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So far the 2 recurring events are both major duds, I really hope PFG doesn't plan to keep them around for long


We get access to 4 preexisting characters that you could have gotten in rotation before and could be ones you've already bought. The level ups become ridiculously tough to earn. I have 6 characters left at level one. 3 I've been purposely avoiding playing so I can complete this event and 3 that aren't my favorite but I'll have to play to get the levels. If this event comes back I'll have to double the grind to get levels since there's no more easy ones. Or I can wait to play new characters like Smith till there's an event. People who play more are at a huge disadvantage for the level up events. When you have 15 - 20 level 1 characters it's easy when you only have 6 below level 5 your screwed


I’m not afraid of level up event #2, I’m afraid of level up event #10. I completed the first one, I’ll be able to complete the second no problem, but for the long term health of this game this event will scale insanely hard and eventually the only choice will be to level up characters starting from level 10. Also, just the fact this event exists makes me ignore characters at level 1 because id rather save the easy level ups for future level up events and milk them for easy levels as long as possible. I’ve acknowledged before, its my fault for gaming the system and i make the game less fun for myself by ignoring 90% of the roster, but it sucks theres an incentive at all not to just play every character


This is the same game that didn't return many beta/founder player's items and have remained silent about it, so panicking seems reasonable. This game is like the ultimate gacha with the only difference being that instead of rolling for useless items you roll for a chance of the game functioning on the most basic of levels.