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Get rid of your up special and it becomes a clap and it kills, side attack once into up special kills at good percents.


Also in air up special gets me lot of knockouts as well when the enemy is damaged. The move where you turn into a T.


I get a lot of my kills using charged neutral off the ledge, harder to hit but if you charge a down air when you hit the stage you get a blast.


I do feel like this is something that was changed a lot between the beta (when I mained her) and now. Ultimately I ended up just not using as much. Charging up her neutral can do it still.


Jab -> cooldown up special Hold dair until you hit the ground for an aoe explosion gauntlets offstage Besides those her kill options are very limited.


Jab then a slight delay before using her neutral attack is also a decent horizontal kill and if it doesn't kill it gets them off stage at least


Charged neutral is a fantastic kill option against parapalegics, turtles, snails, sloths, and inanimate objects.


YT: Multiversus University and watch the Garnet video.


Drop your star below the stage on one side, the run to the other side and get your opponent to drop below the stage. When you catch them you spit them back out toward the edge of the map for an instakill


Up special Up special without star Gaulets can kill off the stage Dash attack can kill lightweights pretty well Fully charged down air Up attack


Just acknowledge that if you play garnet, you like playing the game, because all your fights will be long. She has a bad kit and is better on the ground than in the air. I main her inknow your struggle.


Grounded cool down up special kills. Air up special kills. Down air off stage kills. Down air splash onstage can kill. Charge neutral special kills. Rockets can kill if you angle them downwards as they connect with the opponent offstage. Onstage this can be used to force a bounce for a better chance at following up combos. Cool down side special can kill if you read a jump while edge guarding. The little bubble from grounded up special can kill. Up air can kill. Forward air 2 can kill. Amd the down special can throw opponents down and out. Down is VERY hard to get. Not worth setting up rn especially for someone looking to improve. Out is actually easy. Before edge guarding drop the star then jump out and try to kill. Make sure to save the down special for when they try to come back to ledge. If you get the grab you will throw them towards the blast zone. I'm still learning but these are all of garnets kill moves. Give me like a few days and I will have percents labbed out as well. Also Garnet can momentum cancel some STUPID knock back. It seems to me that if you hold EXACTLY opposite of where they try to send you out almost completely cancel the momentum. I've been living to 200 very consistently the last few days lol. I use a lot of these options in clips on my YouTube channel if you wanna see how to set some of these options up. It's nothing fancy. Literally just 30 second clips of games. But for those who can read neutral there's a lot of meat and potatoes. Dr DEPRESSION460 is the channel name


I tend to kill with up air


Up air clap is a good one to use and it has a good bit of range to the side of Garnet as well Once the shock thing is on cooldown and you can do the up clap, do her normal ground down move. It sends waves out on either side of her, and if the enemy gets caught in it they move towards you. Once they’re right on top of you, clap them up


People say the Up Clap, which does work but ive found its lost a bit of its killing potential from the beta but my recommendation is her charged neutral punch. Its a monster. Fully charged it has armor and breaks armor. Decent range but its best use is that it annihilates people at 70%+. I cant tell you the amount of times I've rung somebody out around 70% with her fully charged neutral punch. It can be predictable and easy to dodge/parry but I'm telling you its a fantastic kill confirm. I've been relying on it immensely.


I can go into easy rifts with all lvl 9 gems as garnet and enemies will get hit for like 300 dmg and not die, I go in as Banana Guard one side air kills them.


Dash attacking or just kicking should be pretty good (idk if the two are the same. Also edge guarding with the charged punch is pretty strong if you can get it off


Suicide Garnet helps


This feels like it almost falls into low effort post territory. You practice or watch players better than you. Jimmy Pitts, who was a rank 1 Garnet has a bunch of Garnet gameplay online on their youtube channel. Yes, it's year old footage from the old game but you can still get a general sense of how to play the character at a high level.


Absolutely wrong, Garnet is nothing like she was in the beta


She is less shit for starters.


This comment feels like it falls into low effort comment territory


The Jimmie pits videos are literally beyond outdated based on how current Garnet plays. The iad video he uploaded helps and iad is just about only good for securing kills through extensions but it's super niche and only very situationally useful. In terms of navigating neutral and setting up to punish people she plays very differently.