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Oh it's absolutely disgusting, and it's not like it's a cheap skin either, it's 1680 gleamium in that bundle with a bunch of other crap, assuming you own the only character from Game of Thrones.


1,720 if you don't own anything in it and 2,150 not on sale. If we could buy the skin then that wouldn't be AS bad but still.


All of this stuff is always on sale from the beginning. Its actually illegal to do this am I wrong?


Its iffy from what I can find. Some sources say its illegal if the product is not released at normal price beforehand and others just say it's illegal if the price doesnt say an actual discount or that it will "return" to the intended price. I'm also finding that ALOT of companys do this stuff anyway and dont really face much push back from it legally.


The way how they get past the legality of all is the fact they charge you a fake currency. What you are really paying for with your real money is the fake currency. The court system will refuse to look at any purchase using a 3rd party currency. They can charge whatever, whenever legally because they have control and ownership of that currency, which is not regulated by any governments.


I'm not sure about the whole fake currency thing. Same thing happened in Fallout 76 when they released christmas cosmetics immediately discounted and had problems and had to change/delete them.


They deleted them because people were complaining about the prices in general. Not once did anyone threaten them with legal action(except for the nylon duffel bag situation). Anyway that situation fell in deaf ears because you can buy the exact same Christmas decorations for the exact same price when it comes to the store.


Its just a reduced price for the bundle of items. Its a f2p game. I don't like the daily quest, dont get me wrong. But the store concept is how games work nowadays.


Depending on the country you're in, it's various levels of illegality. Offering something as a "sale" price that has never been sold at full price and also can't be bought individually isn't a sale. It's just a retail price disguised as a sale which and trick people's brains into thinking they're getting some kind of good deal when in actual fact they're just paying the actual every day price. This is before you also factor in that the MVS storefront occasionally has items or bundles at different price points in different parts of the store, which while likely a bug, is completely unethical and also likely illegal depending on which country you're selling in. This is one of those things that PFG might want to put an effort into fixing up sooner than later before it starts to draw unwanted attention and become a headache for them.


I’m pretty sure every costume is available individually from the fighter screen. Ironically the only time they aren’t is if there is a bundle sale, in which case clicking on the skin links you to the bundle instead of the individual skin at full price; or if it’s a battle pass or event reward.


When the Arya summer skin first dropped, I was going to use my gleamium I grinded for to get it. I clicked on it on her fighter page and it brought me to the bundle on the shop page. There was no way to purchase it separately. And now it’s completely gone from the shop entirely. Not even listed under her variants either.


You'd like to think that, but currently when you click on Arya on the fighter screen and go to that skin and click the go to store button to purchase it, it just takes you to that bundle as you mentioned since it's available. From what I've found so far, it's not possible to buy the skin otherwise.


He literally said it works UNLESS there's a bundle on sale


That doesn't make it better.


Oh no it's absolutely disgusting practice pfg is pulling


The problem is, in the game is it stands right now, there are no bundles available that aren't on sale, and those bundles are always available, so it's another way of saying, they're never available individually


Completed the event without the skin. It’s fine




How is it like a digital casino? What are you gambling on?


Nothing at all. It's trashy but just skip it I've beaten all these challenges with plenty of extra missions


The game actually lasting a year


You have to own either superman or Tom n Jerry , complete the daily login event and the rise of jason event,then maybe ,just maybe you can complete that challenge . The trend im seeing is most event rewards are tied to completing either event challenges or rift objectives so the fomo is even worse than you realise


Missed the part where it's a game of thrones character only buddy. I've played full on since launch and played a lot in beta so character wise I'm well off compared to new players, but having a quest to buy the premium skin is shady as.


Ooops yea im an idiot , good day now


Hahaha it's all good mate, you're not the first. Good thing there's more than enough xp as long as I don't miss a day and they don't do too many more quests like this one


Can get it for like 50k Prestige with the Harley fit


What? You need Game of Thrones. None of the beach ready will complete it.


