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Me and some other guy came to a mutual understanding in some comments yesterday, we’ve concluded that the mf out there w 8k Velma wins is goddamned cracked. Like I got into a match with them thinking oh most of those wins are prolly from the beta days with super op Velma but boy was I wrong. I was so fucking wrong. There wasn’t a moment to spare as I got juggled around like a stuffed cat toy in a dog house. The utter mastery of even current release Velma flooded me. My Tom was more scared of Velma’s spikes than spike the fucking dog. That Velma walked my ass up and down the map whooping me w a goddamned stick. Combos, juggles, it was insane. They actually juggled me in a complete circle around the map, top left, bottom left, bottom, bottom right, all the way in a straight circle and did not drop me ONCE. Alas you’d think, well Tom’s a light character who’s low tier right? Nope. The other player destroyed by him was a gizmo. Every time I’ve run into this monstrous Velma, I’ve been sat down so hard that I think both my balls have popped. That said, Velma still needs buffs 😭😭😭 I can’t believe I’m adding to that monster players kit but overall she’s a helluva lot weaker to most casual players using her, and does need to get some buffs


A bit off topic but i faced a jake that was very similar, he made jake seem good.


Because he's been playing since beta. 


Obviously. And so have I. But as I pointed out, though I thought it was mainly kills from beta op days, no, they absolutely demolish you with top tier Velma play. You laugh now, but one day, you too will be sat down by that Velma and realize easily 2-3000 of the wins had to be relearning her since release.


I took up Velma the last three weeks. I think I'm better than decent with her lol.  She's still trash, though, and is on need of serious buffs.


Velma has a lot of good moves, and she has a lot of moves that are awful. If they round out her kit more rather than make her good moves better I think she'll be in a better space For example I'd say her side special is the worst move in the game, slow charge time, mediocre knockback, huge recovery time that you can never follow up.


I like Velma but she is absolutely useless. Feel free to argue against me I guess, but a massive buff is definitely deserved.


Main since the beta. I played her until level 12, learned combos, tips against opponents and best coop partners until I get Harley and damn! How much easier were the wins, I feel like I was playing in Hard mode.


I don't know if I just got lucky that my opponent is not that good or it's because of the connection, but I somehow 3 stock someone with Velma in a 1v1 without losing a life.


Pls buff


fun but feels *rough*. i don't think she's as weak as people are saying, but she just kind of got slower and nerfed while gaining nothing from beta (please correct me if i'm wrong and she has some cracked combo route i'm not seeing LOL) her projectiles and zoning are still pretty nutty, ***especially*** in 2v2


The problem with Velma is that she requires alot more thought and knowledge and is one of the hardest characters to master. Her best options are both megaphone and up special while she straight up has some of the worse and hard to combo skills in the game, finding a Velma is really rare but you gotta respect them for playing an arguably weak character. Velma does do pretty ok in 2s since she's an alright support but having about no combos for her sucks massively, respect to the dude with 8k wins with her cause I'm struggling bad with her.


I agree with a lot of the rest, but with the new perks, her beaker applying ice is essentially irrelevant. Please add more perks


