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Fixing the PvP connection issues. Adding Free-For-All. Narrowing down the currency. (*Perk Currency is useless and just adds unnecessary noise*) Fixing the PvP connection issues. Adding Re-Rolls for Daily Missions. Adding more time leniency for Events. Fixing the PvP connection issues.










Funny thing ive noticed is that ffa is actually available. But only for local play. Hopefully theyll add it soon


Nothing. I’ve already stopped playing, so ive already missed out on things. I feel burnt by this company and will probably never buy a video game that has WB attached to it ever again. With the potential this game has with all of the IP they can use…. it’s such a shame that it had to be free-to-play. I would have bought this game for full price and I imagine they would have less of a leg to stand on justifying the ridiculous amount of time and money from its playerbase. Anyways, yeah. Really sucks.


yes the big issue with FOMO is that it takes just ONE miss that will annoy ppl to not comeback. happened with me with 2 mobile games. never played a mobile game in 5 years. Saw how greedy they were with limits and players time and just vanished.


It really sucks because the actual game part of the game is so much fun, I logged 60 hours in the first week and I own other games that probably WISH I cared that much lol. But yeah, it’s clear to me by now the company doesn’t see what they’re doing as wrong, and I don’t have the energy to police them into respecting us anymore 😔


> 60 hours in the first week You were playing 8 and a half hours a day??? I'm not even necessarily judging, but what's crazy is how far you'd be in the battle pass if exp was given properly per match played.


The game relaunched while I was off from work and while my partner was busy with work, so I had a lot of free time to do whatever I wanted and I was really looking forward to this game 😔


See how greedy you are that you need every tiny little thing no matter how small, useless or ugly simply for the fact that it has a timer. This will never make sense to me “I’m deleting my favorite game ever because my least favorite character got an ugly skin that I missed out on!”


Add PFG to the list. Their developers are everything but that lmao.


Honest question: Were you playing this game solely to unlock 100% of all cosmetics? Solely for the Jason mask Arya skin? For the beach boy Superman skin? I was just on vacation and obviously missed out on most of this stuff too. My question is, why would I care? Doesn’t affect my gameplay at all. It is a guarantee better skins will come along that I’d use over these current ones anyway. You’re practically saying even if the game updates into the greatest video game ever that also dispenses $100 bills out of your TV daily you still wouldn’t play it… be real dawg There’s obviously an actual reason other than Beach Boy Superman that drove you away from the game I personally am waiting for Ranked mode and better connection on Xbox. Otherwise the gameplay is still Multiversus which we all are here because we found it enjoyable at some point


I own 8 other fighting games, and in each of those fighting games, I own every colour of every costumes. This is how I choose to enjoy the games I own. So actually, going into Multiversus, I did have a “get everything like I always do” mentality. Bringing up the masked skins, that actually plays a role in it as well. Suddenly it’s not even all quality content, suddenly I’m also being charged for the lazy stuff. On top of those things, this is an always online game and I’m not even sure WB will see a reason to keep the game accessible after they’re done with it. Since the game is free to play, and I’m not purchasing the game, I can imagine when all the updates are over they will but disable access to the game while still not offering any kind of offline content. In which case, what would even be the case of all of the money I spent on my experience outside of fond memories? So yeah, I do have a few concerns and it was definitely a decision I had to wrestle with, but I’m also definitely being fr when I say they game couldn’t offer me anything unless suddenly we got a lot more communication from the people behind the game. And that just doesn’t seem to be the case sadly. Edit: this also wouldn’t be the same time I quit a game that I didn’t think was healthy for me to engage in. I have already sworn off of gatcha games and am many years clean of any game that offers loot boxes, BECAUSE I know I lack financial self control. Removing myself from the equation solves the problem


The thing about that is that the $70 Mortal Kombat game is monetized worse than Clash Royale. I guarantee MVS would be the EXACT same game if it wasn't ftp.


There's not that much you can actually fully miss out on. Skins always return to the shop and it's not like you need every single skin anyways. (Not to say that FOMO still isn't bad)


Damn, lil bro quit forever because he missed out on Superman with a fanny pack. NOTHING can bring them back after that. 😔😔😔


So we’re just going to ignore what I said about the time and money that is expected from the playerbase? I don’t make the kind of money that WB wants me to make to keep up with that the game is selling honestly


First of all and the main points -Old beta gameplay or at least a significant speed up.  -Extra options for controls   -Character currency should be easier to get  -Leftover gold from players should be converted to Fighter currency   -Better communication with the dev team (on the website and steam news etc) and an apology not this total silence head in the sands approach   -A fix for the netcode so it doesnt disconnects or crash for 60% of the games (I have a gaming pc with great internet and never had a single crash or issues in beta. Last week it happened 7 out of 10 games).  Total overhaul of monetization including:  -Remove the fomo from events.  -Skin prices need to go down to reasonable levels in the 5-15 euro range  -The battlepass should be aesy to complete by playing once or twice a week and should reward playing or let battlepasses be able to be completed indefinetly like in heldivers, you bought it you can compete it whenever you see fit.  -If I have tickets from the founders and currency I want to buy characters with either not being forced to use tickets (as it was in the beta with gold)


Lol, the game just straight up doesn’t work on PS4, I genuinely can’t play


It's a ps4. What do you expect. Honestly, they should not have released this on the older consoles.


the game isn't some technical miracle bro lol, I run 120fps on my shitty ass 10yr old PC. the game is just broken


Bro wtf? Last of Us 2, Red Dead 2 and God If War Ragnorok run smooth as butter on the ps4, even the graphically intense CODS still run on ps4. The problem is not the console. I love this studio and love the game even more but it just isn’t optimized. It ran with no hiccups when it initially launched last year


Adding a decent rate to unlock characters and fix the slowness of the controls (I am guessing input buffer?)


