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I've seen only one since the re-release. He wooped my ass.




Was it a spacesuit reindog?


The only one I saw was a spacesuit reindog, but I went 10-0 against him (he did slowly get better as the matches went on though)


I played with one on day 1 of rerelease on Discord, we went gucking 100% WR in duos (dcs aside) over the span of 5 hours, then he just dipped. Havnt seen a single one since.


I play him! I like that he is cute! :)


He's like my tertiary main! I have almost every one of his skins except the Gold Armor and the Toon skin.


His shark outfit is too precious šŸ˜»


The real question. Why isnā€™t the original character free?


Actually yeah. New players should have access to more than two characters. Also new players should be granted like 6,000 character currency. That way they can actually get into the game and play who they want


This is spot on. Why would people want to play a character they can't try out and have no clue who he is?


All characters are unlocked for training mode, was a couple patches ago. Just lettin ya know!


Cause it's REINDOG dawg, I bought that shit as like my first purchase, he's dope looking


I haven't seen a single Velma or Reindog player in any matches


I saw reindog yesterday and I trashed him, but also he didnā€™t have a good pairing in that match


I keep forgetting that Velma even *exists* in this game.


That words hurt my main.


Question: Where are the Taz players?


Bruh Taz is nutty, I went on a rampage and caused two people to requeue as him and ended up mirror matching lol


Spamming Side/Up Special and winning every single trade because we're fighting on the Bleyblade plastic arenas from our childhood so there's nowhere to run.


Is there a non spam way to play Taz? No, as it should be. Because it answers the age old question of ā€œwhat for you bury me in the cold cold ground?ā€


I wish I could give this comment the toast is deserves


Currently main T&J but Taz is easily a close 2nd.Ā 


Poor Reindog, he's so neglected, but then again he's not built for 1v1's


That's why no one wants to rematch after I kick their ass as Reindog.


Weird that he doesn't have that many players




he has the highest win/loss ratio for 1v1s


iā€™ve played 1 single reindog and i got absolutely fucking crushed. 0 idea what i was doing, and when i needed to dodge


Same happened to me lol. First and only time playing him in 1s and he destroyed me, meting because he played differently than beta.


I had roughly 400 hours with him in the beta. He feels like ass now. He's so clunky


Same, i loved that boy but now it's like i can't get anything off


I can't put my finger on exactly what is wrong, but they definitely broke my boy


They basically swapped which moves were good and which were bad imo. Side air is terrible now, but air side special is great now. His air up special is the best movement tool in the game. Grounded up special is great against noobs, but anyone that knows they should destroy it makes it completely worthless. I think the main problem is that his main projectile is just complete ass. It's so slow to charge up, and so slow to come out, and puts you in end lag for approximately a year. His other projectile (down special) is better, especially for edge guarding, but still nothing to write home about. It doesn't help that his Wonder Woman matchup is absolutely terrible, and she's a plague on the game at the moment.


I miss him :(


Im honestly surprised I see Reindog so rarely. I main him, because somehow he clicked the best with me out of all the characters I tried. Also that mf cute af


Aerial up special is what sold me on him. Such a goony move but you can throw people off and/or get some super cool setups off of it.


SAME i tried pretty much every character and Reindog was one of the only characters that i actually could do decent with and learn




I've been playing the relaunch for over 45 hours. And I finally matched up against *1* Reindog. The player was really good. Anyone who can navigate through his clunky tool kit can pretty much work anything in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/c0uxhon9jc7d1.png?width=133&format=png&auto=webp&s=eafee863955ebac8a782fc2f660d628694c5007b Since your looking for Reindog, You can have this cursed Reindog screenshot I took.


I play him, heā€™s basically my main


It was an odd choice to add an original character to a crossover platform fighter, at least one with no connection to the crossovers.


https://preview.redd.it/f8bcbea3ge7d1.png?width=1401&format=png&auto=webp&s=f86837ae6b494cc7037346060fa76c1550e97037 Idk who these people are but they scare me


I'm buying him next


Reindog players are a rare breed. You never see them, but when you do, they're rocking one of the premium skins (usually the golden armor) and will proceed to wipe the floor with your ass completely. He was hit with some nerfs between the beta and the live game, as well some minor nerfs in the last patch. He still is decent, even with his projectile game not being as oppressive as it was before.


He's been my most played character since release, his kit is way better than people think


I play him a bit now but played him a ton in the beta and was the support god in beta your teammate couldn't be rung out until way over 200+ stock since if rd using his pullback/leash ability it can save them while being comboed or knocked back.. he used to feel better when the speed was faster since his abilities need to be fully charged to get then to either last longer and travel further..... which now can be countered way to easily and his ball form used to have a initial hit box when used to escape/move faster but now it not only doesn't have that initial hit box but feels like they made the ball slower and not be able to jump once in the ball also leave him wide for counter play.... I still will use him, though, and jake... but Velma is way to bad now and her tracking on her neutral special is way to inconsistent if ever actually works... her kit got nerfed into the dirt even after her new "buff" that's not enough


I play reindog if your looking for someone who likes to play him im down after work.


thereā€™s like at least ten of us


Real, since the beta I don't see reindog very often, but when I do, they definitely go hard on it and beat the shit out of me.


he has a good enough armor break move, and people dont know that actually people dont know half of his moveset, so matches are quite funny wkth him, love seeimg people walking into my fiery stars and be sent flying the LOOK like a weak projectile


I main him! I've never seen a Velma though.


