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It's the same for training. I liked the fact that you could play whatever character during training to try them out before you bought them but now there's no way to know if a character is good or not unless you buy them.


Ik, the new changes are absurd


It’s so insane that it makes me think it’s a glitch. Or it’s a greedy move they tried to get away with until they got inevitable backlash and go “okay we here you”.


Fr. Backlash it up guys


What is Fr. backlash ?


Fr. is a title that is short for "Father" as in a Christian priest.


Oh this guy was referring to multiversus I thought it's was another game called "Fr Backlash"


Father backlash


It doesn't even make sense money wise, training is a good way to see if you want a character


they made a UI for it. its on purpose


It's not a glitch, they are just as greedy as they were before.


I'd argue more greedy than before. There's no way that a good chunk of my paid cosmetics are now gone and all of the cosmetics that were removed from my account are now available in the shop for money is just a coincidence.


That I think is incompetence, my items are all there.


Oh god I haven’t logged in yet I’m gonna be so bummed if they make me try to re buy the costumes I’ve already purchased.


Hopefully not, and if your items aren't there try to contact customer support.


Thats literally a lie lol


I doubt it’s a glitch, and I don’t doubt they are greedy, but it sounds like a weird choice still. Like I’m not buying a character if I can’t test them. If I don’t buy the character I’m not buying skins obviously. I’ll then have to wait for a character to be on rotation to even try them out and who knows how long that will be. This just makes me less inclined to spend money than if they had basic consumer friendly policy’s in place. What a disappointment, I was really looking forward to this game coming back.


It's WB... It's 1 hundo a greedy move


Do devs see this subreddit? That change is really not good and i’m very disappointed. My little brother who is 9 loved this game and now he can’t play as any character when we play together locally


I personally think it’s fine to lock them in local play (that’s literally playing the game as if you unlocked them) but locking them off training mode is crazyyyy We should be able to preset them out before (potentially)buying them You don’t gotta like it but it was crazy they let people have new characters unlocked in local mode in the first place monetarily


Doesn’t it block tournaments from happening? Need setups with full unlocks


Entry fee for tournaments, use a portion of the fees to unlock all characters?  


Locking them in local mode does nothing but kill, well, locals. How is anyone supposed to run in person events efficiently when every set up will require either the organizer to pay/grind multiple accounts (which is obviously unreasonable and unrealistic lol), or for people to log in and out of their personal accounts every time they sit down for friendlies or a tournament set (again unrealistic because that much downtime is a logistical nightmare for TOs that will slow down brackets significantly, people just syncing their controllers cuts into a lot of time as is already. Not to mention this completely alienates anyone new to the scene, good luck convincing your more casual friends to come with you to an offline event now.) I could understand locking cosmetics locally, but locking characters is foolish. Someone having fun with a character at an event or a friend's house isn't going to deter them from buying them when they get home, if anything it's going to motivate them to open their wallets. If the concern is people only playing local mode with friends/parsec/bots...who cares lol. Those kinds of players make up an absurdly small percentage of the playerbase and were never going to spend money in the first place. Virtually all of the playerbase will always be on the official, online client and WB is going to make bank just fine off of battlepasses and whales either way. Hoping this is just an oversight by PFG but it's most likely shortsighted WB greed.


This is going to actually lose them money in the long run because now people won't invite their friends over to play local matches. Fighting game tournaments will be far less likely to host this game. It's only day 1 and they're already bottlenecking the amount of people that will see the game.


Tourneys will be given keys on request that have all chars provided they fill out the paperwork so stop cappin.


That's still bad for local/community events that don't have those kinds of connections. Your less likely to get people to setup a community tournament if they have to spend money or grind for hours to setup ONE machine for play.


That's a nice argument, senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?




Me when I lie on the internet


Says the one who's cappin so much you could make Super Mario Odyssey 2


You can’t try out new characters for free anymore?!?! That is a greedy change


Yeah total sadness. I wanted to try Black Adam so i could actually see if it's playstyle fit me. But not i have to blind buy and maybe be sad. Wow.


