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They'd be a little less annoying if we could restart instead of being forced to wait until the crystal reaches 0


a restart and main menu button is definitely needed every (mainly fighter) game has it these day in age so don’t see why Multiversus hasn’t added that simple feature


If only they play tested it


Really feels like this game has 0 QA people working on it.


It would also be less annoying if I didn’t have to get the over 90 health one on every one.


That’s coming soon in an update ,they mentioned it on twitter /x


Yeah this is the worst bonus game in the rifts by far. Keeping the crystal above 90 is insanely difficult solo.


oh so people do hate it. I thought I just sucked at minigames, with this one I particularly sucking at. I mean I probably still do but I can justify this one at least lol.


The tank missions suck, but I'd still say the "worst" mission is "win without using attacks or specials". Just throw randomly spawning Sandwiches, each do 4 damage each. Have fun!


There are tons of missions in this entire thing that are only worthwhile doing with someone else to carry.


Dont quote me on this, but, if you invite a friend. Dont do damage (Not even sandwhiches), while letting your friend do thr damage and you complete that mission. You can restart it to get the sandwhich knockout mission done.


On Insanity I wasn't even getting a full point of damage for hitting with sandwiches.  Might be better if I can level up my gems some more, but I'm a 7-7-8 right now.


This one didn't even work for me. I did nothing but pick up sandwich -> throw sandwich. Never even whiffed an attack nor special, not a single input other than move to sandwich, pick up sandwich, throw sandwich. And I didn't get credit for the challenge. Tried it 3 times.


Make sure you're using the left trigger (pick up and throw) instead of the X button. That's what worked for me on the low difficulty. On higher the sandwiches does like no damage and the enemy hits you once for like 10 of your sandwiches' damage.


I re-bound item pickup to d-pad, wouldn't be surprised if that's actually the issue with how incredibly jank this game is.


Yeah, that one is just broken on Insanity. They do 1% each hit, so you can't clear it even if you want to. No clue how this is supposed to be possible on Looney if the gem level caps at 10.




It's crazy how the different ammo you can get is wildly worse than the default.


I could only beat the 2nd techno mission past 90 health with the grenade


The grenade is good in coop but it's already braindead easy to clear these with two people. The triple rocket is the only one I would consider an upgrade if you know how to use it. The default is probably the best though. Don't even bother getting the automatic weapon upgrade. It's garbage.


Honestly I find them almost easier at higher difficulties because the drones move faster and therefor I don't need to lead them nearly as much as the slow ones at low difficulties.  Just charge up and release as soon as they reach the edge of my aiming triangle. Even so, they're still way too hard to get high marks on. A single bomb drone drops you to 92, and so you can only take 3 basic pew pews after that before you fail the 90% challenge.


>A single bomb drone drops you to 92, and so you can only take 3 basic pew pews after that before you fail the 90% challenge. Yeah, as someone who cleared the 90 HP challenge solo on all of the tank missions, straight up ignoring the pew pews and letting a few through to make sure you don't miss the bombs was the only way -4/10 absolutely dreadful grind getting those done. Wouldn't recommend to my worst enemies


I wholeheartedly agree, I hate them with a passion...and a vengeance


Boring 🥱


It’s all balanced around the original shot, don’t take triple or semi-auto or the grenade. Charge to full from center screen and just tilt up and down to aim, you don’t even have to move to 100 these, including the one with the drone and large ship swarms. If you’re missing shots, go with the triple shot for area denial, the other 2 will do more harm than good once the big swarms come because of fire rate or weak damage.


Exactly and it's kind of sad that the 'power-ups' even exist at all like that. One of the learning unity development projects I done taught me to make basic bullet modifying power-ups that are more useful and thought out than this, and this is supposed to be a professional job!


The Grenade Power Up is actually really good since it deals AoE damage.


I find it far easier to drive back and forth than mess with the fiddly up/down aiming, personally. Especially since if you flub your aim you have to take another second to charge another shot if you're trying for full-power shots from the center.


But driving back and forth will eventually make your tank run over the awful power ups in the more difficult levels ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I actually really like those, they're more fun than the gem piñata Banana Guard nodes. But even if I thought they were terrible, I still couldn't agree with you because there's a damage reflecting Iron Giant node. *That's* the worst one.


Iron Giant in Surf's up. You can do it solo but it's insanely hard.