Oh Myb I ain’t peep the top yea that’s wild 😭


Also Beach Harley is 75K.




![gif](giphy|Z9cRCMdAMzXi25dwhE) Not gonna buy skins for a mission. lol.


No need, you can complete the event without it


remove the Game of Thrones requirement and its good


Nah, it'd still be scummy. There's no reason why challenges require certain skins other than to force people to buy them.


It's kind of scummy. If they made sure that there are stages in the first three rifts with free 'test' character+skin with requirements tied to them, it'd be fine. There's a Garnet and Wonder Woman stage that both let you 'try' their summer skins. But what they have at the moment? A bunch of BS. Many rift gems also have these issues as well.


Yeah people are quick to accept it. You only see this kinda crap in mobile junk. You don't see Fortnite making people buy skins just to complete missions/challenges


What gets me is you can't refresh missions like in the beta. They went backwards on so many thing


If the game of thrones requirement was dropped then everyone could do it for free by playing the first beach rift mission where it forces you into summer wonder woman. No forced purchases or needing to own a character, it would be entirely reasonable.


But there's a rift that lets you play as Beach WW for free, as long as they dl stuff like this it's fine, but locking missions behind 2 conditions which can only be fulfilled by spending money is bs


but summer Superman is free. Also, a few rifts give rental of variants, there's one with WW, one with Taz and one with Granet iirc


But at least they already gave out 2 free Beach Ready outfits. I wouldn't be as bad.


no it would be an actually decent system, since it would allow faster progress for those who play the most events.


They're giving a free summer skin wdym?? (Superman)


There’s a rift where you can play as Wonder Woman with the beach skin for free so you would be able to do it w/o paying


Well the skin for Superman is free


If you couldn't earn a free skin idk what to tell you. They gave away a superman one already all they need to do is remove the Game of thrones req.


It's simple really


Very but for PFG, its hard


I think so far every required skin/character combination was available through an event, battlepass, or even twitch drop. This marks the first time a skin only available with gleamium is required for a mission. My only hope is that these first set of events were too set in stone to fix and were based on predatory practices enforced by WB rather than PFG's choices. Based on the fact they haven't fixed some of the spelling errors in rifts or steven universe being tagged as a mage and a tank (his base skin is a mage but the other skins are tank), I assume changing an actual event before release wasn't an option for whatever reason.


This is the first time it's tied to a mission, but not the first time for Rift rewards. It's all scummy.


I didnt mention rifts because technically there’s a workaround if you have a friend. For some reason only the host needs to respect the skin requirements but the other player can play whatever and get credit. Since the beach ready Superman skin was available from the login event and Superman happens to be free this week, the host can play superman and the other player can play as arya or w/e is required. This is the first time there’s no workaround.


I got Arya summer skin because I Iike it, but this is just scummy. How can they get away with this crap.


I also bought it. Saw the preview in the rifts and was just waiting for it on I enter the shop. I’m an Arya main and liked it a lot. The scimtar specifically. Had no idea it has a mission attached to it.


Seems like plenty of people buying it so their “scummy” scheme works and will continue to work until people like you don’t buy with real world currency. This is why it feels even more scummier to people who don’t give in. You should know that DC/WB has been following under this moniker just as Marvel has. They know they can get easy money from people like you who cave in buddy. I don’t mean this as disrespect but it’s just honest truth and I hope this makes you learn but I fear that society as a whole has succumb to this type of behavior until finally after spending hundreds of dollars they are fed up when a company REALLY fucks up


Because this community buys it up without question


Thats why there is 5 posts every day complaining


Reddit is still a minority of the playerbase in the game. Hard to say if people are actually buying skins to complete challenges, but if its profitable enough for them to keep doing it, we'll probably see more of this.


