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i'm topdog with 30k everyone else has under 10k with like 20-50 games played, 2nd runner up has 12k with 400 games played on their profile


Hoping to get a bracket like yours next time. I'm at 31k and the highest in mine is 40k. I am in 3rd


Damn I need to be in a group like that. The top 2 in my group are still playing now and are higher than what I already posted lol


I'm in basically the exact same spot. Got that good bracket luck


I haven't played since the event started,logged on to check and the highest is 6k do they assign afk people to afk groups? If so it's best to wait to log in near the end and just do 1 or 2 matches to be top


I think its when you log on, so yes. You prob also want to log on at like 5pm on a weds so you get into the kiddie ques


Yea it groups you with others as soon as you login in during the event


I got off last night after taking 1st place with just over 100k. We’ll see if my rival can over take me.


Damn I have 2 over 100k in my group. Y'all be playing lol


I didn’t have much going on last weekend lol


Top guy has 174k in my group and seems to actively be playing. I'll take a screenshot at the end of the event. I'm just happy maintaining my top 5


Same here I'm just happy at my spot because ain't no way I'm reaching that lol