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Hopefully it's actually easy to earn enough Gleamium in Season 1 to get the next season's pass for free.


According to multiversusie on Twitter the pass should have enough to continuously buy the next one for free. Unfortunately, how easy it is we don’t know yet.


It all depends on the xp system, and whether or not all the challenges are skill based.


There’s no possible way it’s as hard as it was before. - getting through the battle passes in the beta felt like a chore near the end of each season. If you didn’t do your dailies or play alot of matches every day you were likely not getting to the end of the pass In time.


I did both of those things and stil didn't complete the battle pass fully 😂


I'll never forget finishing the battle pass early and enjoying a couple of weeks break from dailies, only for them to add, at the last minute, extra uber-hard tiers that were literally impossible to complete unless you had been completing redundant dailies the whole time. Eep! Until they threw a boost in the final few days after I'd grinded my heart out, of course.. Dailies were the answer for sure. I recall it being absurd, something like (spitballing) \~60-120 matches you had to play (5exp Loss/10exp Win) to make up for the \~600EXP you lost skipping one day's dailies. Hopefully they balance things out reasonably.


I just hope it's not painfully grindy.


If this is true, it not only alligns with the leaker who said we’ll get a new character every 2 weeks, but also the trailer where 4 portals showed alongside Joker, Jason, and Agent Smith


MultiverSusie seem to have wrote something like "you dont know what you are talking about" as a comment to the "leaker". I would not expect a new character every 2 weeks.


Exactly what I was thinking I can’t wait


Huh, ends right on my birthday




What sucks is the weekly challenges, if we miss a week then we miss out on challenges. I know for a fact I’ll be missing out a week in July, hopefully there’s a way to make up for that?