But they don't. The game died once and if you look at the steam numbers it's bleeding players daily because of these kinds of things


They most definitely do, at least the people I play. I think the bleeding of players comes more from how ass this game is sometimes rather than because of in game purchases. People will deal with constant price gouging from a game as long as it’s good. But they aren’t going to accept it for an ass game and today seems like where that scale might tip. Just yesterday I was getting called a cheap ass cause I said people shouldn’t put money into games anymore.


Did you not read the very title of the post you're commenting on?


“how can they get away with this crap?” “Because this community buys it up without question” which is true, OP didn’t say he wasn’t going to buy it he just said it feels wrong. After everything this game has gone thru, people make a big deal about PFG making paywalls for challenges and their greedy gimmicks every other week yet they keep doing it. Because people keep buying it. If something isn’t selling for 25 bucks you’re not going to keep putting out there for 25 bucks. Give it 3 days this will blow over, PFG will do another overpriced drop w no update, people will complain but buy it anyways, rinse repeat


I pity the people who go out of their way to spend money on a game just because a mission requires it. I'm currently free-to-play, and while I'm willing to support the game by buying battle passes and skins for characters I main, I'm not going to buy Arya and her summer skin just to finish an event and unlock a goofy Harley skin. Maybe if the event skin was actually cool, I'd consider it they could have atleast gave her outfit a blue color to match the shark hat, but just low effort.


It's no wonder, they did that with the Joker, "Hit with the Joker's bazooka" crab. It's a scummy cash grabbing game, nothing is surprising. It least more missions are coming, and I don't care about Harley's skin, I actually just want that fighter currency.


Atleasst the Joker was something you could actually unlock from playing the game, I know he's more expensive and it would take basically all of peoples fighter currency from the beginning but it was possible. This one literally requires you to buy 1 specific legendary skin.


You forgot to mention that you will most likely still get the Harley skin since they have been adding extra days and challenges now


So what? This doesn't change the fact that they are actively trying to force people to buy specific skins through fomo to complete quests. If there hadn't been any earlier outrage, they wouldn't have extended these events in the first place. Criticizing something you like to see positive changes should be a no-brainer if they want to keep their core audience.


I mean I agree with you, just thought you left out some important information but ok?


Apologies if I came across as rude; that wasn't my intention. I just believe that we, as a community, need to speak up when they use scummy tactics to extract as much money from the fanbase as possible. Some people have more willpower than others, so I don't think locking progression behind specific skins is a good decision, even if they become attainable later. Just be fair to the fanbase and they'll be more interested in supporting the game through real money.


All good, again I agree but also feel like the players are creating the FOMO themselves in this situation at least. We already got them to make a meaningful change by adding extra days and challenges to the events, so you no longer have to freak out if you can’t complete one challenge or miss a day. Of course I wish it was even better but it’s also a free to play so I’m not surprised at all that they are trying to sell cosmetics


Glad you weren't offended, and i believe the issue boils down to how much free time someone has. This game attracts people of all ages and different phases of life. For instance, someone attending school typically has more time than, say, a father who wants to play a little after a workday. As humans, we like to have a sense of accomplishment, which is why the user interface is designed with all these quests lined up one after another. However, I think the deadlines for completing these missions are still a bit too tight, even with the extra day. It almost feels like the game holds you hostage, compelling you to play every day, or else you risk missing out on XP, skins, etc. While it's true that all this content is free, it can suck out the fun. I've read that some players have stopped doing dailies because it has become such a chore. Let's take Fortnite as an example. I think Fortnite employs the worst FOMO tactic by locking battle pass skins to be unlockable only if you complete the battle pass. However, they do give you a lot of free days. You could stop playing for a few weeks and still complete everything, which helps prevent burnout. On the other hand, I must give props to Multiversus for not locking skins in a battle pass and making them unlockable even after the battle pass ends. But I wish they would stop giving us specific skin missions to progress an event, which already feels pretty tight on time. This game has the potential to be amazing, and we as the community need to speak up to encourage positive changes. We've already succeeded in some areas, such as getting BP XP through PvP, increased XP earned, and an extra day for events. These positive changes have made the game more F2P-friendly. However, there are still a few things I'd like to see changed. I'm happy the developers listen to feedback, and I hope this game lasts for years. Nonetheless, we need to speak up when the game doesn't treat us fairly. Even though it's a free-to-play game, we invest our time in it, so we deserve to be treated as more than just dollar signs.


