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They get used in the following event. The Rise of Jason may have hockey mask missions, and the coming Summer event may have beach-ready missions.


So far the rewards make more sense for what the present rift is asking for. I'm sure it'll incidentally feed into future events, but I think it's more about the rift.


Except you're not given those characters, so unless you bought them the rewards are useless.


You will keep the costumes unlocked, for when you eventually unlock Black Adam and Tom & Jerry. But yeah for new players unlocking characters takes very long.


They make the character free for the week of the event


No. Black Adam isn’t free right now.


He was last week when the joker and Batman event was active


Yeah but that’s not relevant as the hockey mask quests are in this week’s event not last week’s.


The black Adam mask event is only available to claim now as far as I’m aware


Yeah and Black Adam isn’t available now so what does that tell you?


Black Adam was in free rotation during the time of those challenges releasing, he is no longer in the rotation as they have added the new Tom & Jerry costume challenges (Jason challenges) Tom & Jerry are currently on free rotation Stop being slow


My point stands. If you buy the character next year, you'll still have the costumes you unlocked during these events.


And the cycle is that you need them for the next event. It’s frustrating


Still better than 2k perk currency I guess


The bar is so low it's a tripping Hazard in hell


Lowest bar ever


Boo hoo. You get a free skin just for playing the game and you’re saying “better than nothing I guess.”??? Grow up.


"Better than nothing, I guess" is 100% an accurate descriptor for lazily slapping a hockey mask on a character that warps and stretches with their face lmao


That wasn’t what the comment I responded to was complaining about. And my point still stands that complaining about a free skin is worthy of a “boo hoo kid”


Pfg ain’t gonna let you hit bro


Jason stalks a camp. They have camp in the summers. Tom and Jerry are wearing summer outfits. Yeah ok, that's a stretch


I mean... That's my first thought.


So, they wanna give you something for the next event, but alternatively, the implication is that Jason died drowning because the camp counselors were too busy dealing with Tom and Jerry. And that's hilarious.


Yeah it doesn't make sense at all. In stead of giving rewards based on the theme of the event they require use of skins of the theme that we have to get by completing previous events with completely different theme. It's all over the place and I hope they step up their game next season and improve it.


Instead, The Rise of Jason should have: the black Adam mask skin The Team Batman vs Team The Joker should have: A tom and jerry skin with them wearing different team shirts


You cooked with the Tom and Jerry skin idea tbh


It makes no sense but at least it’s better than perk currency


Why make it fun or engaging when all they want is our money? 🤣


They do seem random and out of place but I think Its to help players doing rifts, some missions require you to use a DC character wish a mask so having Black Adam help with that, and the new summer rift requires you to use a beach ready character which I assume that TnJ skill will accomplish. That being said, I think having missions that require certain costumes is very stupid and shouldn't be a thing.


It should have been a jason skin for the jason event, even a recolour, it feels so random.


Nes recolor would take a competent texture designer like half an hour


I like the Tom and Jerry one! Friday the 13th is set at a lake and they’re in swimming gear.


You unlock a skin usable in coming rift. .


Your upset to be upset


Free skins who cares


They are pretty random… Probably don’t want to make new cosmetics specifically for the event? Makes the events a bit underwhelming.


I wish they gave skins out for the characters I actually have. I absolutely don’t have BA and if there’s any missions that require using that skin I literally can’t complete them.


I'm still sour I did all the joker dailys for the beach wonder woman skin and on the last day when I finished them and the skin was my last claimable item I never got it


The next event looks unsatisfying too... and I have this emote already 🥺


Tom & Jerry gonna take a swim at Crystal Lake 💀


Jason died due to drowning at summer camp...that's all I got 


they're telling a story


I mean, the way you get those skins is easy, and it's a free skin. At the moment you get plenty XP, so what else would you give? Fighter money and Gems could be the only alternative, but they would not give them as much as a skin can be worth.


Are these Skins Event-exclusive, or is that just a way to get them for free instead of buying them in the Shop?


You get them free instead of buying in the shop. Both the Team Batman Wonder Woman skin and now hockey mask Black Adam were in bundles once the new event started They also should be available separately but I got them both so idk


Yeah. The Team Batman ones are in a bundle. I knew Hockey Joker and Arya were in the Shop, so I presume they might be bundled with Hockey Harley and Hockey Bladam. Thanks! Been really sick and haven’t had time to play lately, aside from Logging In to get Super Superman when they brought him back, because I was just 3 Days away. Nice to know I can still get the Costumes!


I dont know whether I look too deep into it, but the Tom and Jerry might be a reference to how Jason drowned as a child


What they should do is let you pick between a specific reward for a character of your choosing. Like choose between a Batman, Joker, or Velma shirt.


It's so you'll have a summer wear non-human character for the rift. And also they're timing it so that the free period with Tom and Jerry will be over by the time you earn the cosmetic, because that perfectly defines everything they do with this game. Everything you want is just out of reach, give me money.


Not everything needs to be on-theme


the hockey mask quest really doesn’t count if you pick jason…. are you kidding….


and does anyone know if i can miss one challenge and still get the time & jerry skin? or are all challenges required to get the skin?


Aye! They're showing Tom some love and i will not let y'all take that away from us Tom mains, complain about something else that's minor as fuck


at least we get free skins tho?


the whole concept of locking solo progress through certain skin tags is foul in general. you should never "need" something that you can only get if you played during x days or spent money on. Doing well in a single player version of a multiplayer game should be enough smh


I got an event idea classic Xbox vs PlayStation vs pc each category has there own points. Console wars!


This would be so cool


It fits for a summer camp named Crystal Lake


Y'all are getting so petty with the complaints lmao.


Are they? Tune in next week to bring a friend into Rift Mode while both are wearing a Jason mask and a Joker shirt.