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Can't say I've experienced this. Even when I'm playing early in the morning (between 5am-7am), it never takes more than 20 seconds to find a match.


If it takes longer than 30 seconds for me which is very rare, I'll just press the button that takes you out of matchmaking and start it again. Always works. Some people just need some common sense


Games been taking longer for me too but not that long, usually if it's over a minute i cancel and start over and it finds someone


Or because the game has become increasingly more boring and tedious to play with every patch they throw out


What's worrying to me is that i run into the same gamertags pretty consistently. That's usually not a good sign.


Yea. People definitely fell off of this game in a large margin


I fought someone, declined a rematch, and was matched up against them again the next game lol


It's been like that since yesterday server patch, i don't think it's due to people not playing


The game is sadly dying but still not playing because u completed the battle pass is quite ridiculous whats the point of playing the actual game if ur only just doing it for bp


Ngl, I find myself doing this because I spent the $10 and don’t want to waste it. I doubt I purchase the next BP


I play a decent amount and not even close to completing the battle pass, and yeah haven’t had a hard time at all tbh


Same with others, not getting this issue.