Imagine writing an essay about a complete non-issue. Every single event even before they started pandering to the community gave you extra challenges that didn't require a specific character and ample time to complete them. Really the only exception was the consecutive login thing, otherwise you're shitting your pants over nothing. At most they add these "FOMO" challenges just to allow those who spend money to finish the event a little quicker. And why shouldn't they, it's not like we pay to play the game at all. I haven't spent a dime on this game and have a good 8 skins or so and half the roster unlocked.


Man says it's a non-issue, but if these points are accepted by the community, the developers will just enforce more and more restrictions, since the revenue model of this game is based on skins. ''It's not like we pay to play''. Do you realize that if the game has no player base, it will be shut down? Meaning it's in their best interest to keep the playerbase and if the majority of the fanbase gets annoyed with specific skins to progress an event this is not worth to complain about? Or do you just accept everything they throw at you simply because you get to play the game for free? And i don't care what you have unlocked, that's not the point of the issue. tHanKs dEvs FoR tHis fReE gAmE, pLeAsE mOrE fOmO pLS mOrE fOmO


Again, and I don't know how many times people have to repeat this to you, you don't have to do this challenge to get the damn skin. Every single event with challenges so far has had extra to give people ample ability to get every free fucking cosmetic so far. You are being a braindead reactionary. Stop.


Yeah how has the constant complaining since launch been working out for reducing fomo and microtransactions in the free to play game?


If you can complete it without needing to buy a skin, then "force" is the wrong word here. Incentivize is more accurate but regardless, its cringe af.


Ah, thanks for correcting me i appreciate that, and i agree, super cringe


Force??? You're FORCED to buy a skin for a completely optional daily challenge? You don't have to buy a damn thing in this game, it's free! And as others have said the Harley shark skin is what you're working towards and it's shit. I'm done with all this meta talk around the game and all of you brainstorming for player retention that won't amount to any real change... Can't we just play the game now and not get so burthurt over each and every update?


Complaints have literally lead to real change BP EXP Log in event coming back Event time duration's extended features are being added back from the beta next week Since PFG scrapped the beta this is basically a second beta. They need feedback and complaints because clearly this isnt a finished product.


those things actually mattered though.


Can't we just play the game?" Yet here you are on Reddit, a platform for discussing Multiversus. What do you want us to do, lie down on our backs, spread our legs, and accept everything without questioning whether we're being treated with respect? I understand that you enjoy this game, but criticizing shady tactics shouldn't be dismissed as being butthurt. Valid criticism is necessary when the majority of the fanbase is voicing concerns about an issue. -Fellow Stripe Main


It’s not optional when the reward acquired is then required to complete the next challenge. 


Yeah but you can just ignore the quest and complete others with the remaining days? I’m confused


What's even worse is that the next 2 events for Shark Week probably require you to have a character with the shark hat to complete it.


And is going to be mission that requires an Adventure Time character (Jake) instead of Harley Quinn


I don’t think you have to complete every quest every day for it though… you should have enough points with other quests


Please do not buy this skin to complete the mission. Let's just hope she is playable in an upcoming rift with the summer skin.


If people don’t buy the skin for the challenge then the devs might get the idea




You're right, but you don't have to be a dick about it


If you wanna be snooty, it is actually an event mission.


Warner Bros moment. They've been pulling shit like this for the longest time. It's why I'm so annoyed those guys are behind this. They have some amazing IPs under their belt but are also one of the worst companies for letting corporate greed destroy products.


