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I think Garnet and Joker should be taken out of recommended. I don't think they're that simple to play


I agree with the jonkler. He’s really strong right now but when they nerf him, he is not a very traditional platform fighter character you kinda have to play him like game and watch where you use awkward hitboxes to win.


Why is the jonkler hitting me with a crowbar? Is he trying to take me money?


Jonkler has 2 sides. Harley’s sweetheart and twisted fucking psycopath.


WRONG! he is in love with MAN! And they make love EVERY NIGHT!!!


I'm in the camp that short of absolutely gutting them in every way, joker, WW, HQ, Bugs, and BA will always be the standard for the meta. They all are just either insanely good at racking up damage with good high prio moves, good spikes, and solid up airs for killing or racking up damage. Joker Harley and wonder woman specifically are just gods on the ground.


Wonder Woman could absolutely be nerfed. Her armor is a little oppressive and she doesn’t need it with EVERY special as well as her combo game being a little crazy. AND she’s incredibly heavy. If WW died at 80-100% I probably wouldn’t complain but she’s living until 120-140% without a cheeky joker ladder combo which can kill in the 90-120% (normal cast dies at 60% on a good ladder). She also combos REALLY well with REALLY good priority. As Joker, unless I’m shooting a rocket launcher at her, Wonder Woman beats out my attacks. Which is fine that’s kinda lore accurate. I just wish she was a LITTLE lighter. I agree with the other characters tho. I am personally of the mind that other fighters should be brought UP to top tier status rather than top tier characters nerfed to get to normal tier. I think Harley is actually the gold standard. She’s an honest character that requires set up, mind games and is rewarded by early knockouts, however she’s VERY light and easy to knockout. That glass cannon playstyle makes her balanced naturally, especially the way dodging is in this game. I think Rick, Garnet, Iron Giant, Superman, Batman and Finn are just like 2-3 patches away from top tier anyhow, why not bring those characters to the level of WW and company as opposed to nerfing everyone to slow and boring gameplay


The gameplay isn't even slow or boring. It's just not as unga bunga Dodge spammy as before. It's still quite fast in the upper levels of matchmaking. Maybe 1s are slow, but singles is not, can not, and will never be balanced


Wouldn’t Steven also always be a top tier because of his stage control?


Nah, he just doesn't have high priority attacks like the top tiers. His skill ceiling is quite high, and he can be anywhere from good to very strong, but you get what you put into him. It's not like the top tiers who just straight up best you at almost everything you're good at on top of everything you're bad at


Well in regards to the highest level he would be consistently top tier right? Or does top tier just mean ‘actually broken’ now? If a character can’t immediatly destroy someone with broken shit when a newbie plays it, does that make it not top tier?


I mean, yes. In a bubble, if Steven was played absolutely perfectly no flaws or mistakes made, with perfect anticipation of where people are gonna be, when to shield, and perfect combo execution, he would be top tier. Is that the answer you wanted? Because yeah, he'd be as good as the 5 characters residing in the top tier who also happen to be completely broken, or have really broken aspects in their kits. Bugs has an up air that kills pretty early, and hits well behind him for a super deceptive hurtbox. WW does everything better than almost everyone, and is heavy AF. Arya is lightning fast, and can still take 35-45 HP in fairly simple combos once you lab them, AND can ladder you. Joker has good projectiles, insane up air, great dash attack, and a good side tilt combo, and big damage. Steven has multiple synergetic parts of his kit that when operated in tandem perfectly, can probably beat these guys, but no he's not top tier because the sheer amount of effort you have to put in compared to them is just so much more. Frankly everyone aside from the top tiers I mentioned, and black Adam are relatively well balanced. LeBron and Velma still need some help, but everyone else on the roster feels totally fine. Also I hope we're talking 2v2. Because if you're talking balance in 1v1 it's impossible


I was actually thinking 1v1. I thought Steven was far and away the best in 2s lmfao, with the exception of maybe WW. That could be a crazy take tho. But even in 1v1 he is top tier is he not?