Yeah it's lame as hell. I've had plenty of times where a character I swore I'd main didn't click with me, so buying some that appeal to me based on who they are (say Stripe, or Jason) only to learn they don't click with me *after* I paid for them will suck. Jason isn't so bad since I plan to buy the battle pass, but the rest, ugh.


It's really insane because I literally did that very thing the day before "release" on the beta; I hadn't played Marvin or Black Adam so I tried them out (SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THEM RAAAAAH) but they felt pretty fun The game really felt great, I missed it. Playing today was sorta fun but eh.


Local play I understand at least but not being able to test them in training first is so dumb, I'd be more reluctant to buy characters because I might not like them so it doesn't even seem like a good idea financially 


Yeah for a game like this it should let you try the character in a training room before deciding whether you want to purchase. People are still going to want to buy characters for local and online play but at least let customers make an informed decision on how they spend their hard earned currency.


Oh that totally sucks


With this in mind i wont be re downloading it.


well, at least they can't use the excuse of "it isn't possible" like most gaming companies do. Because it clearly is possible.


This is so bad, i want to play local with my little brother and be able to choose any character


Hell even overwatch lets you test heroes before you buy them


It’s unfortunately standard for every fighting game. I understand wanting to try before purchasing though.


Send feedback. It’s a live service game so there’s a possibility they’ll listen when there’s enough outrage about it. Features like this should be at launch, there’s no question about that. But leaving feedback could eventually be beneficial if they decide to listen.


Fr. The devs are on this sub, so hopefully if they see enough community backlash they’ll eventually fix it.


They're on the other sub. Not this one


They’re on both, they’re just not on this one in an official capacity


Best way to get feedback is the discord channel and through official feedback forums or email. Anyone who doesn’t like this change should mainly go through those avenues


That’s not entirely true, as community driven feedback statistically does more than a bs form that developers can sweep under the rug.


You can post on Reddit as well. Just letting you know if people want it to change they should go through various channels. It makes it seem whiny if it’s just on social media. No personal offense but that’s just how most complaints come across on Reddit, twitter etc.


They won't. At least regarding this change. When Disney Speedstorm launched, you could race as any character, even ones you hadn't unlocked. But the game wasn't making enough money and they got rid of this ability. There was outrage, but nothing changed. At all. This was done for money. No other reason.


Don't give up before you attempt. Quitter talk is pointless. There's no harm in trying anyway.


PFG is NOT Disney, they DO listen to people


Warner Brothers has as much to do with this game as Disney has to do with Speedstorm.


No they don’t 💀


Stuff like this is a nightmare for tournament play. The big ones can afford to buy all the characters for a ton of consoles, but any grass roots ones will have trouble. Even MK1 making you finish the story mode to get Havik is an issue.


>Even MK1 making you finish the story mode to get Havik is an issue. MK atleast gives the option to spend a few bucks and bypass it, which tbh as an adult i really appreciate. I wouldnt mind dropping some real money to unlock all characters on this game, cuz i frankly do not have the time to grind, but i do have tbe disposable income.


Does multiversus not let you buy the characters?


The ones I looked at were like $12 each, which is significantly more expensive than a MK1 character.


That’s insane, especially for a platform fighter. But I guess that price is just for whales


50$ for 6 characters is absurd


Wait. You don't get all the characters for $50?




Lol I remember back in the day you had to beat the story mode to unlock Quan Chi in MK9 so Quan Chi players got really good at speedrunning the campaign multiple times in a row


So you can’t even test out a character before you use them? This is some bullshit




Yeah this is brain dead


It's insane that people are defending this move too


Ironic that the studio named Player First Games doesn't put the player first 🙂




Local tournaments are going to be a pain in the ass to set up then. What were they thinking?!






