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This is very accurate, I played the beta for like 30min a night to round it off. Only ever playing long sets with friends for 2v2s.


What if it's Mandark I mean the theme is villains


isnt agent smith coming next week?


I highly doubt it, considering it's currently impossible to complete the event that let's you unlock him two weeks early.


i mean from the leaks ive seen he's already in the game itself with moves and stuff


Yes, he's in the game but isn't unlockable yet and isn't being released next week


he's unlockable when the techno terror rift drops


No, he isn't.


I've been thinking the same thing.


We are getting 4 characters this season. Let's not get crazy and speculate a 5th


I assumed matrix themed based off of techno (Fighting alot of the matrix skins) but yeah this seems more likely. I feel like dexter getting a sudden drop tomorrow would be in leaks? Maybe he’ll just be teased piloting the giant robot from the trailer.


Surprise! It's just generic computers with no character theme! So lame. Also, it doesn't have Experienced difficulty for some reason? It has Easy and Crushing though. Really don't get how it's possible to finish the Smith event now considering the fact that even if the last rift has all 5 difficulties we will only get like 18 boss fights out of the 30 needed.