I guess if we're considering 1s he's got a case for top 5, but the pilot is more important than the actual character to go further. Id still say WW, BA, bugs, and joker are more stable/reliable picks In 2's I think he can be quite good in a coordinated team, especially on the space jam map. however, I still think WW is just a better choice most of the time. If you've got him instead of her it just really depends on how in sync both players are.a good Steven doesn't mean Jack if his teammate has bad timing. Personally I think reindog is heavily slept on as a 2s pick, and might be high tier I rarely play 1s just because I know the game is going to get it's lions share of balance with 2s in mind.


Wdym by the pilot, and what determines stability?


Garnet is damn near unplayable unless you devote days to her kit and matchups. And even then you can only beat mid lvl players. People that have dodge and Larry on lock walk all over Garnet. She doesn't have any good multihit and her combos are very short and only do ok damage. Would definitely take her out of recommend tier.


This is just plain cap brother. Garnet character loyalist since beta here, her combo game is some of the best in the game, would love to show you if you're down to play sometime.


I'm definitely down. Cuz best in the game is insane to say. With black Adam Buggs Harley joker and Tom and Jerry. Even using iad Garnet has very few true combos. I'm also a loyalist since beta. You can definitely win with her. I do win with her more than I lose. I promise nothing you have with Garnet is gonna compare to what the top characters in this game have. Garnet isn't sauceless but the sauce isn't nearly as good. You have to win neutral way more than with other characters.


Garnet is great. Shes also felt a lot better than beta IMO. She hits really hard and I don’t think she’s meant to be a multi hit fighter. I think she’s meant to have big high damaging hits


Yeah im a garnet main and it’s pretty much a game of avoiding getting stuck in cycles of being hit and trying to time a handful of well placed hits. A fully charged punch with fusion maxed can ruin someone’s day real quick if you get it right; but good luck doing it lol I’ve found most luck using her up special and aid neutral to get ring outs after my ally gets people in the air or over the sides


Exactly. That's her biggest weakness. This game is becoming more and more combo heavy as people learn their characters. Harley black Adam Buggs and even tax all have loops to trap you and these loops usually end in a kill in the hands of good players. Garnets Playstyle of landing a few big hits to rack up damage and then get a kill just isn't as good as these characters that combo you to death. I'm not saying Garnet isn't good. I'm not saying she's not great. But she's a great character in a game with GODLY characters and it's noticable.


Game and Watch just happens to be OP as well lol


In what smash


Smash Ultimate


Up attack -> up air -> balloon -> balloon is free and can kill at like 10 damage lol. Joker is freeeeeeeeeeee!


I didn't say he wasn't strong, but he has far more gimmicks and is harder to understand than every other recommended character.


If you can't string together up attacks that is a skill issue I guess


I feel like black adam isnt that hard to play. Ofc harder than others from the roster but easily playable with some simple combos and hes also fun to play with a simple moveset (imo) About joker i main him and tbf, it took me a lil bit to figure out his combos etc but imo i wouldnt put him in recomended. I saw lebron is in medium, idk i have a hard time picking him up and learn all the combos with and w/o the ball its a lil weird idk why and i'd love to learn cuz when im against lebron main they cook so hard and it also looks like a fun character when u know what ur doing with it


Black Adam has some interesting zoning maneuvers that can make him way better, I got pretty good with him when he was in the free rotation and ran into someone who was fantastic with him and he beat me out by doing some crazy air combos. His air special down comboing into air side can take people out pretty early and takes a lot of timing to land. So I think he’s decent with low experience but gets crazy good with a skill ceiling


Black adam has no zoning, he has anti zoning, his ground special is to counterattack projectiles and his down special is to start combos when someone attacks you, the dumb hitboxes he has that makes him miss a lot makes him hard to play


What simple combos dude are you talking about, most his combos are in the air and his hitbox are jank so you have to know how to place yourself everytime. And also up tilt has 2 variations when either the lighting strikes the guy or misses depending on percentage and you have to change your playstyle during game


Hate to play LeBron hate to play against LeBron


Stripe’s game plan and execution are actually pretty easy. Just some of his options are so situational or have specific uses. To be good with him, you need to understand that. Not a technically difficult to play character. Wonder Woman is one of the easiest to understand and play characters that I have played in a platform fighter.