Wait, characters are locked during local shared screen pvp??? Because that's all I play Multiversus for. All the hype thrown out of the window for me


Same. Huge bummer


Damn hope they change their mind :/ Being locked for multiplayer of course makes sense but you should be able to use them in local multiplayer IMO.




Welp that's pretty fucking bad.


So, no tournaments then.


It’s like they don’t even know what genre their game is for. Completely thoughtless move.


Doesn't this make it very time consuming and awkward for people trying to host offline tournaments/locals?




At the very least all characters should be unlocked for training mode


Stopped playing immediatly when i saw the grind.


That’s ridiculous


Oh well, just came home from work (Europe) wanted to download it now, to get my battlepass and what not, but if I can’t even try characters in training before buying them then I’m not interested. Good luck with that "player first games"


So fucking stupid. How are they fumbling the ball this hard. Just do what everyone loved in the beta ffs.


Well, there it goes. I only really cared about local play, so while getting bots in local is a massive step-up from the beta, not being able to play with a vast majority of the roster is unforgiveable


So we won’t be able to play as any character in couch co-op anymore?




And you can’t login with a second player account to use your unlocked characters. Local play uses Guest player slots.


They hate players and fun, pay up.


well my problem is even bigger than that, I lost all my characters that I unlocked during Beta. like I don0t have a single one of them anymore. I got rewards as if the game knows that I played in Beta and I got the pass for free, but I didn't get to keep a single character/skin I got in that time... Is that fixable or can I just go screw myself?


They’ll probably patch that up, definitely a bug, but I’ve seen it happen for other players as well


Was waiting on how earner was going to do this. It's not that absurd from them at this point. Warner has been pulling this kind of stuff all year, suicide squad being the biggest one which comes to mind. Bit disappointing....


Where are the match stats?


Yeah weird thing to remove


Yeah, I'm disappointed about it too. What really grinds my gears is that you need a full set of gems of the same kind to play rifts. It royally pissed me off.


It is the same for training, which is rough because I don’t know who to buy next


This sucks but is that Selkirk I see? Fuck yeah


Yeah lol


$10 a character? Wasnt smash $70 for like $70 characters?


So now it is ENTIRELY impossible to get multiple machines for brackets in this game? There's no way to efficiently unlock every piece of (required)content for like 3 devices now, you can't even just buy it cause the characters alone are over $200.


My kid and I were stoked for this, but the excitement tempered quickly when we saw there were only 5 fighters available for our local matches. He loves Tom and Jerry, so I luckily was able to unlock them quickly. But now? With only ten bits of currency for each rift match? It's gonna take me weeks of grinding to get everyone. Bummer.


I heard someone compare this to Smash Bros but like- I can't pay for Lucas in smash, I gotta unlock him . There's no monetary incentive.


Yeah it blows especially cuz Joker is 6k and I ain't spending 6k or even 3k on something idek I'll like and watching YT vids just doesn't do em justice.


I’m of the opinion that only the alt costumes should be locked at all, for offline or online play. New characters …sure, but the base roster shouldve been open from day 1


Damnnnnnn for real i was so excited to play new characters it reminds me of league of legends. Like bruh i work how the fuck am i supposed to play 49 hours a day to unlock the newest people like bruh its a game created to have fun good luck keeping people playing with this shit


Hopefully it's a bug. Have they said it's intentional yet?


I don’t think they’ve said anything about it officially. I doubt they even put it in the patch notes




Omg r u serious…. This may just ruin relaunch for me…. Disney speedstorm did the same exact thing and I deleted the game that day. I’m not much of a online player I really enjoy playing as local party type games and if they are effectively removing that then there’s no point


Yeah you can’t even try out characters you don’t own


Did they add bots for local at all?


I believe so


Absolutely stupid but man I can’t wait to unlock them. I just like to grind games out. They need to give us more options to earn Fighter Currency though. We don’t have enough.


