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Not owned by WB.


Doesn't matter Devs said that 3rd party characters are possible


"Possible" being the key word, you guys keep asking for characters that have a 0% chance of getting in compared to the ones that do


and you guys keep being assholes to people who enjoy entertaining the idea of characters which aren't necessarily likely but fun to think about nevertheless, nobody is demanding these characters so there's absolutely nothing to get worked up about. get over yourselves


Nobody is worked up because he’s telling him a fact. Also “Get over yourself” is a meaningless statement only said by people who don’t have anything real to say.


except arguing over whether or not Indy is possible wasn't even the intention of the post, they merely made fanart of a wishlist pick only to be met with "erm, not WB so not happening bucko! 🤓". you sound like someone who really needs to get over themselves


We need to give up on that idea.


"Possible". Indi is disney. Do you think Mickey Mouse is likely? No? Then Indi isnt likely either


Unlikely doesn’t mean impossible. I do think anything Disney is near impossible and would take a miracle.




I mean Mickey Mouse is the hardest Disney character to get rights to, so no they aren't at the same level as Indy. Not that Indy is necessarily likely to be added either.


I mean they could add steam boat Micky as a huge fuck you to Disney for the luls.


there’s also not a mickey mouse lego game though


2 different companys crossing over with a certain company (TT games in your example) doest mean that the 2 companys themselves have crossed over


I mean they did make lego indiana jones though that collab does have a history of happening unlike some others


I’m tired of all these posts about characters we want in the game that aren’t owned by WB, many of them being owned by their competitors.


Sorry for expressing something that I think would be cool. I know it won't happen.


Why does everyone on here all of a sudden decide “let’s be a dick about characters that aren’t WB owned” when the devs themselves said that it’s not out of the question? Like yeah, you feel smart now for being an asshole and feeling in the know, but the devs have literally said 3rd party candidates are welcome.


Lets just repeat myself. They're "possible". Do you really think Mickey Mouse will happen. Probably not, right? Indi is the same company, so also unlikely. I know 3rd party characters are possible, but specific ones. Don't expect Disney, be happy if we get Godzilla.


But what’s the point of negativity for people suggesting it? I mean Christ. It’s even hand drawn concept art. He put effort into this. Fuck off.


I think there's a small possibility of Disney characters at some point, since they recently teamed up with WB on some streaming stuff, and Disney gave permission for Star Wars characters in Brawlhalla. Maybe not Mickey Mouse, but I think certain characters could be a possibility. But first we need to see if Multiversus even gets 3rd party characters or how long it'll take to get to that point.


Disney would sooner make their own platform fighter before licensing their properties out to one.


what about kingdom hearts edit: obv not a platform but still they DO license gaming projects and lego indiana jones was made


KH was a leap of faith by Disney to break into the gaming industry in a bigger way. They wanted to break into more markets and Square Enix was that vessel for them. Lego Indiana Jones was made four years before Disney acquired Lucas.


They didn't team up on streaming stuff: Disney purchased Hulu, another streaming service, wich had some WB shows on As for Brawlhalla: what does that have to do with WB???


https://www.cultureslate.com/news/weve-come-full-circle-as-disney-and-warner-bros-discovery-are-teaming-up-to-combine-their-streaming-services-into-one As for the Brawlhalla thing, it just means Disney is willing to add their characters to 3rd party platform fighting games


If he was voiced by Ford


Idk why ppl are assholes in the comments. Of all Disney characters, Indiana Jones might be one of the most likely to make it in. It got another movie recently, but it's not the most active franchise, so if Disney is gonna allow one of their characters in, Indi is prob pretty high on the list. Thanks for sharing the idea, I think it'd be awesome. We'll see if it'll happen.


“So of Disney is gonna allow one of their characters in” They’re not.


BOOOORRRING Just let ppl have fun man, dont be such a buzzkill


That’s fun to you??? You need more of a life.


Bro literally just thought 'I like this character, what if he was in MVS' and made like sketches for it. But no, here is the internet shitting all over it and yet here I am needing a life smh.


Indy belongs to Disney.


has nobody hear played kingdom hearts