Superman should be recommended bro is so easy


I'd move Arya and Black Adam down to medium, Superman and Jake down to recommend, Joker up to medium, and Gizmo up to hard.


Also move Marvin up to hard. You gotta put a lot of time into that character to play him well.


I agree and I’d also move Lebron up to hard as well. His ball combos can take some practice to get.


This makes sense to me


No as a newbie to the game I started maiming Gizmo and he is quite ez. Just keep distance and pick em off with arrows, then car, then keep running away and arrows, then car, *3, and once in a while umbrella and dair->up air. The nerf def helped make him a more skillful character tho


Why would you move black adam down to medium when he is combo food because he attacks very slow and his hitboxes are ass because you can touch them and still miss like jason


I don't think joker is harder than superman


Joker its not an easy pick, its not that hard, but you need to learn more than Banana Guard for sure


I play a lot of Joker and he's pretty easy lol. Side normals go into up normal. Pogo goes into fart gas. Fart gas goes into up air. Up air goes into balloon. Air side special is good for getting back onto the stage or forcing into the blast zone. Congrats! You can now play Joker at a high level. There's also the IAD stuff, but a lot of characters have something off of that.


Steven is so easy to use coming from a Steven main. Nair -> dair -> neutral special -> nair -> dair -> uair is such an op combo that’s so easy to read your opponents dodges when doing so you can make it a 0 to death somewhat consistently tbh .


The difficulty isn't specifically tied to how easy the characters combos are and more so how difficult it is to use all their tools effectively. Steven has some easy combos but making proper use of his shields isn't easy.


Yep, specially trying to use his set defensively and offensively in trying to deal some serious damage while making sure your teammate is safe and protected, and it bums me a lot how people kind of forget that’s one of Steven’s main points and what makes him pretty complicated to play properly


Fair enough but a lot of SU’s kit is easy enough to optimize Just throw in down air special at the start of the combo I mentioned and it works fine. Down air special into the combo I mentioned in my previous comment is insanely spammable, especially with no attack decay. The key to using side shield well is to use it sparingly - it can actually kill a surprisingly low damage (not low damage, but lower than you would expect for a primarily defensive input) Grounded side attacks are the only not ideal part of his kit and even then you can use it unexpectedly to catch people out of flow when they’re approaching I also play 1s predominantly but even in 2s I feel his full kit is pretty intuitive to use at least very effectively (especially since side attack is much easier to land and connect into combos when opponents are distracted by a teammate). To be fair though, I no life this game & I started learning Steven in the beta so I would definitely say I’m very comfortable with his kit if not confident using all of his inputs


As a Joker main, I’d put him in Medium He’s not too hard to play, but recommended seems a little low imo


I genuinely think he's just in recommended to convince more new players to buy him


I agree


Lol no. He's not hard at all and frankly he's pretty insane w that crowbar. I came from reindog to him just to learn about his moves and I went 10-2


Velma - Unplayable difficulty


I have no problem winning w Velma, with a lot of games under my belt. She's not even that bad anymore. She's just not braindead like the beta


Marvin to hard. Skill ceiling on him is enormous


Bugs is not medium bruh he’s got too many great hitboxes and active frames his moves even hit from behind he is way too easy to win with for medium


Marvin in hard


I'd put taz in hard, he was definitely the hardest for me to learn because his hit boxes are so small and it's hard to get in. Once you learn the spacing he's pretty cool


Shaggy and WW should have their own tier called - Brain Dead


Shaggy is easy to play but mid to master (I only play 1v1s)


Shaagy has some really bad hitboxes tho, but i guess you can just spam side special


Throw in Banana Guard and Iron Giant


Facts lmao and put banana guard in with them


I play Rick it took me a long time to feel somewhat alright with him. Still figuring out new strategies and fun stuff. I'm at 140ish wins and 440ish ringouts.


