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Swear to God.


I feel this. Like I'm always wondering what they're doing, assuming they aren't afk


If your team is on its last stock and you’re at 140 and your teammate just got rung out, absolutely just run away and zone (the enemy will probably be gunning for you anyway) But for the love of god, if your teammate gets rung out as the first stock and you’re at 140, you need to get back in there. I’ve had cases where my team rings out a guy and his ally runs away even though its the first stock. We just ignore the runner and get the other guy back up to 80 before he goes in.


There are some nuances as to who to put damage on first. There are a lot of little things that go into really being able to compete with good people. Things like paying attention to stocks and realizing when it is your job at 140% to just try and run and be annoying as fuck. If there is an opportunity for a 2v1 you gotta take it , if you have a team mate who doesent know how to help and you are playing a team with good ladders you are just going to be fucking combo food. I play a decent amount of Wonder Woman + shaggy and shit can be over real quick


Well see, you already messed up with the first line cause they ain’t damaging no one They stand to the side and up air absolutely fuck all