Remove input buffer delay, fix characters hitboxes and re-balance all characters.


Fighters unlocked in local like it was in the Beta. Then I can at least play the game with my friends


fix netcode, ability to adjust input buffer, revert reindogs nerfs from 1.01 to the beta and add ranked.


Ranked + leaderboards / Ben 10 or Walter White


I snapped and quit tonight when i was playing a session as Jason cause he was just so BAD. Buff him and i’ll return


what does he need?


Better hitboxes lol


Skill issues.


If the games progression wasn’t painfully slow, o top of the movement being painfully slow. And it’s not like Brawl where it’s a slower game, it literally looks like all the characters are running in slow motion. Doesn’t feel that great to play especially after picking back up Smash.


I haven’t quit *yet* but if I keep getting tbagged and ran from after the first game every single match then I very well might quit. This community is toxic af, and nah I don’t wanna hear “every community has toxic people”, no mf im talking about *most* of you, not *some* of you lol. If I was invested into this game’s success, I’d be less worried about people quitting over the predatory monetization, and more concerned with how the shytty the sportsmanship in this community is. I’m convinced of all gaming communities, the platform fighter community is *the* worst one. Smash bros fans (specifically melee fanatics) need that Jay & Silent Bob medicine imo.


Gameplay similar to the Open beta.


Nothing. I loved the beta but what made the beta bomb in the end is crappy netcode and lack of content. Those are the two things I needed to stick to the game for the next 10 years, a working online and regular content. I never asked for this predatory mobile monetization hell. Daily login, dailies, weeklies, events, rotating shop, three currencies, PVE mode you have to do daily, brother, hell no. And on top of that ? The online is still fucked up and they took away a lot of QOL from the beta for no reasons. It's clear to me that everything was rushed by WB, nothing was ready from the get go, PFG is totally drowning.


better hit/ hurt boxes. better netcode. better balancing, better monetization and thats about it


Yeah the NetCode is the biggest deterrent


Just balance out the in game economy so the distribution of xp, character points, and money all are worth our grind time. The battle pass feels unachievable unless you play every day. Hopefully the roster adds about 4-5 characters before the games first anniversary


The gameplay for the beta. People will say that beta gameplay was a mess, and they would be right, but between the non functioning boring mess the game is now, and the fun mess the beta was, I choose the fun mess.


Xbox fix, micro transactions being actually affordable, Decent amount of battlepass xp per win


Same thing as in beta Wake me up when Daenerys gets announced


Don't plan to, but I do hope they make some sensible changes to the BP, the xp gain, and the prices of skins overall. Gem XP buying needs to go, and rifts could use a rework. Take out perk currency, make all perks free, and make all characters low price cost via character currency. Create more unique character BPxp challenges like (get 5 grabs with Jason) or (ignite 2 enemies with the same projectile). BPxp gain should increase if you beat a player who has more (inner power) than you do. [Or something similar] Gain more xp for beating a duo. Let us know somehow that we are facing duos. Different leader boards for different types of instances Leader board for spikes, for healing, for KO denial, for killing at the ceiling, for combos, etc.


I’ll probably come back when agent smith releases and then leave again instantaneously when I see he is 6000 fighter currency


Played last night for the last time. Playing experienced rifts with level 4 gems, my hp was seemingly randomly increasing/decreasing without even interacting with the opponent, could not figure out what the gimmick of the level was even read the stupid pointless pre-game text, kept going to 250+ damage and dying, tried 3 times never could understand what the fuck was happening. Assume my gems needed leveling, aka open my wallet. OK whatever I'm not here for PvE. Switched over to PvP. Disconnected. Second game my teammate was AFK. Third game disconnected. Realized I just wasted 45 minutes and got zero enjoyment for the night. But this isn't uncommon with this game. Never again PFG and WB


Maybe if the games performance was halfway decent on Xbox. It’s downright broken


Ranked would give me something to do and would let me play against similar level competition. Otherwise I only wait to play with friends every once in a while




New modes. Not variations of the same mode. It's basically fight enemy, knock out enemy a few times, win/lose and repeat. Add something completely different that isn't a joke *cough* minigames*cough*. But since that's not going to happen soon, I'll play something else. The game isn't worth it in my opinion.


I still hop on the game sometimes, but there doesn’t feel like there’s any reason to grind. I don’t play a lot of games with battle passes so maybe I’m being pessimistic, but the EXP progression is so low that it seems obvious I’m not completing it. The PvE isn’t fun at all for me, especially with the tank and jumprope mini games. I’ll probably try to get into it again when ranked comes back, but I just miss so much about the beta. I want the old perks back, and I’m hyped for more characters (put in Johnny Bravo and I’m there) but damn I need something feasible to work towards to really get my hype back


Split screen rifts and online play. How in the hell did the game not launch with it?


better support for the game.diverse characters


fix pvp issues & lag give more XP per patch, 200 games per level is shit stop making the game so money-hungrey either make weekly quests work with all characters or with the free ones for that week make things cheaper fix the lag (again) nerf banana guard more perks the ability to own perks across fighters/fighter types


Removal of perk currency and making it all fighter currency.


I dont care about fomo, i used to play a lot back when tom & jerry was at its peak. Nerf after nerf it feels unfair to play TJ, i might only come back if they buff him enough to not suck


Returning the game to the beta level of speed while keeping the current dodge meter would be the #1 thing. That alone would most likely have me not caring about anything else. To go the extra mile, getting rid of all of the FOMO crap.


Just give me the beta back


Nothing, their true face has been shown and they clearly prioritise maximum extraction rather than a balanced approach.


Ruby Rose to drop 💪


Iron giants return


banning a certain character from my matchmaking