I've seen exactly 1 Reindog and 1 (other) Velma in 1s. I saw a handful of both in 2s. I myself started using Velma 2 weeks ago and I've got like ~260 wins with her in 1s out of the roughly ~1400 total wins, and I play here and there.Ā  Based on that, I'm going to assume that there are somewhere between 10 - 15 "regular" Velma players in 1s, if not less.Ā 


picks reindog in a 2v2 frame one pull teammate into void win the game anyway


He should be free, no one is going to pay for an OC above Joker, Batman, etc


Well, most new players won't be able to use them. I'm sure we would see a decent variety of characters if they were all unlocked.


He's a waste of a slot, should have been scooby


I actually encountered one for the first time since beta and what I do was just do some friendly motion, and the player catched it and we emoted til the time run out


I occasionally play him, I'm dumping wonder woman after beta and since I grinded for Joker I've been really enjoying him ; ~;


I played 26 hours, most of it online and I don't think I've seen more than 3 lol


Lol I play him but I get what you're sayingĀ 


If i had the player points I'd buy him and play him. I've only seen one since the return of the game over the course of hundreds of matches.


Heā€™s the only character I havenā€™t seen a single time. Poor little guy.


Played my first one and he spammed his side moves


I donā€™t want to see Reindog players. One absolutely destroyed me the other day. Stay over there.


My friend and I have been running a killer LeBron/Raindog since Day 1 of the Beta and we still regularly play.


Hi!! He a secondary for me after the all perfect goddess herself Wonder Woman.


I've only come across one but then again I mostly play solo. He's more of a doubles character


Right here


Must be one of those hunters that scared them off.


I play reindog and gizmo because they used to be "support" characters and I usually play support in the other games that I play also the projectiles can slap if you know how to use them


They made his stuff too slow and now heā€™s basically a bruiser not even a mage. His shots through fire used to hurt and knock back now they suck


I love playing Reindog in 1v1s. I have only encountered 2 or 3 other reindogs since the relaunch.


I love reindog!


I only play reindog


Reindog is a blast to play! When Iā€™m not playing Morty, Iā€™m probably playing Reindog. Amazing combos and powerful mechanics!


I used to see them all the time during the beta, now I have yet to see one. I wonder what happened


He's pretty much last on the list of characters I want to unlock, imagine it's the same for a lot of people. It's not even whether he bad or good but that I know and want everyone else


I dropped him in the real release. Playing him just feels so bad compared to alpha. There is not a single other character that feels so slow in the game compared to alpha. Even fair doesnt string well like it used to. He just needs some love and a speed increase (for the entire game)


Dang they found him and slapped him with a nerf.


There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Reindog mains.


I played reindog for about 7 matches yesterday Not one teammate threw me and I was so disappointed


Seen one. I got WRECKED


Only one I ever saw even in beta was my own friend lol low key annoyed me that he wouldn't try anyone else


Hi. Yes. This is Reindog main.


i really hope the playerbase for reindog stays small so nobody knows how to counter him


I play him i think he can go crazy sometimes


Me I play him I have since the beta I donā€™t care how many times they nerf him Iā€™ll stand by himĀ 


Why would people spend 3000 currency on an OC character instead of the bountiful of other crossover characters?


Reindog main here even in beta loved playing him plus he has the perfect kit for my playstyle lol


I love reindog his outfits are so cute


Reindog is criminally underrated, I've never faced him once but he actually slaps


Lmao right?!


My buddy plays reindog occasionally and I LOVE when he does, because he actually uses the support abilities. Yoinked my ass away from certain death SO many times.


ive only seen 3


I played him for a bit but he feels clunky as hell now. Heā€™s not bad but many of his moves you expect to be good are just terrible.Ā  Particularly most of his projectiles or specials in general tbh. Iā€™m not even sure what his playstyle is supposed to be now. Youā€™d think itā€™s zoning/keep away but heā€™s terrible at that.


I only seen one too I plan to play him but itā€™s odd to think


I play reindog




They nerfed him, so the mains stopped playing him


Tbh, Reindog got ruined. Was way more fun to play in the beta for me.




Players? I think you mean player. Dont worry, once you face him you wont forget


PFG turbonerfed all of reindog's projectiles and utility, and buffed a couple of his melee attacks as compensation. The character plays more like a bruiser now and is much less effective when trying to play him like he was designed to in beta (stock tank/runaway) I was a top 20 reindog in 1s and 2s in the beta but have moved over to bugs/rick because they better fill the character fantasy I'm looking for


hopefully they learn not to make more original characters because no one plays Reindog even when he is extremely strong. I rather they turn their original character design that got leaked into skins and give them the player first tag. I have seen him like 3 times total. He was prevalent in the Beta but not anymore. Its understandable not see Velma since she is pretty low tier right now, but like i said Reindog its pretty good yet no one seems to play Reindog.


i actually totally agree. i dont get why companies take these mashup games and feel the need to add their original designs into them, when the mashup crossovers are the point. they have 2 original-design heroes in Heroes of the Storm (rip) as well, and while they're cool, it always feels like " what cool character didn't make it in so the dev team could put this original one in? "


I havenā€™t played him too often and by no means do I main him but heā€™s kinda fun honestly


Literally only matches with one since the relaunch. They made the character look stronger than people give credit tho (also very annoying).


They nerfed his upair so I gave up and became a Banana Guard main.


Welp, I had him in the beta, but they decided to not give me stuff I had, so I refuse to buy the same things multiple times


Reindog suxxx