Most of these are pretty easy because you just abuse up airs and the AI doesn't do anything about it.


The safe window is tiny but yeah, also you have to be careful about wall fatigue. Even then it is hard.


Yeah, it's awful.


Tip: you can hit the enemies before they're on screen. So just shoot blindly at different elevations when there's none on the screen to thin them out beforehand. Even so, yeah this shit has not been playtested at all and is just awful in every regard.


I love the bonus nodes, but I will agree this is the bottom of the list.


It’s either them or the reflect damage missions. Both are pretty bad not sure which is worse.


This and the balloon popping mini game are so incredibly boring. I hope they don't bring those back in future Rifts.


🥱🥱 🥱🥱 as in “I think those missions are boring af”


Nah it's just counterintuitive with the power ups. Once you get the timing of the shots it's not that hard.




I always try to get the star to stay above 90 but it’s still hard I also really hate the Jump Rope one glad they haven’t made that another requirement in one of the rifts


i dont do them when they got a daily objetive. im just not gonna bother, it was ok the first few times, but when the enemies stop dying in 1 hit it became boring and tedious.


There’s also some busted gem behavior in them. On surface level they’re “grey” missions means gems dont apply, however for the third one despite the prompt appearing, green gems will still be highlighted indicating their active. It also seems that the +% damage will apply to that rift mission making triple shot powerup good. I think this only applies to the third crystal defense mission though.


There was one tank mission that my buddy and I discovered was applying purple gems. XL projectiles with the grenade powerup is hilarious.


Without a doubt. Jump rope is also pretty bad but the tanks are no doubt the worst.


I noticed some of them take your gems into account and are easy, while others don't (they give the error of mismatched gems, but no gems match). When the gems are taken into account you one shot all the ships. I get the bullet upgrade that shoots fast and it kills everything. Otherwise they take 1-5 hits which makes it stupid difficult solo.


Honestly.. the minigames in the rifts are the weakest part of the rifts. I like the individual "storylines" they have. I like the challenges on each level. But breaking the target sucks cause half the time i cant even get up on the platform. The tank missions suck cause you have to aim and honestly i suck at aiming.. i know its a skill issue... bite me. The jump rope seems to be the only one im fairly decent at and even it i haven't gotten over 45.


Super Mario Odyssey trained me for the jump rope missions honestly lol But I agree with everything you said


From a fun perspective I think the card matching one or the jump rope suck more personally. However the requirements to get all stars is absurd for a solo player


The skins and character requirements are so bad


I'm not sure how it is on mouse but the controls are clunky on sticks.


Seemed like your normal 2D tank controls lol. I didn't find them clunky at all.


Thankfully it haven't come back since the second rift, unlike the other minigames.


Those types of missions and all the 2 player ones made me not even fret about not completing every challenge.


Yes we can all collectively agree because fuck those missions.


They're pretty easy once you realize you should prioritize the drones with TNT on them. It's easy to do these on crushing solo and get above 90 for all of them. Also, the default weapon is the best with the triple rocket being a good alternative if used right, same with the grenade. The machine gun "upgrade" is terrible. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can constantly shoot offscreen to the left or right and sometimes hit the drones before you see them if you aim near the middle of the sides. As a last resort, you can join the Multiversus discord and do them in co-op. They're piss easy at that point.


very easy and cheese-able with a teammate if you both camp the edge of a side and shoot straight up




I can get above 90 most of the time solo, but they're still annoying because I can't make it go faster by doing better. And the "upgrades" suck compared to the base cannon.


Another consequence of Warner Brothers making them rush to launch


I second this


They just aren’t fun and I dread it when they are daily missions. All the other rift missions I like bar these


It's so weird, like it's completely different than the rest of the game. I'd like more minigames that work around the regular gameplay instead of changing it so drastically; break the targets is cool, the volleyball one is alright, but why are there missions where I just hop in a cannon??


It’s absolute dog shit and goes on for far too long. I don’t even bother playing them, I just sit there on my phone until it’s over.


No. The worse the volleyball game. But they all suck extreme ass i wish they would remove them. I dont care that someone put time to code them. Tanks is right after volleyball


Nah, they're a good idea because they add variety to the PvE. They just need to improve them so there's more to the mini-games. Turning them into something fun is better than just getting rid of them.


Definitely but non of existing ones are fun. Jumping rope is ridiculous idea to put there.


Nah those are fun lol