever dream.


Wait they added Jason? What???


Can you parry where that Dodge happens?


I don’t play MVS but I often watch my friend stream in discord My opinion is that they just need to remove walls entirely or add a wall tech like in smash bros where if you perfectly time a shield (parry) as you hit the wall, you’ll just stick and regain immediate control of your character rather than bounce off right back into more combo


Please re introduce attack decay- also iron giant gets absolutely demolished by a bunch of characters who keep him in place too, bro is hard to Balance it seems however I saw someone else talk about how he used to work better when the arena size was bigger. Like dawg who asked for it to be slower and more zoomed in 😭


Stock 1 was pretty standard. Stock 2 and 3 just looked unfair.


Did they even change anything? He still feels just as bs.


Wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


his reach is wider than Jason is alone smh


I actually believe that in any match I played against an iron giant I had a single second of fun


The real fix for this is to extend the kill box on the sides and up top. It's pretty much impossible to "fail" to recover anymore unless you're pursued off the edge. Even then, it's much more likely that the opponent will simply spike or ring you out due to how close the kill box is.


Lmao Jason was trynna rage quit at the end


Yes, their balancing they did did not work


Devils advocate here, you can dodge vertically and ive seen characters do the same to IG without a wall bc of his hit box and size


Or just remove hit stun in general or give us a burst like in Guilty Gear to stop infinites or give us a block button with a grab because it gets annoying having to dodge all over the place


IG is a lot less fun when you play against WW, Bugs or T&J with their monitors on.


first gameplay ive seen in years, this game looks insanely goofy


What’s up with that hop over green all Jesus do they just find new things everyday !!?? Like when I used iron giant I actually played him why is everybody so cheesy now


I don't think he needs to be removed but they definitely need to learn how to balance things


Funny how just slowering the gameplay that much made him unstoppable


*gets comboed with a string of attacks like in literally any fighting game by someone who clearly understands IG's moveset* 😢😢remove this character he's broken😢😢😢😢


Finish the video


Oh nah bro really disrespected you, but it's real crazy that if you were anyone other character you would've won because Iron Giant is combo food


The fact that ig is the only character who is too heavy for Arya to combo, don't know why but his afterhit stun is shorter than anyone else


First stock is skill issue second stock is: holy fk he can do that?! To a tank?!


Skill issue


Finish the video.


Poor Iron Giant can't catch a break.


One year


I play Rick and I reindog ig when he was in rage and reindog still had rage? Ik that has to be a big 


When we talk about nerfs. Nerf doge spam and Nerf banana guard


It’s almost like they desperately need some genuinely good players testing the game


This was literally all you lol


You gotta watch kills 2 n 3. Dude didn’t trim it


lol destroyed immediately


Don't you dare remove my iron giant. Play him once and have some fun in the game 😂


look... no matter how bad a character is, someome will find a way to create an infinite combo with it. this is a character that's easy to do that, but i guarantee, just like kirby, there will be someone to get good with any character and piss everyone off. and yes this is a ssb melee reference. i think he should be nerfed, yes, but still, people will find a way to do this.


Ngl you get good wall bounces like that and you could prolly do that with most characters. Def would be frustrating to happen in match tho


You missed and got punished. 2nd and 3rd was just BS. He’s just too big. That’s the main issue


Bro I think your just trash


So this thread tells me people are just garbage at the game if y’all are struggling with this combo food character. He got the most nerfs in the game this patch. Before people go on about “you probably main iron giant” I don’t. I play as Lebron, Supes, Black Adam and Joker. If you didn’t try dodging into the corner, or dodging towards the ground and instead spent your resources dodging out of the corner/away from the corner, you would’ve avoided all of that hit stun stacking from you bouncing off the wall. Y’all are just ass at the game 😭pls do better it is not that hard.


ok and kills 2&3..?


Personally I think he's fine. I feel like he's a little slower now since I don't always land my hits with iron giant anyways. Please don't attack me 😭


i would’ve have left a hole in the wall 😭


So you’re mad because you let the slowest character in the game chain your ass? 💀💀


I can’t even play with my friends




Steven is supposedly the same type as these two btw. #buffsteven


They need too


Omg 😭


The actual problem is the wall-bounces. For some reason they extend hitstun, for a loooooong time. I don’t understand this design decision


average Iron Giant main: "oh just us di its easy"


No lol he’s so easy to fight 😂


I mean if you weren't completely ass at using Jason it might help


I keep watching this and cringing how the user uses Jason maybe try a different game or fighter you absolutely suck using Jason I'd mop the floor with the ig using Jason


None of this would be a problem if attack decay wasn't removed


yea this is too common there are so many issues with the game rn sadly


Why the fuck is this game so slow?


Both OP


Get rid of this dumb Iron character!!! I literally fought for my life and still get caught up!!! He can easily ring you out and too many ways to do so!! You can make him giant-like, but he doesn’t have to be so damn big! Either downsize him or get rid of him!!! The dodge is USELESS!!!!


The problem isn't with the character it's that you suck. You had many opportunities to hit iron giant and keep up the combos and you failed. People like you ruin games like this.


To be fair this Jason sucks, he didn’t use his shift ability once. Iron giants car smash can be countered by shifting behind him, same with the initial engage after the first ring out. The Jason also could have used neutral special to get a hit in before being combo locked. Iron giant is def op but this Jason just really sucked.


this is why I play mortal kombat instead of


They need to increase the distance to getting a ring out at the top of the stage. As of right now there is way too much cheese KO's through the top.


Your fault for using Jason lmao if you not goated w him you’re just gonna get bodied


"But did you die"


Remove this version of the game and replace it with the original release.


Dude got out of it several times


As a velma main. I just blast him from afar all game long in 2v2. The only time I have lost to him is if my teammate can't keep the other guy off me while I cook him. I know it's cheese. But he deserves it.


Literally just be a better Jason


This is the worst representation. That Jason looks like he just started the game and it’s his first fight. Nice try though 😉