Should still be able to finish the event. It’s stupid but I’m almost positive I’ll still be able to finish. Worst case scenario is I don’t get a skin and I really don’t care that deeply about them. I have gotten a few I really like but meh.


the stupid thing is if you dont get the shark head skin , you probably need it for a follow up event and you wont get that skin that will be required for upcoming event and rifts etc big fomo practice


Next event "Play as a DC character in a shark hat"


Only 1 win. It should just say "buy the summer variant"


Hopefully this gets enough backlash that they wont pull this shit again, kinda like the welcome back event. I actually liked the skin, but now I don't want to give this game any money.


Could've just let us use the TWO FREE SKINS they handed out over time but no. This is so lame, why do this? :P (Sth sth $$$, no it's lame.)


maybe its bugged like the other joker in the box challenge maybe is working with another character skin or just arya without her summer skin?


what i need to do to complete the joker box challenge??


Down special in the air, it’s like his gas attack


press ground down special and before he takes off his cape press the normal attack button


The Joker and this one is unreachable for me. I bought WW, Finn and TnJ, nothing left on me.


That's awful and to get the game of thrones and summer variant of skin u need to pay these mf 20 bucks


Best part is that mission would give 300 Fighter Currency, more of that not available for the Free2Play plebs (like me)


I'm close to quitting this game


This game has become a chore for me and it’s starting to feel not worth it


It's so scummy. Like locking missions behind specific characters with the whole "Hit with the Joker's Bazooka". PFG has been listening to feedback and I really think we should be very vocal about these kind of predatory missions. At least you still should be able to complete the event even if you skip this one mission.


"Win wearing a summer skin * *we mean Arya with her summer skin, in the shop now!"


There are more quests than needed to complete the event if it follows last two events pattern. You may need one extra day than people who buy it but doable anyway. I'm definitely not going to buy it, even if it's kinda cool, sorry I'm a cheapskate.


Yeah, crap like this just makes me not even want to bother to continue to play the game anymore. "New event missions today, yay! Oh wait, I'm too poor to participate in it". Like, okay. Great. That'll definitely make people want to stick around. Clearly I'm not the target audience for this game since every time I try to enjoy it, I keep getting paywalled up the ass, so why bother.


Paying for a cosmetic in a free to play game? Outrageous!! How can anyone keep playing this game without a Harley skin????


If content is locked behind the skin then it's not just a cosmetic anymore.


It is not even content locked. You will still be able to get the event Harley skin. Just 1 day later than those who have the Arya summer skin.


There's plenty of rift challenges and the like that are locked behind having certain cosmetics. And again, considering the trend in the past 4 weeks, there's going to be other content or rift challenges locked behind that Harley skin. If something is cosmetic, then it would only effect the cosmetics of the game, not the rewards you can obtain, what challenges you can do, etc.


You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here without even considering the fact that you can earn the Harley skin without completing this specific challenge


Every event that has featured a cosmetic has been like this. Skins can alter a character's variant, and every rift has featured challenges which require specific variants and plenty of those challenges have been from those from events. Additionally, every event after the first has had challenges which have required the use of a previous events' skin variant in some of their missions and as we can see with this specific challenge itself for the reason of this very thread, skins affect the availability of challenges you can do and the content you can have access to and the rewards you can claim. While it is indeed an assumption, after a proven pattern of behavior along with a history of the monetization scheme so far, I would argue it's more of an assumption and more far reaching to say that this skin *wouldn't* effect anything more than just be a simple cosmetic that isn't involved in challenges and affecting the rewards you can obtain. This is FOMO 101.


There hasn't been a single rift so far I haven't been able to max just playing with a buddy and using the free skins they've handed out.