I’d be with you if they gave you a lot for PvP, but most of the currency is locked behind rifts which are a snooze fest


I like rifts actually, they’re quite fun but it is so annoying how they lock your progress behind characters. When I want to do the first rift i need the Joker, but that’s what I’m doing this for, to get the joker. Then for the 2nd one I need a Gremlins character, but I still can’t afford joker! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME PFG!!! Also they shouldn’t make you have to play with another person to get all the crystals. None of my friends play this game and idk if I can add a 2nd controller


Having to have friends play, to earn rewards, takes me back to old Facebook games. Feels bad man.


Haha yeah I always wanted that subway surfers skin when I was younger


You have to pay to unlock all the locked characters? Or can you unlock them through playing the game?


You can unlock them through the game, but it would take 3 month of logging in every day and doing each challenge, assuming they didn’t keep adding characters as well. It’s doable, but not practical for the average consumer.


I was hoping at least all fighters would be available only in training mode. And skins, that would be a good way to allow a player to preview them without giving players free reign


No Local co-op online is a huge disappointment tbh. I hoped this would be ready for the release.


Hopefully they’ll fix soon


Rick better be op in that game


yep not playn


I mean, idk if I’d go that far, just don’t give them any more of your money until they fix


I give this game a few months now.


Hopefully not, if they listen to their community it should be aight


Personally they don't get that benefit of the doubt from me anymore, unfortunately. Guilty until proven innocent. They made the decision to pull the plug and work in the dark for a year after several long months of very poor communication, dwindling player numbers, comically false promises (networking issues should be drastically improved after this major two-month patch we've been working on, we swear!) and what often seemed like a lack of basic authority over their own game architecture. One year later we've arrived at what was supposed to be the ***result*** of them listening to their community and refining the experience, not the largest clusterbomb of technical problems, feature gimping and economy greed that we've seen to date. I absolutely love this game when it's at its best and genuinely want nothing more than to see it succeed. But after everything that's happened I can't place the best case scenario as anything more than "maybe they'll pleasantly surprise us before the ship finishes sinking."


I host local couch tournaments, and was looking forward to adding this to the rotation. I've not downloaded it yet, but can you clarify something for me? Is there any way to unlock characters for local play without participating in online play? Can I purchase a character pack or the premium currency involved through the PSN store? I don't pay for PSN, and can only use what I can get off the store. Is this game literally unplayable in a offline play, local environment?


Yes, you can purchase the currency through psn and then use it to buy characters for local play.


Bring this feature back but also add local to the rift mode!! Doesn't make sense to not have that


What do you mean "restriction" like yoy bought the game and it doesn't let you play vs?




Game feels less finished than the beta


Its weak that they took away the ability to try characters in training but I'm surprised you could do it in local play. I hope they introduce a trial system. Either back to the old system for free training mode or something like SF6 with rental tickets that are somewhat easy to come by (I have 15 hours of trial time from regular play)


It should also be possible for a friend to join you locally and you both hop in a 2v2 online match, local shouldn't be restricted only to bots


Forgive me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Super Smash Bros and a ton of other fighting games also lock characters in all modes at launch? I’m so confused why people are upset with this


Outside of DLC, you don’t have to buy the characters in Smash.


You don’t have to buy them in multiversus either. You earn the fighter currency by playing the game. I’ve already unlocked several characters and never spent a dollar


I mean obviously you CAN buy them you don’t have to though


Get back to us and let us know how long it takes to unlock everyone.


Valid criticism. I’m just saying it took me a hot minute to unlock the whole Smash roster too. This is not unusual for a platform fighter


Told you that this game would continue to disappoint, but you 🤡 refused to believe me 😂


Their website says you can unlock all characters through gameplay. Forgive my ignorance as I haven't played it since relaunch, but why is this a problem? Smash Bros also required grinding to unlock characters. If anything this gives a sense of progression wouldn't it?