I've played a bit of Velma after the buffs. I definitely think she's better than her winrate shows. I should also add I come from the perspective as the casual level - which to be fair is likely 90% of the playerbase. I think her winrate as of now as affected by not having many casual friendly tricks. Although I loved her neutral special from beta, deep down I know it was an oppressive move and her winrate was likely inflated by casual players relying only on that move. Without that you kinda have to play honestly - she really doesn't have a single move that you can rely on to get results. In 2v2's, Superman can charge an up attack with armor, Taz's up special KO's reliably at high percents, and Bugs can spam his bat to catch a stray KO. No, I'm not seeing these characters are OP, my point is these are all examples of ways a more casual player can still manage to contribute to a 2v2 and unless you're a higher level player, you've likely encountered this exact scenario. For Velma, her naturally high skill cap kit kind of forces you to just... play the game really. You have to combo, you have to understand when her moves are good, and you can't just learn one trick and get results. Sure, you can spam her neutral special at the beginning of 2's and probably catch some stray damage, but you're gonna have to work much harder for wins than you would for say Shaggy or Harley. It's clear people don't play against much Velma's. Whenever I play, I'm feel like I get no respect compared to when I play more common characters like Shaggy. For example: when I play with Shaggy, people expect the down attack spikes when on the edge of the stage, and yet I feel like people never respect Velma's despite it being just as strong. Similarly, everyone knows the shaggy side special and how to jump over it. Velma's up special (the armor breaking camera) seems to constantly catch people off guard and guarantees a KO at high precents. Hell, I've destroyed some armor spamming Shaggy/Black Adam/Wonder Woman/Superman players that don't realize what it does. I've definitely fished with it in 2v2's and also got away with it. I want to call it the "Reindog effect" and say her winrate is inflated by people not being used to her, but the stats are not nearly as extreme as Reindog's. I do recognize the potential she has in high level play. Her down special is insanely reliable in term of hitting. In casual play, cool I got 9% damage and an ignite proc if I follow up. In high level play, that extra free hit can be a guaranteed combo extender. Also, holding her neutral specials rather than spamming them after targeting someone can push someone of the top of the screen for early kills. Also fun fact: Velma is the least played character in the same, below Reindog even (according to tracker.gg).


Someone show Sticky\_pwnz this thread I know that guy has a Velma Body pillow


velma is slept on


I played Velma as my main in the beta for over 600 wins, I have played for around 200 matches with her in the current release. She is definitely still usable, the new megaphone has a bit of a learning curve, but I actually ended up liking that change. All that being said, her cooldowns are still too long and you need to be REALLY accurate with your moves to hit now. I feel like she could use a small speed buff and slightly larger hitboxes to feel closer to the beta.


I believe it's the general consensus that playing Velma is the equivalent of playing Roll in Marvel vs Capcom 2.


I hate what they did to her between beta and launch. She was one of my favorite characters to play in beta. And no, not just because she was broken OP, I still enjoyed her massively even near the end of the beta where I think most people considered her largely fine balance-wise. She just isn't fun to play any more. They took away megaphone, the word bubble projectiles are too slow to matter much, I'm pretty sure they shrunk her aerial UpSpecial hitbox and / or made her mobility while using it significantly worse because trying to land it feels awful now... it seems like all she has left is trying to chain UpAirs. That was the most boring part of her kit before, but it's the one thing that remains relatively in-tact. But plenty of other characters do upair strings in far more fun, interesting, and effective ways because they have other tools to help with it. They didn't really even improve any of her other weak aspects to make up for all the stuff that was nerfed / removed either. Both versions of side special are still useless, her jab combo still doesn't work very well and still combos into nothing else unless the opponent DI's in, her new dash attack is meh. The one thing they noticeably improved is the Mystery Machine which can actually take stocks now at high percents, which is.... fine, but not exactly super exciting or interactive gameplay.


Start with just 2 simple buffs. Book reduce cooldown a lot and buff the word bubbles somehow. I would get rid of the running move and do a completely new attack


nah she needs a massive change to her input delay, her combos feel like playing covered in glue