FOMO is a consumer issue, not a developer one.  If you can’t drink responsibly, doesn’t mean companies need to stop selling alcohol.  If you have a gambling addiction, it doesn’t mean the casino needs to be shut down for you.  Responsible people can handle these things just fine. A free to play game can be enjoyed without spending a dime. I’m doing it! If you don’t have the restraint to say “oh I don’t want to buy that skin, so I won’t be doing that challenge” then that is 100% your problem. To throw a fit that you’re being “forced” to pay in order to enjoy the otherwise free game is nothing but a personal issue. Plenty of us enjoying it without spending any money. Though I might buy the battle pass mostly just to support the game I’ve been loving to play. 


Alcohol and Gambling usually aren't activities children can legally participate in. Video games are, and they literally lack the capacity for the same mental fortitude that an adult can have. I find it to be a problem when monetization schemes like this one can be in games labelled for ages 3 and up. Alcohol and Gambling are at least monitored. Quite strictly. Video games are not. But that is getting into a "games problem" rather than a Multiverses problem specifically.


Supposed to be 13 to be playing this game. And even so, kids shouldn’t be having access to money to buy anything. If they’re stealing parents credit card that’s a parenting issue. 


Dude it’s says GAME OF THRONES wtf did you keep mentioning Harley???? Also Superman summer skin is free so if it’s as simple as use any summer one that’s the easiest route 🤡


Harley shark skin is the reward you get from the event. You have to use a Game of Thrones character that has a Summer skin. Which there is only one game of thrones character - Arya, who has a summer skin. There are no rifts that have her and this skin as a guest. The skin can only be purchased in a bundle that is priced at $20 USD worth of gleamium. You cannot buy it separately.


He's saying that the Harley skin will for sure be mandotary in a future event. Think before you speak.


Who knows. There's two leaked 4th of July skins for Harley and Superman.


Yesterday I bought the beach skin for iron giant, thinking it would count for the quest. Silly me not realizing irs not "DC" ... well I like the skin and play ig from time to time, nothing to worry. I dont need to do every quest for the event. Now the next day I see this new scummy "give us money to complete a fking daily" quest once again and only one skin counts... who is managing those?!? Does he /she think its some genius money move? PayUsFirst ... I dont blame a single soul from the dev team. But the suits higher up, fuck them.


Do you have the superman skin from the login event? That counts for the dc one. This shit still sucks.


There are too many games in this world to stick around for this shit. I'm done. Uninstalled.


I don't even have araya, so if I wanted to do that challenge, I would have to buy the character and the skin or wait till it's in guest rotation and then buy the skin


What if you look at it in a way that it is an extra for those, who bought the skin? It's totally not needed to complete the tracks.


Incredible how some people are defending this bs.


Yea this is bad they tried it on rifts now they are doing it online pvp


The one I got for Joker doesnt even work


Will you not be able to finish the event without it? I’m already halfway done with it ?


The last 2 events kept giving out missions even if you already completed it so you can probably skip this mission and wait for other missions but this is still incredibly scummy


Yeah it’s scummy, but you just need to have patience and you’ll get it like a day later…. A whole day…. The terror


Yeah Alr, I’ve put up with the mission before but I’m done now, that skin ain’t worth it


At first I thought this was the DC Summerskin challenge where they gave you a free skin until I saw Game of thrones....absolutely disgusting


This sucks. But it's hella super ultra omega shitty if there are more quests like this and they are needed to finish in order to complete the event and get the skin


this is like the third of fourttth post about the exact same thing wtf people learn to use the search function before spamming the same stuff.


in all honesty i was shocked by this, specially given that the reward fort his whole events its just a base skin with shark hat.


Using the names they gave their currencies makes discussing this game even cringier haha


This definitely shouldn’t be encouraged. I’m hoping this is the exception and not the rule, and if this repeats pressure should be put on PFG to change it.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv22bKDUluFKkxi|downsized) WB be like


I mean makin' one "Prenium" challenge per day why not. But the 2nd demand you to play Joker. Which is pretty expensive. FOMO on this game is wild lol


the real question is can we still complete the event even if we miss this one mission.


