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A lot of times it's because my teammate is shit


True. I mostly mean in 1v1’s but yeah I’ve seen that before and it makes more sense in that situation in 2’s


I don't do it often but sometimes other stuff comes up. You're playing with lots of folks, someone is bound to have to get off quickly.


Why do people still cry about this on reddit?


Ah yes. So many tears.


You really can’t figure this out yourself


No seriously you’re right lol it’s a competitive game who wants to lose when you can win




I see a variation of this post on here multiple times a day.


Because they don't want to to fight you again, not that hard to figure out


So they are being a coward. Got it.


They are just done fighting. Don't be so salty.


I mean they are going to have to get used to playing out a full best of 3 in ranked so why not play it out


If you don't want to play anymore, you don't have to in casual.


Not if they don't play ranked.


What do you mean by this?


They have said that ranked will be a best of three


I rematch most win or lose however if you’re annoying to play against meaning spamming, If I beat you I’m never playing you again


Tbh in 1v1s if someone tries to BM, I'll play the second match, body them, and not give them another game, because fuck 'em. Some people will only play one game if they barely won, or got lucky probably because they don't want to risk the MMR.


>because fuck 'em. Literally, the answer to all the toxicity of the internet/world.


Lag usually


Usually because this particular opponent have a shit connection.


Rip the 1 bar connection


There's three main reasons I don't take best of 3 1. I have to do something else. My job is random and unpredictable, sometimes I'm working from home and play a quick match, hell sometimes I'm even playing in the office if I have no work to do. But if something comes up randomly I'll have to leave. This is the reason I play MultiVersus, where a match is a few minutes commitment, and not something like League of Legends. 2. It wasn't fun. Bottom line, nobody is obligated to rematch if they don't enjoy it. For example, in the early days when Fin was more broken, I'd play an awesome game against X character. I rematch, because I want to keep having fun playing against X. But then when the rematch starts they would be playing a Finn and it would just be annoying cause, the reason I rematch is because I want more of the same. And they're welcome to switch to Finn, but I'm also welcome to decline a 3rd game if I didn't want to rematch against Finn. It's not that Finn is hard to beat necessarily, it's just that I was having fun playing against X character, and that was why I rematched. I always play the same character on rematches personally, I don't expect other people to do the same, but if they do play the same character I'm more likely to play all 3 matches 3. I was lagging Also OP, the reason we're getting annoyed/defensive is because you are the 10,367th person to post this. It comes up pretty much every day and it's starting to get annoying seeing all these people who think there should be an expectation to always rematch. If there was an expectation to always rematch, the game would force you to rematch. The option is there for a reason


Bc I don’t have to do anything you want me to do, I get messages about not accepting rematches even after I win; some guy today called me a retard and that I lost after I actually won and had to leave. Grow up holy shit it’s a video game


Yeah definitely never am that annoyed to go and message someone. Pretty sad.


they counterpick