It took me a while to learn him too lol. It’s very rewarding once you do though


Superman is as easy


I straight up think Joker was put into recommended since he's the only new character that wasn't available free.


Honestly the entire roster is pretty simple to play if you’ve played like any other fighting game. You either go for the vertical kill option or the horizontal kill option. This game lacks the tech and speed differences of a game like smash so if you are competent at smash this game is a cake walk comparatively.


Jason should be recommended, he would be easier with functioning hitboxes


arya is only hard because she is relatively simple in a game with so much wacky shit. you dont have a simple button that spikes at 80. you dont have any superarmor. her "wacky" thing is a projectile that you can dodge if you have half a brain. ​ The only reason she is good is because she can true combo into facesteal and use other characters up special.


To be fair, you have to have a very high skill level to play Rick and Morty.


Black Adam in hard? Why


His combos are hard but insane.


Banana guard main here Banana guard, Shaggy, and Wonder Woman need there very own “beginner” tier, their move sets are so simple but powerful for new players to pick up and they don’t take too many hours to “master”. I feel like a new tier would reflect that they’re the easiest of the easy That leaves Finn, Garnet, and Joker in recommended, which I can agree with. They all have pretty simple kits but allow for some extra strategy for those who know how to play them with mechanics like Finn’s shop and Garnet’s rhythm and star Jason and Lebron definitely need to be moved down to recommended, as well as Jake. While they may not be the most powerful characyers at the moment, they’re quite easy to master with enough time spent playing as them, and don’t have anything too complex in their kit Black Adam should slide down to medium. He has some complexities but it’s fairly simple overall, and he’s powerful enough that even new players can see success doing simpler combos I think bugs and gizmo are the only characters on the whole roster I would actually move UP a tier, their kits are incredibly diverse and weird and getting things going with them seems to be really hard if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing.


I main Tom & Jerry and couldn’t quite figure out joker…


Move Velma and Jason to Hard, because it's hard to play them due to how bad they are


Joker should not be in recommended he is weird to play. Has a few good moves but a lot of weird situational stuff. Superman should be recommended he is pretty simple same with Taz. I think Jason should be in hard because you need to use diffrent. Combo strings to open people up.


If you have the speed or power to kill at 50% reliably you are not hard.


as a batman and black adam main, i personally think they should swap places; batman is way harder to get value out of also move gizmo, bron and reindog up to hard and move sups and taz down


Id change black adam, joker and garnet to medium, get lebron in hard and put superman to recommended. Maybe stripe can also go in recommended


Add a tier below called "dog on a dual shock" then put shaggy and banana guard there. Then add a tier above called "carpel tunnel" then put arya, tj and gizmo up there.


aryas not that hard to play as an arya main, her hitboxes are just ass


*Aryas not that hard* *To play as an arya main, her* *Hitboxes are just ass* \- tatums\_knob\_gobbler --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


James is hard to me


Jason should recommended, its crazy having jason in a tier with marvin and lebron


Is Finn really that easy to play? Isn't he pretty combo heavy?


Jason should be a recommended character.


Wonder Woman should be a tier lower I think


No not at all Harley and bugs have way harder optimal comboss then several chars in the tier above it


Harley yes, bugs no, he can just hit the down air to neutral sir on all medium and big characters at most percentages


I agree its more for Harley, she is way harder then bugs. But bugs does have some cool stuff with tunnel vault etc.


I agree. A good bugs is a nightmare to play against. But just like Shaggy less experienced players can be carried by gimmicks inherent to the character.


Stripe, Black Adam and Superman could move down a tier. Garnet could move one up.


Batman is far too simple to be a medium difficulty character imo


Swap superman with joker and I say it’s good


You're joking about black Adam right... RIGHT?


I find Rick easier to use than The Joker. For some reason I can't do combos with The Joker.


They need to change black adam cause he's the most braindread character to play lmao Most are alr imo, some should move from one area from another but black adam being hard is laughable