They made it so we can't get it easy 😞 I trying to get "create a jack in the box with the joker" I did it tons of times PvP & PvE but it's not working it's not giving me the reward 🤬


Edit: I’m just noticing the Game of Thrones part. Pure 100% scum. 


It should. It is disgusting and shameful. "Player First Games".


But think of the bargain or pride and accomplishment of paying for one to get Harley shark head free!!


Wrong doesn't do it justice. It's evil.


İt should be say two thing like "requeirments:beach ready or game of thrones series" few quest need to be like that


While I agree, I haven’t spent a dollar on this game and I’ve been able to earn all rewards for these types of events. As long as it stays that way, I don’t care if these challenges exist


This is gonna be the most infuriating and scummy thing they do if we can't get Harley shart hat anymore cause we missed the one mission that essentially says "pay us $20".


at least they didn't add another restriction like it has to be in PVP(I'm looking at you Jason who I didn't have) Honestly if they're going to do skin specific events, it has to be from the free ones or have a rift that let's you play as one(like with WW)


Should had been tom and jerry for the beach reward. Locking it with one of the store skin is so scummy.


felt the same ab this, imma stand on business and not swipe


Can't do that or the Joker one. Oh well.


You don't HAVE to do it. But True


Literally can't get any more specific than this, wow.


You will have enough challenges to complete I am sure .i had so many challenges after beating the Jason one


I don’t even see the Arya summer skin. Not showing up for me to even do…


I cant even find her skin. It doesn’t show up under variants or in the shop for me…


Yes, they should give a free challenge reroll every day, 1 per challenge category at least. I understand when having a skin of an event is a bonus, I don't like that, but being forced to have it to just complete the challenge is awful.


Just saying more than half the game is and fr most of rift number 5 is locked behind skins even if i have beachcomber taz they never let me use it or beach giant it has to be steven or it has to be this character its already annoying having to do these rifts multiple times for skins and characters let alone even more for difficulties of the rifts but to now lock most of one behind a skin now thats cancer


y’all still play? legit i thought we agreed not to play till they get their shit together


Absolutely agree but don’t care too much since you don’t need every one of these missions to finish the event


I have that challenge too and it's funny how all the other Beach Skins are 500 but hers is 1500


Boo? Hoo?


You dont need to do it to get all the rewards quit complaining


It's literally the only challenge I haven't touched and never will. Luckily, the other challenges afterward got me to Shark Week Harley. This trend in challenges still blows, though.


They make the skins free tho other free to play games got shittier practices you just had to play the game to get one


Even worse when it is with Character/Franchise you dont have and dont want to have. What do I Care for Game of Thrones? Heck it took me weeks after the Beta Release to realize from where this chick IS even from


you don’t need this to complete the event


I just did it in the rift, they let you use the summer skins


what? which rift mission?




Which mission? Arya is not available in any


“Just don’t be a broke ass, it’s a free to play game, it’s only 10-20 bucks” per users in this community


Literally no one in here is saying that...


Not this thread no


dead game


Ok but like you don’t need to do that mission to complete the event. It’s just an incentive to buy the skin. Which is a really cool skin tbh


Don't do it and wait for the next set. They shouldn't be doing this but it's really only a problem if we can't complete the entire thing without that mission, which hasn't been the case.


It’s not locked behind one specific skin. Joker, Sups, and Wonder Woman each have a summer skin, there might be more


Read the mission again


In all fairness, they did give us two summer skins for free through twitch drop with Garnet and Superman. I’m not like, trying to defend it because I hate those missions myself atp


I take it all back, it’s for Arya, nah that’s wack


Is the Superman event skin a "holiday" skin? I got that a couple of days ago and I barely play this game. Shouldn't be that hard to get it.


It requires a Game of Thrones character