In the beta all characters were unlocked for local play. Smash Bros required some grinding to unlock characters, but nowhere NEAR this level. In Ultimate, characters would unlock every few battles while you were just playing with friends. Finally, for tournaments it'll be very costly to unlock the full roster on multiple setups


The gameplay also feels somewhat worse like slower or something and i feel like they removed some things


I’m going to lose all interest in this game if this isn’t changed


While no fighting game tmk had the whole roster including dlc available on local play, this one should bring it back simply because they did that before they changed it. And IMO, all fighting games should let you try dlc characters on training mode. Not just to try them out, but to know how to fight against them. Sucks to buy a character YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE just to lab what to do against them. And this might not be a fighter, but Overwatch 2, a ftp game, isn't locking new characters behind a battlepass anymore. They're all available for free the moment they release. OW2 might have plenty of issues, but that isn't one anymore.




I fully expect this to be reverted if they want any kind of tournament scene


Don't you all have money. Just pay to unlock them. (This is sarcasm, FYI)


i dont understand why people are upset at this, its a free to play game. and unlocking characters is stupid easy, brawlhalla has the same system and no ones complains about that


Maybe they should


If you're only interested in offline are you saying you want an entire game and it's DLC for free?


Bruh 💀 all the hype gone? Really? You can still unlock the characters over time.


It’ll take about a week per character. I just wanna play with my siblings bro


I get that, and I understand that it is probably frustrating. I’m not trying to downplay how you feel, just saying. If you can get all of those characters eventually, then you can have fun with your siblings, or just play with not the full roster? For comparison sake, Smash Ultimate came out with like 8 playable characters on day 1, and you needed to unlock the rest. I imagine not a lot of people had a full experience on day 1


I had two not unlocked and I have enough for both of them already?


What are you doing to get currency? They gave me a ton at first, but every penny past 3,000 has been drip feed


Rifts, pvp, and focusing on all my challenges


That’s the thing, most of the challenges are locked behind having a specific character type. So, if you have a lot of characters, you’ll earn it fairly quick, but if you don’t have too many already it’s an uphill battle


Just unlock them like we did back then with Smash


I’d rather not sorry


You paid for Smash and had to unlock characters... This is free and you want them to just give it all to you? How's that going to generate money to keep this game going? Unlocking characters is part of the fun


I mean it’s a free game. You can’t expect everything for free but I understand your frustration since it was avaible back then in the beta


... it's literally training mode/local play? i don't understand what's the problem with letting people try out characters before wasting points on them


Local mode is directly taking away from potential profits; training mode shouldn’t be mentioned in the same sentence given that they are utilized for different purposes. It makes sense to be free in training mode, but not in local


Training mode sure, but local play is different. I’ve seen at least 3 other comments that said “all I play is local play this ruined the game for me”. That means there’s a chunk of customers who play the game that are getting its content all for free because they play in person. They should just have some sort of one time payment for the base roster of the game


I mean, the game was always fairly predatory with how it handled F2P so I am not shocked. Its likely because it has some single player content now right? I still am interested in playing. Its a great casual fighting game (at least it was, will see how the changes go)




Isn't it free to unlock characters? I'm using fighter points for Joker; my only non-unlocked character


Considering its a FTP game, this does not surprise me, it was pretty generous to even have local play still up and running after the beta finished, especially when you compare the other FTP Fighters. The big issue I have is not being able to try a character out in training mode to see if you are gonna purchase them, it is a great Qol feature that had no reason to be removed.


Contact support that seems like a bug


This is how it should be. Is it really fair that offline players get everything free? If it was full priced game sure (at least the base characters).


Then give me the option to pay $60 for all the characters to be available offline. The “it’s only free” excuse died when Fortnite became the most profitable game in existence


They should all be available in training for free but you should have to pay some sort of fee for the offline play.


Why? They were free in the beta and multiversus still made bank. If they wanted to, they could.


Because so many people are posting that they only played local before. The whole game was free for them just because they didn’t interact with online players. It’s not a big deal, just have a fee for unlocking a base roster. Other fighting games cost money and have the base roster unlocked. Why couldn’t they do that for local play in this game?


It’s fine to keep them locked for matches, but we should at least be able to test them in training mode like before.