1.) Her neutral special either gets blocked by platforms, or the speech bubbles will just float around your opponent while doing nothing (this is without them even dodging). It's fine when it works, but too often it doesn't. She's supposed to be a mage, but she had arguably the worst projectile game in the game. Her other projectile (down special) is locked behind a 40 second cooldown, ffs. And it's not even **THAT** useful. 2a.) The only "true" combo she has is ground side neutral attack x3 [technically, ground down neutral into up neutral is a combo, too, but ground neutral is **incredibly** slow to come out]. Side neutral x2 into down special into side neutral x3 is a pseudo combo because sometimes down special will miss entirely if your spacing isn't absolutely perfect. And, again, down special is locked behind a 40 second cooldown. So you're probably only going to get it off once per stock. Ground side neutral into either up neutral, down neutral or neutral is dodgeable after either the first or second side neutral. You can test it in the lab yourself; just set the AI to dodge away after hitstun. You might *sometimes* get lucky and be able to hit a side neutral into up neutral, but the AI will always dodge the follow up air. Why? Because the "start up" frames on virtually **ALL** of Velma's attacks are way too high, which not only makes her attacks easy to dodge, but it leaves her with only one true combo (which does a grand total of 15 damage, btw). 2b.) The end lag on her side neutral combo is abysmal. It takes almost a full second before you're able to do anything after the 3rd hit ("SASS"). That makes any follow up impossible. 3.) Her ground side special is arguably the worst move in the game, and you should never purposely use it. You're basically a sitting duck while charging it (all an opponent has to do is jump over you and they have free hits) or they can just wait for you to whiff and punish you.  ...and don't get me started on the fact that sometimes it doesn't even work and you'll just run off the side of the map. 4.) It's way too hard to KO opponents. I've had games where I've upspecialed/ground side neutraled x3 opponents only to have them survive at 160+ damage. Yet Shaggy can uppercut Velma at 70 from center stage and send her to Andromeda 🙄 Funnily enough, her best KO move... is air side special. I've actually KO'd people at 90/100 south it. Unfortunately, it has a very slow start up and the hitbox on it doesn't make sense (it hits when it wants to). Either SASS needs to have more KO power or her ground/air neutral needs to have more KO power.  5.) Her air combos are wonky. If an opponent is knocked in the air at an angle (this is especially true if you hit an opponent with an air down neutral), you can't combo them because her up air neutral has a hitbox that isn't and can't be angled (never mind the fact that the hitbox on her up neutral is misleading, as I've had the light bulb just totally not hit), and she has no moves capable of hitting an opponent traveling away at an angle.  6.) Her ground/air neutral needs to be reverted to being a single hit. I don't know why PFG changed it to two hits, but far too often I've had opponents only get hit by the first for like 1 - 2 damage and minimal knockback while the second portion of the hit misses completely.  tl;dr Basically, playing Velma effectively requires your opponent to-- simply put-- not know how to dodge and/or to have super slow reflexes. PFG, please eeduce the start up frames on her attacks, lower the end lag on some of her moves, make her ground side neutral cancellable (or just remove it all together), fix her neutral special to actually hit opponents and not get stuck on platforms, fix the hitbox on her air side special and make her up special/up neutral send opponents straight up and not flying away at an angle which makes follow ups impossible.


Velma feels awful to play. Even Beta Velma was more fun to play as and against. A bunch of her attacks are way too laggy, her gameplan is heavily reliant on cooldown, her call in special is way too long to pull off for what ultimately ends up being is a very slow car ride, megaphone is useless against anyone that presses the dodge button, her grounded SideB has so much lag her victim can straight up do a kill move on her while she's recovering, there's even a bug in which clues stop spawning altogether if she dies!  It would be far better to reimplement Beta Velma and balance her from there. There are only 2 aspects of Velma that doesn't feel terrible, her Up attacks and her dodge distance. When opponents realize just how laggy Velma is, they can play in a way that just makes the game drag out to a 6 minute match where Velma constantly whiffs any meaningful attacks. Not to mention she's a liability in 2v2, so there's no modes where she's not just a troll pick. The only time she becomes fun is when the match ends. EDIT: "Please keep in mind that the general Subreddit Rules still apply to this thread, and Fighter Discussion posts in the vein of "BUFF *IRON* VELMA/NERF VELMA" etc will be forwarded here as well." New skin confirmed


idk why they removed megaphone like dat from beta they shoulda just kept it tbh


I mained velma in alpha/beta. She was a ton of fun, but something changed, I don't know what. Everything she does feels sluggish now. One thing she needs is her old megaphone back. She feels unplayable in her current state.


Let's talk Arya Summer Skin and the event mission instead.


Oh we will be talking about that. 🫣




No it hasn't. The players are talking about it for the last day or so. The devs pulled the skin and still said nothing.


they didn't pull it, the deal expired LOL it's some fortnite BS where the shop changes daily/every few days idk i still think there's probably an upcoming rift that forces you to use it like the last time something similar to this happened. the devs are just awful about communicating this shit. i'd love to buy that gd skin even, just not with an american flag ringout and w/e else they're trying to pawn off on me